Our Lost Faith| TaeKook

By wordofTaeKook

267K 12.1K 6.2K

This story contains: - Family drama - suicidal - self harm -mental illness - violence - assault - soci... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chatper 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Something New

Chapter 52

2.7K 154 39
By wordofTaeKook

(Current timeline)

As time passes the wait of the lonely man becomes lingers. Days turn into months and months then into years. Each season changed, the second pass by but Taehyung's wait didn't seem to come to end.

Like his promise, he waited in front of the beautiful spring bloom. His eyes glazed at the falling flower petal. It was another season of the First Spring festival. He stood in the same park where he promise to see Jungkook again.

Watching the people around him, the families, the couples, and the children's laughter make his chest let out a sad sigh. A small smile lingers at the corner of his lips when a child smiles at him.

"Mister" the little girl calls out.

Taehyung squats down to her level and smiles "yes beautiful" he answers.

"For you" the holder places pink flowers in his hands and then runs away.

Taehyung didn't even out the chance to speak but ended up chuckling when the girl turns back to him and smiles.

"How much longer do I wait?" Taehyung whispered looking at the large blooming trees.

An image of his younger self appears as a young boy who held the hands of his lover, and his best friends as they lean for their first kiss underneath the pink heavens.

Taehyung suddenly felt the cold breeze of spring against his skin and shivers. Taehyung bites his bottom lips to surpass a sob, his eyes teary but he blames it on the wind and not the disappointment in his heart.

He starts taking steps towards the end of the park and comes into view of the large river bank. "You are over tasting my patients Jungkook" he spoke standing in front of the beautiful scenery.

"If you don't come back sooner I will forget about you, I'll forget everything......and I won't ever remember again" Taehyung annoying said.

Even if it was far from the truth he believed saying those lies might bring him sooner. Because he is restless, he is so tired of missing him, tired of waiting. He doesn't like these feelings anymore, he was willing to have Jungkook in front of him, and see him again. He wants to feel him again. Because he misses him so much.

He is afraid that if he waits any longer then he will not remember what the other even sounds like. What it like feel to have him again. He is afraid that time will play its cruel trick again and take him further again.

But mostly he wants to assure himself that his wait won't go to waste. That the feelings of logging aren't just him who feels it. He wants to assure himself that he isn't the only one feelings despite seeing others. That Jungkook too is counting the days to meet him again.

But as more time passes by his hopes are becoming thin, and the belief in his heart is fading. And he hates that. That is what makes him restless. He can't sleep at night because the sudden feeling of logging wakes him up. He can't go on with his days because his desire to see the other person becomes unbearable.

He doesn't want to wait to the point where all the memories of Jungkook that filled his heart start fading away. He doesn't know what he will do if he ever comes to a day where he doesn't feel anything anymore. He is scared he will be empty again. But he won't give up. He will wait. He doesn't let his promise becomes empty words. But he fears more.

"I sure if you don't come his spring then I will give up this wait" he whispered. He doesn't want this spring to go away without him again. Because he is afraid that it will be the last.

Taehyung feet take him toward the busy street of his hometown and smile at the lively neighborhood. It was a busy day for the town, the festival bringing out the best of people. Many people greet him as he passes by them. But his eyes caught the guy next to the shop playing his guitar.

Han Seojun.

Taehyung was surprised to see the boy after so long. He hadn't seen the three teenagers in so long. Guess they aren't teenagers anymore. He smiles and walks towards the boy who fixing his guitar.

Seojun was fixing the string of his guitar when two feet stood in front of him. He looks up and his eyes widen. "Hyung" he stood up and greet Taehyung.

"It has been so long. How are you?" Taehyung embraced him.

"I have been good. How are you hyung" he smiles.

"Good. Look how handsome you have become! Do you still have trouble around others or did you change?" Taehyung teases and Seojun shyly looks down.

"All people change. Nothing stays the same" there was something in Seojun's voice that Taehyung didn't quite understand.

"And where are the other two troublemakers? I am sure the three of you are still messing around" Taehyung chuckles but seeing the smile disappearing on his face makes him stop.

"Where are they? You haven't met?" Taehyung asks.

He doesn't know what has happened with the three teenagers. After that day in the hospital, everything changed, and at that moment they all left. Their life took a different path so he wasn't able to stay in contact with the three.

"Suho and Jugyeong left the country after marriage" Seojun spoke "I guess people in love often forget about their friend who is left behind. Haven't heard about them in years" he sadly smiles.

A certain sadness comes upon Taehyung hearing those words. He remember what kind of friends the three had. The unbreakable bond the three had. But it was meant to be for a while as feelings start involving friends. And it saddens him to know that Seojun's feelings weren't one to be counted.

