Merlin One-Shots!!

Galing kay smolgaybean_

149K 4.4K 3K

I will take any suggestions. if you have an au you love please message me and I will gladly write a story for... Higit pa

Hunting trip
The lost Prince of Anahaven
Life after Camlann
Defying destiny
Beauty and the Bestie
Flowers part 2
The boy who sat by the lake
Stupid Laws
Stupid Laws part two
Stupid Laws part three
So many secrets
Butterfly Wing
Scars and Bruises
Friends with benefits
Another Reveal
Don't touch him, understand?
Starting over
New friend
Love is hard
Tavern trip
Here for you
Everybody wants to rule the world
I didn't think you cared
Big Brother
My King, my destiny
Highschool bullies
Heart of a dragon
Heart of a dragon #2
Heart of a dragon #3
Coffee dates
lady of the lake
Magic Bois
Cold Shoulder
Only you
Royal Blood
For you
Midnight confessions
Dysfunctional family
The monster in a cage
its a date
Drinking stories
just gonna leave this here
Fellas, I think I killed a god...?
Just Friends eh?
I guess I am a father now
In over his head
Another one?
Coming of age
The Thief
We fell in love in October
Mr Loverman
As the world caves in
Eyes like burning gold
Here for you
Group chat
Temptation of the Knight
Something domestic
water fights
Shadow Oracle #1
Shadow Oracle #2
Venus' book
Stories of the past

Banquets and Bruises

1.2K 27 40
Galing kay smolgaybean_

@sorcerer-supreme6 this one is for you! Thank you so much for the prompt

There is gonna be a small tw for violence and a little blood&gore.

Gonna be mergana this time, switching up from Merthur. Get ready for angst!




Anyone who's anyone knows of the new power couple in Camelot. Morgana had been infatuated with the snarky serving boy since he first started working at the palace; their courtship was highly anticipated by everyone but the boy himself. When Morgana admitted her feelings Merlin fell, and fell hard. Now not a day goes by where they aren't together.

It's not only their love they share, but their secrets as well. Excluding Gaius, Morgana is the only other person in Camelot who knows of his magic and vice versa. It brought them all the more closer in the first few weeks.

Now it's been years and things were perfect. Arthur was king, the ban against magic was getting reviewed and the kingdom had reached a state of peace. Their secret no longer had to be as such and they were free to use their magic as long as Arthur was informed.

But of course the universe just had to throw in a curve ball. Nothing can last forever. Peace. Love. Friendship. They all end.

The anniversary of their relationship was a largely celebrated occasion. Arthur always insisted on a banquet, despite the couple's protests. Every noble family in the kingdom received an invite to the feast and ball that follows.

"Arthur this really isn't necessary." Morgana complained glancing at the scroll of names on her brother's desk.

"We go through this every year! You deserve to be celebrated." Merlin opened his mouth to protest - most likely saying something along the lines of 'but I'm just a servant' - when Arthur held up his hand. "Both of you."

"Okay you win. But make sure it's not a repeat of last year. Those entertainers were...creepy." Merlin shuddred at the memory. The circus Arthur had invited was one built on the slavery of magical Creatures. When they realised they were performing to two warlock's they very nearly started a war, saying how unnatural their abilities were and that Morgana was to be stripped of her title.

"No circus. You have my word."

"We'll see you tonight brother." Morgana said whilst tugging Merlin to the door. Arthur watched them leave with a fond smile on his face.

Morgana lead Merlin through the castle and out to the gardens. There were miles of meadows, streams, clusters of forest to explore; best of all they didn't even have to leave the grounds. All this beauty was tucked within the palace walls.

The wind whipped their hair as they ran through the knee high grass, bumping into each other and acting like love sick fools. Their chase ended in Merlin collapsing into a bed of wildflowers under an ancient willow.

"You have no stamina. Beaten by a - ah!" Morgana yelped as she fell next to Merlin, so close their noses practically touched. She found herself breathless when her eyes connected with Merlin's. Six years and those eyes still had the ability to turn her brain to mush.

"You were saying." His voice sent shivers down Morgan's spine to which Merlin smirked.

"Cold darling?"

"God's I love you." Morgana surged forward kissing him in the most gentle yet passionate way possible. Merlin propped himself up either side of her head without breaking contact.

When they parted Merlin's cheeks were dusted pink. "Happy anniversary Morgana."


Come evening the castle was packed with guests and the feast was well under way. Merlin had to admit these banquets always felt strange, he wasn't used to be sat at the table being a servant and all. That didn't take away from the joy of the situation, of course he enjoyed the attention to no end. It's not everyday a servant got to be treated like a king, might as well make the most of it.

Once the food had all but vanished Arthur lead the way to the ballroom. Upon their entry the small orchestra began playing a variety of melodies and soon the dance floor was full of synchronized dancers. Merlin swept Morgana around, naturally dipping and spinning her much to the Princess's delight.

