Let's Recelebrate (a Joshler...

By InthenameofJoshDun

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Joshua Dun struggled with mental health. When his new friend Jenna introduced him to a certain artist that wr... More

⭒ I ⭒
⭒ II ⭒
⭒ III ⭒
⭒ IV ⭒
⭒ V ⭒
⭒ VI ⭒
⭒ VII ⭒
⭒ VIII ⭒
⭒ IX ⭒
⭒ X ⭒
⭒ XI ⭒
⭒ XII ⭒
⭒ XIII ⭒
⭒ XIV ⭒
⭒ XV ⭒
⭒ XVI ⭒
⭒ XVII ⭒
⭒ XIX ⭒
⭒ XX ⭒
⭒ XXI ⭒
⭒ XXII ⭒
⭒ XXIV ⭒ (new actual update!)
⭒ XXV ⭒
List of songs in this story (ch1-ch25)
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⭒ LXIX ⭒
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NEW SHORT STORY: I Don't Want To Miss a Thing (a short Joshler story)
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♡ On to book 2: Final part of book 1 ♡

⭒ CLXX ⭒ 🎄

188 34 72
By InthenameofJoshDun

Take two: It's tiiiiiimeeeee! (Again, Mariah Carey voice)


Happy holidays! As pretty much all of you except for a few voted for a new chapter today, here it is! My Christmas present to you ♥️ (or holiday present if you don't celebrate Christmas!)

Thank you for being here, thank you for your enthusiasm on last chapter, just thank you for everything ♥️ this is a very special chapter to me and I feel like you're gonna love it.

Please enjoy, it's a super long one!!

I'll be back next week with a new chapter. Happy holidays 🎄♥️🥰

Word count: 6451


When the show was over and Tyler left the stage, he and his two soulmates were still emotional messes as they hugged each other tightly and they kissed each other's cheeks. "I can't believe you walked on stage", Tyler said to Lucas. "I can't believe I did that either", Lucas blushed. "Wouldn't have done that if it wasn't for you and because of this guy", he smiled as he gave Steve a slight shove. "I adore you two so fucking much", Lucas smiled.

"Ty..." Steve then said, and Tyler looked up. Steve nodded at something behind Tyler, and as he turned around he saw David. "Oh", Tyler said softly. "Good luck", Steve told him quietly, gently squeezing his hand. "We're right here", Lucas said, and Tyler nodded as he stepped away from them, walking up to his boyfriend.

"Hey", Tyler said. "Ty...", David replied. "Uhm... I'm sorry", Tyler said. "For... for doing this like this. I... struggle with words, when I have to speak them", he said. "Singing and writing songs is easier... I wrote these songs not because I was going to end our relationship but they were just frustrations that I put on paper, but now... Well, I just- I realized what they meant and uhm... yeah", Tyler said. "I... can't do this, not anymore. I'm... I'm done", he said. "I can't take the comments anymore, I can't take the fact that you don't want to try and meet and like my family, or that you try to isolate me from my soulmates and my best friends, my crew... I just can't do it anymore", he shrugged softly.

He stepped closer to David, grabbing the access all areas pass, and he took it off his neck. "Bye David", he said, then he stepped away.

"Let's go", Michael was there, ready to show David the door. "No wait, wait wait", David said, and for the first time, Tyler saw his eyes watery. "Wait! Please don't, give me another chance, please" he pleaded, as Michael grabbed his arm tightly. "Either you leave willingly or we'll kick you out", Michael warned him.

"Wait, Mike, back off", Tyler said. Michael gave him a look, but he listened as he let go and he stepped back. Tyler walked towards David and he rested his hands on the sides of his face as he spoke to him.

"Look, I loved you so much", Tyler said. "I did, I adored you. And I really truly tried to continue doing that but I can't, not anymore; I still love you right now but not the way I used to. I don't love you like that anymore", Tyler said. "Seeing you today, how you avoided meeting my family a few days ago and how my family is so excited to see my best friends but you don't even wanna try to get to know them; how my crew is so happy when Steve and Lucas attend a show but they all kind of shrug or don't even say anything when you're there. How happy I was when they arrived but when you did, I didn't feel that same feeling; instead I felt anxious and on edge. You're not my lover anymore. I gave you another chance to change, but you didn't take it, you didn't want to. I got no more chances left to give because I do not have enough love left for you anymore. You messed that up, I'm really sorry", Tyler said.

