Spider-Man Male Reader x The...

By WilsonsWits

214K 8.3K 2.2K

❝ When you can do the things that I can, but you don't, and then the bad things happen, they happen because o... More

𝔸/β„•: π•šπ•Ÿπ•₯𝕣𝕠𝕕𝕦𝕔π•₯π•šπ• π•Ÿ
A New Day
Big Change
With Great Power...
...Comes Great Responsibilty
Did You Give Him A Chance?
Remember The Name
Curtain Call
The Shocker
Nick's Reprisal
Here For You
Chestnut Eyes
You Saved Me
Dude, Sick Costume
Turbo Jet
If Only She Knew
She Will Be Loved
A Threat's Ascension
The Green Goblin
To Each His Own
We Are Who We Choose To Be
I'll Always Be With You
β€’β€’ π•π•†π•ƒπ•Œπ•„π”Ό 𝟚 β€’β€’
Seconds To Spare
A Game of War, Anyone?
A Friend's Plight
Home Remedies
What I Desire
Kraven The Hunter
The Hunter and the Hunted
Merry Christmas, Spider-Man
Like Father, Like Daughter
The Cat's Pursuit
The Chameleon
Law of the Jungle
The Lizard
Mind Games | Part 1
Mind Games | Part 2
Mind Games | Part 3
Mind Games | Part 4
Mind Games | Part 5
β€’β€’ π•π•†π•ƒπ•Œπ•„π”Ό πŸ› β€’β€’
Duty Calls
Rain Check
Wings of Fury
Not In My City
Behind The Mask
Back in Business
The Saviors
Friends Again?
Return of the Goblin
What is This?
Negan's Lesson
I Made A Promise
Broken Bonds
What We Become
β€’β€’ π•π•†π•ƒπ•Œπ•„π”Ό 𝟜 β€’β€’
Takedowns and Nights Out
When Sparks Fly
Mad Bomber
Death To J. Jonah
Same Old Luke
Master of Illusion
The Prowler
Not Today...Not Tomorrow...
β€’β€’ π•π•†π•ƒπ•Œπ•„π”Ό 𝟝 β€’β€’
The Main Event
Always There
Dr. Everett's Demonstration
Demons and Dine-Ins
Sleep Is For The Weak
Davis To The Rescue
City Hall
The Search For Mr. Li
Couple's Quarrel
Mr. Negative
The Sinister Six
Shock To The System
Mayhem and Mirages
Into The Fire
Just Like Us
Clash At Stark Tower
β€’β€’ π•π•†π•ƒπ•Œπ•„π”Ό 𝟞 β€’β€’
Kid Arachnid
The Winter Soldier
Mount Sinai
Watchful Eye
Newfound Knowledge
Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D
Unexpected Help
I'm Still Here
Missed Me?
The Beacon of New York
β€’β€’ π•π•†π•ƒπ•Œπ•„π”Ό 𝟟 β€’β€’
At War
The Initiative
The Helicarrier
Three Geniuses
War of Words
Divide and Conquer
Earth's Mightiest Heroes
I'll Have That Drink Now
β€’β€’ π•π•†π•ƒπ•Œπ•„π”Ό 𝟠 β€’β€’
You Could Have Saved Us
Peace In Our Time
Party at Avengers Tower
Tony's Reason
Mind Games...Again
The Dixon Household
Battle in Seoul
Battle of Sokovia
We Got Some Hitters
β€’β€’ π•π•†π•ƒπ•Œπ•„π”Ό 𝟑 β€’β€’
What's Next?
The Sokovia Accords
My Name Is...
Return of the Winter Soldier
A Message
Clash of the Avengers
Spider-Man vs Iron Man
War Criminal
Passing The Torch
β€’β€’ π•π•†π•ƒπ•Œπ•„π”Ό πŸ™πŸ˜ β€’β€’
He's Coming
Back In Action
Saving Stephen Strange
Reuniting with the Captain
How Many Did We Win?
Battle of Wakanda
β€’β€’ π•π•†π•ƒπ•Œπ•„π”Ό πŸ™πŸ™ β€’β€’
Five Years Later
Second Chances
Leap of Faith
United Again
The Time Heist
The Nano-Gauntlet
I Am Spider-Man
The World Will Remember
Take Us Back

Outside of the Law

433 26 10
By WilsonsWits

{Later That Day}

Steve Rogers stood in the garage with Sam. Bucky was sitting, looking down at his hands. He had just explained to them about how a man posing as the psychiatrist activated his Winter Soldier mode and caused him to escape custody. That same man framed Bucky for the bombing in Vienna. He also explains how in Siberia, there are other Winter Soldiers in a cryogenic stasis waiting to be activated. He assumes the man is trying to get to them.

