Let's Recelebrate (a Joshler...

By InthenameofJoshDun

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Joshua Dun struggled with mental health. When his new friend Jenna introduced him to a certain artist that wr... More

⭒ I ⭒
⭒ II ⭒
⭒ III ⭒
⭒ IV ⭒
⭒ V ⭒
⭒ VI ⭒
⭒ VII ⭒
⭒ VIII ⭒
⭒ IX ⭒
⭒ X ⭒
⭒ XI ⭒
⭒ XII ⭒
⭒ XIII ⭒
⭒ XIV ⭒
⭒ XV ⭒
⭒ XVI ⭒
⭒ XVII ⭒
⭒ XIX ⭒
⭒ XX ⭒
⭒ XXI ⭒
⭒ XXII ⭒
⭒ XXIV ⭒ (new actual update!)
⭒ XXV ⭒
List of songs in this story (ch1-ch25)
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⭒ LXVI ⭒
⭒ LXIX ⭒
⭒ LXX ⭒
⭒ LXXI ⭒
⭒ LXXV ⭒
NEW SHORT STORY: I Don't Want To Miss a Thing (a short Joshler story)
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♡ On to book 2: Final part of book 1 ♡


161 26 22
By InthenameofJoshDun

Hi friends! We're back with a new chapter, yay!!

This is chapter 89 omfg can you believe that this story is SO LONG already and we're nowhere near done 😭 I swear this story is gonna be my life's work lmfao

Hope you're all doing well! Hope the nice weather of spring is making your days feel more energetic 🌸☀️ and if it's fall for you rn, I hope the moody rainy days and brown, red and orange leaves can give you comfort and time to relax 🍂🍄

I can't wait to hear what you think of this chapter! Very Joshie focused again, but more Tyler than last chapter! I can't wait to hear your opinion and I hope to see your votes ♥️ thank you for your support. Love you!!

Word count: 5751


"I hope you truly liked spending time with me today", Lucas said as Josh sat in the passenger's seat of his car. "I really did", Josh smiled. "We should do it more often, if we get the chance", Lucas said and that just made Josh's smile widen even more. "I'd love to", he said. "You made my day a lot less boring and dull." "Pumbaa or I?" Lucas chuckled. "Both of you", Josh giggled.

"I'm glad we got to catch up", Lucas said. "And if I won't see you before Christmas, I'll see you at Tyler's NYE show", he said. "I'm so excited for that", Josh sighed softly. "He's got some great things planned. I'm excited for you to be there", Lucas smiled widely. "I really can't wait, you're making waiting a lot harder", Josh whined softly, which made Lucas laugh, and he smiled himself as well. "Go left here, then the third right", Josh told him and Lucas nodded.

"When I call Ty, and when I get home, I'm gonna bother him about reaching out to you again", Lucas said. "I love him but gosh, he can be so dang stubborn. He just needs to do it and get over that fear", he sighed. "It- it's okay if he doesn't want to", Josh said. "I know, but I know he does want to. He just doesn't admit it. He's being stubborn", Lucas told Josh.

Shortly after, they arrived at Josh's house and Lucas stopped the car in front of it. "There we are", he said. "Aw Josh, your home looks so... homey. It's a beautiful family home", Lucas said. "Thanks", Josh smiled. "It's... it holds a lot of memories. Not all good, but... most are, I think", he smiled as he looked at his home.

"I gotta go, before my parents get too curious about who dropped me off and they come outside to check", Josh said. "Right, I'd rather not have that happen", Lucas chuckled. He pulled Josh into a tight hug and he pressed a kiss on his forehead. Josh patted Pumbaa who was in the back for a few seconds, then gave Lucas one more hug.

"I'll see you soon, brother", Lucas smiled. "Can't wait", Josh smiled, and Lucas gently squeezed his arm with a smile before Josh got out of the car. Lucas waited for him to get to the front door and once he opened it, he turned around and waved at Lucas, who returned it, before he drove off.

Josh let out a soft sigh, smiling at himself. This day, or afternoon and evening rather, with Lucas had made him feel so much better. It had been refreshing, and he really felt like Lucas truly appreciated and trusted him; he reached out because he happened to be in LA, and there was no other reason for him to do so other than the fact that he just wanted to see Josh.

