Spider-Man Male Reader x The...

By WilsonsWits

214K 8.3K 2.2K

❝ When you can do the things that I can, but you don't, and then the bad things happen, they happen because o... More

𝔸/β„•: π•šπ•Ÿπ•₯𝕣𝕠𝕕𝕦𝕔π•₯π•šπ• π•Ÿ
A New Day
Big Change
With Great Power...
...Comes Great Responsibilty
Did You Give Him A Chance?
Remember The Name
Curtain Call
The Shocker
Nick's Reprisal
Here For You
Chestnut Eyes
You Saved Me
Dude, Sick Costume
Turbo Jet
If Only She Knew
She Will Be Loved
A Threat's Ascension
The Green Goblin
To Each His Own
We Are Who We Choose To Be
I'll Always Be With You
β€’β€’ π•π•†π•ƒπ•Œπ•„π”Ό 𝟚 β€’β€’
Seconds To Spare
A Game of War, Anyone?
A Friend's Plight
Home Remedies
What I Desire
Kraven The Hunter
The Hunter and the Hunted
Merry Christmas, Spider-Man
Like Father, Like Daughter
The Cat's Pursuit
The Chameleon
Law of the Jungle
The Lizard
Mind Games | Part 1
Mind Games | Part 2
Mind Games | Part 3
Mind Games | Part 4
Mind Games | Part 5
β€’β€’ π•π•†π•ƒπ•Œπ•„π”Ό πŸ› β€’β€’
Duty Calls
Rain Check
Wings of Fury
Not In My City
Behind The Mask
Back in Business
The Saviors
Friends Again?
Return of the Goblin
What is This?
Negan's Lesson
I Made A Promise
Broken Bonds
What We Become
β€’β€’ π•π•†π•ƒπ•Œπ•„π”Ό 𝟜 β€’β€’
Takedowns and Nights Out
When Sparks Fly
Mad Bomber
Death To J. Jonah
Same Old Luke
Master of Illusion
The Prowler
Not Today...Not Tomorrow...
β€’β€’ π•π•†π•ƒπ•Œπ•„π”Ό 𝟝 β€’β€’
The Main Event
Always There
Dr. Everett's Demonstration
Demons and Dine-Ins
Sleep Is For The Weak
Davis To The Rescue
City Hall
The Search For Mr. Li
Couple's Quarrel
Mr. Negative
The Sinister Six
Shock To The System
Mayhem and Mirages
Into The Fire
Just Like Us
Clash At Stark Tower
β€’β€’ π•π•†π•ƒπ•Œπ•„π”Ό 𝟞 β€’β€’
Kid Arachnid
The Winter Soldier
Mount Sinai
Watchful Eye
Newfound Knowledge
Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D
Unexpected Help
I'm Still Here
Missed Me?
The Beacon of New York
β€’β€’ π•π•†π•ƒπ•Œπ•„π”Ό 𝟟 β€’β€’
At War
The Initiative
The Helicarrier
Three Geniuses
War of Words
Divide and Conquer
Earth's Mightiest Heroes
I'll Have That Drink Now
β€’β€’ π•π•†π•ƒπ•Œπ•„π”Ό 𝟠 β€’β€’
You Could Have Saved Us
Peace In Our Time
Party at Avengers Tower
Tony's Reason
Mind Games...Again
The Dixon Household
Battle in Seoul
Battle of Sokovia
We Got Some Hitters
β€’β€’ π•π•†π•ƒπ•Œπ•„π”Ό 𝟑 β€’β€’
What's Next?
The Sokovia Accords
My Name Is...
Return of the Winter Soldier
A Message
Outside of the Law
Clash of the Avengers
Spider-Man vs Iron Man
War Criminal
Passing The Torch
β€’β€’ π•π•†π•ƒπ•Œπ•„π”Ό πŸ™πŸ˜ β€’β€’
He's Coming
Back In Action
Saving Stephen Strange
Reuniting with the Captain
How Many Did We Win?
Battle of Wakanda
β€’β€’ π•π•†π•ƒπ•Œπ•„π”Ό πŸ™πŸ™ β€’β€’
Five Years Later
Second Chances
Leap of Faith
United Again
The Time Heist
The Nano-Gauntlet
The World Will Remember
Take Us Back

I Am Spider-Man

1.2K 35 20
By WilsonsWits

You and the rest of the Avengers let out a yell and charge towards the opposing army.

Wakandan ships soar through the air beside other flyers like War Machine, Falcon, Iron Man, and Louis.