"We're over, okay? We're done. I don't want you to come to my shows or to come by my house anymore. Any stuff of yours left at my place, my guys will get to you, but you and I won't see each other again. I don't want you to text me or call me. Please don't beg or plead 'cause you're just making a fool out of yourself and all of those people around us will think that about you. Just walk away with dignity okay? 'Cause we're never gonna get back together", Tyler said. "I gave you chances, many of them. Then I told you what I needed from you before this tour and while for a few days I felt like you tried, you gave up very soon after and started fights with me over the people that mean the world to me every moment of the day. I just can't do it anymore, please just accept that and walk away", Tyler said.

"I was gonna give you a million chances but I now see that that's not the way to go, it's not what I should do. I'm choosing what's best for me and my health, my soulmates, my family and my fans. My career. You're trying to work against all of that and I can't let that continue", he said. He pressed a kiss on David's forehead.

"Bye", he said, then he let go and he walked away. "Make sure he leaves the building fully, okay?" He asked Michael. "You got it Ty", he said, gently squeezing Tyler's shoulder before he escorted David out of the building.

"So... guess I just did that", Tyler said as he stood in front of his soulmates. "I'm so proud of you", Lucas smiled as he hugged Tyler and he kissed his cheek firmly. "I love you Ty." "I love you both", Tyler smiled, hugging both of his soulmates tightly. "Thank you for knocking some sense back into me before tour", he whispered. "I know I hated that intervention but I needed it", he admitted softly.

"We'll do what's needed to save you from yourself, when you need it", Steve said. "Yes please", Tyler said with a soft laugh. "I truly need that sometimes."

Tyler's family walked in excitedly, congratulating Tyler on the show and telling him how proud they were of him. "Where's David?" Maddy then asked. "Oh, you won't be seeing him anymore", Tyler shrugged a little shyly. "I broke up with him. We... weren't doing well, and I gave him one more chance... today was the very last moment for him to prove that he was meant to be with me but he kind of blew it so", he shrugged. "He's not gonna be around anymore."

Maddy gave him a hug, and as they all got ready to go to the afterparty, his family joined too. Tyler and Maddy found a spot to talk with the two of them and Tyler told her some more about his relationship with David and what had happened, explaining the songs to her more. He didn't tell her everything, not the worst things and the details, but she knew enough to know he wasn't Tyler's soulmate. She hugged her brother tightly. "I'm glad you're back", she said.

"Me too, Maddy", Tyler hugged her back.


The next day, Steve, Lucas and Tyler went to a tattoo shop where Tyler had gotten some tattoos before, and they handed Steve the sharpie and Tyler's left hand.

"Let's do it", Tyler said. "I'm scared", Steve said. "What? Why?" Tyler asked. "I just- I don't want you to think it's too goofy", Steve said. "Or weird, or odd... what if you don't like it at all? Then-", he started rambling.

"Hey, baby", Tyler let out a soft laugh. "Calm down", he smiled. "Is it provocative?" He asked. "No..." Steve said. "Then it's perfect. C'mon, I don't care what it is, I just want it to be from you", Tyler said. "Just draw it okay? I'm sure I'm gonna love it", Tyler said. "I promise you, whatever it is, I'll cherish it forever", he said.

"C'mon baby, just go for it. He'll love it", Lucas encouraged. "He just needs you there with him", he said. "...okay", Steve then said after a few moments. "Okay then."

Tyler smiled, averting his gaze so he could let Steve draw without feeling like Tyler is watching his every move. He rested his head back as he let Steve draw on his hand; he had no idea what it was gonna be. It wasn't a shape he recognized, so he was curious to see what it was.

"...okay it's done", Steve said. "But- but if you hate it, just tell me okay 'cause I can come up with something else, I just-", he started rambling again, but Tyler lifted his hand up and he looked at the doodle, a smile forming on his lips, growing bigger by the moment.

"This is perfect", he softly said as he looked at the little turtle on his hand, balancing a vase with a single flower on top of its shell. He then looked at Steve as he sat up and he wrapped his arms around his neck, pressing a firm kiss on his cheek. "I don't know how you came up with this but it's perfect. It's adorable, and unique, and goofy like you; it's exactly like the doodles you made on tour, but still special. I love it, I love you, this is perfect and I can't wait to have it on my body permanently", Tyler told him.

"Are you saying that because you mean it or because you want to be nice", Steve said. "Definitely the first", Tyler assured him with a smile. "I love it, genuinely", he said.