The dancing ensued long into the night by which time many guests had retired to their chambers. Most remaining party goers consisted of the couple's closest friends and family, shifting the conversation from small talk to banterous laughter.

"I'm going to get a drink. Want anything?" Merlin asked, slightly out of breath from their dancing.

"No thanks," Morgana replied, kissing Merlin on the cheek before making a beeline to Gwen.

Merlin headed over to the beverage table and was instantly swarmed by his friends. With a knowing smile he continued pouring his drink, tuning out the knights questions.

"Come on mate when are you gonna ask her!" Gwaine exclaimed in a hushed whisper.

"Soon." Came Merlin's cryptic reply. He took a sip of wine, smirking into the cup at the response he received.

"About damn time!" Lancelot all but shouted.

"I was starting to wonder if you had the balls to ask her."

"Oh shut up Gwiane." Merlin sniped but his smile never dropped. How could it? He had been waiting for this night for months, nothing would ruin his mood. Out of the corner of his eye he caught sight of Morgana laughing with Gwen, head titled to the ceiling allowing her hair to tumble down her back.

"Earth to Merlin." Arthur droned, clicking his fingers in front of Merlin's face in order to regain his attention.

"Hmm? Sorry."

"Jeez Merlin you could at least act interested." The king rolled his eyes at Merlin's flushed cheeks. He pushed his friend in the direction of Morgana, throwing him a tiny black box in the process. Merlin caught it effortlessly despite his sweating palms. He hesitantly injected himself into Gwen and Morgana's conversation, placing his arm around Morgana's waist in the smoothest of fashion.

"That was quick." Morgana whispered, not wanting to interrupt Gwen's rather passionate rant. Her tone sent shivers down his spine, dashing away any nerves he had left.

"Wanna take a walk."

"Sure," Morgana bid Gwen farewell and together they left the ballroom. Merlin came incredibly close to cursing Gwaine who had to play them out with obnoxiously loud wolf whistles.

"Where are we going hun?"

"The gardens. I have something I want to talk to you about."

If Morgana wasn't nervous before she certainly was now. Her mind raced a mile a minute as she was lead down corridor after corridor. The night air was somewhat of a relief, calming her down enough to think properly.

They stopped when they came to a beautiful closed courtyard with vines that crawled up the ragged stone walls. In the centre sat four polished stone benches all circling a bed of roses. A water feature sat in the corner supplying a relaxing melody that blended with the night owl's singing.

"Morgana," Merlin sat her on one of the benches, intertwining their hands as a form of moral support. "Six years ago when I first came to Camelot you showed me nothing but kindness. You've been my best friend through the good and the bad. You believed in me when no one else would. I have cherished every day we have spent together, despite wondering why on earth you chose me of all people to spend them with."

Morgana's heart began to pound against her chest, unsure of what direction this was going.

"Since we have been together you have made me feel complete, alive. So, Morgana Pendragon..."

Morgana gasped as Merlin got down on his knee and produced beautiful black velvet box from his pocket. The shock morphed into pure glee as a stunning wandering star ring glinted in the moonlight. A tiny morganite gemstone was set into the metal, complimenting the metal with its natural orange hues. Stars of diamond dotted the stone in a circular pattern, as if orbiting the ring.

"Will you marry me, Morgana?"

"Yes! A thousand times yes!" Merlin slipped the ring onto her finger and she drew it closer in order to study the ring. Under closer inspection she noticed rows of diamonds set into the band itself allowing the ring to catch the light from every angle.

"Merlin it's beautiful."

"Only the best for you."

"I love you so much." Morgana tugged on Merlin's collar bringing him into a kiss neither of them would forget for a long time. Eventually it became incredibly heated and (feeling way too lazy walk back through the castle) used magic to teleport back to their shared chambers.

Clothes were discarded, words were exchanged along with some other things I would hate to mention. (a/n I am not brave enough for smut lol) Soon enough they were drifting off to sleep tangled at the legs and perfectly happy. As usual Merlin passed out first allowing Morgana gaze down at him. Twiddling her ring with one hand, she ran the other down Merlin's jaw placing a kiss on his forehead.


The Princess shot up looking round the room in fear. Merlin groaned in his sleep and rolled over leaving Morgana feeling even worse. Her head was pounding leading her to believe the voice was a result of magic.

"Morgana come."

Against her will she found herself throwing on her nightdress and walking to the door. No spell was powerful enough to break whatever curse this was, which scared her even more. The curse carried her down to the deepest part of the castle you can access. Not a torch in sight and unable to use magic, Morgana was walking blind. In her state shadows began to detach from the wall clawing at her.

"I've been waiting for this moment."

