Our Lost Faith| TaeKook

By wordofTaeKook

267K 12.1K 6.2K

This story contains: - Family drama - suicidal - self harm -mental illness - violence - assault - soci... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chatper 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Something New

Chapter 9

5.4K 282 146
By wordofTaeKook

(past timeline)

"Minnie I am gonna die!" the 17-year-old boy shouts trashing his room over and over. Jimin, who sat on his friend's bed with his legs crossed, sighs big time. He pulls over his sleeved shirt and jumps out of the bed.

Jimin stands watching Taehyung who looks like he was going insane with his shoes on top of his head. Jimin walks over and grabs the shoe before smacking his friend on the head. Taehyung lets out a painful whine "that hurts!" he shouts, rubbing the place he got head.

"And my head hurts from you whining like a bitch" Jimin shouts himself moving away from Taehyung to his small closet.

Taehyung stands pouting watching Jimin who was creating even a bigger mess of his room than it was already. It was the night of Jungkook's parents' anniversary in which he was not only invited but also going as a date for hoseok who just happened to be on his way to come to get Taehyung.

Taehyung for hours was going through his clothes trying to find the perfect clothes for the night with which Jimin was helping him. But even after hours here Taehyung was whining about not finding anything good to wear.

"How about this?" Jimin pulled out a striped shirt with high jeans but Taehyung immediately shook his head no "I am not going to a disco!" taehyungs says with horror. Jimin looks at the clothes and nods.

"This looks nice" Jimin shoulds another neck high shirt with sleeves with colorfully pants. Taehyung wants to cry at the unpresentable clothing he owns.

Another and other clothes Jimin brings out but Taehyung wasn't happy with it, even so, the clothing was coming to an end. When finally Jimin had a great idea. Taehyung watches Jimin who now runs around the room grab random clothes from the floor and throws them at him.

"Here this is perfect," Jimin said but Taehyung frowns seeing the outfit, and was about to complain but before he could speak he saw Jimin glaring eyes on him.

"I'll try," he said, making his way to the restroom. Jimin finds Taehyung's makeup bag which he hides from others and brings it out. He lays out all the products he wants and sets them on the table.

Jimin was so excited when Jimin told him that Hoseok wanted him to be his date. For him, he wanted to be an opportunity for his friend to move on from Jungkook. There have been countless times when someone asked Taehyung out but he always refused them but knowing he said yes to go with Hoseok he was out on his feet.

He has known Hoseok for two years through Yoongi and he is a great guy. A happy personality, never the shy type with a great fashion sense. He knows Hoseok likes Taehyung from the day he laid his eyes on him and was yelling on his face to have a moment with him. So it would be a perfect time for both of them to get to know each other. He only hopes that his idiot friend doesn't go crazy on Jungkook.

Speaking of hoseok the man was overflowing with excitement and happiness as he stood in front of the mirror checking himself out. He had a simple purple suit on with his hair pulled back. He wasn't overdressed but wasn't any less than a show stopper.

The thought of being able to spend time with Taehyung and knowing him closer sent a wave of joy in him. He knows he shouldn't have his hopes up but knowing that someone so beautiful like Taehyung is out there he can't lose his chance. Might think it might just be an attraction but whatever it is he knows he wants more of it.

He glances at the small bouquet of colorful flowers laying on top of his dresser. It was his first time out with Taehyung so he didn't want to go empty-handed so he got him flowers. He didn't know what Taehyung's favorite flowers were so he chose all the purple ones he could find because that was what he liked.

He checks himself one more time before picking up the flower and heading towards his car. His smile never as he gets into his car and turns on a smooth jazz fitting for the starry night that was. As the car hits the road his mind is fitted with the beautiful smile that was adoring Taehyung's gentle face when he agreed to come with him.

"Ashi I need to stop embarrassing myself" he scolded himself. In half an hour he arrives at Taehyung's house and parks his car in front. He looks around for any signs of Yoongi. Jimin told him that he had extra practice so the coast was clear to take Taehyung.

