What's One More

By dailyJinspiration

357K 16.9K 1.2K

You are Yoongi's hybrid starting a new life. Fate keeps putting hybrids in your path that need your love and... More

Home Sweet Home
Peanut Butter Smoothies
Safe Place
My Alpha
Are we a pack?
I want what you two have
Mine, All Mine
New Neighbors
Stable Fixture
Art Afternoon
Living Room Forts
That's What You Meant...
Wet Kitties
I've seen enough tongue
Mountain of Blankets
Make-up Coffee
Street Dancer
Unsteady Beginnings
Red Cargos, Black Combat
Building Storm
Checking In
Breaking Point
Under the Overpass
Making Up for lost Time
Night Market
His New Home
*Bonus Chapter*
Check Up
Car Ride Discussions
Lotus Dojo
Twirling and Dipping
Just Creating
Scenting, Flirting, & Mating?
Teach Me, Alpha
Big Glass of Milk
Change of Plans
Perfect Moments
Koi Pond Confessions
*Bonus Chapter*
Guard Dogs
A Day or Two Tops
Heating Up
Play Nice?
Heat Drunk
I've Been Waiting
Jimin's Game
Good News, Bad News
The Past Comes Back
Pure Fury
Taking a Step Back
My Fault?
*Bonus Chapter*
Sledding and Snowball Fights
First Christmas Together
Committed To You
*Celebrating Tae - Not Story Post*
I'm Excited Now
Mama's Genes
New Story Updates

Movie Night

5.9K 298 8
By dailyJinspiration

Yoongi was in the zone, in the grips of flow. The song was just fitting together so nicely, ideas were flowing, he had no idea what time it was, the last time he had eaten or even looked at his phone. Why couldn't every day be just like this?

He jumps about a foot in the air when his door slams open, bouncing off the opposite wall. Jimin stands in the doorway, shoulders squared as if ready for a fight, his cheeks puffed out, his eyes little crescents as he glares. Damn, he was cute...

"What the fuck, Jimin?" He yanks back his headphones in alarm.

"Yah!" Jimin marches up, grabs the arm of his chair and turns it so they're face to face. Jimin towered over him, hands on his hips.

"What?" Yoongi is slightly annoyed, this little hellion was interrupting one of the best streaks he had ever been on, what could possibly be that important?

"How come you're not answering your phone?" Jimin's glare fades into a pout and he crosses his arms. Yoongi looks around for his phone, to avoid looking at the man in front of him. Good thing Jimin isn't a hybrid and couldn't tell how fast his heart is now beating.

"I don't know where it is, plus I'm working."

"It literally takes 5 seconds to reply."

"Once again, I don't know where it is, I'm working, and it will definitely take more than 5 seconds to respond!" He looks back up at the man in front of him. He's wearing tight black jeans with holes in the knees and a flowy gray t shirt. Damn, he looks so good. Yoongi clears his throat to clear his thoughts.

Jimin smirks, placing one hand on either arm chair and leans in. Yoongi looks from the veins in Jimin's arms to the skin he can now see of his chest as the pendant on his necklace swings to his smug face, as he bites his bottom lip.

"All I want to know is if we are still doing movie night tonight? I need to know if I need to go and get snacks." His tongue flicks out to slowly wet his bottom lip. "Yoongi?"

Yoongi jerks, realizing that he has been staring, "Yeah, yes! Yes, movie night is still on." Jimin lets go of his chair and Yoongi swings it back to the desk, pretending to get back to work.

"That wasn't so hard, was it? I'm going to take your kitty with me. I'll see you later Suga!" Jimin waves and giggles as he leaves, closing the door behind him.

Yoongi pushes from his desk, slumping in his chair and pressing the palms of his hands to his eyes. "Holy shit!" He mutters, taking deep breaths. He wasn't going to be able to focus the rest of the day now! Damn it Jimin!

You watch as Jimin skips down the steps. He looks really pleased with himself. He spots you and makes a beeline for you.

"Just the girl I was looking for!" He stops in front of you and takes your hand, swinging it, "Want to come to the store and get some stuff for movie night?" Jimin pulls out his mochi smile, the one that makes his eyes almost completely disappear, the one that melts your heart every time.

"Yes, I'd love to!" Are you blushing? It kind of felt like you were blushing

"Great, get your shoes and let's go."

Jimin takes your hand as you walk to his car. That's one thing you have learned about Jimin and Taehyung, they love physical affection. They sit close, love to touch, cuddle, have someone in their laps or be in someone's lap (usually Namjoon), they love holding hands or linking arms, all of it. Taehyung even has a hard time sleeping if he's not holding someone.

Namjoon seems to take it in stride better than you, but you are definitely better than Yoongi who doesn't display affection super well, you have to kind of coax it out of him.

Even as you walk through the store, Jimin has a basket in one hand and your hand in the other. You take the items off the shelf and put them in the basket for him. Not efficient, but kind of cute. When you're out with Jimin, he has this positive, confident vibe that makes you want to purr and curl into him, which you honestly can't help doing a couple of times. But he's a little too cocky for his own good and smirks every time you do it.