It wasn't like how his family was related to him so they had to play nice, or how Jonathon was his only friend in school and couldn't avoid him and probably pitied him, so he stuck around. It wasn't like anyone else he knew and was close to. Lucas had genuinely wanted to spend time with him. It made him feel happy; he felt it in his chest.

"There you are, finally", Ashley then said as she appeared in the hallway. "I covered for you but please don't do that again without talking to me about it first", she whispered. "Right, sorry. What did you tell them?" Josh asked. "That you were working on a school project with other classmates whom they don't know because you weren't able to choose your own project partners", Ashley said. "Oh that's perfect. Thanks Ash", Josh sighed softly.

"What were you doing, though?" Ashley asked. "Nothing interesting", Josh said. "What do you mean? Where did you go, with who? I know it wasn't Jon. You were gone for hours", Ashley said. "Just- just an old friend, it's nothing", Josh said. "Are you doing drugs?" Ashley asked.

"What! No, no of course not Ash, Jesus Christ", Josh muttered. "I'm not doing drugs, what the hell", he told her. "I just- I don't wanna tell you. I can't tell you 'cause I promised them I wouldn't. But I swear it's nothing illegal, nothing dangerous, and nothing bad. I just... I made a promise", Josh said.

Ashley sighed softly. "...okay then. I trust you. But if I don't trust a certain situation..." she trailed. "You'll tell mom and dad, I know. I promise that won't be necessary, because it's really nothing big at all", Josh said. Ashley hummed. "I hope so", she said.

"Did you... tell Jon?" Josh then asked. "No, I just asked if you and he had plans. When he said no and asked if I wasn't home, I just said I was at the store and wanted to pick up dessert for us but I couldn't reach you, probably because you were studying", she said. Josh nodded. "Okay. Yeah that's- that's good", he nodded.

"You're also not cheating or something right?" She asked with a quirked eyebrows. "Jesus freaking Christ Ash, no I'm not", Josh said. "I made a promise not to tell anyone and that includes Jonathon", he added. "Mhm. I thought it was self explanatory that partners in relationships were allowed to know secrets even when no one else is?" She asked.

"Well that's not how it works for everyone", Josh told her, a bit stand-offish. "I promised them I would not tell anyone. That means I won't tell anyone at all", Josh said before he went upstairs.

"Sorry", Ashley said with a soft sigh. Josh halted halfway, then looked at her. "Just... leave me alone, okay? I can handle myself", he said. "Fine", Ashley said as she then went upstairs as well, and Josh went to his room.

He closed the door behind himself and walked to his desk, where he opened the drawer to find his... Diary? Was it a diary? He never wrote anything in it except when something regarding Tyler happened. Did that make it a diary of some sorts, of just a memory book? Either way, he wanted to write in it about Lucas, because he was part of Tyler's life.

He frowned as he couldn't find the book, rummaging through the drawer, and the next one, and the next one. He started panicking. Where was it? Did someone take it? Did someone read it? He never left it anywhere but in his desk drawer.

He thought of Ashley. Surely... Surely she wouldn't take it. Right? Josh left the room and was on his way to Ashley's room, when he spotted Abigail sitting on her bed, through the open door.

And then Josh saw it; his notebook was in front of her, and she was reading something in it.

Josh stormed into her bedroom. "Abi what the fuck!" he exclaimed angrily and Abigail startled. "W-what?" She asked. "Why the hell did you go into my room and take that!" He yelled as he snatched it away from her, then he kept it to his chest. "I was just reading your adventures!" She said.

"That's not for you to read!" Josh yelled. "Josh! Calm down! What's wrong?" Ashley asked as she appeared in the doorway and she walked inside.

"Don't tell me to calm down! She stole something from me and read things that are private!" Josh yelled. "Okay but you're scaring her!" Ashley said. Josh's jaw dropped. "That's what you have to say?! That I'm scaring her? You can't tell her not to do that? No, instead you're talking about how I'm scaring her?! What the hell Ash!" Josh said, offended.

"I don't even know what she did exactly! Just- stop yelling at her, who cares that she read something you wrote?" Ashley asked.

