Spider-Man Male Reader x The...

By WilsonsWits

214K 8.3K 2.2K

❝ When you can do the things that I can, but you don't, and then the bad things happen, they happen because o... More

𝔸/β„•: π•šπ•Ÿπ•₯𝕣𝕠𝕕𝕦𝕔π•₯π•šπ• π•Ÿ
A New Day
Big Change
With Great Power...
...Comes Great Responsibilty
Did You Give Him A Chance?
Remember The Name
Curtain Call
The Shocker
Nick's Reprisal
Here For You
Chestnut Eyes
You Saved Me
Dude, Sick Costume
Turbo Jet
If Only She Knew
She Will Be Loved
A Threat's Ascension
The Green Goblin
To Each His Own
We Are Who We Choose To Be
I'll Always Be With You
β€’β€’ π•π•†π•ƒπ•Œπ•„π”Ό 𝟚 β€’β€’
Seconds To Spare
A Game of War, Anyone?
A Friend's Plight
Home Remedies
What I Desire
Kraven The Hunter
The Hunter and the Hunted
Merry Christmas, Spider-Man
Like Father, Like Daughter
The Cat's Pursuit
The Chameleon
Law of the Jungle
The Lizard
Mind Games | Part 1
Mind Games | Part 2
Mind Games | Part 3
Mind Games | Part 4
Mind Games | Part 5
β€’β€’ π•π•†π•ƒπ•Œπ•„π”Ό πŸ› β€’β€’
Duty Calls
Rain Check
Wings of Fury
Not In My City
Behind The Mask
Back in Business
The Saviors
Friends Again?
Return of the Goblin
What is This?
Negan's Lesson
I Made A Promise
Broken Bonds
What We Become
β€’β€’ π•π•†π•ƒπ•Œπ•„π”Ό 𝟜 β€’β€’
Takedowns and Nights Out
When Sparks Fly
Mad Bomber
Death To J. Jonah
Same Old Luke
Master of Illusion
The Prowler
Not Today...Not Tomorrow...
β€’β€’ π•π•†π•ƒπ•Œπ•„π”Ό 𝟝 β€’β€’
The Main Event
Always There
Dr. Everett's Demonstration
Demons and Dine-Ins
Sleep Is For The Weak
Davis To The Rescue
City Hall
The Search For Mr. Li
Couple's Quarrel
Mr. Negative
The Sinister Six
Mayhem and Mirages
Into The Fire
Just Like Us
Clash At Stark Tower
β€’β€’ π•π•†π•ƒπ•Œπ•„π”Ό 𝟞 β€’β€’
Kid Arachnid
The Winter Soldier
Mount Sinai
Watchful Eye
Newfound Knowledge
Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D
Unexpected Help
I'm Still Here
Missed Me?
The Beacon of New York
β€’β€’ π•π•†π•ƒπ•Œπ•„π”Ό 𝟟 β€’β€’
At War
The Initiative
The Helicarrier
Three Geniuses
War of Words
Divide and Conquer
Earth's Mightiest Heroes
I'll Have That Drink Now
β€’β€’ π•π•†π•ƒπ•Œπ•„π”Ό 𝟠 β€’β€’
You Could Have Saved Us
Peace In Our Time
Party at Avengers Tower
Tony's Reason
Mind Games...Again
The Dixon Household
Battle in Seoul
Battle of Sokovia
We Got Some Hitters
β€’β€’ π•π•†π•ƒπ•Œπ•„π”Ό 𝟑 β€’β€’
What's Next?
The Sokovia Accords
My Name Is...
Return of the Winter Soldier
A Message
Outside of the Law
Clash of the Avengers
Spider-Man vs Iron Man
War Criminal
Passing The Torch
β€’β€’ π•π•†π•ƒπ•Œπ•„π”Ό πŸ™πŸ˜ β€’β€’
He's Coming
Back In Action
Saving Stephen Strange
Reuniting with the Captain
How Many Did We Win?
Battle of Wakanda
β€’β€’ π•π•†π•ƒπ•Œπ•„π”Ό πŸ™πŸ™ β€’β€’
Five Years Later
Second Chances
Leap of Faith
United Again
The Time Heist
The Nano-Gauntlet
I Am Spider-Man
The World Will Remember
Take Us Back

