Meet Again

Por RoganHuntzberger2000

22.5K 759 139

It's been several months since Logan walked away from Rory at her graduation. What happens when they run into... Mais

Meet Again
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
March 9th 2009
Christmas 2011
Gender Reveal
Pregnancy stuff
24 weeks
Nicholas Griffin Huntzberger
3 weeks
Back to Work
Announcements-part 2
20 weeks
8 weeks old
Cochlear Implants
August 2016
13 weeks
Getting Ready
Christmas Eve 2017
Christmas 2017
A New Year
Moving Day
Finn & Isabella
One year
Birthday Trip
A Dog?
Summer 2019
Back To School
Fall 2019
Sick Day
Spring 2020
Summer 2020
Back to School
New Addition


187 8 1
Por RoganHuntzberger2000

February 2017. 

Logan had to go into the office one day, and got home late. When he got home the kids were already asleep and Rory was sitting at the kitchen island.

"Ace?" Logan called out when he walked into the apartment


Logan could tell that Rory was upset, and had been crying. "What's wrong?"

Rory nodded to something on the counter

"how did that happen?"

"I don't know" Rory said "I'm hoping it's a false positive, because you know what gonna happen if it's not"

"I don't understand. How can you be pregnant?"

"I can't" Rory said "and I still have an IUD, just in case, so there's really no way I should be able to be pregnant"

"Hold on" Logan said and sat down across from Rory "would it be so bad to have another kid. I mean, 3 was the original plan anyway"

"No. Logan. I'm not upset because I'm pregnant,I'm upset because it's not gonna last"


"Even if I could naturally get pregnant and make it to full term, which I can't and we both know it, they have to remove the IUD, which will likely cause a miscarriage anyway"

"Let's take it one step at a time" Logan said "start with a doctor's appointment, and we'll see what she has to say"

"I don't think I could take it" Rory said quietly

Logan looked at Rory, confused

"If we lost another" Rory said "I don't know that I'd be able to handle it"

"Come here" Logan wrapped his arms around Rory and she rested her head on his chest "it'll be ok" He kissed the top of her head "whatever happens, we'll be fine"


A couple of days later, Rory and Logan were sitting in Dr. Williams' office.

"What I don't understand is how this happened in the first place" Logan said

"Low fertility, doesn't mean no fertility" Dr. Williams said "The chances were very slim, but they weren't non existent"

"I know, and that's why I got the IUD, because my body can't sustain a pregnancy, if I were to somehow get pregnant" Rory said

"So, let's talk about that, because you do have a few options" Dr. Williams said "for starters, the IUD needs to come out"

"Right" Rory nodded

"The easiest and simplest option would be to terminate the pregnancy" Dr. Williams told them "that is if you don't want the baby"

"No" Rory shook her head "we um...we definitely want it"

"Ok. Removing the IUD can cause a miscarriage. If it doesn't, I'd recommend you start taking hormone injections and we would keep a really close eye on you"


"But you do need to prepare yourselves for the very real, and unfortunately, very likely possibly that you'll miscarry"

A few minutes later Dr Williams did an ultrasound.

"Ok, it looks like you're about 6 weeks, and as of now, there's a good heartbeat" The doctor said "I'm gonna take out the IUD, and then I'm gonna do another ultrasound"

"Ok" Rory said

An hour later they were home.

Rory was sitting on the couch, watching Grace when Logan walked into the living room with a glass of water and handed it to her, before sitting next to her.

"You ok?"

"As long as the baby's ok, so am I" Rory said

"The baby's fine" Logan said and put his arm around Rory's shoulders, showing her to lean against him "doc said there was a strong heartbeat"

"Do we tell people?" Rory asked

"I'm gonna leave that up to you, but keep in mind that if we tell people that you're pregnant, we're gonna have to tell them if you miscarry"

"My mom and Honor" Rory said "I want them to know"


"And don't say that"


"If I miscarry. I don't wanna think like that"



A week later Lorelai was over so Rory decided to tell her.

Lorelai and Rory were sitting at the kitchen island, drinking coffee. Rory had decaf.

"Mom?" Rory said


"I'm pregnant"

"That's great! Congratulations!"

Rory shook her head

"Not...congratulations?" Lorelai asked, confused

"We're just...not celebrating yet" Rory said "the odds aren't great"

Lorelai nodded slowly

"13 weeks" Rory exhaled "13 weeks is safe"

"How far along are you, now?"