Giant-Man stomps towards the incoming leviathan. AJ uses Omid's large arm to swing into the battlefield.

Both sides clash and the Wakandan soldiers combat the Chitauri with their vibranium weapons. Giant-Man lands a left hook across the nose of a leviathan, bringing the large serpent down.

Black Panther and Okoye join Shuri in fighting the aliens. Drax jumps onto a Chitauri gorilla's back and stabs his knives into it.

Tony flies in the air with Pepper and shoots down incoming ships with their beams and blasters. Pepper blasts a few more aliens on the ground and lands, Tony joining her moments after.

They both retract their helmets and look at each other.

Tony: Pep...

Pepper immediately wraps her arms around his neck and kisses him. It's been far too long.

Nearby, you and Thor continue fighting the aliens on the ground. After a mix-up where you have Stormbreaker and Thor holds Mjölnir, Thor looks at you.

Thor: No, no. Give me that.

Thor takes back the axe and tosses you the hammer.

Thor: You have the little one.

Bucky and Rocket shoot down Black Order soldiers with their guns. A lot more of them try to flank them, but AJ leaps into the area and slams his fist on the ground. His bio-electricity shocks and sends the soldiers flying away.

Bucky: Great work, kid.

Louis glides around the battlefield throwing pumpkin bombs and razor bats at the Chitauri. Proxima Midnight sees the Goblin and shoots a blast from her spear, but Louis evades the attack and flies down with his sword in hand.

He attacks but the child of Thanos blocks the attack her spear. Louis flies up again, but Proxima shoots him off the glider and he falls onto the ground.

Proxima runs up to him, but is suddenly hit in the back by Cap's shield. Steve retrieves it and slides over to Proxima, hitting her knee and distracting her. Louis takes the chance to get back up and slash her across the back. He kicks her away and she lands on her stomach.

She scowls as she gets back up and brandishes her spear.

Proxima: Humans in costumes...how embarrassing.

Louis holds his sword forward and Steve brandishes his broken shield. Suddenly, Judith lands to her left and looks at the Black Order soldier.

Judith: It's going to be embarrassing when you lose to three of them.

Proxima bellows as she shoots at Judith, but the young lady evades the attack. Steve and Louis run up and engage Proxima with the help of Ghost Spider.

You are fighting off the Chitauri. Cull Obsidian runs in and throws you into a pile of rocks, preparing to stab you with his blade. AJ swings in and shoots a web at Obsidian, pulling him down. This gives Omid the opportunity to crush the Black Order alien with his oversized foot.

AJ: Woah!

He lands in front of you and helps you up. The two of you retract your masks.

AJ: Y/N! Jesus man...all of this is crazy. How am I back? What happened to the facility? How you holding Thor's hammer? Is that a new suit? Wow...that looks sick—

You immediately hug the young man. You are so glad to see him again.

AJ: What are you doing...? Oh.

He hugs you tighter.

AJ: This is nice.

Daryl runs with the gauntlet, evading attacks from the Black Order and trying to get far away from them.

Sam flies in and stabs one of the Chitauri gorillas with his wings before it can attack Daryl. A Chitauri soldier leaps toward Falcon, but the Shocker blasts it away with his gauntlet.

Daryl: Cap? What do you want me to do with this damn thing?

Steve continues to fight off the aliens as he responds via his comms.

Steve: Get those stones as far away as possible!

Smart Hulk pummels one of the Chitauri aliens and throws it aside.

Bruce: No! We need to get 'em back where they came from.

You respond from another part of the battlefield.

You: No way to get 'em back. Thanos destroyed the quantum tunnel.

Omid: Hold on!

Omid shrinks himself back down to his normal size.

Omid: That wasn't our only time machine.

He pushes the button on his keys, and you all hear a loud horn playing the tune of La Cucharacha.

Steve runs up onto a ledge and looks over the at field.

Steve: Anyone see an ugly brown van out there?

Louis flies through the sky and spots the van in the middle of everybody fighting.

Louis: Yeah! But you're not gonna like where it's parked!

You: Omid, how long you need to get that thing working?

Omid peeks through a gap between debris. Christa appears beside him.

Omid: Uh, maybe ten minutes.

Steve: Get it started. We'll get the stones to you.

Christa: We're on it, Cap.

Omid looks at her and smiles. Christa smirks back before shrinking back into Wasp. Omid does the same and is carried away by Christa.

Doctor Strange uses his magic to suck several aliens into the earth. Tony lands behind him and retracts his helmet to speak to the sorcerer.

Tony: Hey, you said 1 out of 14 million, we win, yeah?

