Merlin One-Shots!!

By smolgaybean_

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I will take any suggestions. if you have an au you love please message me and I will gladly write a story for... More

Hunting trip
The lost Prince of Anahaven
Life after Camlann
Defying destiny
Beauty and the Bestie
Flowers part 2
The boy who sat by the lake
Stupid Laws
Stupid Laws part two
Stupid Laws part three
So many secrets
Butterfly Wing
Scars and Bruises
Friends with benefits
Another Reveal
Don't touch him, understand?
Starting over
New friend
Love is hard
Tavern trip
Here for you
Everybody wants to rule the world
I didn't think you cared
Big Brother
My King, my destiny
Highschool bullies
Heart of a dragon
Heart of a dragon #2
Heart of a dragon #3
Coffee dates
lady of the lake
Magic Bois
Cold Shoulder
Only you
Royal Blood
For you
Midnight confessions
Dysfunctional family
The monster in a cage
its a date
Drinking stories
just gonna leave this here
Fellas, I think I killed a god...?
Just Friends eh?
I guess I am a father now
In over his head
Another one?
Coming of age
The Thief
Mr Loverman
As the world caves in
Eyes like burning gold
Here for you
Banquets and Bruises
Group chat
Temptation of the Knight
Something domestic
water fights
Shadow Oracle #1
Shadow Oracle #2
Venus' book
Stories of the past

We fell in love in October

986 12 66
By smolgaybean_

I couldn't leave 'Coming of age' the way I here is a part two.


Months passed and Sen would flit between Camelot and the forest. She was treated with the same amount of respect as Merlin was, being an extremely powerful creature of nature.

Eden's lessons were now taught by Sen which was a more enjoyable use of both their time. When they weren't practicing they could be found in the palace gardens or the tiny courtyard as a way to keep Sen connected with nature.

Around five months had passed since their first meeting when a devastating change struck the kingdom.

With the Samahain festival right around the corner no one really payed the young lovers any mind. Yet they still found themselves in the way of all the preparations. So they kept themselves tucked away in Eden's chambers during the day, then sneaking of to the forest to spend the night together.

It was during one of these camp-outs that Eden and Sen decided to test the limit of their powers, since both were young and new to their magic in many ways.

"I think we should relax and let out magic reign free. That way we can see how powerful it really is without restraints." Sen suggests.

"I love how you talk about magic as if it were alive."

"Well of course it is. Magic is a sentient being, they have always been here and will continue to dwell here long after we are gone. They are simply using our bodies as a way to channel their energy back into the earth."

Eden was too busy swooning to pay any real attention leading Sen to burst into a fit is giggles.

"Stop your drooling M'Lady and show me what you can do."

Eden closed her eyes and relaxed her mind. She could feel an overwhelming flow of magic through her veins. Light congregated in her irises, churning like a sea of molten gold. All of a sudden an intense burning sensation nipped at her fingertips, spreading like wildfire across her body until she felt as if she were suffocating. Eden opened her eyes to see strips of fire coiling around her limbs like ivy. But there were no burn marks, instead trails of what looked like black ink.

Sen was screaming at Eden, begging her to snap out of it but try as she might she could not. Her eyes darted around for anything that could relieve her pain, but it was becoming to much. It was a struggle to focus as her mind slipped into a dreamlike state. Losing her grip on reality, Eden tried the last thing that came to mind.

With a scream she let her power loose, throwing her arms out. Sen ducked to avoid the ring of fire that burst from within Eden. All wildlife was left untouched as if the explosion had never even happened.

Eden however was covered in black marks which were not fading anytime soon. She dropped to the floor crying in pain and Sen rushed to her side.

"Breathe Eden. You're okay, it's over." Sen cooed, trying not to show her pain as she stroked Eden's burning skin. It was as if she was stroking a raw flame.

"What was that?" Eden whimpered through sobs.

"I don't know. But I think we should take you home, your dad might know the cause."

Eden nodded and allowed Sen to lift her up. Knowing she would not be able to walk under Eden's weight, Sen sprouted her wings and flew them back to Camelot. Eden rested her head on Sen's shoulder and passed out, much to Sen's dismay.

As they reached the village guards swarmed the girls, Leon at their head.

"Sen what happened?"

By this point Sen was close to a breakdown herself, not having enough time to process what had just happened. So instead of answering she simply flew out of reach of the Knights and carried on down the streets.