"Who cares? Who cares?! Well no one fucking does, apparently! No one cares about me! No one respects my fucking privacy, everyone has to get into my business and my shit all the fucking time, and everyone thinks they're entitled to my life and my secrets and my fucking stuff! Leave me the fuck alone for once and stay out of my god damn room!" he yelled, tears threatening to spill. He then stopped talking, closed his eyes and he took a deep, shaky breath in and out. He opened his eyes again, and he looked at his little sister.

"Fuck you", Josh said softly, firmly, voice cracking slightly as a tear escaped and rolled down his cheek. Josh quickly wiped it away as he turned around and left the room, going to his own room which he locked behind him to keep everyone out.

"Josh? Josh! Are you okay?" He heard Ashley ask, and she tried opening the door, but it was now locked. "Josh, I'm sorry, please let me in", she asked, voice soft, almost pleading. Josh ignored her, sniffling softly as he tried to force himself to stop crying, but it was hard.

"Josh..." he heard Ashley trail softly, then after a minute, he heard her walk away.

Only then Josh felt like he was able to breathe again, and he put the notebook down on his bed, the page that Abigail was reading was open. He let out a soft sigh as he saw that she hadn't read anything too important or too secretive, nothing about how he shared a kiss with Tyler or how Lucas was Tyler's ex and that Tyler was gay. Just something about a concert at the beginning of him becoming a fan of Tyler, so he was relieved. But if he hadn't found her reading in it, she definitely would've gotten to that point. He didn't ever want her to find out about anything like that.

He made a mental note to go to the store to get a box that he could lock so Abigail - or anyone else for that matter - could not get to it. Only him. And he was also gonna lock his bedroom door every day when he wasn't in that room, so no one could get into his stuff.

He just wished people would respect his privacy more and not walk all over him all the dang time. He hated that so, so much.


Lucas put the dishes away, then pressed a kiss on top of his grandma's hair. "I'm gonna call Tyler, I'll be back after", he said. "Are you sure you and Tyler aren't still in love, sweetie?" She asked, a small pout in her lips. His family had always loved Tyler, and when he told them they broke up and he wasn't at the last family visits, they had all been quite sad about it. His grandma was one of the people missing him the most.

"No grandma, we're just best friends", Lucas said with a soft laugh. "Tyler has a new boyfriend, a new relationship with a wonderful man", Lucas said. "You are a wonderful man! Did Tyler not think so?" She asked. "Grandma, I broke up with him", Lucas chuckled. "Not the other way around. Tyler and I have a lot of love for each other and we always will, but we're not in a relationship anymore and that won't happen in the future either. We're best friends, and we work even better as best friends than we ever did as partners. The man he is with now, is a lot more compatible to him, in many ways that I wasn't. We want different things, grandma, and he now found someone who wants the same as he does", Lucas said.

His grandma sighed. "I just thought you were so nice together", she said. "We were, but we're even better as best friends. We're still very close and see each other all the time. I didn't lose something, I just gained more", Lucas assured her with a smile as he gave her a hug, before he went upstairs. He sat on the bed with Pumbaa cuddling up in his lap, and he FaceTimed Tyler.

"Baby", Tyler smiled as he picked up. "Hi love", Lucas smiled. "Pumbaa says hi", he said as he moved his camera to the dog. "Oh hi Pumbaa, I miss you", Tyler sighed softly. "She brought us together, huh", Tyler hummed. "She sure did", Lucas smiled as he patted her.

"I can't believe you hung out with Josh", Tyler then said. "I can't believe you're still too stubborn to finally properly let him into your life", Lucas replied. "...shut up", Tyler muttered. "Am I wrong?" Lucas asked. "Yes. I don't want him permanently in my life", Tyler said.

"Bullshit", Lucas hummed. "We both know that's not true." Tyler didn't reply. "You even took him to the same restaurant", Tyler said. "Yeah, he was really hungry. I was hungry too, I knew that spot has good food", Lucas said. "That picture I sent you, the one of him in the restaurant, was pretty fucking adorable right?" Lucas asked. Tyler rolled his eyes, not replying. "Oh c'mon now. Admit that he was adorable", Lucas pushed him playfully. "Fine", Tyler said as he rubbed his forehead. "He was. But I'm not enjoying this call as much as I thought I would. You're annoying as hell", Tyler said.