Tony glances around and raises his arms.

Tony: Tell me this is it.

Strange looks at Tony, then turns to his right and sees you fighting Chitauri with AJ and Judith.

Doctor Strange: If I tell you what happens...it probably won't happen.

Tony doesn't like the answer. But for what was happening now, it was better than nothing.

Tony: You better be right.

Tony reactivates his mask and flies off.

Corvus Glaive swipes at AJ with his staff. He backflips and shoots a web at the weapon, but Glaive pulls him back down by tugging the web and sending him to the floor.

Before Corvus can shoot a blast, Daredevil runs in and tosses his billy-club, hitting the alien's face. Black Cat also comes in and sends him back with a flying kick.

He gets back up and groans, but he's suddenly shot across the field by a blast of energy. The trio looks on and sees Shocker, who gives a simple nod before leaping away.

AJ: Henry!

Daredevil looks at AJ who's on the ground and a smirk forms on his face.

Henry: Morales.

He helps the young man up, which leads to an embrace. Violet looks at the two men and smiles.

AJ: Your voice got deeper. Are you still blind or did you get that fixed too?

Henry scoffs.

Henry: Yeah...sure. I have X-Ray vision now.

Tony lands in between a group of Chitauri and shoots from his repulsors. He activates a unibeam and scorches away one alien, but is suddenly kicked away by a Chitauri gorilla.

He grabs Tony and lifts him up, but a web sticks to its face before it can finish him off. You get onto the gorrila's back and wrap your arms around it's head, twisting it in a swift motion. You snap its neck, and the alien falls to the floor dead. You land beside Tony and help him up.

Tony: Well...he's not showing up for the King Konng sequel.

You retract your mask and smile. Tony does the same, but expects you to say a joke back.

You don't. You simply stare at him.

Tony: You good, buddy?

You keep and smiling and clasp his hand. You bring him in for a hug.

You: Hey, Tony.

Tony: Hey...so five years huh? That's what the wizard told me.

You part and nod your head. Tony immediately thinks if his daughter, Morgan. You can tell he is.

You: You'll see her soon, Tones. You will.

Thanos tries to toss his sword at T'Challa, who's running away with the gauntlet. It boomerangs back into his hands, but before he can charge towards him, Wanda drops down in front of Thanos and stops him in his tracks.

Her eyes glow red as crimson energy floats around her fingers.

Wanda: You took everything from me. 

Thanos: I don't even know who you are.

Wanda: You will.

She floats off the ground and uses telekinetic energy to lift boulders of the floor. She throws them at Thanos, who tries to hit them away with his sword.

Wanda sends orbs of psionic energy at the Titan, and he tries to deflect them. He raises his sword and brings it down at Wanda, but the witch holds it back with her powers.

Thanos grits his teeth as he tries to bring it further down, but Wanda's eyes glow even more and throws the sword away.

Thanos, who is now disarmed, doesn't know what else to do. Wanda wraps her energy around the warlord's body and lifts him in the air.

He grunts in pain as Wanda picks apart his armor. Thanos knows that she wants to kill him, and it wouldn't be long until she's able to.

Thanos: Rain fire!

Corvus kills a Wakandan soldier and responds.

Corvus: But, sire, our troops!

Thanos: Just do it!

Corvus obeys his leader and initiates the attack. The Sanctuary II ship activates its guns and rains down laser blasts into the battlefield.

A laser shoots down near Wanda, heaving her away and freeing Thanos from her clutches.

The sorcerers form a shield above their heads to protect themselves.

Judith looks up as her spider-sense goes off, seeing a laser blast about to hit her. AJ dives forward and grabs her, pushing themselves away from the explosion.

Doctor Strange flies over and forms a mystical shield above, protecting him and the two young spiderlings.

As the heroes take cover from the blasts, the ship suddenly stops firing. It switches its target and starts shooting at something else in the sky.

Sam flies above.

Sam: What the hell is this?

Tony: Friday, what are they firing at?

Friday: Something just entered the upper atmosphere.

A streak light flies down from the sky and crashes through the ship, disabling their weapons and engine.

It's Captain Marvel.

Rocket looks up as he stands by Groot.

Rocket: Oh, yeah!

Carol Danvers shoots back up and flies through the ship again, destroying it even more.

You gaze upon the sight and sigh in relief.

You: Thank God.

Louis lays in a crater holding the gauntlet, since he was the person who was carrying it before the barrage.

Carol lands near him and looks at the man. Louis deactivates his mask and looks at her.

Louis: Uh...hi. You look important.

Carol: Maybe I am. You got something for me?