Taehyungs didn't know what to say to the younger one. But his words bring an image of a certain male that he also once called a friend. Taehyung could only give a sad smile.

"Anyway wanna hear a song I wrote," he said and Taehyungs nods.

Seojun smiles and pulls up the chair and places the guitar on his lap. Taehyung moved back a little when others started to circle them with the sound of the guitar.

I see you again today in the street,

where is full of flowers

Can I capture you in my mind?

I take my emotions to the park

when the pale moon morning sets.

This song towards you.

I listen to the film's sound which is

moonlighted in the night sky

Taehyung breath sharpens and his hand's fist into a tight grip. The memory of him waiting at the empty park breaks inside him.

I still wonder wonder beautiful a story

Still wonder wonder the best part

Still wonder wonder the next story

I want to make you mine

The moments in that small treehouse where the two teenagers would spend all day. The four wooden corners witnessed the happiest moment, the seconds that passed with their giggles and laughter. Their love for one another. Everything becomes a constant reply in Taehyung's mind.

My heart is regretting about missing

The look of that moment and that time

Hope that moment will come back again

I will make the lighting gathering pieces

Of the moonlight so please come to me

Same look as yesterday

Taehyung eyes threaten to let out those tears of fear. The fear that his love of yesterday may not be the same as today. The happiness of yesterday may disappear today. The begs whoever was above to let him have the peace of mind that their love was still there.

I still wonder wonder beautiful story

Still wonder wonder the best part

Still wonder wonder the next story

I want to make you mine

If you leave now only make your foot

print, I'll keep that warmth,

I will keep it in the black and white.

The string of the guitar comes to rest when the words becomes to an end on Seojun's lips. His eyes opened and there was a tear in his eyes too but he was good at hiding them.

Seojun has been successful in hiding his pain for years. The pain that was given to him by an unsuccessful love story and forgetful friendships.

The people around him start cheering and clapping for Seojun as he takes his bow. Taehyung gives him a warm smile.

"Woah that was wonderful Seojun" a certain voice becomes louder among the crowd and the person's applause becomes the loudest.

Taehyung and Seojun both turn to the person who holds the biggest smile and cheeriest eyes. Seojun eyes widen seeing the familiar face.

"Kang Soo-Jin" the name rolled out of Seojun's lips and Taehyung smiles.

"You still remember me?" The beautiful lady walks up to him.

Taehyung watched the two with a warm smile. There was something about the reunion of the two that made him feel relief. He glances at the two for a moment then decided to let the two have their privacy and walked away.

"Haven't since you since high school. The top student disappeared like a ghost. You become quite the talk of the town" Seojun smiles putting away his guitar.

Soo-Jin gives him chuckles "didn't feel good staying after what I did" she sadly said. "Figured everyone must have hated me. Couldn't face another hatefulness" she again said.

Seojun glanced at her for a second and can see the honesty in her eyes. And he understand why she had to leave. Wouldn't have been the best for her to stay after the whole exposure event she pulled.

Seojun gives her a tight smile "guess love made you do stupid things. You were like obsessed with Subo. Freaky" he teases with a smirk.

"As if you weren't obsessed with Jugyeong" she hits his arm.

The two falls into laughter "hard they are married now?" She says as the smile fades away.

"Yeah married and happy," he said.

He looks at her as she was facing away from him "must have been painful to see your first love being someone else" he said out of nowhere.

She eyes him with a frown "could say the same for you? Besides, it has been a long time now. I don't think about it anymore. Not like me crying over him can make him be mine right?" She says and he understands.

The two sigh at their misfortune love. It's funny how the two people they loved ended up loving each other. The two who failed miserably between love and friends differently understood what others felt. Even if their way of dealing was different the pain was the same. Both lost love and a friend.

"It getting a little chilly...wanna grab a coffee?" Seojun asked pointing at the coffee shop across.

Soo-Jin smiles whole heartily at him. And Seojun hadn't noticed before how his once classmate transferred into a beautiful lady.

"A coffee sounds great," she said.

Seojun smiles back. He picks up his guitar case and swings it around his shoulders. He points towards the sidewalk and she leads the way.

"So how about you? Marriage? Girlfriend?" She asks walking side by side.

Soo-Jin was closer to the side of the bike line and Seojun notices a boy speeding on his bike. He held her hands and pulled her towards his side as he comes to walk by the bike line.

Soo-Jin watches confuse and looks at him but Seojun doesn't say anything and just walks ahead. But seeing the biker pass by she understood he was trying to prevent her from getting hurt.

Soo-Jin couldn't take her eyes away from him. Something against her chest was pounding loudly. It was the first time someone wanted to protect her instead of hurting her. Seojun protected her.

She smiles looking down and took a deep breath, and Seojun couldn't control himself either as a little annoying smile never left the corner of his lips.