"You love me", Lucas smiled. "Yeah, still surprises me too", Tyler replied. "Oh shut up, you ass", Lucas chuckled. "Good thing is that Josh will be at your New Year's show. Then you can let him in again", Lucas said. "I forgot that he'll be there", Tyler said, and Lucas spotted a small smile on Tyler's face, that he tried to hide. "You're excited about it huh", Lucas smiled. Tyler rolled his eyes, but he really couldn't hide the smile anymore. "You really are extremely annoying", he stated. "You need someone to be annoying so you'll finally stop being so stubborn", Lucas hummed with a grin. "He loved Deceivers, by the way. He's so into these songs you've done with Steve and the others so far. He loves your solo music but this is something that he thinks is entirely different and separate but super important to him. He can't stop thinking about what's to come and he's just extremely excited about it, he said", Lucas told him.

"He really is?" Tyler smiled. Lucas nodded. "He said that he loves your music so much for the rawness in the lyrics, the honesty and the sadness that is captured so well. But with these songs with I Prevail, Crossroads was something that was hopeful, felt powerful. He says Deceivers shows... Frustration, and anger in a new way that you haven't done on your own so far, and it's a whole other world of music that he's desperate to dive into deeper and hear more of. He's definitely truly loving both of those sides of your music and he's so looking forward to hearing more from either", Lucas continued.

"...that makes me happy", Tyler said. "Josh makes you happy", Lucas replied. "Luke- shut up!" Tyler said with a laugh. "Gosh you really can't take no for an answer huh?" He asked. "Oh I can, in every situation but this one", Lucas smiled. "'Cause I know you're protecting yourself but I wish you'd just let good things happen to you. Josh's a good person. He was nervous at first but the rest of the day he was so comfortable and... truly himself, it felt like. I don't think he's scared that I'll judge him for being that way, and... being alone with him, spending the afternoon and evening just with him, without the crew and the other things that make him nervous... he's so genuine. He's got a heart of gold, he's so caring and so kind and gentle. He's a wonderful, super caring human being, Ty. You're missing out on a great friend", Lucas said.

Tyler sighed softly, biting his lip. He softly shook his head. "I just... I just can't... miss him. He's... he's too far away Luke, I can't do that", Tyler said softly.

That's the first time Lucas heard Tyler admit it, and he felt it in his heart. "No matter how great he is... no matter what. He's- he's too far away, and he's got a life there. I'd- I wouldn't- it's not... I can't do it", Tyler muttered. "I'm sorry Luke."

"Don't be sorry, Ty. There's nothing to apologize for", Lucas told him gently. "I know it's really hard for you. Just... just think about it okay? Allow yourself to think about it. He'd be great to have in your life. He'd be one of your most loyal friends, I'm sure of it. I won't force you to do anything, but I do want you to think about it, okay? For me, but mostly for yourself", Lucas said.

"...okay, I'll think about it", Tyler said then, biting his lip as he looked to the side. "I'll think about it", he said softly one more time.

"Hey Ty baby- oh am I interrupting?" Steve's voice sounded and Tyler looked up. "No, no I'm just FaceTiming with Lucas", Tyler smiled at his love. "Oh!" Steve said as he walked over to Tyler and now also appeared on Lucas's screen. "Hey gorgeous", Steve smiled. "Hi babe", Lucas replied, mirroring that smile.

"Ty's absolutely being an upset little baby because you're not here for Christmas", Steve said as he ran his fingers through Tyler's hair. "Shush", Tyler told Steve with a soft laugh, and his soulmates laughed as well. "I'm sorry baby, I wish I could be", Lucas said. "I just miss you when you're not close", Tyler said as he rubbed his arm with his hand, pinching the skin between his fingernails which Steve saw and he gently grabbed Tyler's hand to prevent him from continuing, lacing their fingers together instead.

"I miss you too baby. But I'll be back in seven days", Lucas said. "That's way too long", Tyler whined. Lucas chuckled. "I'm already coming back earlier for you! And I'm flying directly to Detroit. Not gonna go home first", Lucas said.