"Show yourself." She felt as if she was talking to the air. Something brushed past her arm and she siezed up, desperate to fight but simply unable to do so.

"You are going to wish you never said that."

"Who are you?"

"My name is Morgause." A tiny flame appeared in front of Morgana revealing a blonde haired woman. Morgana had never seen her before in her life yet felt oddly familiar.

"Let me go!" Morgana tried to thrash against the curse but screamed out in pain when she felt something tear in her leg.

"Now now Morgana, I wouldn't want you to hurt yourself." The woman tutted eyes flashing gold. Morgana's invisible restraints tightened drawing tears.

"What do you want with me? I have no quarrel with you."

"Ah but I have one with your brother, and your new fiance. Congratulations by the way." The woman waved her hand dismissively before continuing. "You were always destined for the throne, I intend to grant you that position."

"Arthur is King. He earned that throne."

"But you deserve it more sister."

"Si- sister? I have no sister." The woman chuckled darkly and started circling Morgana.

"Your father ruined many a maiden. Our mothers were two of many victims. I want this kingdom to pay for the hardships Uther Pendragon bestowed on myself and my mother."

"Nothing you try will work. Merlin is too powerful for you."

"Oh my dear, he won't be fighting me." A ball of black energy formed in-between the women, writhing in the air as if alive. "It will be you."


Merlin was jolted awake by the sound of the warning bells ringing overhead. He went to shake Morgana only to find himself alone in bed. Panic taking hold he threw on his servant attire and ran out of the room. Following the terrified screams of the public Merlin ran out into the courtyard only to stop dead in his tracks.

Tiny fires fed of the traders carts and barrels, bouncing animatedly around the square looking for more food. Servants and tradesmen scattered clearing a path for Merlin giving him a clear view of the guilty culprits.

"M-Morgana?" The air was ripped from his lungs as he watched Morgana break away from Morgause.

"I don't want to hurt you Merlin. Please move." Her voice was barely above a whisper yet it rang in his ears for what felt like eternity.

"Morgana you're scaring me. What's going on."

Morgause chuckled at Merlin's confusion and rest her hand on Morgana's shoulder. It clicked all to quickly and Merlin's chest swelled with anger.

"Why you? Why out of everyone did it have to be you?" There's not a word powerful enough to describe his heart break. The woman he loved with everything he had threw everything away in one cruel swipe. The ring still glittered on her finger, taunting him with the life he could have had.

"I'm sorry."

"How could you do this? You are throwing everything we have accomplished away by joining her."

"She's my sister."

"And I was your love." Morgana reached for her ring, closing her eyes as her fingers grazed the metal. The joy faded quickly and before she could truly regret it, the ring was on the floor at Merlin's feet.

"I've made my choice."

"Morgana please don't do this."

Morgause stepped forward and whispered something in her sisters ear. At that moment Merlin saw the life leave her eyes. Her fists clenched, fire seeping from the cracks in her fingers.

"Move Merlin."


"Move!" A swipe of her hand sent chains of fire scattering across the courtyard. On lookers screamed as the fire devoured everything in its path to Merlin. He reacted instinctively, creating a shield that caused the chains to explode on impact.

"This isn't you Morgana. This is not the person I fell in love with."

"She's gone." A ball of scarlet energy writhed in her palm growing to the size of a watermelon before it took off. Merlin barely escaped the blast getting thrown into the steps from the force.

"To claim your throne you must kill him. It's the only way. Arthur is nothing without Merlin." Morgause hissed.

"What have you done to her? Lift your curse." Merlin flicked his wrist to separate the sisters, sending Morgause flying into the wall.

Just as Morgana turned to help her Merlin caught her in a tiny whirlwind that bound her feet to the pavement. She glared at him with such hatred Merlin felt physically sick. His stomach churned with guilt beyond description.

By now the guard had reached the courtyard lead by Arthur. Upon seeing his sister trapped in Merlin's spell he froze, unable to comprehend what was going on. Merlin's sobs echoed succeeded only by Morgana's frustrated screams.

"Let me go!"

"If I do you will kill us all. I can't risk Camelot's safety, not even for you."

Black vines exploded out of the ground and wrapped around Merlin's body. They constricted just enough for Merlin to lose focus and the spell dropped. Morgana fell to the floor watching as the roots suspended Merlin higher.

"Morgana stop this! Let him go!" Arthur yelled utterly terrified by the display.

Merlin's eyes darted frantically around looking for something, anything, to cut the vines. He panicked as Morgana stalked forward and let his magic reign free. A shock wave so powerful exploded from his core, shattering the vines and sending Morgana flying backwards.

Despite being free from the bonds Merlin remained suspended in the air, golden marks curling around his temple mimicking that of a crown. Pure gold had drowned his eyes producing such a pure light it was painful to look at.