"It's freaking adorable", Lucas said. "I can't believe you just came up with that. Well, not literally just now but that that came out of your head a while ago", he chuckled. "I love that. It's perfectly you", he said.

"You guys are way too sweet to me about this", Steve chuckled. "I love you guys."

"I love you too", Tyler smiled. "C'mon, let's get this on there. I don't wanna wait any longer", Tyler said to his tattoo artist.


As Tyler went back on tour, going to Canada and Mexico, he tried to be in touch with his soulmates as much as he could. Before tour, he spent a few days with Steve, Lucas and Richard and Lucas's place, getting to finally properly know his soulmate's lover. He'd only seen him briefly before, but staying at their place for a while definitely helped to get to know him much better - and appreciate him so much more. Tyler needed someone like that too - not Richard, he'd definitely never do that to Lucas - just someone like Richard. Someone who saw the value in his lover having two super close best friends and soulmates, someone who cherished that and encouraged it. Someone opposite of David - and Austin and William, for that matter.

Being on tour was fun; visiting new places was fun. But even though he spent a lot of time with his friends, with Michael, Mark, Ashley, Jordan, Shap, Shane; still, Tyler felt lonely. He wasn't good at being single. He got so lonely so quickly when he didn't have a partner to call his own. He knew that that was the reason why Tyler was so desperate to do anything for his ex-lovers, that he was so willing to change for them. He shouldn't have to change, and Tyler saw that now; but was that making it even harder for him to find someone to love for the rest of his life? He felt quite awful about it. With the loneliness, came sadness, melancholy, and much more. Or, as others would say; depression was creeping back in.

Tyler was happy to be home for the holidays though, and for his birthday. He turned 28 in the presence of his friends and family, at his house; it finally felt a bit like home. Richard was there too, and Tyler was really growing to love him. He was fun, handsome, super sweet and caring, and he was becoming a great friend of Tyler too. He loved it when Lucas brought him along, but he also still very much cherished the moment he had alone with Steve and Lucas.

After the holidays and the end of the year, Tyler went back on tour. This time, it was the left side of the country. But as soon as they were back on the road, Tyler's mental health was plummeting again. He became so incredibly lonely that he played his shows kind of on auto-pilot and after the show he never met fans anymore. He just took a shower quickly, then left the venue as soon as he could, he'd get in his bunk on the tourbus and cry. His friends tried to care for him and make him feel less lonely and alone, but they weren't succeeding very well. Tyler just wished he had someone to call his, but he didn't want to rush into things either 'cause the last three relationships had been a freaking dumpster fire. He'd dived into them way too fast, and he paid the price for it.


Josh's show in Los Angeles finally came along, and he was so excited. He, Ashley and Andrew went to the show while they brought Jordan who was now 17, and Abigail - 15 - too. They had seats, they loved the show, and they had so much fun together, but Josh felt his heart heavy knowing that Tyler stopped meeting fans fully on this leg of the tour. Not that he ever expected to be one of the lucky ones - not to mention that he always felt some jealousy when other did get lucky - just knowing that his chance was fully gone now, was hard to him. He wished it wasn't like that. He just wished he could meet Tyler one more time, to have some closure. It had been so many years now, yet Josh still hadn't gotten that closure. It had been, what, three or four years? He was about nineteen years old, and now he was a few months away from turning twenty-three. He couldn't believe it, that it had been so long. It hadn't gotten any easier - he wondered when it would.

Josh felt okay being home, and he'd been there for over a year now, but sometimes living in a house with two parents, an adult sister and her boyfriend, and two mid-to-late teen siblings, was hard and a lot. Josh surely didn't have the money to move out; he had no idea how he was ever supposed to get a place on his own because he was never gonna earn and save enough money to get a place anywhere near LA on his own. Maybe his last option was to marry a rich dude that could buy him a house on the hills or something.

But instead of saving all of his earnings, Josh needed an escape. He needed something to make him actually feel like an adult, something that would made him feel independent, something that he could do on his own. So he made the most wise adult decision and he bought three single tickets to three of Tyler's show secondhand, he booked some cheap motels, and he grabbed a bag of clothes. He got into his car - his parents had bought a secondhand car for Ashley and him to share - and he was off on his first ever solo trip.