"Right", Tyler smiled. "I'm excited to come pick you up. I just really can't wait for you to get here", Tyler sighed softly.

"...we are having Christmas sex right?" Tyler then asked, which made Steve laugh. "Don't say that in front of Pumbaa!" Lucas laughed, which made them just laugh harder. "I'm sorry Pumbaa!" Tyler laughed. "But you better not ignore my question", he blushed. Steve laughed gently. "We'll take care of you. Don't worry about that", he said as he ran his fingers through Tyler's hair. "Yeah we will", Lucas smiled, and Tyler felt his cheeks heat up as he buried his face in Steve's chest.

"He's always the one boldly bringing it up and then he's also the one who gets super shy right after", Lucas chuckled and Steve hummed with a laugh. "It's cute though." "It is", Lucas agreed.

After the first time they'd been intimate with the three of them together, they agreed that it didn't have to be a one-time thing; as long as all three of them were still 100% sure about it, they would do it whenever it felt right for all three of them. If at any point either one of them would say they wouldn't wanna do it anymore, they would stop; no questions asked, and no hard feelings. The three of them respected each other way too much for that. They'd never wanna risk their friendship and tight bond for anything.

"Grandma misses you, by the way", Lucas chuckled. "She does?" Tyler smiled softly and Lucas nodded. "She asks about you all the time. Even asked why we're not back together yet", he laughed. "Well grandma, your grandson broke up with me, sooo..." Tyler joked. "Yeah I've been reminding her of that 'cause she keeps asking if you didn't see 'how great I was'", he chuckled as he made quotation marks with his hands. "Oh grandma I sure as hell did", Tyler laughed gently. "Still do", he smiled, and Lucas returned it. "Been trying to tell her that Steve is an incredible man who fits with you even better than I did and that I'm a hundred percent behind it, but she's having difficulty understanding that", he said. "Maybe you should go to LA with Luke some time so you can visit her together with him", Steve said.

"So she can see how well we're doing as best friends?" Tyler asked. "Yeah. Or just because she misses you", he said. "I mean... I'd like to see your LA family again", Tyler said. "We'll make it happen then, next time you're in LA. Do you know when that is?" Lucas asked. "Not yet. You?" Tyler asked Steve, who also shook his head. "Shouldn't be too far from now though", he said. "Soon, but we don't know any exact dates yet."

"Then we can meet up with Josh too", Lucas said happily. Tyler rolled his eyes. "We'll see", he said, a slight grin on his face. "That would be awesome though. Having a little reunion", Steve smiled. "That's what I was thinking too", Lucas smirked. "Gosh you guys are conspiring against me", Tyler whined. "Should've never introduced you two", he joked, and they laughed. "Well I'm glad you did. Honestly can't imagine my life without you or Lucas anymore", Steve said. "Me too, no joke. I already couldn't imagine life without Ty anymore but once I got to know you... I've got other friends but no one like you two both. I hope it'll be like that forever no matter what", Lucas said. "Me too", Tyler smiled. "No matter what happens. We'll be part of each other's lives. Always", he said.


Josh felt distant from Ashley and Abigail. Christmas was always one of his favorite holidays and he loved unwrapping presents with his siblings, but because he felt betrayed by Ashley and Abigail, he wasn't enjoying it as much this time. He tried to enjoy it for Jordan, who had no idea what was going on, but it was hard. He didn't feel like pretending everything was okay. And he wished he wouldn't feel betrayed by at least one person in his life all the gosh darn time.

While he and Jenna had made up, the relationship was not yet the same it used to be. He hoped that it would get better once they'd be going to Columbus together. But feeling out of place at home, and with Jonathon, and also with Jenna; he wasn't sure if this trip was gonna be the trip he was hoping it would be.

But Colin was gonna be there. Josh felt safe and secure with him. He hoped he would make it all better.

The days after Christmas, Jenna came over to stay at Josh's place. Having her around and sleeping in the same bed was making their bond tighter again. Josh wasn't sure what he'd trust her with just yet if something would happen that he would usually share with her, but besides that, he started feeling safer and more secure with her again. Ashley also came to talk to him again, for the seventh or so time, and with Jenna there he felt like it was easier to forgive her for immediately choosing Abigail's side. Yeah, Abi was the youngest, and Josh felt kind of bad for how he yelled at her, but she was old enough to know now to snoop and take things from other people. She knew better than to read things she didn't ask permission for.