The commotion quickly turned to gossip that spread like wildfire through Camelot. Everyone wanted to know what happened to the girl. But among curiosity there was also pity. Pity for Merlin as god knows what he will do when he sees Eden.

Luckily Sen reached the palace before the gossip did. Using her magic she scanned the castle for Merlin, trying desperately to stop the tears from flowing. Once the warlock had been detected Sen burst through the double doors.

Servants scuttled out of her way offering concerned looks as the nymph passed. Not that Sen acknowledged any of them.

When she finally reached the throne room she used her magic to blow open the double doors, not caring that a council meeting was in progress.

"Sen what is-" Arthur was quickly cut of by Gwen's terrified scream. Merlin whipped round in his chair fearing the worse.

He broke down in tears when he saw Eden passed out in Sen's arms, skin snow white. Ivory tendrils coiled up her arms like veins, sprouting of in many directions as if spreading.

"Eden! What happened to her?" Merlin cried running to take Eden into his arms.

"I don't know. We wanted to test her powers but something happened, it was like her magic took complete control. It got to painful and- and she passed out. I- I didn't know w-what to do."

Arthur and Gwen dismissed the nobles, giving the family a shred of privacy.

"I'm sorry this is all my fault. I should have stopped her before it was too late." Sen sobbed. Her chest felt so tight she could barely breathe. It was as if all the air had been sucked out her lungs leaving her to suffocate in her misery.

"Arthur I need you to help me get her to my office. Gwen you stay here with Sen."


"Stay here Sen."

Sen dipped her head, tears cascading down her cheeks. Gwen pulled her into a hug as the men carried Eden out the room. Once out of earshot Sen's cries became louder, the pain audible in her voice.

Gwen did her best to comfort the child but to no avail. Morgana joined them having heard the news and placed a calming spell on the nymph. Although her efforts were appreciated, no spell could possibly relieve Sen from her pain.


Arthur paced the length of Merlin's office as the warlock tried countless spells to reverse the comatose.

"I don't know what to do." Merlin yelled after another failed attempt. His magic reacted violently, smashing all the windows within a five mile radius.

"She be okay Merlin. You will think of something." Arthur assured, although if he was being honest he was extremely worried.

"How can you be sure."

"Merlin I have known you for almost twenty years now. You are a stubborn, headstrong prat who can think his way out of anything. Plus you are the most powerful warlock on earth. If anyone can help Eden it's you."

Merlin tried to smile but it looked more like a grimace. He say back down next to Eden's bed and took her hand. He traced the tattoo-like marks all while staring down at his daughter with tears in his eyes.

Arthur took this as his cue to leave. He shuffled quietly out of the room and headed back to the throne room desperate to know how Sen was doing.

The scene he was greeted with was startling to say the least.

Morgana was creating various shields blocking the doors preventing Arthur from actually entering. Sen was hovering in the middle of the room, eyes glowing an ethereal silver and hands surrounded in a blue flame. Her wings were tinged with black and more gnarled in appearance than normal.

Gwen was trying to calm her down but to no avail. Sen was throwing spell after spell at the shields in order to break free.

"Let me leave. I need to see her." She screamed, throwing one last shot at the barrier. It shattered into mirror like fragments that scattered across the floor.

It was then Sen caught sight of the king. All her rage melted leaving a broken shell of a girl. She dropped to the floor and ran at Arthur.

"Is she okay? Has anything happened to her? I need to see her. Please let me see her."

Arthur didn't know what to do with child. On the one hand he was absolutely terrified by what he had walked into. Yet he understood her grief. Had he not felt the same way all those years ago when Merlin was poisoned? Or again when Gwen was kidnapped? Arthur understood completely.

"Sen look at me." Arthur held her shoulders firm forcing her to look him in the eyes. "Merlin is trying everything he can to help her. But for now you need to stay here. After what I just saw you are in no state to see her again."

"No! No please. Arthur please I can't just stand here and wait for news. I need to help, I can help her. I know I can."

Arthur was at a loss. He looked to Morgana who was shaking her head, then to Gwen who seemed indifferent. Sen was strong and extremely powerful. Her nymph heritage would prove useful, especially since her powers provoke new life. But something in the back of his mind told him not to let her go.

"I'm sorry Sen. You can stay here for the night if you wish, but I can't allow you to see her. Not yet. Give Merlin some time okay."

Sen's lip quivered, her eyes filling with fresh tears. Instead of another outburst however, the girl simply sank into his arms and cried. Arthur could do nothing but console her.


