Bella Hale: Peter Hale's Dau...

By AsherGaudreau

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Bella Hale is the 12 year old daughter of Peter Hale. After a devastating fire that killed almost her entire... More

CHAPTER 1: The Beginning
CHAPTER 2: 6 Years Later
CHAPTER 3: Derek's Return
CHAPTER 4: A Week of Normalcy...Not!
Chapter 5: Derek's Arrest
Chapter 6: Stilinski House
CHAPTER 7: Wolfsbane Bullet
CHAPTER 8: The Alpha
Chapter 9: The Alpha Revealed
Chapter 10: Daddy's Home
CHAPTER 11: What If I Wanted the Bite?
CHAPTER 12: Derek is Missing
Chapter 13: The Fight
CHAPTER 14: Transformative
CHAPTER 15: Rescued
CHAPTER 16: The Enemy of my Enemy is my Friend
CHAPTER 18: Panic Attack
CHAPTER 19: A New Nightmare
CHAPTER 20: Battle at the Sheriff's Station
CHAPTER 21: I Will Not Lose Her!
Chapter 22: Hales Have Records Too
CHAPTER 23: The Final Battle
CHAPTER 24: Another Enemy is Coming
CHAPTER 25: We Need to Talk
CHAPTER 26: A Debt and a Promise
CHAPTER 27: The Promise
CHAPTER 28: Unexpected Help
CHAPTER 29: First Day
CHAPTER 30: The Vault
CHAPTER 31: Deucalion
CHAPTER 32: Deucalion's Spy
CHAPTER 33: Derek's Past
CHAPTER 34: A Supernatural Secret Revealed
CHAPTER 36: Shifted
CHAPTER 37: Derek Makes a Choice
CHAPTER 38: The Lunar Eclipse
CHAPTER 39: The Run
CHAPTER 40: What Am I?
CHAPTER 41: The Werecoyote
CHAPTER 42: Alpha Roar
CHAPTER 43: Barrow
CHAPTER 44: Take Control
CHAPTER 45: You Will Always be my Number One.
Chapter 46: Chess Game
CHAPTER 47: Another Enemy Defeated
CHAPTER 48: Let's Get Angry!
CHAPTER 49: A Quiet Birthday
CHAPTER 50: A Die Hard Christmas
Chapter 51: The She Wolf
CHAPTER 52: The Mute
CHAPTER 53: Clairvoyance
CHAPTER 54: The Sun, The Moon, The Truth
CHAPTER 55: 2 Million
CHAPTER 56: Unlikely Family Reunion
CHAPTER 57: Determined
Chapter 58: The Benefactor
CHAPTER 59: The Drive to Kill
CHAPTER 60: Shadows and Demons
CHAPTER 61: Showdown at La Iglesia
Chapter 63: Dr. Fenris Meets with Peter.
Chapter 64: Reunion in Lockup
CHAPTER 65: Not Easy to Convince
Chapter 66: Leaving
CHAPTER 67: The Dread Doctors
CHAPTER 68: Malia's Search
CHAPTER 69: Malia Finds the Desert Wolf
CHAPTER 70: Mother vs Daughters
CHAPTER 71: The Train Station from Hell
CHAPTER 72: Reconciled
CHAPTER 73: Peter Goes Through the Portal
CHAPTER 74: Contact
CHAPTER 75: Peter Tries to Help Malia
CHAPTER 76: Finding the Rift
Chapter 77: They're Back
Chapter 78: Emotional Connection
Chapter 79: The Hunt is Over
CHAPTER 80: Leaving Beacon Hills Behind
CHAPTER 81: Pack Negotiations
CHAPTER 82: The True Alpha Comes Calling
CHAPTER 83: Malia Shows Peter Her Memories
CHAPTER 84: Broken Glass
CHAPTER 85: Jackson Reunited
Chapter 86: Wolves of War
CHAPTER: 87: The Father's Flashback: Bella's Birth
CHAPTER 88: A Father's Flashback: The First Year
CHAPTER 89: A Father's Flashback: Calm Before The Storm
CHAPTER 90: Scared
CHAPTER 91: The Truth
CHAPTER 92: Scorched Earth
CHAPTER 94: Looking Over the Edge
CHAPTER 95: Golden
CHAPTER 96: Illuminate
CHAPTER 97: A Chat Among Cousins
CHAPTER 98: Revelation
CHAPTER 99: A Choice
CHAPTER 100: The End

CHAPTER 35: A Storm is Brewing

850 12 0
By AsherGaudreau

Bella was struggling to stay asleep. As her wolf abilities were slowly coming to light, it meant her wounds were healing slowly. She laid there with her eyes closed, not yet succumbing to slumber.

