Bella Hale: Peter Hale's Dau...

By AsherGaudreau

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Bella Hale is the 12 year old daughter of Peter Hale. After a devastating fire that killed almost her entire... More

CHAPTER 1: The Beginning
CHAPTER 2: 6 Years Later
CHAPTER 3: Derek's Return
CHAPTER 4: A Week of Normalcy...Not!
Chapter 5: Derek's Arrest
Chapter 6: Stilinski House
CHAPTER 7: Wolfsbane Bullet
CHAPTER 8: The Alpha
Chapter 9: The Alpha Revealed
Chapter 10: Daddy's Home
CHAPTER 11: What If I Wanted the Bite?
CHAPTER 12: Derek is Missing
Chapter 13: The Fight
CHAPTER 14: Transformative
CHAPTER 15: Rescued
CHAPTER 16: The Enemy of my Enemy is my Friend
CHAPTER 18: Panic Attack
CHAPTER 19: A New Nightmare
CHAPTER 20: Battle at the Sheriff's Station
CHAPTER 21: I Will Not Lose Her!
Chapter 22: Hales Have Records Too
CHAPTER 23: The Final Battle
CHAPTER 24: Another Enemy is Coming
CHAPTER 25: We Need to Talk
CHAPTER 26: A Debt and a Promise
CHAPTER 27: The Promise
CHAPTER 28: Unexpected Help
CHAPTER 29: First Day
CHAPTER 30: The Vault
CHAPTER 31: Deucalion
CHAPTER 32: Deucalion's Spy
CHAPTER 33: Derek's Past
CHAPTER 34: A Supernatural Secret Revealed
CHAPTER 35: A Storm is Brewing
CHAPTER 36: Shifted
CHAPTER 37: Derek Makes a Choice
CHAPTER 38: The Lunar Eclipse
CHAPTER 39: The Run
CHAPTER 40: What Am I?
CHAPTER 41: The Werecoyote
CHAPTER 42: Alpha Roar
CHAPTER 43: Barrow
CHAPTER 44: Take Control
CHAPTER 45: You Will Always be my Number One.
Chapter 46: Chess Game
CHAPTER 47: Another Enemy Defeated
CHAPTER 48: Let's Get Angry!
CHAPTER 49: A Quiet Birthday
CHAPTER 50: A Die Hard Christmas
Chapter 51: The She Wolf
CHAPTER 52: The Mute
CHAPTER 53: Clairvoyance
CHAPTER 54: The Sun, The Moon, The Truth
CHAPTER 55: 2 Million
CHAPTER 56: Unlikely Family Reunion
CHAPTER 57: Determined
Chapter 58: The Benefactor
CHAPTER 59: The Drive to Kill
CHAPTER 60: Shadows and Demons
CHAPTER 61: Showdown at La Iglesia
Chapter 63: Dr. Fenris Meets with Peter.
Chapter 64: Reunion in Lockup
CHAPTER 65: Not Easy to Convince
Chapter 66: Leaving
CHAPTER 67: The Dread Doctors
CHAPTER 68: Malia's Search
CHAPTER 69: Malia Finds the Desert Wolf
CHAPTER 70: Mother vs Daughters
CHAPTER 71: The Train Station from Hell
CHAPTER 72: Reconciled
CHAPTER 73: Peter Goes Through the Portal
CHAPTER 74: Contact
CHAPTER 76: Finding the Rift
Chapter 77: They're Back
Chapter 78: Emotional Connection
Chapter 79: The Hunt is Over
CHAPTER 80: Leaving Beacon Hills Behind
CHAPTER 81: Pack Negotiations
CHAPTER 82: The True Alpha Comes Calling
CHAPTER 83: Malia Shows Peter Her Memories
CHAPTER 84: Broken Glass
CHAPTER 85: Jackson Reunited
Chapter 86: Wolves of War
CHAPTER: 87: The Father's Flashback: Bella's Birth
CHAPTER 88: A Father's Flashback: The First Year
CHAPTER 89: A Father's Flashback: Calm Before The Storm
CHAPTER 90: Scared
CHAPTER 91: The Truth
CHAPTER 92: Scorched Earth
CHAPTER 94: Looking Over the Edge
CHAPTER 95: Golden
CHAPTER 96: Illuminate
CHAPTER 97: A Chat Among Cousins
CHAPTER 98: Revelation
CHAPTER 99: A Choice
CHAPTER 100: The End

CHAPTER 75: Peter Tries to Help Malia

255 7 0
By AsherGaudreau

In the real world, Malia goes to the hospital to see Peter. She walks up to the front desk and asks Melissa McCall and she pulls out Peter's file.

"He has third degree burns over 90% of his body. I should be telling you to say your goodbyes." Melissa tells her

"It's Peter. I don't need to say goodbye. I need you to fix him so we can find out what he knows about the wild hunt." Malia said

"Remember who we're dealing with. Your father is a ruthless con man who always had a devious plan to hurt everyone around him. What happens when he gets up out of that bed? You got a plan of your own?"

"I have a plan. I don't know if it's devious."

"At least it's a plan." Melissa said as she motioned Malia to follow her.

They walk down the hallway into a room where Peter is laying in. They stand before the curtain where Peter is on the other side.

