Spider-Man Male Reader x The...

By WilsonsWits

214K 8.3K 2.2K

❝ When you can do the things that I can, but you don't, and then the bad things happen, they happen because o... More

𝔸/β„•: π•šπ•Ÿπ•₯𝕣𝕠𝕕𝕦𝕔π•₯π•šπ• π•Ÿ
A New Day
Big Change
With Great Power...
...Comes Great Responsibilty
Did You Give Him A Chance?
Remember The Name
Curtain Call
The Shocker
Nick's Reprisal
Here For You
Chestnut Eyes
You Saved Me
Dude, Sick Costume
Turbo Jet
If Only She Knew
She Will Be Loved
A Threat's Ascension
The Green Goblin
To Each His Own
We Are Who We Choose To Be
I'll Always Be With You
β€’β€’ π•π•†π•ƒπ•Œπ•„π”Ό 𝟚 β€’β€’
Seconds To Spare
A Game of War, Anyone?
A Friend's Plight
Home Remedies
What I Desire
Kraven The Hunter
The Hunter and the Hunted
Merry Christmas, Spider-Man
Like Father, Like Daughter
The Cat's Pursuit
The Chameleon
Law of the Jungle
The Lizard
Mind Games | Part 1
Mind Games | Part 2
Mind Games | Part 3
Mind Games | Part 4
Mind Games | Part 5
β€’β€’ π•π•†π•ƒπ•Œπ•„π”Ό πŸ› β€’β€’
Duty Calls
Rain Check
Wings of Fury
Not In My City
Behind The Mask
Back in Business
The Saviors
Friends Again?
Return of the Goblin
What is This?
Negan's Lesson
I Made A Promise
Broken Bonds
What We Become
β€’β€’ π•π•†π•ƒπ•Œπ•„π”Ό 𝟜 β€’β€’
Takedowns and Nights Out
When Sparks Fly
Mad Bomber
Death To J. Jonah
Same Old Luke
Master of Illusion
The Prowler
Not Today...Not Tomorrow...
β€’β€’ π•π•†π•ƒπ•Œπ•„π”Ό 𝟝 β€’β€’
The Main Event
Always There
Dr. Everett's Demonstration
Demons and Dine-Ins
Sleep Is For The Weak
Davis To The Rescue
The Search For Mr. Li
Couple's Quarrel
Mr. Negative
The Sinister Six
Shock To The System
Mayhem and Mirages
Into The Fire
Just Like Us
Clash At Stark Tower
β€’β€’ π•π•†π•ƒπ•Œπ•„π”Ό 𝟞 β€’β€’
Kid Arachnid
The Winter Soldier
Mount Sinai
Watchful Eye
Newfound Knowledge
Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D
Unexpected Help
I'm Still Here
Missed Me?
The Beacon of New York
β€’β€’ π•π•†π•ƒπ•Œπ•„π”Ό 𝟟 β€’β€’
At War
The Initiative
The Helicarrier
Three Geniuses
War of Words
Divide and Conquer
Earth's Mightiest Heroes
I'll Have That Drink Now
β€’β€’ π•π•†π•ƒπ•Œπ•„π”Ό 𝟠 β€’β€’
You Could Have Saved Us
Peace In Our Time
Party at Avengers Tower
Tony's Reason
Mind Games...Again
The Dixon Household
Battle in Seoul
Battle of Sokovia
We Got Some Hitters
β€’β€’ π•π•†π•ƒπ•Œπ•„π”Ό 𝟑 β€’β€’
What's Next?
The Sokovia Accords
My Name Is...
Return of the Winter Soldier
A Message
Outside of the Law
Clash of the Avengers
Spider-Man vs Iron Man
War Criminal
Passing The Torch
β€’β€’ π•π•†π•ƒπ•Œπ•„π”Ό πŸ™πŸ˜ β€’β€’
He's Coming
Back In Action
Saving Stephen Strange
Reuniting with the Captain
How Many Did We Win?
Battle of Wakanda
β€’β€’ π•π•†π•ƒπ•Œπ•„π”Ό πŸ™πŸ™ β€’β€’
Five Years Later
Second Chances
Leap of Faith
United Again
The Time Heist
The Nano-Gauntlet
I Am Spider-Man
The World Will Remember
Take Us Back

City Hall

609 28 15
By WilsonsWits

{The Next Day}

It was great to hear that Officer Davis was going to be presented with an award at city hall for his heroics last night. The current mayor, Ezekiel Payton, will present him the award.