Merlin spent the night flicking through old magical texts in search of anything of minor use. He was wishing that Gaius was still here by his side, aiding him with words of wisdom or simply slapping some sense into him. Five years without his mentor, his friend, his father.

"I wish you were here, Gaius. You would know exactly what to do." Merlin whispered, rubbing his hand across his face.

"Knock knock." Merlin heard the tapping of high heels trek further into the room but he didn't look up.

"Need anything?" Morgana inquired, sitting across from Merlin.

"My daughter." Merlin couldn't keep his voice from cracking as he stared down at Eden's limp body.

"I know how you must be feeling but-"

"If you're about to tell me she will be fine and that I will find a cure please leave. I have been searching for hours and I still don't know what's wrong with her, nevermind how to cure it."

Morgana dipped her head in shame. "I'm sorry."

Merlin sighed and dropped his hand looking at Morgana for the first time. She bit back a gasp at his dishevelled appearance.

"No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't be taking this out on you. I'm just worried, who knows what happened to her. I just wish I could do something, anything to help her."

"I know one person who is just as desperate as you to find a cure. And she is currently downstairs being guarded by Arthur to prevent another outburst."

"No. Sen has already done enough." Morgana's jaw dropped, eyes widening with shock.

"You don't seriously blame her for this, do you?"

"Yes! I blame her. If it wasn't for Sen then Eden would have never tried to test her powers beyond her limits. She knows better."

"Merlin, they are kids. You are telling me you weren't as reckless and curious as they were when you were younger."

" my childhood was different. I had a destiny placed on my shoulders when I was sixteen to keep the royal prat alive. I had to be reckless, to protect him. Eden went too far."

"Don't push Sen away Merlin. I am warning you now things will only get worse if you do."

Merlin wanted to question her, knowing that as a Seer she probably saw something. But he knew of the consequences of messing with visions, so he simply let her leave.

As much as he didn't want to he knew the only logical solution would be to talk to Sen.

With a sigh he closed his eyes and focused on Sen's magical energy.

"Sen, I need to talk to you." A couple of seconds go by until a frantic voice replies.

"What is it? Has she gotten worse?" Even through the link Merlin could hear the distress in her voice.

"There's no change. But I need your help, together we can think of a cure."

"I am on my way. Just let me deal with Arthur first." Merlin couldn't help but smile slightly, knowing he was exactly like the nymph in so many ways.

"Okay I'm on my way."

"What did you do?"

"I may have knocked him out."


"What!? It was a harmless spell. Don't focus on that focus on Eden!"

Merlin rolled his eyes and busied himself with another textbook. A couple of minutes passed and the door burst open. Sen fell in, doubled over panting. Her heart stopped when she saw Eden, no change in her condition yet looking so much more vulnerable. Her legs felt about to buckle as she made her way unsteadily to Eden's side.

"How long do we have?" Sen whispered.

"I don't know." Merlin placed his hand on Sen's shoulder, squeezing gently. "That's what scares me."


Early the next morning Merlin left briefly to fetch fresh water from the well. Sen seated herself at Eden's bedside, flicking through a magical textbook for some sort of answer.

Just as she was about to put the book down, a drawing caught her eye. A magnificent bird with flame coloured feathers covering its body. Intricate black patterns laced the wings, coiling around each feather like thick smoke. Sen's eyes drifted up the page and rested on the title.

"Phoenix." Sen looked back to Eden and studied the black marks further. The ends look frayed to the point of being fluffy, similar to the markings on the phoenix. That would also explain the fire, as phoenixes can catch fire at will.

Sen put down the book and gently stroked a stray strand of hair out of her face. She studied Eden's face as if it would be the last time she ever got to see it. For all she knew it was.

"I am going to fix this. I think I know what's going on. I just need you to hold on a little longer, if not for me then for your dad."

At that moment Merlin slipped into the room carrying a bucket of water. Sen was yet to realise this and continued talking to Eden.

"I will never forgive myself for this and I don't expect you to either. But if what I suspect is true then I will not rest until I find a way to cure you. As long as I am here nothing will happen to you."

Merlin wished he hadn't overheard such a private moment. He cleared his throat to prevent him overhearing any more. Sen jumped a little and turned to face Merlin.

"Merlin! I have an idea as to why Eden won't wake up." Merlin dropped the bucket sending water all over the floor, not that he cared in the slightest.

"What is it?"