The door to the art shop opens and the bells hang above the ring. Yeonjun looks up to see his Papa walking in. He smiles and was about to greet him but seeing how his Papa was lost in his loss makes him frown.

The art shop that was owned by Taehyung was now run by his children. He only goes here to paint. Before the three teenagers who run the place but now his children took over.

Yeonjun can easily tell why his Papa's mood was down. He even expected him to be like this. It was the same thing on this very exact day of the year. Everyday Taehyung would go wait at the same park every morning on this exact day and would come back disappointed.

Years passed yet his Papa was still wanting for him. You must have been wondering what Yeonjun feels even after all this year. Then to begin then Yeonjun hasn't forgiven his father yet. Everything that has happened and what he has seen is fresh in his mind. He can't easily forget everything. But guess he isn't angry at his father anymore. He doesn't hate him but he isn't ready to forget.

He told himself that he won't be a bother in their life. He is allowed to not forgive his father and have a grudge against Jungkook. But he understands that it shouldn't come between his parent's feelings. Because he has seen to what length his Papa is willing to go for the man he loves.

He had been years yet his Papa was still holding onto the promise made to a man who had left. He didn't understand how a person can love someone so much that they are willing to wait even if it is for a lifetime. And he is sure it isn't any different for his father. As much as he loves to point out his father he can't deny the love he has for his papa.

Taehyung comes to sit at the small table in the corner of the shop. His head was hurting and all he wanted was to be alone. He wanted to forget the aching that was inside his heart.

Soobin walks out of the back of the shop and sees Yeonjun staring at Taehyung sadly. He came to stand by his boyfriend and held him close. Yes, Soobin confessed his obvious feelings for Yeonjun. The younger couldn't say no to his best friend whom he had come to love selflessly.

Yu-na places the book on the desk and walks to her papa's side. She did say anything knowing that her Papa wouldn't want to talk. She goes by him and hugs him from behind. Taehyung wasn't surprised by the sudden hug. His daughter usually was the one to comfort him even in silence.

He leans against his daughter and shuts his eyes. He was very exhausted, and his heart felt like giving up. He sniffed trying to hold his tears in front of his children. But in the comforting arms of his daughter, he just can't hold them in.

The shop was covered in silence, the only sounds of Taehyung's sobs could be heard until the doors opens again. Yeonjun and Soobin turns towards the door and were surprised to see a kid walking in.

Yeonjun was about to go to the kid but the little cry walked towards Taehyung and trapped his legs. Taehyung looks at the girl and sees the same child from the park. But what has his heart stopping was what the girl was holding.

The girl places the small Barbie doll in his hands. Taehyung feels his words stopping when seeing the old doll or his. The doll that only Jungkook had...

Before taehyung can even speak the girl places another Patel of the cherry blooms. With shaky hands, he touches the soft Patels. If he wasn't crying then he was different now.

With no words left to say he was on his feet and running out the door. His heart felt like was gonna jump out of his chest as he runs to the only places he knows. His tears become endless.

He forgets the coldness, forgets the people around him who gave him a weird look as they see the running man with tears. Taehyung tightly held the doll in his grip and the Patel in his fist palm.

The second he reaches the park he was out of breath but he still had to reach the exact place, beneath the pink heavens. He chokes on his tears but doesn't stop. When he reaches the place under the shadow of the large blooming tree his knees give up.

He falls onto his knees, counting and coughing as he tried to catch his breath. He tries to look for him but the tear becomes a buried wall. He continues trying to get rid of his tears but they keep coming back.

His body was shaking from overwhelming feelings and his heart was pounding because he so badly wants to see him. But even after he had been there for moments he wasn't there. The person he ran to see wasn't there.

Taehyung body gives up, his eyes staring at the doll, and then screams his cries. The tears become loud. He hated these feelings so much. He can't understand why it was happening to him. Why is the faith teasing him?

He becomes frustrated and when he can't do anything he starts hitting the ground with his fisted hands. He doesn't care if the pain was unbearable with each hit. He just hated it.

But his fist doesn't hit the hard ground again but a soft palm. The hand that held Taehyung's hands becomes a Barrier between him and the ground. Taehyung whims when he felt the touch.

Taehyung glanced up and time seem to stop in places when his tearful eyes met the numb eyes of the other person. "Why do you always hurt yourself huh?" The softness in the man's voice has him weak.

"J-Jungkook" the name whisper out of Taehyung's lips.

Jungkook held a smile on his face as he brings taehyung hands closer to him. Taehyung did have words in him, he didn't even try to make a move. He wasn't sure if what he was seeing was true or was his mind playing tricks on him again. He didn't want Jungkook to disappear if he moves.

Jungkook takes Taehyungs hands and unfolds them, he can see how hard taehyung hit the ground because his hands was was burning and red. He was gonna bring it against his lips when Taehyung took his hands away from Jungkook's hands.