"6 weeks"

"Are you happy about it? I didn't realize you were trying again"

"We weren't" Rory said "we talked about it after Grace was born, and I think we both wanted another but after everything, the miscarriage, and the treatment, and the IVF, and you know that I was really sick when I was pregnant with Grace, and I was in the hospital. We decided against trying to have another"

"So you are happy about it?"

"Yes. But also really nervous"


A few weeks later, Rory, Logan, and the rest of the gang were at Finn and his, now fiancé's apartment.

"Are the parents of the group drinking tonight?" Finn asked

"Yes" Rosemary, Ethan, Logan, Colin and Stephanie said at the same time

"I'm driving" Rory said

"Alrighty then" Finn said

"Were you super surprised?" Stephanie asked

"Surprised would be an understatement" Isabella chuckled

"Are you ok?" Logan asked Rory quietly, as Isabella spoke. He knew that Rory hadn't been feeling well, most of that day.

Rory nodded and started to get up.

"Where are you going?" Logan asked and grabbed Rory's arm

"To pee" Rory chuckled

"Those two are on a whole other level of being in love with each other" Rosemary teased "and it's gross"

"Shut up" Rory laughed and left the room

"I see it" Isabella said "the way they look at each other, and they're always touching. It's cute"

"Why are you talking about us like we're not in the room?" Logan asked

"I was just saying that you guys are cute"

Just then Rory appeared in the entryway of the room, looking distraught, and waved Logan over.

"I'll be right back" Logan said and walked over to where Rory had moved out of the group's sight

"Did I offend him?" Isabella asked. She didn't know everyone in the group so well yet, so she was worried that she might've offended Logan.

"No, he's probably just taking a work call or something" Colin said

"What's wrong?" Logan asked quietly

"I'm bleeding" Rory whispered. Logan could tell she was worried and that she was trying her hardest to stay calm, and not freak out.

"Bleeding how?" Logan asked

"I don't know. Like a lot" Rory said "I think...I think uh-"

"It's ok" Logan interrupted "I know what you think"

Rory nodded

"You wanna go to the hospital? See what's going on?"


"Let's go" Logan took Rory's hand and they walked back to where everyone was "sorry to bail like this, but we gotta go"

"Everything ok?" Stephanie asked

"Yeah, Nicky's just not feeling well, and I don't like to leave him when he's sick" Rory lied

"Poor little guy" Rosemary said "tell him we said to feel better"

"We will" Logan said


On the way to the hospital, Rory called Dr. Williams office so she could meet them there.

"Am I having a miscarriage?" Rory asked, as the doctor examined her

"Let her work, Ace"

The doctor finished her exam and pulled up a stool to sit in front of Rory.

"I'm having a miscarriage, right?" Rory asked

"Yes" Dr. Williams said "I'm very sorry"

Rory took a deep breath, trying not to cry.

"It can take up to 2 days for the pregnancy to pass. There's no need for you to stay here, so I'll discharge you, and you can go home" Dr. Williams said "you'll feel pain, almost like contractions. You can take Advil if you need, and a heating pad might also help. Take it easy over the next couple of days, try to stay in bed if you can"

"Ok" Rory sighed

Rory and Logan went home and Rory got into bed. 

The next morning Logan called Lorelai and asked her if she could come watch Grace so Rory could have quiet.

Around 11 Logan walked into the bedroom and handed Rory a heating pad before sitting on the edge of the bed, next to her.

"Your mom's here" Logan said, as he brushed a hair out of Rory's face

"What? Why?" Rory asked "what did you tell her?"

"I just asked her if she could watch Grace because I have work to do and you're not feeling well"

"Not feeling well?" Rory raised an eyebrow

"I wasn't sure if you wanted me to tell her" 

"So she's taking Grace?" Rory asked

"Yeah, I just came up to let you know and to get her her shoes"

"Ok" Rory exhaled

"You feeling ok? Do you need anything?"

Rory shook her head

"I'll be right back" Logan said and kissed Rory's forehead before leaving the room.

A few minutes later Lorelai knocked on the doorframe of Rory and Logan's bedroom door, which was open.

"Hey" Rory said, quietly

"You're sick?" Lorelai asked. She had put two and two together, and was pretty sure she knew what was going on, but didn't want to ask.

"Not sick" Rory shook her head

Lorelai sighed "I'm sorry, kid"

" too"

"You need anything? I can pick up whatever you want"

"I'm fine"

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