Ezekiel is actually the father of your friend Sophia and husband of her mother Carol. He's been a part of city council for years, and after Fisk's arrest, was voted in as the next mayor.

Clementine invited you to join her to watch the ceremony. You figured it'd be cool to watch Alvin get his award and possibly catch up with Sophia and Carl if they ended up attending as well.


You make your way to city hall.

• •


Alvin, Rebecca, and AJ walk down the sidewalk towards city hall. Alvin wears a nice ironed police uniform. Rebecca points ahead.

A/N: Since AJ is 14 right now, I felt I needed to age him up and not use his model from the game. So, say hello to young Alfred Enoch!

Rebecca: There's the stage entrance. And we'll be right out front.

Alvin takes a deep breath.

Officer Davis: Sounds like a lot of people out there.

Rebecca smiles and holds his arm.

Rebecca: You'll be fine, honey.

Officer Davis: Last time I gave a speech, I was in high school. Mr. Kirkman gave me a C minus.

AJ chuckles as he looks at the crowd.

Rebecca: If only Mr. Kirkman could see you now.

AJ: Hey, you got this, Dad. Like come on, you saved Spider-Man. I think that makes you an official super hero.

Officer Davis: A super hero?

He chuckles.

Officer Davis: Or...maybe I'm just a guy who doesn't give up.

Rebecca gives her husband a kiss. Alvin smiles and starts walking towards the stage entrance. Rebecca starts walking with AJ to the seats.

Rebecca: Come on, honey.

• •

You arrive at city hall, and see the crowd of people in front of the staging area. It's not long until you see Clementine, who's talking with some familiar looking people.

Sophia: Oh my god, is that Y/N?

You smile as you walk towards the trio.

You: Yup. It's me.

You hug Carl and Sophia. You also greet Clementine, who holds a camera.

Carl: What brings you to the ceremony?

You: Oh, uh...Clem told me about it. I decided to join her.

Sophia: That's nice.

Carl: So...are you two a thing again?

That question sucked the air out of you and her.

You: Uh...no...?

Clementine: No...we're just...

You: ...talking.

Clementine: Hanging out...covering stories...

You: Stories...yeah. A team up.

The two of you talked over each other trying to give a response. Carl silently laughed at the awkwardness.

Sophia: Nothing wrong with being business partners.

You really want to change the subject.

You: How are the two of you? Married life going well?

Carl: It's been great. Sophia is doing a fantastic job on Broadway. She got offered a role in a show.

Clementine: That's amazing!

Sophia: I know right?

You: Hey, those plays back in high school were no fluke. I knew you had real talent.

Carl: Hey, my job at Downtown Music totally trumps hers.

Sophia nudges him and they both share a laugh.

Clementine: Hey, I saw you posted something online about foster sibling a few months ago.

Sophia: Oh yeah, my parents took in a blind boy named Henry. He's so sweet.

The four of you notice the ceremony about to start, and Carl and Sophia leave to go to their seats. You walk with Clementine through the crowd and get closer to the stage so she can take photos.

Two two of you begin to quietly converse as the deputy mayor speaks.

Clementine: So...?

You: I think this gang war may be finally over.

Clementine: Like...over-over?

You: I mean, there's some loose ends still to be tied up. But...

Clementine: Loose ends?

You: Well, there's still that truck of weapons I missed last night. Who knows what the Demons could do with that? Then there's that thing with the files...

Clementine snaps a couple more photos then turns to you.

Clementine: Well maybe after this we can get some coffee, figure it out together.

You: Yeah...um....

Mayor Ezekiel then gets on stage. He begins talking as well. Officer Davis is beside him near the podium.

You: But uh...instead of coffee maybe we could have dinner instead? I can come over...I'll cook.

Clementine gives you a look. You were never really a good cook.

You: Or you know meet at a totally neutral location for a completely normal meal. Cooked by professionals.

Clementine laughs.

Mayor Ezekiel starts giving the award to Officer Davis.

Ezekiel: For acts of extraordinary bravery above and beyond the call of duty, it is my privilege to present Officer Alvin Davis with the Department Medal of Honor.

He begins putting the medal on Alvin when the Deputy Mayor walks up to Ezekiel and informs him about a phone call. He tries to wave it off, but is soon convinced to take it. He shakes Alvin's hand before walking off the stage.