Morgana retaliated in the only way she knew how. Copying Merlin. A second blast shook the earth and Morgana joined Merlin in the air. Only her magic presented itself in the form of a jet black sword twice the size of any army regulated weapon.

Ironic really, that a being of pure magic would fall in love with the very person created to destroy him.

"What has she done to you?"

"Given me clarity. Camelot is a disease, and I am the cure."

"Do you even hear yourself? You sound like Uther." At the mention of her father Morgana shot forward until the tip of her sword pushed against Merlin's throat.

"I am not my father."

"Prove it. Put down the sword."

Morgana faltered staring at Merlin blankly as her brain fought to keep up.

"Put down the sword Morgana."

"I can't."

Her eyes flicked over to Morgause and Merlin instantly understood. He made an almost invisible gesture to Arthur who started slinking around the courtyard towards the witch.

"Yes you can." Merlin rest one hand on the blade, pushing it ever so gently away.

"I have to do this Merlin."

"She's cursed you. I can break it, we can stop all of this. Just put down the sword, please." Merlin felt no shame in begging. In fact he continued to grovel until Arthur was behind Morgause. He watched as he plunged his sword through her chest, trying not to show the utter relief on his face as she dropped lifeless to the floor.

Morgana however did not share in his relief. A dagger materialised in her palm and was sent flying towards Arthur. Time stood still and Merlin could think only of his destiny. If Arthur dies Camelot dies with him. His life or Arthur's?

The answer was clear from the beginning.

At the aid of his magic Merlin shielded Arthur, allowing the dagger to lodge itself deep in his chest. The courtyard fell silent as Merlin stared at the blood that glistened against his palm in horror.

The fog Morgana's eyes cleared as Morgauses spell lifted. If only the effects had been quicker. She shook the remenemts of the spell off lowering herself to the floor whilst gripping her head.

"What happened?" She mumbled, completely disoriented. She had yet to notice the bodies to her left, or the army of soldiers all ready to strike her down at any moment.

"Arthur's where's- Merlin!"

Merlin's head snapped up at the familiar tone. He couldn't help but smile knowing his Morgana was back, that she didn't hate him. But that smile was short lived. He stumbled to the floor, still clutching his chest as a round of bloody coughs wracked his body.

"Morgana what did you do?" Arthur yelled, snapping out of his daze and running to Merlin's side.

"I- I don't- what happened." She tried to get closer but Arthur pushed her away.

"Stay back. Merlin can you hear me."

"What happened? Arthur did I...oh god did it do this?"

"It... wasn'" Merlin spluttered through coughs. He went to dislodge the blade but Arthur stopped him.

"Do that and you will die."


"Try to stay still. I will get Gaius and we can figure out how to fix this."


"You are not dying on me. I promised I would look after you and Morgana, that's what I intend to do."

"Arthur stop." Arthur recoiled at his tone. He expected Merlin to be glaring at him, but his gaze was fixed on Morgana.

"This isn't your fault. Do not blame yourself." Morgana broke down, kneeling next to Arthur and interlocking her hand with Merlin.

"When I'm gone move on."

"No! Don't talk like that. There has got to be a spell or something to fix this. You need to fix this." Tears were now cascading down Arthur's cheeks as he watched his best friend, his brother struggle for breath.

"There is nothing you can do."

"It's dark magic." Morgana wept staring at the knife unaware how she could have created such an object.

"I'm...sorry..." Merlin's eyes were getting increasingly heavier by the second, a sight that terrified the Pendragon's.

"Don't you dare close your eyes." Arthur shouted.

"It's okay. It's okay."

"Merlin please don't leave me." Morgana's grip tightened and it pained Merlin not to have the strength to squeeze back.

"I love you."

The sky grew dark as the final breath was ripped away from the warlock. Nature mourned the loss of magic personified, a man taken too soon with years of life and love ahead of him.

"What have I done. Merlin what have I done." Morgana was shaking, in complete shock. She barely acknowledged Arthur's hand on her shoulder.

"It's not your fault. He knew that."

Morgana could fathom no response, instead letting out a scream of pure unadulterated sadness that carried through the kingdom like a tsunami. Her grief lingered over Camelot for as long as it stood.

Merlin took with him the very heart of Camelot, ripping away everything that made the city desirable. Morgana followed him not long after, her heart too broken to function any longer.

In their memory Arthur permanently un-banned magic, but even that felt cruel. After all it was the easing law that lead to their death. He was left with a broken kingdom and no idea how to repair it. And so it fell.

In Camelot's death Albion was born. But it was not the United Kingdom it was supposed to be. Magic had ebbed out of the land, retreating to only the most sacred of places and becoming the stuff of legend. But legends can be misleading. Heroes get forgotten, lovers turn to enemies, King's die and destinies are pushed aside.

Remember that.

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