Shock To The System

714 34 9
By WilsonsWits

{A While Later}

The fire department extinguished the fire and your Aunt got back to the F.E.A.S.T center safely. You're on a nearby rooftop with Clementine, sitting on a set of stairs. AJ went downstairs to get something to drink.

You hold your side and are exhausted.

You: Clem, if it weren't for you and AJ...I would've been—

Clementine: —as dead as I would've been the last 8 1/2 thousand times you saved me. Pretty sure I still owe you a few.

You weakly laugh, giving you a small ache on your side.

Clementine: Hey, I'm sorry I screwed things up. It's just...hard being the one who always gets saved, you know? Sometimes I want to do the saving.

You look at her.

You: I'm sorry I made you feel like you couldn't. Still partners?

Clementine: Always.

You both smile. AJ comes outside holding a box of drinks.

AJ: Hey, uh, I didn't know if you, uh, wanted Sprite, Gatorade, Pepsi, or this sparkling water brand...so I basically got everything....

He notices the both of you and places the box down.

AJ: Am I interrupting?

You: Oh...uh, no. Clem — Miss Watson and I were talking about strategy.

AJ: Strategy?

Clementine: That's right. The city is in danger, it needs our help.

You: All of our help.

AJ nods and looks at you.

AJ: Well, call the play, coach.

You: Okay...divide and conquer.

You get on your feet and face the two.

You: Miss Watson, we're gonna need to find out what Mr. Everett is after, why he gathered the five other villains. He has to have an endgame.

Clementine: You can count on me.

You then look at AJ.

You: AJ, you need to be my eyes and ears at F.E.A.S.T. Anything goes wrong, call me. We need to keep that place and its people safe.

AJ: Alright, you've got it. What are you going to do?

You: A gang of costumed nut-jobs is taking the city a part piece by piece...it's time I return the favor.

You start walking to the side of the roof when AJ calls out.

AJ: Hey, wait. How do I call you? You got a...phone in your...pockets or something?

You: Miss Watson can give you my number. Good luck, team.


You leap off and swing away. AJ smiles then looks at Clementine.

AJ: You have his number...are you...Spider-Man's girlfriend? That would be so cool!

Clementine laughs and goes over to the box of drinks.

Clementine: Come on, Sherlock. Let's see what else you got in here.

• •

{Later That Day}

You got a tip from Michonne about Shocker being spotted at a subway station in Union Square. You make it the scene and see police cars in the area.

Officer 1: Spider-Man. Luke Schultz is down there. We don't know what he's doing.

You: I'll deal with it, officer.

You run down the stairs and go through the corridors of the subway station. The terminals are empty, which is what you expected with what's going on right now.

You step onto the train tracks and go down the tunnels. There, your spider sense goes off and you leap onto the wall to dodge Shocker's blast.

You: Hey, Luke. How was the food at the Raft?

Shocker is at the end of the tunnel.

Shocker: Hate the food there, but Friday's were my favorite.

He shoots another blast but you dodge it too. He then runs away into another tunnel. You chase after him and go into the same tunnel. There's a door, and you crash through it.

The area you're in now is a large maintenance room keeping separate train cars. Shocker is in the middle of the room.

Shocker: That's it, freak. It's time I teach you a lesson. Shocker's school of hard knocks is now open.

You: Give me a break, Shock. I doubt you have any class let alone a whole schools worth.

Shocker shoots an energy blast. You leap forward and shoot two webs at him while in the air. You kick him while he's disoriented, but Shocker causes a shockwave at his feet, knocking you back.