Officer Davis gets behind the podium. You and Clementine start applauding amongst the crowd. He begins to speak while Mayor Ezekiel talks on the phone backstage.

Ezekiel: Yes?

???: For many years...we've been working for this moment.

Ezekiel: Who is this?

???: With Philip Fisk gone, the city has never been so vulnerable. For once, it will be our time to take control.

Ezekiel: What is this mumbo jumbo bullshit? What is it you want?

???: Nothing from you. Soon enough, the New Frontier will be known.

The caller hangs up. Ezekiel looks at his security detail in confusion.

Officer Davis thanks his wife, Rebecca, and son, AJ at the end of his speech. He walks away from the podium to stand alongside a couple other officers for pictures. At this moment, your spider sense goes off, and it BLARES. You look to your left and see people coming out of vehicles. You walk over to get a closer look, and you see them glowing. It's the Demons.

Among these people, you see Vince Li. His hands are glowing as well.

You then look up at the stage, and see the Deputy Mayor beginning to glow as well. He unbuttons his suit vest, and exposes a bomb. The other people near the vehicles earlier do the same, and detonate their vests.

The first explosion erupts, causing everybody to panic. AJ yells at his dad, and Alvin looks back at the other bomber. He quickly pushes him away and tries to shield himself and the other officers before it explodes too.

Another bomb by a van is about to detonate near the crowd. You run towards Clementine.

You: Get down!

You push her down and try to shield her. The explosion launches the both of you forward, but you take most of the impact.

You black out.

• •

Rebecca: AJ?! Baby?! Can you hear me?!

AJ opens his eyes, his blurry vision starting to focus. He feels the sting of a cut on the side of his face.

Rebecca: Oh, thank God...can you hear me, baby?

AJ nods, leaning on his elbows on the floor.

Rebecca: I'm going to go find your father. Stay here.

Before AJ can say anything, Rebecca runs off. He looks to his right and sees a young woman trying to wake up a man. It's you and Clementine. There was panic in her voice as she tries to wake you.

Clementine: Y/N...Y/N, wake up! Come on, say something. Please.

AJ gets up and surveys the area. He sees the destruction around him, the injured people on the ground, the dead ones...

He needed to go find his mom...and then his dad.

AJ: Mom!

He runs through debris, evading falling structures and fires. He runs though a dilapidated shop, and on the other side he sees Rebecca pinned down under debris. An EMT is trying to help her.

AJ: Mom? Mom!

Rebecca: AJ!

AJ runs over and tries to help the EMT lift the debris off of her. It wasn't budging.

EMT: Hurry! It's slipping!

AJ quickly goes over and grabs a pipe on the ground. He sticks it under the debris and starts to lift it up. The EMT then pulls Rebecca out from under the debris in the nick of time.

EMT: Nice going, kid.

AJ ignores his remark and goes over to his mom.

AJ: Are you okay?!

They both hug.

Rebecca: Yeah, yes...yes...are you okay?

AJ: Are you sure?

Rebecca: Yes...I'm going to be alright. I'll be alright.

AJ: I...I have to go find Dad, okay?

AJ starts to walk away. Rebecca tries to call out.

Rebecca: No...AJ...please...no!

AJ doesn't listen, and he goes deeper into the destruction.

• •

After navigating his way through dilapidated structures and overturned cars, AJ makes it to the front of city hall where the ceremony took place. He sees dead bodies, and gunmen walking amongst them. It's the Demons.

AJ sneaks his way towards the staging area where he last saw his father. He sees a Demon looking at the bodies. While his back is turned, AJ grabs a pipe and tries to attack the Demon. He quickly reacts and parrys the hit with his sword. The Demon kicks AJ and makes him topple down the steps. The Demon brandishes his sword and walks menacingly towards AJ.

AJ: No...stop!

The Demon is about to stab AJ, but his boss calls out to the men.

Vince: Enough—we have to leave. Now.

The Demons look at Vince, his eyes glowing white. The Demon in front of AJ lowers his sword and walks away. The rest of the Demons follow Vince.

AJ gets up and runs up the steps back onto the stage. He looks around, and that's when he sees him. His father, Alvin Davis, is on the ground. He's bloodied and unresponsive. He kneels beside his body.

AJ: Dad...Dad! Dad, no!

AJ shakes him, hoping to somehow wake him.

AJ: Dad...wake up...wake up...

AJ starts to cry. Joining the sweat and dirt on his face, his tears stream down his cheeks. He looks up, trying to process the fact that he's lost his father.

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