"I can't promise you this will work." Melissa said

"You said he was dying anyway. What does he have to lose?" Malia asked

"I can hear you." said the voice of Peter on the other side of the curtain "I'm not dead yet."

Melissa and Malia walk in and stand beside Peter

"Your daughter asked me to treat you." Melissa said

Peter peers over towards Malia. "Oh, it's you."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Malia asked Peter

"It wasn't you I was hoping to see."

"And who else were you expecting? You don't have anyone else" Malia said angrily

Peter rolled his eyes, "Of course you don't remember her."


"Bella. You sister."

Malia then pauses as she had flashbacks of moments where she was with a young girl. Bella. Her sister.

"Oh my god, I have a sister." Malia realizes.

"Right now, she's stuck in the Wild Hunt with Stiles. I need to get her out!"

"Calm down, Peter." Melissa said "Malia told me to treat you."

"In exchange for what?" Peter asked

"Told you you needed a plan." Melissa said to Malia

"She helps you, you help me." Malia told Peter

"That's a bit open ended. What if I don't agree to your conditions?" Peter asked

"I leave you for dead." Melissa said to Peter

"So, what exactly do you know about our kind of medicine?" Peter asks and Melissa pulls out a huge needle.

"I know about the nine herbs." Melissa said as she jammed the needle into Peter's chest and inserted the herbs. Peter starts groaning in pain and shaking. Green foam was coming out of his mouth as Melissa and Malia watched.

"You think it's working?" Malia asked

"Should be. Looks painful enough."

After a few minutes, Peter was completely healed and Melissa gave him clean clothes to put on. Malia and Meliossa helped him out of the room and they walked to the elevator.

"You know, we never did have that second date." Peter said to Melissa.

Melissa pushed his arm off from around her and he went falling to the ground.

Later, Malia and Peter are in her car and Peter is telling her where to go.

""Take the next left, cut over to the highway." Peter tells her "And then don't stop."

"We have a deal." Malia said "I'm not leaving without Stiles."

Peter shook his head "You're so very loyal, Malia. And that is an overrated quality."

Malia kept driving until she reached the sign stating 'Beacon Hills Preserve: No Entry After Dark.'

Malia and Peter get out of the car and Malia walks on ahead.

"You know, I was in pretty bad shape when you found me." Peter said "I don't really have a clear picture of where I was."

Malia turned back to look at Peter "I marked the territory."

Peter made a face of disgust

"Visually." Malia corrected "I marked it visually. But we didn't see where you came out. "

Peter follows behind Malia "It's a supernatural rift, Malia, it's not the Golden Gate Bridge. I doubt we can even see it, let alone get through. No matter how much I want to just to get your sister but this is a horrible waste of time."

"You promised me." said Malia "On your deathbed."

"I just saw a kid get burned alive trying to escape the Hunt. You try and save Stiles, he's gonna die the same way. Humans can't get through. Bella? A whole nother story. She'll most likely heal the same way I did."

"Then we'll find him another way to get out. But first we have to get in." Malia said "I'm sure Bella would appreciate a less painful way to get out."

"I know she would. You have no self-preservation instincts." Peter said, stopping in his tracks before saying "How are you my daughter?" quietly to himself. He then continued to follow behind Malia.

The two of them continued to walk for some time.

"I think you need to admit that you have an unhealthy attachment to Stiles." Peter said "You got to let him go."

Malia growls

"Would you please try to behave like a human?" Peter tells her

"I need Stiles for that." Malia said

"Why?" Peter asked "Is he your human crutch?"

"He's my anchor." Malia revealed

"I'll get you a new anchor." Peter tells her "He's not coming back. He was hunted. He got caught. As for your sister, it's easier for her to get out free. She's supernatural. She will heal."

Malia turned to face Peter "You don't believe that. You risked your life to bring us his keys."

"I risked my life to escape the Hunt. Not to reunite sentimental teenagers. I'm only helping just to get Bella out!"

Malia continued walking ahead "You wanted us to know about Stiles. And Canaan. You were warning us."

Malia then stopped at a place in the woods and turned to Peter  "This is where we found you."

Peter then looks around "Like I said, there's nothing here."

"You're not even looking."

"You can't just poke around and expect to find a supernatural train station." Peter said

Then the noises of horses off in the distance were heard and Peter turned around to the direction it was coming from. His face was now filled with worry.

"Do you hear that?" Peter asked

The sounds get closer

"It's them?" Malia asked

"Yeah." said Peter "And judging by the sound, we don't have a lot of time."

"For what?"

"For you to run." Peter tells her

"You're leaving me?"

"I'm saving you." Peter turns to look at Malia "You know I'd do the same for your sister."

"But if we can hear them, it must be close." Malia argued

'There'll be another chance." Peter tells her as he moved closer towards Malia and looked into her eyes. "Go now. Malia, run! Go!"

Malia then runs away as Peter turns to face the Wild Hunt once more. Peter shifted as the Hunt came closer. He lets his claws out and roared at the Hunt when one of them pulls out their gun and aims it at Peter. But suddenly, the Hunt turned away, leaving Peter confused as he watched the Hunt ride off.

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