Bella could hear Peter, Cora and Derek conversing downstairs.

"How is this even possible?" Derek asked, "She was born without any abilities."

"I don't know." said Peter "Deucalion didn't give her the bite, we know that much. This is something else entirely."

"Did she say anything that could help us?" Cora asked

"Not really. She wasn't making any sense. She did, however, mention Talia. Why Bella would mention my sister's name is unknown. We should know more when she wakes up."

It's past midnight and the loft is quiet, everyone downstairs. Until Bella starts screaming off the top of her lungs. Peter bolts from downstairs to Bella's room, shaking her awake. She was shifting while having a nightmare

"Bells, what is it, what's wrong?" Peter asks out worriedly. When Bella looks up, her eyes glow a blueish color before going back and her features start flashing back and forth.

"It's alright honey, it's just the change coming into effect, that's all. Everything is fine, you're going to be fine." Peter tells her, taking her into his arms and hugging tightly.

"Why is this happening?" Bella cries out, just as the others finally come running into the room.

Peter holds a hand up to stop them, "It's fine, she's alright. She's had another nightmare. Shifted in her sleep. It startled her." Peter tells them

Everyone breaths out a sigh of relief as they slowly walk out

"Bella, you should have been shifting a long time ago, which means that your wolf has been suppressing it all this time and it's having a hard time sticking." Peter says to Bella, gently rubbing her back.

Bella was terrified. She didn't understand what was happening to her and she had a million questions running through her head.

"There's something I need to know." Peter says, pulling them apart "What exactly did Deucalion do to you, little one?"

Bella started to shake as she started to remember what exactly happened. "You...Do you remember when you told me that Alphas had a gift of looking into other's memories?"

Peter nods

"Deucalion...he showed me something." Bella paused for a moment before speaking again "He dug his claws into the back of my neck and he showed me one of his memories. Something that happened when I was born."

"What did he show you?" Peter asked, getting angry

Bella looked up to meet Peter's eyes, dreading what she would have to say "He showed me aunt Talia. He showed me a conversation the two of them had the last time all the Alphas got together here in Beacon Hills."

Bella looked down, dreading what she had to say next "Dad, Talia is the one that suppressed my wolf abilities."

Peter's eyes widened as he shook his head. "No, no she wouldn't do that."

"But she did! She knew that I was like you! Talia literally said that I am half wolf, half coyote. She told Deucalion that I shouldn't have to bear such power!"

"I don't..."

"She had two choices. One was to suppress the wolf in me."

"And the other?" Peter asked, anxious to know.

Bella looked away, tears streaming down her face. Peter took a hand and turned her face back at him "What was the other choice?"

Bella had fear in her eyes. "The other choice was that she would have to....kill me."

Petrer gasped in anger. 'I can't believe that my own sister ...."

"What else do you want me to say?" Bella said "Would you rather I'd lie about what happened?!!"

"No! Of course not! I just..." Peter just stood there speechless, unable to unravel his thoughts. His own sister. His own flesh and blood. How dare Talia. How dare she do something to his own child! As a baby, no less! Talia would never harm a member of her own family. Why would she do this to her own niece?

"Dad." Bella said, snapping Peter out of his dark thoughts "You didn't know, did you?"

Peter shook his head as Bella tilted her head in question as he stared at her. "Of course I didn't. How could I have known? I thought you were born human this whole time!"

"Apparently I'm not." Bella groans as she clutches her stomach. She was still in a lot of pain. Peter took Bella's hand to take some of her pain away. "What's gonna happen to me?"

Peter looked at his daughter with concern in his eyes "For a little while, you'll have to get used to shifting back and forth. Learn how to take control of your abilities. The next full moon is coming up, which means we have four days to prepare."

"I have to completely shift?" Bella asked scaredly

"Listen to me closely." Peter tells Bella, cupping her face with one hand "I'll be there to help you.  I promise after your first full moon, it will be alright after that. Once you shift and start running, everything will come natural to you and you won't even think about it."

Bella smiles at him "I just don't want anything to happen to me."

"Listen to me, kiddo. From the very moment I held you in my arms, I knew that I wanted to protect you and keep you as safe as I could. I have always wanted to protect you and try to be the best father I can be. I know the last six years, things got messed up along the way but I want to try and fix that. I've told you that I didn't care if you were human or wolf. Things are going to be different now but you are still my daughter and I will always be there for you."