The drives were long and exhausting but Josh was glad that the shows weren't all in a row; he had time to take breaks at night to go to the next show. From Los Angeles, he drove about six hours to Phoenix to attend the show. The morning after, he drove six and a half hours to St. George, Utah, where he stopped for the night before he drove the remaining four and a half hours to Salt Lake City, where he attended another show. From there on, he drove to a tiny place called Rawling, Wyoming in four hours, only stayed the night again, and the next day he made the 3,5 hour drive to Denver, where he was attending the next show.

Denver was the last one, unfortunately, and Josh felt it as he was in the crowd between tens of thousands of other fans. Knowing this was the last show for a long time, because Tyler didn't have another tour planned on that side of the country just yet, it was hard. He cried a little more, hurt a little more, sang a little louder and danced a little harder.

The show in Denver was his 37th show and Josh couldn't believe he'd seen Tyler play live that often already. It felt surreal but he knew he would never stop. Thirty-seven shows and counting, for sure. He loved Tyler to pieces; he and his music meant everything to him. And while Josh loved the show, it was so bittersweet to know that he wouldn't see him for a while after that.

He made a last stop to the merch stand quickly after the last song, before he was out of the door, wanting to beat the crowd by leaving quickly. He walked outside and towards the street where he managed to park his car - the parking spaces around the arena had been fully occupied already but somehow Josh had been lucky to find a parking spot when a car just pulled out at the moment he drove by.

He walked down the street and then stopped, hesitating. Did he have to go left here, or the next one? He couldn't remember. He tried to check his phone to see where he left the pin on the map, hoping to find the right street that way, but his phone was giving up on him by not having any service. Josh let out a soft, frustrated huff, before he figured he might as well check to see if it was the right street first. If it wasn't, he'd turn around and go back to the next one.

As he was walking down the street, he had a feeling that he was definitely in the wrong one. He looked around and walked a bit further, now definitely realizing he was wrong, and Josh came to a stop as he wanted to turn around, when he heard something. It sounded like... someone, at least, but he didn't really know what it was that he heard. Slowly, quietly, he took some more steps towards the noise, when suddenly around the corner he saw a big parking lot, and a tour bus.

And right outside of that tourbus, sitting on the steps, was none other than Tyler Joseph.

Josh freaked out internally, holding his breath. He was so fully shocked, and he wanted to run away, but he couldn't when he realized that he heard Tyler cry. He was frozen in place, not able to approach or walk away; he didn't know what to do, he was totally freaking out inside, panicking internally; he just stood there for a while.

Only when his mind had calmed down a little tiny bit, Josh told himself that it was wise to walk away, but his feet didn't agree as he took a few steps forward.


"Hi", Tyler heard a voice, and he looked up, forcing his crying to stop as he saw a stranger many feet away from him. "...are you okay?"

It only took Tyler seconds to realize that this person wasn't one of his crew members, and he pushed himself up, putting one foot on the step as he kind of lowered himself on it, still keeping low but ready to move the moment he had to.

"Who- what- wh- how did you get here", Tyler said.

"Uh, well, I- my car is parked around here somewhere and-"

"Scratch that, I don't care", Tyler interrupted him. "What are you doing here?" He asked. "Well, uh, looking for said car..." the stranger trailed. "...then I heard crying", he said softly.

"...and you didn't think to just get the hell out of here? Who the hell are you", Tyler said.

"Ouch", the stranger said, and Tyler was taken a bit back by that, a frown forming on his forehead. What the fuck did he mean, ouch?

"I- I mean, I didn't expect you to still remember me of course 'cause it's been so long but still I guess I kind of still had some hopes? Which was just really Fucking dumb so I should've just left and I'm sorry-" the stranger started rambling, and it was just confusing Tyler even more as he lightly shook his head.

"What do you mean, I don't remember you?" He asked. "Stay there", he added as the stranger moved a foot, and he held his hands up in defense. Tyler narrowed his eyes, trying to recognize the person in the dimly lit street lights but he couldn't.

"Uh- well, we- wait can you just promise you're not gonna kill me", the stranger said. "Nope, no can do", Tyler replied. "...should've expected that", the stranger muttered more to himself than to Tyler, and it felt weird. This person didn't feel scary, or dangerous at all, but Tyler wasn't gonna give up so easily. He wouldn't just trust anyone.

"Uhm, i- we- we met before, several times", he started. "The last- um the last time we uh... we- we properly saw each other, was in Detroit", the stranger spoke. "After your show with the guys from I Prevail."

"Anyone can say that", Tyler said, slightly turning his body as he started to type in the code to the tour bus so he could go inside quickly.