Louis lets out a groan as he stands up. He looks ahead at the incoming Chitauri soldiers.

Louis: I don't know how you're going to get through all of that.

Wanda drops down beside Carol.

Wanda: Don't worry.

Okoye walks up to the two holding her spear.

Okoye: She's got help.

The three ladies are then joined by Shuri, Pepper, Mantis, Christa, Valkyrie, Nebula, Judith, Violet, and 2014 Gamora. Together, they charge at the Black Order and attack them as they give Carol time to fly with the gauntlet.

Thanos notices Captain Marvel flying towards Omid's van, knowing that the hero was going to use the Quantumn Tunnel within it. He runs at Danvers, but Nebula, Pepper, and Shuri shoot their blasters and take Thanos down.

The Titan quickly recovers and looks on at Carol. Before she can enter the van, he throws his sword at it which stabs into the machine.

A shockwave of energy heaves everybody back as the van explodes.

Everybody who was in the vacinity of the blast lays on the ground. You slowly lift your head and see the gauntlet on the floor. Thanos spots it too, and stumbles towards it.

Tony quickly gets up and attempts to tackle the Titan, but is simply thrown aside. Thor attacks as well with his axe, but Thanos evades the swings.

Steve runs up and puts him in a chokehold, but the Titan pulls him off and pins him to the floor. He punches him square in the face, knocking him out.

You web-zip towards Thanos and shoot a sonic blast from your web-shooters. He grimaces as you kick him across the face afterwards. You summon Mjölnir back into your hand and swing down, but Thanos grabs your arm and headbutts you. While you're in a daze, he grabs you by the neck and pummels you, sending you flying back near Tony.

Thanos runs over and picks up the gauntlet. Carol immediately flies down and kicks his leg. She tries to take the glove, but Thanos grabs her arm and flings her across the field.

He puts the gauntlet on, yelling as the power surges through his veins. He is about to snap, but Carol flies back over and pulls down his arm.

They struggle and Thanos headbutts Carol but it doesn't faze her. She almost gets the upper hand, but Thanos quickly takes the Power Stone out of the gauntlet and punches her with it. Carol is sent back several feet and taken down.

You get on your elbows as you lay on the ground, seeing Thanos standing with the gauntlet in hand. With your mask retracted you look over at Doctor Strange, who looks back at you.

He is still using one hand to hold back the water from the broken dam with magic. With his other hand, he holds up one finger...

You remember what he told you five years ago on Titan. Earth won only 1 out of the 14,000,605 scenarios.

This is it. And you know what to do.

Thanos smirks as he places the Power Stone back into the gauntlet. He raises his hand, but you quickly run up to him and try to pull the gauntlet off. Thanos knees your abdomen and backhands you across the face, heaving you back to the ground.

Thanos smiles menacingly as he holds up his gauntleted hand.

Thanos: I...am...inevitable.

He snaps his fingers.

Nothing happens.

Thanos is bewildered. He looks at the back of the glove in confusion, then realizes that the stones aren't there anymore.

He looks back at you. You are on your knees with your right hand raised.

You have the stones. The nano-bots of your suit fuse them into your glove to form your own gauntlet. The power begins to surge through your vibranium arm and into the veins of your neck.

You know what you have to do. There is only one way to make sure you win and save the universe. You understand the consequences, but it is your duty to do so.

It is your responsibility.

You take a breath as you stare at the Titan.

You: And I...am...Spider-Man.

You snap your fingers, which emits a bright flash.

• •

You open your eyes as you still hold up your hand. You look around, noticing that you're out of costume and in an bright orange void.

You look ahead, seeing a figure standing in the shallow water while turned around. You walk forward and get near it.

Before you can get closer, it turns around and you realize it's your wife.

You: Clem?

She smiles as she walks up to you, putting her hand against your cheek.

Clementine: Honey...

You smile and place your own hand on top of hers.

Clementine: You did it.

You nod.

You: I did.

You used the stones to banish Thanos and his army. You saved Earth. You saved the universe...and in turn, you also saved your family.

Clementine: You've done everything you could do as Spider-Man...you can rest now.

You kiss the back of her hand as you look at her. She has a point. For the last twenty years you have been a hero, the beacon of New York, an Avenger. You've achieved the greatest feat, which was saving humanity.

But...this wasn't going to be it.

You: I'm not finished yet...you know that.

Clementine nods and smiles. She kisses you.

Clementine: I know, Y/N. More than anyone.

You smile back as you look into each other's eyes. Suddenly, there's another bright flash and everything turns white.

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