Bella sat there speechless with hope filled eyes. Tears flooded her eyes as she wrapped her arms around Peter lightly, ignoring the pain that she was in. Peter stiffen for a moment before hugging her back. The two sat like that for a while until Bella forced herself to pull back as she was still in pain. Peter just kept holding her hand for a while, trying to ease her pain until she fell back to sleep.

For the next few days, Derek was working with Scott and his friends to find out more about the sacrifices. It was discovered that a Darach was involved. Darach were emissaries. According to , Darach means "Dark Oak". This information is presented in opposition to the word  which Deaton says means "Wise Oak". While everyone is working to find the Darach, Peter stayerd by Bella's side caring for her.

Over the course of days, Bella's healing slowed down indefinitely.Her wounds were still opened and were getting infected which was making Bella sick. Peter knew that something was seriously wrong. He had no choice but to take Bella to the hospital. But how was he going to explain her wounds?

But there was something else happening tonight. The lunar eclipse was to make an appearance in the sky.

Peter rushed the ill Bella to the hospital. He had to explain that she was attacked by an animal but their family wanted a private doctor to see her at the time, which meant no hospital records.

Bella woke up with a gasp as Peter dabbed a colt cloth across her forehead.

"Easy, kiddo." Peter said

"Where am I?" Bella asked

"Hospital. Your wounds got infected." Peter explained

"Infected? I thought I was healing?" Bella asked weakly

"Sweetheart, you stopped healing a while ago. I don't know why but I knew you needed antibiotics so I brought you here."

During that whole day that Bella was resting, so much had happened. The teacher that Derek had saved, Ms. Blake, from Boyd and Cora a while back turned out to be the Druid that everyone was looking for, the one responsible for the murders. She took Sheriff Stilinski and was holding him somewhere.

Cora was now hospitalized due to a head wound that she wasn't healing from. Peter couldn't go back and forth to keep an eye on both girls so he stayed by his daughter's side.

And now, a storm was brewing on the horizon. The hospital was being forced to evacuate. While waiting to be evacuated, Bella was getting sicker.

Peter kept dabbing a cold cloth across her forehead. Bella was drenched in sweat, unconscious, and had a high fever. Peter was worried and was growing impatient.

"Hey, anyone want to tell me when they're getting my daughter out of here?" Peter yelled out to the hallway before turning back around to his daughter.

"Sorry, but..." someone said. Peter turned around and recognized the nurse instantly, Melissa McCall

"You're supposed to be dead." she says

"I get that a lot actually." Peter told her

Bella then rose up from the bed and began to throw up off the side of the bed. Peter rushed back to her side and pulled Bella's hair back for her.

"It's alright" He tells her and Melissa moves over to help as Bella lays back down.

When Melissa asked what happened, Peter explained it all, knowing that Melissa knows about Scott and their kind.

Derek then called Peter and told him to check on Cora. Cora was vomiting up black blood filled with mistletoe, she was in and out of consciousness. Cora's life was now in Jennifer Blake's hands.

Peter had the sense that someone didn't belong in the hospital and went out to investigate, leaving Bella alone.

Meanwhile, Scott, Stiles, Derek and Ms. Black arrived at the hospital for Cora.

"Scott! What are you doing here?" Melissa asked "Why does Stiles have my bat?"

"We're here for Cora." Scott told her.

"All of you?"

"Mom, you need to trust me on this. You need to get out of here." Scott stated

"The building is supposed to be clear in 30 minutes. I've got two ambulances that are coming back. One's ten minutes out, the other's twenty. Core and Bella need to be on one of those. They'll be picking up in the basement garage." Melissa informed them

Everyone ran to the elevator and rode it upstairs. The elevator stopped and they ran to Cora's room. Everyone stopped as they followed the trail of black blood.

"Derek." Scott called, getting Derek's attention as the sounds of fighting filled their ears.

Everyone's eyes widened when the doors in front of them fling open and Peter slides down the hallway on his back towards them.

"We got a problem. Big problem." Peter said as Ethan and Aiden joined together as one roared at them from down the hall.

Back in Bella's room, she was twitching. Her EKG was beeping erratically. The wounds on her stomach were closing. The scar on her face and the burns on her hand were fading away. Her eyes then  flung open and her eyes glowed a bright steel blue

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