"You- you invited me to Steve's apartment", the stranger quickly said. "And Uhm... Lucas, he picked me up", he said. Tyler's heart stopped and he froze as he heard the mention of his soulmates' names - especially Lucas's.

"...what?" Tyler asked softly. The stranger shifted a little nervously, from one leg to the other. "He uh... told me about your history, together. You and Luke", he said. "He told me that when he picked me up in the car... he got me a coffee that I loved because I'd ordered it when you and I were at a coffee house a few days before. You- you remembered my order", the stranger said.

"You and Steve were together, in a relationship. I- I don't know if you still are now but back then you were", he continued. We- uh... I- I was gonna fly home and you three drove me to the airport... I missed my flight, Steve got me a first class ticket for the evening after. You... you insisted that I didn't have to sleep at my best friend Colin's dorm; I could stay with you at Steve's place", he said. "You all insisted because you... cared", he said softly.

He scratched his arm nervously. "...we played truth or dare. I... stayed the night. The next day we watched the footage of the concert where you filled in for Brian. Jordan, Michael and mark came over to watch that", he continued. "Later you brought me back to the airport.

Tyler didn't speak; he couldn't. He just stared.

"...first time we met, I- my friend Jenna and I accidentally crashed your after part in the woods during the Obviously Ohio tour. You... we had a conversation about soulmates", the stranger said.

"We spent several nights together that tour... karaoke, then we were in the same hotel... you wrote I Can't Carry This Anymore during that tour and I- I heard you play it for Michael. Later for me too", he said.

"You called me your ABBA partner in crime once."

Tyler was still frozen in place, but then finally he pushed himself up fully and he took a step down from the steps.

"...Josh?" Tyler spoke.

"Hi Tyler", Josh replied softly with a small wave. Tyler's jaw dropped slowly but surely, then he walked up to Josh carefully. His hands reached up to cup Josh's face in his hands.

"Holy shit", Tyler whispered as he studied his face. "Holy shit."

He couldn't believe it, he couldn't believe that Josh was right there in front of him. He slowly shook his head. "I can't believe it's you", he said. "You- my god you changed so much, I didn't recognize you from afar, in this bad lighting", Tyler said, he let out a soft laugh. "I'm sorry", he said. "It's okay", Josh smiled. He wanted to touch Tyler, rest his hand on his arm, but he didn't know how to do that without making it awkward. Luckily Tyler saved the day as he pulled Josh into a tight hug.

"It's been so long", Tyler said softly and Josh closed his eyes as he held Tyler tightly. His heart was racing, his hands were shaking, but he was holding Tyler. He could barely process it. He was probably gonna have an emotional breakdown later but right now there was no time for that.

"I thought you stopped coming to my shows", Tyler said as he pulled back, his hands going back up to gently cup Josh's face in his hands. "I thought you were done with my music, with me", he said. "N-no, never, I never stopped", Josh said. "I promised you I would never stop. I didn't break that promise", he said. "I've been to so many shows", he continued with a soft laugh. "Every tour you did here in the states, I was at at least one show", he said.

Tyler's lips turned into a smile. "I can't believe you're here. I can't believe you kept that promise. I can't believe you changed so much! You dyed your hair... you have piercings now!" Tyler said. "I got these too", Josh said as he pushed his right sleeve up, showing his tattoos, and Tyler's jaw dropped. "Josh! Oh my god! You got tattoos now too?! You are a changed man I'm telling you", Tyler said. "I always thought you just stopped coming but I guess I just... didn't recognize you like this", he said. "The facial hair too... you look, well... hot", Tyler said with a chuckle, and Josh blushed as he let out a laugh. "Yeah right", he said as he rolled his eyes. "I wasn't lying", Tyler said with a soft smile.

"C'mon, let's- let's sit. Wanna sit? D'you mind if I smoke one? Then we can go inside", Tyler said. "I- yeah, sure", Josh blushed. Tyler smiled as he turned around and he and Josh walked to the steps of the tour bus. They sat down as Tyler lit a cigarette. "There better not be coming any more people here", he said. "How the hell were you able to just walk up to here", he said. "I guess they didn't close the entrance there", Josh said. "Good to know we're gonna have to look out for that from now on", Tyler chuckled.