You: What's your deal with Dr. Everett, Luke? You have to have an angle.

Shocker: Don't need one, let this be payback for Nick.

He shoots another blast, this time it hits you. You quickly recover and web-zip towards him. Shocker starts spinning around and causes a mini tornado. You fly back and hit a pillar. Hard. You definitely dislocated a shoulder.

You start to think amidst the pain. Lee definitely enhanced Luke's tech for him.

You: Man...all those upgrades and you still have a stupid looking suit.

You grab your left shoulder and pop it back in. That'll definitely get sore later.

Shocker: Try telling jokes through broken teeth, asshole.

You zip up to the ceiling and climb on it. Shocker shoots from his gauntlet and tries to hit you, but you evade each blast.

You drop down and kick him in the face. You kick him again while on the ground and send him flying back.

You: Hey, Shock. Can you say "I'll squash you like a bug"? It cracks me up every time you say that.

Shocker snarls at your mockery.

Shocker: I'll shut your mouth for you!

You shoot a web-line at a nearby crate and throw it at Shocker. He shoots at it, which gives you the chance to leap at him and punch him across the face.

It reminded you of your first fight with him years ago.

Shocker tries to hit you with his left gauntlet, but you grab it and emit an electric shock from your web shooters. It disables the gauntlet but Shocker kicks you away.

Shocker: God damn it!

Shocker tries to activate his left gauntlet to no avail.

Shocker: I don't need two to kill you. Remember the bank years ago?

You: Oh my God, you do remember! See? We do share a bond.

Shocker uses his right gauntlet to shoot at you, but you dodge and shoot an impact web at his foot. He's stuck to the floor, and you get the chance to swing kick him to the side of a train car. You get in front of him and start punching him. You knee his abdomen and land an upper cut, knocking him back. He lands on his bottom near the train car.

You shoot an electric web at his other gauntlet, disabling it and sticking his arm to the wall. Shocker is exhausted and defeated.

You stand over Luke.

You: It's over, Shocker. Now tell me, what is Mr. Everett's plan?

Shocker pants and doesn't answer. He just shoots a glare at you.

You: Look, man...I have to be honest. Out of the six of you that I have to take down, you're the most...normal.

He starts to listen.

You: ...in a sense. You're not really out to hurt people or strike fear. You're just in a bad situation and trying to get out of it...

You rub your chin and continue.

You: ...illegally, I might add. But, I understand. I know beneath that tough country boy exterior is a good man.

Shocker takes a breath, and looks down.

Shocker: Everett's trying to recreate that project of his that failed over a week ago. He wants us to keep you busy while he gets...whatever chemical or element he needs for it.

You nod and take in his information. Lee was definitely searching for tritium for his new fusion reactor. You can't let him build it again, it could possibly destroy half of New York.

You: Thanks. So, we cool now? Maybe we can share some gadget schematics—

Shocker: Fuck you.

You: Okay, fine. Still adversaries.

You run out of the room, leaving Shocker for the incoming authorities.

• •


You swing through Murray Hill and call Clementine.

Clementine: Y/N, what's up?

You: I just dealt with Shocker, and he told me about Lee's plan.

Clementine: Spill the beans.

You: He's trying to rebuild the fusion reactor. He orchestrated the prison breaks to keep me and the authorities busy while he goes looking for tritium.

Clementine: My God, I heard about what happened at his demonstration. If it goes wrong again—

You: I know. That's why we have to find the tritium before he does.

Clementine: Oscorp has many facilities around the city. We're gonna have to find which one holds it.

You: Can I trust my favorite investigative reporter with the job?

Clementine: Haha. I got it. I'll chase down some leads.

You both hang up, and moments later you get a notification about two incidents, one at Central Park and one at a theater in Bloomingdale. You know it's likely two of the remaining villains.

You decided to check out the park first.

You: I wonder who's the guy I have the honor of rematching this time?


You change direction and begin making your way to Central Park.

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