It's not like he can't tell Yoongi but he can't just go up to his best friend and say "I am interested in your younger brother and date him" Yoongi probably forgot that he was a friend and has his head. But he did let Ms. Kim know that he was gonna take her son out which was fine by her saying "he can't stay a house rat all the time".

Hoseok stands outside the Kim house and rings the bell near the frame. He gets himself ready when the door opens revealing Jimin who had a bright smile on his face. "Someone looks goodnight" Jimin whistled teasingly leaning onto the door frame.

Hoseok rolled his eyes at the smaller boy "is he ready?" He asked not to wait longer to see Taehyung.

"Hi to you Hyung, oh what that you ask how I am? Oh, I am great, no worries. Yes, we haven't seen each other in weeks so I am glad to see you too" Jimin with his sassy attitude says eyes sly looking at hoseok.

Hoseok stands shaking his head in defeat knowing that even if Jimin was younger than him he always finds a way to get into his head with no respect. But all seem to stop when his eyes meet the one he waited so long to see. There stood Taehyung by the staircase, his face glowing with fresh makeup, dressed so softly into that gorgeous shade of pink which highlighted his gentle features. A shy smile painted on his plump lips.

Taehyung takes slow steps towards them and stands in front of Hoseok who had a hard time taking the eyes of the man who defines what beauty meant. "Hi," Taehyung whispered to which Hoseok would only smile.

Jimin standing on the side with little eyes watching the two. His heart wanted to bust out with fancying seeing how cute the two looked. But even with minutes passing the two didn't say anything but to stare at each other which was now becoming annoying to Jimin.

"I understand that you two want to stay and have a staring contest but the time doesn't wait for you. So it is better if you get going before the party ends" Jimin brings them back from their running thoughts.

"Yah we should get going," Hoseok said, clearing his chest while Taehyung looked away with blush covering his face.

But the two still weren't leaving and soon Yoongi was home so Jimin had no choice but to push Taehyung onto hoseok who caught him a sap with his arms placed on his waist "are you alright?" Hoseok was worried for the younger ones.

"Yes, I am thank you" Taehyung glares at Jimin who has an innocent smile. "While you won't be alright for longer if you don't go. So kindly please get out" with that being said he pushes them both out and closes the door behind.

"This idiot" Taehyung wanted to beat Jimin's ass right now for embarrassing him but he couldn't. He looks up at Hoseok who seems to have a hard time saying anything. "You can let go Hyung," He said to which Hoseok did and apologized.

Taehyung eyes the small bouquet in Hoseok's hands and smiles "are those for me?" he asked. Hoseok smiles again and hands them towards Taehyung who gladly takes those beautiful flowers. "Yes," Hoseok only says. Taehyung thanks him and keeps the flower closer to him.

"Shall we go?" Hoseok said and Taehyung agreed. They were in the car again with the soft jazz playing. Hyung was looking out the window with a faint smile on his face.

"Taehyung'' Hoseok calls out and the man looks at him. There was a small purse before Hoseokk said "I want to apologize if you feel forced to come with me" He begins.

Taehyung frowns already to speak but before that Hoseok does "I know we don't know each other well and me asking for you to come with me out of the blue must have been uncomfortable for you." he continued.

Taehyung wouldn't help but smile at the older man who was showing concern for his feeling "you must have other plans. I shouldn't have said that there. I didn't know ulcer was gonna ask the same too, you must have felt the pressure to agree to come with me. I wanted to apologize for that. But know you don't have to do anything you don't want to" he finishes finally glancing at him.

"You don't have to apologize to me Hyung. And no I wasn't under pressure or anything. I am happy that I could give you company and you asked me. I should thank you for that, '' Taehyung said sincerely. It felt nice to hear someone cared about what he felt.

"Know that if you want to leave any time let me know and I will make sure we get out of there" He smiles with Taehyung nodding.

"And also forgive my bad manners not to compliment just a beautiful man in front of me. You look wonderful Taehyung. That makeup suits you well" Hoseok wanted to say more but he held himself back.

Taehyung held his breath hearing Hoseok compliment him. He knew he looked nice but he didn't know hoseok was gonna compliment him for his makeup. He didn't want to put it on even though he loves them. He didn't want Hoseok to be freaked out by a man wearing makeup since it wasn't a common thing for men to go around with a painted face unless they were a celebrity.