"I still can't believe you changed so much. We all had no idea", Tyler said. "Except for Lucas", Josh smiled. Tyler frowned. "What do you mean?" He asked. "I- oh, you- uhm I don't know if he ever mentioned that he saw me when he was in Detroit in his car?" Josh asked. "Ohh no wait he did tell me that", Tyler said. "He said you were living in Detroit right? For... college? Was that it? How are you here now?" Tyler asked.

Josh shrugged softly. "Back with my parents for the time being. Dropped out", he blushed. "Couldn't handle it when all my friends started to leave. But... anyways, I- yeah Luke and I saw each other there and at that moment I had my hair dyed and got my first piercing and I just recently started stretching my earlobes, and I was starting to get a few tattoos", Josh said. "I guess he didn't mention that?"

"He didn't... why wouldn't he- oh", Tyler then said as he realized. Josh wanted to ask what the matter was but he didn't want to be that person.

"He didn't tell me about you two meeting up until several weeks after", Tyler said. "I guess he forgot when he did end up telling me; but it wasn't the day of. 'Cause that day... the day he met up with you, I broke up with Steve", he said with a soft laugh, shaking his head gently. Josh's jaw dropped. "You guys broke up then? I- I figured you weren't together anymore because of- well, the songs a few months ago at your hometown show, I figured they weren't about Steve when he and Lucas hugged you on stage", he chuckled. "So I assumed you and Steve broke up at some point, but... I had no idea it was that long ago", Josh said.

"Yeah... yeah it's been a while", Tyler nodded softly. "Something happened to Steve and it made me freaking paranoid, I- he was suffering because of my behavior and I wasn't a good boyfriend. I broke up with him because I realized what I was doing and I didn't want to be toxic like that", he said. "We kind of kept the door open for a while but I ruined that", he chuckled.

"What do you mean?" Josh asked softly. "Well, a while after he and I broke up, I started dating other guys. First I started a relationship with a guy called Austin but he had some sexual desires that I was not ready for at all and I felt like he was taking advantage of me... Steve and Luke made me realize I was right when I talked to them about it", he said. "Then I got linked with this producer guy, the one who produced Astronaut, named William... horrible guy, really", Tyler said. "Steve had to literally drag me out of the room and away from him for me to finally let go", he said.

"And then... after that, I was still in love with Steve but I didn't tell him, I hid it from him, and uh... then I met this guy called David. He and I became a couple and only then did Steve find out I was still in love with him. I had told myself that Steve wasn't in love with me but turns out that that was wrong, he was, and when he was finally able to tell me that, it was too late", Tyler shrugged softly.

"So then a whole shit show followed", he said. "Because Steve was mad..?" Josh frowned. He couldn't imagine that. "No, no because David was an asshole", Tyler said. "I didn't talk to Luke or Steve for almost a year because Dave was jealous and I was dumb for thinking I should always choose my boyfriend above anyone else. Of course I was wrong", he slightly rolled his eyes at himself. "He made me feel like it was either him or my soulmates and I stupidly chose the first", he admitted softly.

"Luckily they talked some sense into me and we reconnected, all three of us", he smiled. "Because of Michael, and because of Jordan, mostly. They staged this full intervention thingy, it was awful but it paid off", Tyler chuckled. "And I broke up with David. So now I'm just 'happily' single", he chuckled.

"Wow", Josh said softly. "Yeah... I can't believe that my soulmates had to save me from assholes three times in a row either. You'd think I'd learn my lesson after the first awful one", Tyler said. "Especially since my first two proper relationships were with Lucas and with Steve. They were the perfect example of how a partner should be. But I guess not", Tyler shrugged, taking a drag from his cigarette.

"Now what about you, Joshie", Tyler bumped his shoulder against Josh's. "Last I heard, you had a boyfriend that your friends weren't too fond of", he said. "Oh", Josh softly said. "Right, I... I forgot you met them after the show in Detroit", he said. "I expected to see you there too", Tyler said. "I should've been but because of that boyfriend I wasn't", Josh softly said. "They- they were right, not being fond of him. He wasn't... good", Josh said. "Do you wanna talk about that?" Tyler asked. "No", Josh said. "If- if you don't mind... I just- I don't really want to right now", he said. "That's no problem, that's all good", Tyler said.  "But he's out of the picture now", he stated. "Yeah! Yeah he is", Josh blushed. "Do- do you remember my friend Fred?" Josh asked. "Is that the guy with the killer voice?" Tyler asked. "Yeah", Josh smiled. "Oh of course I do, he's already legendary", Tyler said.