Ashley understood Josh; she just knew she should've heard him out first, before taking her sister's side right away. She could've heard both sides before drawing conclusions, and she regretted not doing that. She apologized to Josh, and they hugged tightly, and slowly but surely he started feeling closer to his sister again as well.

Ashley told them she wished she could go to Columbus with them. She hadn't gone anywhere without their parents yet, like how Josh went to Columbus and Detroit on his own. Jenna had looked at Josh, who bit his lip as he looked back at her, and they checked if there were still tickets left. Unfortunately though, the show was sold out.

Ashley tweeted about it; asking if someone was selling a ticket. Jenna retweeted it, Jonathon did as well, and Josh quote-retweeted it: Does anyone have a spare ticket to Ty's NYE show in Columbus that they'd be willing to sell to my sister? Def willing to pay above face value, as long as it's affordable <3


Lucas happened to see the tweet a day after, because he knew Josh would be at the show and he was curious if Josh had said anything about it. He got up from the couch and made his way to the kitchen where Tyler and Steve were making dinner.

"Hey Ty? Did you see Josh's tweet?" Lucas asked as he walked up to the island and sat down on one of the bar stools. "No, why?" Tyler asked, chopping up some bell peppers. "He's looking for a ticket to your New Year's Eve show for his sister", he said. "Really? Show me", he told Lucas as he walked around the island, then sat down next to him and Lucas showed him the tweet.

"Anything we can do?" Lucas asked. "Of course", Tyler said as he grabbed his phone and he opened Twitter. "I'll take care of it."


Josh's eyes widened as he sat up, seeing the notification of Tyler's direct message. "Wait wait wait", he said. "Pause." Jenna grabbed the remote and she paused the movie. "What?" She asked. "It's Tyler", he said. "What?!" Ashley exclaimed together with Jenna at the same time. "What does he say?" Jonathon asked curiously.

"Wait just- give me a moment", Josh muttered as he opened it, shuffling away from his friends for a bit - but they all were extra set on giving Josh privacy after he had felt so betrayed by both Ashley and Jenna regarding his privacy, and Jonathon had heard about both of it when he asked Josh what had been wrong.

tyler: hey j. saw your tweet about your sister. I'll put her name on the guest list so she can get into the show ok?

tyler: need her full name though, bc they'll have to check IDs and whatnot.

Josh: Wait are you sure? We're more than willing to buy a ticket if we can find one!

tyler: no no, don't buy a ticket from someone. I saw the replies to your tweets. don't pay fifty or sixty bucks more than what they originally were. please, don't do that. she'll be on the guest list. there'll be a separate entrance but I'll make sure you guys can enter through that same entrance with your tickets. how many of you are coming?

Josh: That would be amazing, Ty. Thank you so so much <3 Her full name is Ashley Bonnie Dun. We'll be with 5 people now! Ashley, Jenna, Jonathon, Colin and I :))

tyler: awesome. can't wait to see all of you again. I'll make sure it's all set up properly. the guest list entrance will be right next to the regular ticket line so no different entrances on opposite sides of the venue this time ;) lmk if something's wrong. or luke. he'll probably respond quicker day-of. see you there, joshua. looking forward to seeing ur face in the crowd again.

Josh: Thank you Tyler, I will <3 I can't wait to see you again. Could really use a show rn so I'm glad it's soon <3 You made my sister really happy!

For a moment Josh thought he'd sent too many hearts, until his phone buzzed again and he couldn't help but smile widely, biting his lip to hide it as he blushed.

tyler: i'm glad. see u very soon. <3 xx

"So uh..." Josh started. Jenna, Jon and Ashley looked at him expectantly. "Sooo..?" Jenna pressed. Josh blushed, letting out a soft laugh. "Ashley's on the guest list", he said.