He once was caught wearing makeup in school. He was sure there was no one in the bathroom so he wanted to try out a new product but Jay had caught him and exposed him in front of the whole school which got him more hate and disgust from others. They told him many words but he took it all in until Jungkook had shown his disgust in him.

From then on he never wore them unless he was with Jimin because he also liked makeup and was very good at it. And today Jimin made him wear it too.

"Thank you, Hyung. I was worried you would be disgusted" he whispered the last part but the other man heard it.

"Why would I be disgusted? There is nothing wrong with it. Wanting to look more pretty with makeup isn't disgusting. Beauty isn't limited to genders. Not someone as beautiful as you need it but I don't see any problem with men wearing them. If you are happy with it you do it. It is pretty stupid to be against something so small" Hoseok said with an encouraging smile.

Taehyung wouldn't help but stare at the man with admissions. Besides Jimin, he hasn't meant another person who had said something that wasn't judging him. No one had ever encouraged him like that. And it made his heart relax in peace.

"You are very handsome too Hyung," Taehyung said honestly but more like he was looking burning hot in that purple suit with no shirt inside.

"Thank you Taehyung," he said smiling. "You can call me Tae. all my close ones call me that," Taehyung said while playing with the flowers. Hoseok's smile widens after hearing that. So that meant he thought of him as someone close to "Tae" he repeated.

They arrive at the hall parking lot. They both got out of the car but Hoseok had to bring the gift out so he went to the back of the car while Taehyung waited in the front. Taehyung watches men come and go inside, some he knew some not but in part, someone caught his sight.

Stepping out of Jungkook's car was Ji-Eun who looked stunning in a black dress that complemented a perfectly golden complex. Next to her on the driver's side was Jungkook who matched with her. He was in a black suit with a white bottom up. Taehyung eyeing the handsome man in front of him.

The two come to hold each other's hands. Their faces were decorated with smiles looking at each other. Looking at the couple Taehyung can tell how in love the two were. He feels something inside but not sad for sure. Just a little uneasy.

"Taehyung-is' ' he steps out of thought when Ji-Eun calls him out. Taehyung gives a small smile and avoids looking at Jungkook.

Again the weird feelings return inside Jungkook as he watches the man in front of him. Taehyung standing there looking beautiful but again Jungkook could tell he was avoiding him and he doesn't like that.

Ji-Eun runs towards him and tightly hugs taehyung who freezes at the stop. Even Jungkook was surprised by it. "Thank you, thank you so much!" Ji-Eun yells happily. Maybe this is the first time Taehyung has ever heard her scream. Ji-Eun is a quiet girl who barely ever raises her voice so seeing her scream was different.

"If it was not for you I would have never been able to finish the song and sing out loud. You listen to me and give me the advice to improve. I am very grateful for" she sincerely said and was honest about it.

Taehyung helped her get her stage fright away and show him how easy it is to do. Not only that, he gave her advice on her singing. Who knew the great Kim Taehyung had just a smooth voice. Ji-Eun never knew the man could sing, let alone have the deepest and the sexiest voice ever. She will forever be thankful for the man.

Taehyung also smiles "it's no problem I am glad I could be a help," he said causing her to break out in a smile. Jungkook walks to them and puts his arms around her, maybe a little on purpose to show Taehyung.

"We should go inside, baby," He said, standing closely to Ji-Eun. Taehyung wanted to turn away from the two but he couldn't. Ji-Eun seeing the discomfort tries to move a little but Jungkook holds her in place which confuses her.

"Yeah, we should go in. oh by the way you look gorgeous taehyung. You lied to me saying you didn't know how to do makeup. Look how well it is applied" she said admiring the man.

Taehyung smiles hearing that. He likes makeup and when someone compliments him about it. It makes him very happy. "You look beautiful yourself," he replied, which made her

Taehyung didn't expect Jungkook to say anything and he was right for that because the other man wasn't even looking at him. Just then Hoseok walks in the front holding a gift bag. "Oh Jungkook you here" He greets his cousin but Jungkook just nods.