"He was my boyfriend for quite some time after the other guy", Josh said. "Really! He told me he had a crush on you. I love that", Tyler smiled. "So you calling him friend means you still are?" He asked. "Yeah, luckily we are", Josh smiled. "He was really good to me and I would've definitely wanted it to last so much longer but... well he went back to Indianapolis and I went back to Los Angeles, we figured it'd be better to continue as friends", he said.

"Dyou miss him?" Tyler asked. "I... yeah, sometimes I do", Josh said. "But I don't think we'd get back together or something like that. I'll always love him 'cause he's the best person but I'm not in love anymore", Tyler said.

"Mhm. That's kind of the same with Steve and I", Tyler said. "I do miss him and what we had, I do miss being in a relationship and having his support... and I will always love him. But I don't think either of us are still in love. We decided to put that past ys and just continue as soulmates forever", Tyler said.

"Soulmates", Josh smiled. "I got that word from you and I've been using it religiously every day since", Tyler chuckled. "'Cause you were right, and that conversation changed my life. It put so much in perspective for me. I'm forever grateful for that, Josh", he smiled.

"Tyler Joseph saying I changed his life is something I never thought I'd hear", Josh said with a soft laugh. "Should be the other way around. Feels like we're in an alternate universe when you say that", he said and it made Tyler laugh. "Maybe we changed each other's?" Tyler asked. "...yeah, definitely", Josh smiled.

Tyler finished his cigarette. "C'mon, wanna go inside?" He asked. "Wh- are you sure?" Josh asked. "Yeah, positive", Tyler smiled as he got up and he entered the passcode to the tour bus. "After you", he said as he let Josh go first, then he followed him inside.

"Want a drink? I got several things... Red Bull, coke, water, coffee, tea, some other soda..." he trailed. "Oh I'll just have a coke please", Josh smiled. "Sure thing", Tyler said as he grabbed the can and he gave it to Josh, grabbing a Red Bull himself. "Let's go to the lounge upstairs", he said and Josh followed him there.

They sat down on the couch and Josh was looking around, as he'd never been inside a tour bus before. It was so interesting to him to see what it was like. Then he turned back to look at Tyler.

"You didn't answer my question, by the way", he blushed. "What question?" Tyler asked once he'd toes off his shoes and he tucked them under his legs.

"If you're okay", Josh said. "Oh", Tyler replied. "S-sorry, I-" Josh started. "No no, don't be", Tyler interrupted him. "I wanna answer", he said.

"Uhm... I'm... okay, I'd say", Tyler said with a soft laugh. "I don't know. I just... I'm not good at being alone I guess", he shrugged. "I got my crew, my friends, but still I'm alone. Just fucking lonely I guess", he chuckled. "David, he uh... I don't wanna go into details but he was isolating me from everyone. Friends, crew, family; my soulmates. At first I didn't wanna admit it of course, and I still don't like to admit that, but it's true", he said softly. "I didn't spend any time with my family during Christmas or my birthday. Well, the last one I did, but the one before, because of him", Tyler said. "Which means I've only had a few days to spend with my family ever since... and it makes me miss them that much more. I feel like I didn't appreciate them enough when I had time to be with them a lot, when I avoided them. Just... regret that now", he said.

"There's just a lot of things that make me feel shitty lately I guess", Tyler smiled softly.

"I'm really sorry", Josh said softly. "I know it's hard being away from family", he said. "Especially after someone left you damaged."

"It's... it's okay", Tyler smiled. "I definitely feel much better now that you are here", he said. "I still can't believe it! Josh is back", he said, which made Josh blush deeply.

He couldn't believe that he was on Tyler's tour bus couch right now.




I've been working towards this moment for SO LONG I wanted the bus scene to be part of this chapter and I wanted it to be the beginning of /their/ story !! That's why they didn't see each other for years and they didn't talk. So much was going on in their lives involving others but the bus scene had to be the beginning to their story for me and I so so hope it was worth it and you loved this chapter as much as I loved writing it ♥️

I can't wait to see what your thoughts are on this chapter!! It's funny to me how this special chapter is the exact chapter I got to publish as a Christmas present for all of you ♥️ definitely not a normal chapter but a truly special one to me!!

Next chapter there will be more 👀👀  I got so much planned that I'm excited for!! I can't wait. I hope you loved it and please don't forget to leave a vote so I know who had the chance to read this chapter!!

See you very soon, enjoy your holidays, so much love! ♥️♥️

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