Ashley let out a scream, Jenna gasped loudly, then screamed as well, and Jonathon laughed gently. "You did it again", he smiled at Josh, who blushed as he playfully rolled his eyes. "Shush", he chuckled, but he reached out to Jonathon's hand to give it a gentle squeeze.

The movie was abandoned as they searched for a return plane ticket that would be on the same flight as theirs, and while it was a long shot, they miraculously found one last seat in the same class they got their tickets for. Since Ashley had never been in a plane, Jonathon offered to take the single seat so Ashley could sit with Josh and Jenna. She thanked Jon, hugged him tightly as he was 'sacrificing' his plane time for her, but he told her it was no big deal; it was about the time they'd be spending together in Columbus, not the plane flight.


Just a few days later, they were at the airport. Josh's parents were having a hard time saying goodbye to Ashley as this was the first 'solo' trip she'd go on - actually more like parent-less trip, and her first flight - and Andrew, Ashley's boyfriend, did too; but eventually they let them leave. Momma Dun had tears rolling down her cheeks, but while Ashley felt guilty for just a minute, it was overtaken by excitement once they turned around the corner and their parents were out of sight.

Ashley had to cancel her plans to spend New Year's Eve with her boyfriend, but he didn't mind; it felt like a huge opportunity that she should take, and he was supportive of it. Josh was glad that he was always so supportive of her. He felt like he really wanted the best for Ashley, and that made him happy.

They flew to Columbus, where Josh spotted Colin at the arrival hall. He excitedly ran up to him, yelling his name, and as Colin turned around and spotted Josh, the biggest smile appeared on his face. "Joshuaaa my boy!" He yelled as he wrapped his arms around Josh and he lifted him in the air - which made Josh yelp and clamp himself to his friend tightly - and Colin laughed. "Ohhh man I missed you", he said as he hugged him tightly one more time, then Josh introduced the rest to Colin.

Colin was able to borrow his parents' car for a few days, since they lived in Columbus. They had decided to stay at a hotel though, as Colin's house in Columbus didn't have enough room for that many people to stay over, but he also didn't wanna sleep at home alone without his friends, so he was staying at the hotel as well. They piled into Colin's car, and drove to their hotel where they checked in. They had been able to upgrade one of their rooms to a three-bed one, and they got the keys to their rooms.

"So who shares rooms with whom?" Colin asked. "Ashley feels comfortable with Jenna and Jon, and since I've visited you in Detroit... I thought that would be the best?" Josh asked. "I'm definitely good with that", Colin smiled. "But don't you and Jon want the two bed one?" He asked, looking at Josh, then at Jonathon.

"I- I just want Ashley to be the most comfortable", Josh said. "Yeah, me too", Jonathon smiled softly, and Josh returned it as he looked at his boyfriend. "Alright, then we're roomies for the week", Colin grinned at Josh; he was excited to spend more time with his friend again. He hadn't seen him since Josh visited Detroit, and he was just really glad to be able to be close to Josh again. He felt like they were great friends because of the facetiming and the calling, but he also felt like they'd grown closer than most people would just because of that weekend they spent in Detroit together.

Colin truly saw Josh as one of his closest friends already, and he felt really good about it. It could only get better, it felt like, and he was excited for that.

And Josh felt the same; he was so happy to be with Colin again. He had missed him, and he had felt like he'd needed him when he felt distant from everyone else. He was glad that he could finally talk to him again, and hug him again. On top of that, he felt like Colin was the only one who truly understood what happened in Detroit, even though he wasn't with him the last two days when Josh stayed at Steve's place.

"Oh man, this is gonna be the best New Year's Eve ever", Colin grinned.


Look at me making progress and not being stuck on the same day for 10 chapters!! 🥹

What did you thiiink? I'd love to hear!! I really wanna move through this story a bit quicker so we can get to what we're all waiting for easier 😌

Joshie's struggling as usual but the people in his life truly love him and are trying to do better 🥺 and he's finally with Colin again!!

Lucas and Ty and Steve are just being cuties as always. I love them so much 😭 they make me happy haha I love their bond.

Can't wait to hear your opinion. Thank you for reading ♥️

Also: I saw the super Mario bros movie and while it was super predictable, it was so much fun omg. The music, the Easter eggs??? So good. I loved it!! 😁

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