If he wasn't already mad he sure is now. He had forgotten the whole reason why Taehyung was here in the first place was because of Hoseok...his little date. "And who might this pretty lady be?" Hoseok asks, looking at Ji-Eun who introduces himself as Jungkook's girlfriend.

"They must be waiting for us to let go," Jungkook said this time, gripping onto Ji-Eun who finches at the painful grip.

"Yes, we should. Come on Taehyung" Hoseok brings his arm for Taehyung to hold, which he does by locking his hands around Taehyung.

"I hold you coat Hyung. You are already holding that bag" Taehyung offers to hold Hoseok's long coat while putting his hands out. Hoseok doesn't say anything but passes his coat to Taehyung.

Let's just say Taehyung needed something to hide his shaking hands. Even when Taehyung feels nervous or uncomfortable his hands shake and sweat the first. So to hide that he asked to hold a Hoseok coat which he was thankful that the other agreed.

Jungkook glares at the two, especially Taehyung's hands around Hoseok. He wanted to rip Taehyung away from Hoseok's hold. He doesn't know why but he doesn't like them getting close to each other.

Jungkook doesn't talk another glance and starts walking away with Ji-Eun. As the two reaches the doorway to the hall Ji-Eun leans towards Jungkook and speaks "are you okay Gukkie you are hurting me"

Jungkook is finally coming out of his mindset to face his girlfriend. He frowns seeing how tightly he was holding and immediately let's go. "I am sorry I didn't mean to hurt you" he feels guilty when he sees the bruise forming on her side.

How could he let himself be like this and hurt her because of Taehyung? He was now very mad at what Taehyung was trying to do to him. "I am here sorry" he keeps on repeating as he genti;u rubs her side.

She sighs but still smiles "it's okay Gukki don't be sorry. Let go and meet your parent's yah. They must be waiting for you," she said to which he agreed.

Jungkook smiles and brings her hand near his lips and plants a kiss on it. He walks with her towards his parents who were busy talking to some guests. "Appa, Eomma '' he calls out for his parents to turn to their son with a bright smile.

"Look who finally decides to show up" his father teased as his mum came to hug her son. "You are a late bunny" was his mother's side which made the guests around them laugh with Ji-Eun holding back her laugh.

"Eomma! I told you to stop calling me that" He whines in his mother's ears "as if I ever will" she pats his back hard.

"Eomma this is-" before Jungkook could finish speaking.

"This is my lovely daughter-in-law right? '' she said, turning towards Ji-Eun who blushed at that. "You are even more beautiful than the photo Jungkook showed us," she said, bringing Ji-Eun in her arms for a tight hug which she gladly returned.

Jungkook watched the two with the biggest smile. Jungkook is closer to his mother than he is to his father. His mother from childhood has spoiled him with everything he has asked for. For her, if Jungkook is happy with something then he gives it to him. And when he told her about the lover in his life she was overly excited to meet her.

"Indeed you are much prettier upfront," Mr. Jeon said in a serious tone. He tries to sound scary but fails in front of Ji-Eun's smile. He can't lie saying that the girl looks sweet and loving for her son. Though his choice is Taehyung, he can this time go with his son's choice.

"It's nice to meet you uncle and auntie and happy anniversary," she said with respect and bowing to them.

"None call me Eomma like my bunny does," his mother said, hugging her again.
"Don't forget me auntie" they turn towards Hoseok and Taehyung. "How could I forget my handsome Hoseokie?" She gives him a big hug too.

She frowns at the man beside Hoseok who had his arms around him. One thing about Mrs. Jeon that should be known is a little old-minded. Don't get her wrong she can be the sweetest person out there but when things are a little out of her understanding then it gets complicated. Seeing another man holding Hoseok's hands was something she didn't expect, not especially when that boy was wearing makeup. But she also knows better than to open her mouth when it is not her business. As long as it doesn't include her she won't speak.

Hence where most of Jungkook's behavior comes from.