As you're waiting in the checkout line, Jimin wraps his arm around your waist and kisses your cheek, pulling you close to him. You purr and he giggles.

You notice the customers in front of you and stiffen in his hold. He follows your gaze and his arm tightens around you. The couple in front of you is like a twisted mirror. A human man is kissing the cheek of his cat hybrid. She is more like a house cat than an exotic breed. She has a collar on and a leash is attached, the end wraps around the man's hands.

The hybrid has cosmetic alterations. Her cheeks are pumped full of fillers to make her face more angular and feline. She has contacts that make her eyes look like cat slits instead of normal pupils. When she smiles you can see her canines have been shaved down so they are pointed and where her fingernails should be are claw implants.

You feel disgusted and find it hard to breath. You wonder what this poor hybrid's life has been like, being forced into alterations that make her look more animal than human, being dragged around in public by a collar. Maybe she likes it, maybe she asked for them, but you highly doubt it. The cashier hands the man their receipt and they walk out of the store.

"Y/N, love?" Jimin's soft voice brings you violently back into the present and out of your thoughts. You turn around in his hold, staring at him with glassy eyes. He strokes your check and kisses your forehead.

"Let's get home to our boys huh?" He says with a sweet smile and you nod. Jimin talks pleasantly with the cashier as she rings up your groceries but you don't participate. Instead you wrap your arms around him from behind and press an ear to his back. The sound of his steady heartbeat settles yours and you breathe a sigh of relief. Jimin always smells fresh and clean, like a summer rainstorm. It is powerful and calming.

Those kinds of things shouldn't upset you, they happen all the time, but what's scary is that in a different life you would have been her. If someone else had adopted you instead of Yoongi, your life would have been a living hell. Though he didn't intend to, Yoongi had literally saved your life. 

When you get home, laden with way more snacks than you actually need, Yoongi is in the kitchen cooking and Taehyung and Namjoon are watching him nervously. It makes you think that they were probably recently kicked out.

With a snort, you deposit the bags on the counter and step in to help Yoongi, leaving the others to unpack the groceries.

"I'm so glad you're back," He mumbles into your lips when you kiss him.

"It can't have been that bad!" You laugh. Yoongi, Taehyung, and Namjoon all look at you, making you reconsider.

"I broke a plate and melted a spatula..." Namjoon admits.

"I mixed up the sugar and the salt, and burned the first round of garlic." Taehyung is pushing his lips together as if trying not to laugh.

"And I burned the second round," Namjoon says rubbing the back of his neck and grinning sheepishly.

Yoongi looks up, shaking his head in exasperation, "They are officially banned from the kitchen, forever and I mean for-ev-er!" He draws out the word to emphasize his point as Jimin cackles in the background.

After dinner you snuggle into Namjoon, fed, warm and ready to start the movie. You and Namjoon are lying curled up on the loveseat. Yoongi, Jimin, and Taehyung are on the bigger couch.

Less than 15 minutes into the movie, Jimin is nestled into Yoongi's shoulder with a content smile, Taehyung's head in his lap. Taeyhung purrs as Jimin scratches behind his ears.

Yoongi looks flustered, but tries to play it off. It makes you want to coo. Namjoon's fingers find their way to your ears and he begins to scratch at the base. A gentle, blissful feeling floods your body and you purr loudly.

"I'm going to have to turn the volume up, I can't hear anything over the purring!" Yoongi jokes and Jimin laughs, snuggling deeper into him. Yoongi licks his bottom lip, but that's the only reaction he gives. You look away from him with a smug smile and find that Taehyung's gaze is laser focused on you. You wrinkle your brow in confusion.

Then he's up like a shot, making a beeline for the loveseat. He jumps on top of you two, trying to force his way in between you and Namjoon.

"I want to snuggle!" Tae whines, Namjoon laughing as the two of you push and shove in your struggle to both stay on the loveseat.

"It's only big enough for two, you dummy!" You growl through gritted teeth. Taehyung shrugs.

"If you say so!" Then puts a hand on either one of your shoulders and gives one final push. You topple off the couch and onto the floor. Jimin and Yoongi snort, but pretend to be clearing their throats when you glare at them. Taehyung has wrapped himself around Namjoon like a koala, determined not to leave.

"Aish!" You grumble, getting to your feet. With your ears flat to your head in embarrassment, you take Taehyung's spot on the bigger couch. Stubbornly, more boldly than you actually feel, you maneuver your head into Jimin's lap, snuggling in with a pout.

Jimin hums and winds his fingers into your hair to find the base of your ears. His fingers lightly explore your scalp. You sigh and purr at the same time.

"So damn cute." Yoongi mumbles and you wonder what he thinks is cuter, Jimin cuddling into him or you cuddling into Jimin or Namjoon nuzzling a purring Taehyung. There are so many options here. 

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