"Y-you are here right? I am not c-crazy- You" Taehyung can't make up words to say. He couldn't tell the difference between reality and dream anymore.

Jungkook eyes are so soft and strong emotion that scares Taehyung. Jungkook heart becomes restless and his hand's itch to touch's Taehyung, to hold him. Because he also felt those same feelings as Taehyung. The same doubts and fear in him too. He also can't believe that Taehyung was in front of him.

Jungkook again held Taehyung's hands and they both felt the spark with the touch. Jungkook brought Taehyung's hands to his face and let the man feel him. He doesn't know if words can make both of them believe that they are in front of each other.

"Sorry I took longer to come, made you wait" Jungkook calmly spoke and places a small touch of his lips against the palms of Taehyung's trembling hands.

And the next second Jungkook lost his balance but held himself up when Taehyung jumped into his arm. Jungkook felt his world spin when Taehyung embraces him. Taehyung arms around Jungkook's neck and his hands against Taehyung's waist.

And for the next minutes, the silently passing winds and the blooming flowers come to witness the reunion of the two broken lovers. Their desperate cries and thundering heart bring even the sky to cry.

The two who surround themselves in each other warmth and touches couldn't stop themselves. All the pain, the loss of their precious time, their youth everything that they have lost in hands of other misfortune they pour into each other arms.

If Taehyung was breaking into his lover's arm so was Jungkook. Nothing was holding them at the moment but the heart that desperately wanted the other. And it was okay for them to cry, okay for them not to hold back again to show their desperation for each other.

"I missed you love. I am so sorry" Jungkook kept on repeating as he held Taehyung impossibly close to himself.

"I-I wanted you so bad-" Taehyung's words kept pressing against his throat.

"Shhh, I am here now" Jungkook comforted the other and just held him closer.

With each passing second the desire to hold each other closer becomes stronger but there is a limit to this form. The slow breeze dances around the two lovers as their tears die down and body stays connected.

After long moments the two pulled away from each other. Taehyung glazes not meeting Jungkook. Jungkook tries to pull through his tears and smiles. He places his fingers under Taehyung's chin to make him meet his eyes.

"I am sorry-" Jungkook didn't get to finish his work when Taehyung punches him in the stomach.

And no it wasn't a playful one it was to make Jungkook pay for making him wait for even a second longer, for not seeing him sooner. And Jungkook falls back on his back and starts coughing in pain.

"I will consider that as an act of violence......a painful one" Jungkook grunts in pain and hold where Taehyung punched him.

"You mean asshole! Why do you make me suffer so much stupid faces bunny!" Taehyung jumps onto Jungkook and part hits him to no stop.

"Yah Yah come it hurt! You got stronger and heavier too! In a couple of years you will be in TLC my 600-pound life!" Jungkook laughs at his joke.

But oh how messed up Jungkook's joke was. Taehyung switches his palm to his fist and starts hitting h him more. "Okay okay, I am sorry it hurts now" Jungkook tried to shield himself with his hands.

But all the jokes put part when Taehyung hugs him again. Taehyung is on top of Jungkook as the other man layer on the warm grass. Jungkook hands around taehyung back and held the man closer.

"You are truly so cruel.....how can you make me wait so long? How can you make me suffer for so long when you know how much I need you? You are so mean" Taehyung sadly whispers against his embrace.

"I am cruel, I am sorry. Sorry, I am full of misfortune" Jungkook said rubbing his back.

Taehyung moves away to face the man beneath him. Jungkook eyes trailed each corner of Taehyung's face. He can't believe that someone can be this beautiful. Even though years have passed Taehyung's beauty never faded away.

"Will you go again?" Taehyung is scared but still asks.

"If I did would you have waited for me?" Jungkook asks again.

Taehyung looks down eye to eye and smiles "for you love, I wait another eternity".

Jungkook heart drops as hears those words. Those eyes that speak honestly and he felt like a weight off his chest. He was scared of coming before Taehyung again not knowing what he will see. He was scared what if his scariest thoughts would come true and Taehyung left him?

But hearing those words that only taehyung could say brings his heart to peace. His gulps because they are big words, a confession of forever. And he is scared thinking if he will ever be able to carry even a single weight of those words spoken by Taehyung.

Staring into those eyes of Taehyung that held Jungkook's galaxy, his universe. And he regrets that he never was able to gather the courage to stand next to him.

"And I will keep coming back to you" Jungkook replied.

"But will you stay longer?" Taehyung questions.

"For eternity" Jungkook answers.

Taehyung bites his lips to stop his heart from pounding so hard. He gulps as he sees honestly jn Jungkook eyes too. A small smile was present on their face again and relief in their heart.

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