Sam walks up to Steve.

Sam: This would've been a lot easier a week ago.

Steve: If we call Tony—

Sam: No, he won't believe us.

Steve: Even if he did—

Sam: Who knows if the Accords would let him help.

Steve starts to think. Everybody he knows are either in some form of custody or on the side of the Accords.

Steve: We're on our own.

You: Not quite.

Steve and Sam turn around, and see you by the garage door in civilian clothes. You wear a cap. The two are surprised to see you.

Steve: Y/N...how did you find us?

Sam: You come to arrest us, web-head?

You: Nice to see you too, Sam.

You sigh and put your hands in your coat pockets.

You: I'm not here to take you in. I'm here to help.

Steve: Why?

You: You were right, Cap. You both were. I made a mistake. These Accords aren't benefiting anybody. They're more so restricting us.

You continue speaking as they listen. You look over at Bucky.

You: I was eavesdropping, hope you don't mind. The man who activated Bucky is dangerous, and if there's more like him out there...we have to stop him before can reach them too.

Sam nods and smirks.

Sam: Can you say that again? How I was right?

You chuckle.

You: Shut up.

Steve: So it's the four of us then.

You shrug, for now you four are what's left. Sam starts to think as he crosses his arms.

Sam: Maybe not.

You and Steve look at Sam.

Sam: I know a guy.

• •

{Later That Day}

Tony knew what you were going to do. He also saw the news story of how Spider-Man came into Rykers and brutalized Philip Fisk.

If you weren't going to side with him and the Accords, you were going to join Steve and Sam. Tony was disappointed. He felt slighted. One of his closest friends now sided with the opposition, who was also a close friend.

Two men who are like brothers are now against him.

Thaddeus Ross gave Tony 36 hours to apprehend you, Steve, Sam, and Bucky. Andrea told him that T'Challa would join them in finding the four and asked who's Tony's help. Tony told her he knew somebody that can help them.

Tony then flew back to New York.

• •

AJ holds his basketball and carries his bag as he walks into the complex. His mom messaged him to come over, so he finished up playing with Tenn and couple buddies and walked over there.

He walks inside the apartment and closes the door, taking off his headphones and calling out.

AJ: Hola Mama! I'm home.

He walks into the living room as he looks down at his phone. He lifts his head as he hears voices, and is surprised to see his parents talking with Tony Stark. His stepfather turns to him.

Gideon: Hey, AJ. We have a guest.

AJ: Uh...hey...Mr. Stark.

Tony turns to him.

Tony: Hello, Mr. Morales. I apologize if my arrival is so sudden.

Rebecca: That's all right, Mr. Stark. It's great that you stopped by.

AJ: Yes...and why exactly?

Rebecca: AJ...

Tony: It's fine. Things have going by pretty fast these last few days.

Rebecca: Yes...with the bombing...the reveal of Y/N being Spider-Man and all. I can't believe AJ didn't know about him all this time.

AJ lied to his parents and acted just as surprised upon the reveal.

Tony: Mr. L/N kept his secret safeguarded. But Spider-Man and Y/N are both the same man. Selfless.

In the other room AJ's sister, Billie, starts to cry. Rebecca excuses herself to be with her.

Gideon: Want anything to drink?

Tony: No, I'm fine. I just need to speak in private with AJ. It's about this scholarship program I want him to be a part of.

AJ raises a brow and his stepdad's ears perk up.

Gideon: That sounds great. Lord knows AJ needs the money for all the shoes he buys.

AJ chuckles.

AJ: Gideon..

Gideon: Just saying, man.

Tony goes with AJ into his room. The billionaire looks around at his shoe collection, music-making equipment, game consoles, and comic books. AJ puts his things down.

AJ: Sorry about the clutter, I'm thinking of getting a place of my own probably next summer.

Tony: Look, AJ. I need your help.

AJ turns to face him.

AJ: Okay...this is out of nowhere.

Tony: I assume you know...that I know that your are the second Spider-Man.

AJ: Kid Arachnid. But yeah...Y/N told me you knew. But why do you need my help?

Tony sighs.

Tony: Y/N is going to do something that will likely label him a criminal for life....even more than he is right now. I can't let that happen.

AJ's brow raises. He saw the news about Kingpin's beating and was surprised to find out you did it. What more is there?