"Who is this Cookie?" she asked, eyeing Taehyung sharply. Taehyung already knew what the look meant. It is not his first time seeing it but right now it is not the time.

"Tae you made it!" Mr. Jeon comes and hugs Taehyung tightly. Mrs. Jeon frowns because she hasn't seen this boy before so how does her husband know him?

"You know this boy?" she asks her husband who smiles and nods "did you forget? This is Taehyung Kim Soyan son" he introduces and Taehyung bows a little.

Mrs. Jeon looks at him for a moment and finally realizes "oh this is little the. You have grown well" she said with a smile to which he nodded. "Do you still play with dolls Tae? I remember how much you were attached to them. I hope that is gone now" she said in a teasing way but it didn't come out like that.

Taehyung freezes at the sudden bringing up his past self. He remembers even back then Mrs. Jeon disliked his playing with dolls or girly things. Taehyung's face now was red in embarrassment, his smile dropping and he lowered his head. Everyone close to them looks at Taehyung, hearing that he played with dolls which accused of being more embarrassing to him. If his hand wasn't already shaking he sure now everyone could feel it.

Jungkook is also little liked the mention of the past, he knows his mother and he could see the discomfort in Taehyung as his head was hanging low. He wanted to say something to his mother.

"Oh, it must have been fun. I remember I used to play with dolls all the time with my older sisters. They run very well too. We even played dress-up with them and had a tea party. I guess I am not the only one with a fun childhood, Tae" Hoseok said with a bright smile.

Taehyung looks at Hoseok who just admitted he also played with dolls. Taehyung doesn't know if he was being honest or just supporting Taehyung but for some reason, he is thankful because then he doesn't feel lonely.
Jungkook frowns when he hears that. When did Hoseok play with dolls? He doesn't remember anything like that in his childhood. Hoseok was a boy who loved doing boy things and dancing and never saw him play with dolls. But when it clicked in his brain that Hoseok did that to make Taehyung feel better his frowns turned into a sharp glare.

So Hoseok and Taehyung are close enough for his cousin to embarrass himself in front of all people to make him feel better!

"Even me and my sister used to do that" Mr. Jeon says, which caused him to glare from his wife. "Anyway let's have something to eat yah," he said to everyone and avoided his wife's glare.

They all start clearing the circle leaving only Hoseok and Taehyung "I am sorry Hyung you want to be embarrassed by me" Taehyung whispers to Hoseok.

Hoseok sighs at Taehyung but chuckles at the younger cuteness because he had his head low with a pout. "You would never embarrass me, Take. I adding playing with dolls doesn't change anything about me or having to be ashamed of. Besides, it is a toy after all. It is funny how older people put limitations on what you can do and can't because of your gender. This is why children are precious; they don't play by the rules of society. Their innocent hearts don't judge what can and can't be. Whatever makes them happy they do it. And I am happy to know that you were among those children"

"You are?" Taehyung looks at them and he nods.

"I tell you this Taehyung, don't ever feel ashamed for what you like or what to do. You want to play with dolls you play with, you like makeup you wear them. You want to wear clothes that others don't prove then do it. Things are only promblict when we let them be. You don't have to play by other rules. You love something for it." he said facing him too.

"I am not telling you this to make you feel better but because this is what I think. Society is too constructed on what gender norms are. But nothing came fixed so you have to live your life the way you want. Both men and women should have the freedom to property how they want. So don't ever have your head lower for something you liked doing. Don't show them that they were right for saying that you were wrong."

"Besides, nothing changes the fact that you're a beautiful person with an even prettier way of living. If you think you don't fit in the role the society chooses for you then that should be a key point telling you to live your life.'' Hoseok finishes with a smile.

Taehyung was left stunned by the older man's words. He doesn't know if Hoseok is a mind reader or not but he certainly just spoke of what Taehyung was feeling. He was always ashamed and scared to live his way but hearing Hoseok lighten his chest.

"Hyung, can I give you a hug?" he asked, looking hopefully at Hoseok. He laughed which brought a smile to Taehyung's face.

Hoseok puts his arms around Taehyung who hides in the older chest. He felt like crying knowing how understanding his man was. Taehyung felt so easy and relaxed as he felt his warmth all on him.