AJ: What do you mean?

Tony: He's back in Germany, assisting Steve in hiding James Buchanan Barnes.

AJ: The Winter Soldier...

Tony: You've acquainted with him.

AJ: Yes...a couple times.

Tony: They think they're doing the right thing...but they don't understand Barnes's capabilities. Him being out there spells danger.

AJ: Doesn't Y/N know this? Why would he help Barnes?

Tony: I don't know...AJ. That's why I want your help before things get bad. I want to talk with him.

AJ: You need my help to talk?

Tony: He'll probably listen to you more than me. And to be honest...I need to muscle in case things get bad.

AJ crosses his arms. He understands what he means.

AJ: In case things get violent? What the hell?

Tony: I won't let it get to that.

AJ sits down on the side of his bed. Tony stands beside him.

Tony: Y/N always talks about you. How he knows you'll be the perfect successor of the Spider-Man mantle. What he's doing now will taint that name.

AJ looks down as he listens.

Tony: It's up to you to keep the symbol pure.

Tony sits down beside AJ.

Tony: We have to go stop them. Both Steve and Y/N, before they do something that gets them hurt.

AJ nods. He is close with both you and Steve.

He starts to think, you always taught him about responsibility and doing what's right. Inside, he feels it's his responsibility now to help. He wants to make sure you don't do anything that you will regret. He doesn't want you to further incriminate yourself.

He wants to keep the Spider-Man name authentic. He feels it's the right thing to do.

AJ: So he's in Germany?

Tony: Somewhere there. We're chasing leads. But we're close.

AJ looks at Tony.

AJ: Okay...when do we leave?

Tony smiles.

Tony: In a couple hours actually. We can tell your folks that it's a trip related to the scholarship program. Your 19 so they shouldn't mind.

AJ: Do I still getting money out of this "scholarship program"?

Tony chuckles as he gets up from the bed.

Tony: Heh, we'll talk about that later.

• •

Back in Germany, you went over the plans with Steve, Sam, and Bucky. You called Daryl and informed him of the situation. He agreed to help and was going to go to the Avengers compound to free Wanda. Afterwards, they were going to go to San Francisco to pick up a contact that Sam new about.

Steve wanted to ask AJ for help, but you refused to do so. You don't want him to get involved, and would rather him be back in New York doing his things.

Steve and Sam just got their equipment back from Sharon Carter. Steve drove you all to an airport and stopped the car in the parking structure beside a van. You all exit, and greet Daryl and Wanda outside of it.

Daryl: Y/N.

You shake his hand as you stand beside Steve.

You: Daryl. You know we wouldn't have called if I had any other choice.

Daryl: Hey, man. You're doing me a favor. Besides, I owe a debt.

You look at Wanda who's standing behind Daryl.

You: Thanks for having our back.

Wanda: It was time to get off my ass. And I was glad to hear you switched sides.

You: It was inevitable.

Steve looked at the van.

Steve: How about our other recruit?

Daryl: He's rarin' to go. Had to put a little coffee in him but he should be good.

Daryl opens the sliding door, and a man shoots up out of his slumber. He squints his eyes as he gets of out the van.

It is Omid Lang. The Ant-Man.

Omid: What time zone is this?

Omid fully opens his eyes and sees you and Captain America. He's in awe.

Omid: Woah...Spider-Man. Captain America.

He shakes your hand.

You: Mr. Lang.

He shakes Steve's hands, and it takes uncomfortably longer than it should.

Omid: It's an honor....I'm shaking your hand too long.

He lets go.

Omid: Wow this is awesome...

He looks back at Wanda.

Omid: I know you too, you're great!

He looks back at you and Steve.

Omid: Ah, look, I wanna say, I know you know a lot of super people, so thinks for thanking of me.

He looks over at Sam who's near the car. He remembers their enounters back at the facility months ago.

Omid: Hey, man!

Sam: What's up, Tic-Tac?

Omid: Uh, good to see you. Look, about what happened last time when I—

Sam: It was a great audition...but it'll never happen again.

You look at Omid.

You: They tell you what we're up against?

Omid: Something about some psycho-assassins?

Steve: We're outside the law on this one. So if you come with us, you're a wanted man.

Omid shrugs.

Omid: Yeah, well...what else is new?

Suddenly, a man starts speaking German on the P.A system. Bucky understands what he's saying.

Bucky: They're evacuating the airport.

Steve: Stark.

Omid: Stark?

You look at the rest of the team. It was time.

You: Suit up.

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