But Jungkook didn't hear their conversation. All he saw when turning around was Taehyung in his hoseok arm. Jungkook had come to check up on Taehyung because he felt bad for his mother, but seeing how gudle Taehyung is on Hoseok's chest surely sent madness in him.

His eyes met Taehyung who was looking in his direction. No emotions on either of their faces but only their eyes boring into each other. That is until Taehyung looked away, which had Jungkook biting his inside cheeks.

"Hyung, I'm just in the bathroom," Taehyung said, pulling away from Hoseok. "Do you know where it is? Do you need me to come?" Hoseok asks, seeing his tear eyes of his.

"It's okay I know where it is since I've been here for days now" he chuckles, going away from him.

"I wait for you," Hoseok said and Taehyung nodded.

Taehyung passes people trying to find the bathroom that he thinks was here but maybe being here for two days wasn't enough to know where it was located. He walks towards the room upside and opens the room and walks in when the door opens again but Taehyung freezes when he sees Jungkook closing the door behind.

"J-jungkook," he shouts, saying his name. Jungkook steps towards Taehyung causing him to back off until his back meets with the table behind him.

He gulps knowing how close Jungkook and his legs were getting shaky trying to keep his eyes on him. He could see the anger in those eyes which scared him a little. "Jungkook-"

The silent room felt shaking hearing the hard hands onto the soft skin of the younger man. Time seemed to stop when Jungkook slapped Taehyung across the face causing his body to be carried with the table behind him.

Taehyung's body filled with shock and pain as his shaking hands reached for his face. His stomach dropped and his body started shaking. He is too scared to turn behind and face the person he loves who raised his hands on him. Taehyung never could think that Jungkook would ever hit him.

Jungkook on the other hand was too controlled by his anger to know what he just did. "You think it's funny!" he shouts, kicking the table away from Taehyung and holding him by the collar of his shirt.

"You think it's all fun playing with me! You want to play the ignoring game huh!" He tightened his grip around Taehyung's shirt which was covering his neck. Taehyung was terrified because he had never seen Jungkook like this.

"Y-you hurting m-me" Taehyung tried to remove Jungkook's hold, his eyes crying while his body was hurting from the impact of him crashing to the table.

"Don't fucking Talk! You think you can pretend to like me then start ignoring me" Jungkook's hand was going onto Taehyung's neck which was forming a large buress of Jungkook handprint.

Taehyung was suffocating, his breathing slowly from the closed grip. He was hating Jungkook's hands to free him. "You think you can do anything and I let it be! You go around being a whore thinking you can make me feel something. First that jay guy and now my damn cousins! You think you can have it on your own'' Jungkook was not in his mind to think that Taehyung was about to pass out.

"You disgusted me so much Kim Taehyung! I hate that I was ever close to you! You sickening faggot!" He screams, shaking Taehyung's small frame.

Taehyung heard every word Jungkook was saying and it hurt a hundred times more than the pain he was giving him. Taehyung was on the edge of passing out from Jungkook's grip on his neck.

That is when the door opens to the room and the person stands horrified by the scene in front of her. "Jungkook!" Ji-Eun runs to grab onto Jungkook trying to break his hold from Taehyung.

Her eyes in fear seeing Taehyung state as she tries to pull onto Jungkook to let him go "Jungkook! Let him go! Help!" she calls out, still trying to take him away.

The sound of running feet could be heard followed by Hoseok whose eyes widened seeing Taehyung's blood on his lips. His face is angry, running and grabs by the neck and drags him back from Taehyung who falls on the ground coughing loudly.

Mr. and Mrs. Jeon also show up and immediately froze from the scene ahead. "Fuck! Tae!" Hoseok kicks Jungkook away from running to Taehyung who was lying unconscious.

"Call the ambulance!" Hoseok shouts and Mr. Jeon gets on it.

Jungkook finally comes to his senses with a blurry vision and loud noise ringing in his ears. "Jungkook!" his mother runs to him but Jungkook wouldn't focus on anything but the darkness that was coming on him before he also became unconscious.

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