"These markings on her arm are oddly similar to that of a phoenix. I remember her telling me about how her mother was a basset, so maybe Eden has the ability to change into another creature. Namely a phoenix. But since she isn't a basset herself she never fully transforms. If this is the case then she may have adopted the Phoenix's power of regeneration."

Merlin's jaw dropped. If this was true then she is the first warlock to gain this ability in history. How will they be able to work through this if her powers are completely unseen?

"Phoenix's usually take a couple of days to be reborn. I have helped one myself. Although that process is slightly different to Eden, it should work around the same time schedule."

"She has been out for almost two days now. Are you saying we just need to wait this out?" Sen tried not to react to Merlin's harsh tone.

"That's exactly what I am suggesting. Bad things happen when you mess with creatures of the old religion. You should know as a dragonlord that ancient creatures are complex beings. If we try to pull her out now she could die. We have to wait until she is ready."

That seemed to shut Merlin up. Of course he didn't want to do anything to worsen Eden's condition, but sitting by and doing nothing wasn't exactly what he had in mind.

"Ok well what else do you know about Phoenix's. You seem to have more experience than I, since until today I thought they were no more than a myth."

"Once they reach adulthood they gain the ability of regeneration. The myth states that their feathers catch fire and they reduce to ash; a baby phoenix is born from the ashes. But that is far from the truth. Nymphs are called to aid the phoenix in their transformation, we stay by their side drawing power from nature to ease their pain. After a while their feathers mature and they become a more evolved self. They go through this process maybe three or four times in their lifetime and from all I have learned the first is by far the worst and most painful transition."

Eden let out a tiny whimper that sent shivers down her father's spine. He could almost feel her pain through that single groan and it broke his heart.

"Do what you can. I need to talk to Arthur." Merlin headed to the door. He stopped in the doorway and turned back to the nymph. "Thank you Sen."

"Anything for Eden."


Merlin burst through the doors to the throne room to find Arthur sat on his throne with a wet cloth to his head. Morgana and Gwen were at his side trying to stifle laughter.

"I told you, you should have let her go." Gwen laughed, lifting the cloth to get a better look at his bruise.

"So she really did knock you out then?" Merlin laughed.

"She did. I only wish I was there to witness it." Morgana chuckled, leaning against a pillar. Arthur shot his sister an annoyed look to which she stuck her tongue out. You would think two grown adults would know how to act their age.

"Sen has found a potential reason for Eden's condition. The only solution is time, she suggests we wait it out."

Arthur side eyes Gwen then stands up. With a look of scepticism he approaches Merlin and rests a hand on his shoulder.

"And you're okay with this?"


"That was not believable in the slightest." Arthur scoffed. Merlin shrugged off Arthur's hand, smiling nonetheless.

"Sen knows more about this than I do, as much as I hate to admit it. I trust her."

"Good." Morgana states looking rather pleased with herself. It would seem her talk with Merlin brought him to his senses.

"How long does she think it will last?" Gwen whispered, wringing her hands together anxiously.

"She doesn't know exactly. Maybe three days at least."

"Three?" Arthur exclaimed instantly regretting shouting as Merlin flinched back.

"Yes. I'm not exactly pleased about it either but she thinks if we try and pull her out of sleep using magic it could have catastrophic effects. So I am willing to wait this out."

Arthur was stunned into silence, having to take a seat in order to stop the room from spinning. This all felt cruel: wait and do nothing when Eden could be in unimaginable amounts of pain or help her and potentially worsen her condition. Neither option is exactly desirable.

Morgana went to take a seat next to her brother but froze in her tracks. Her magic was tugging at the back of her mind as if warning her of something.

"Morgana are you-" Morgana ran from the room without answering heading towards Merlin's office.

"What has gotten into her?" Gwen inquired. Merlin simply shrugged and hurried after her, the two royals close behind.

When they reached the study they saw Morgana on the floor cradling a trembling Sen. Her knees were scuffed and the skin was broken. Her golden hair was wild and tangled, tufts of which were being gripped as an attempt to ground herself. Silent tears rolled down her cheeks.

Arthur was at the nymph's side in an instant, taking up Morgana's position and hugging the girl close to his chest. He looked to Morgana for an explanation only to find a look of utter heartbreak written across her face.

"She heard her." Was all she could manage before she too broke down into tears.

"What do you mean she heard her?" Merlin whispered, helping Morgana to her feet.

"I heard her. She was screaming at me to help. But I can't. I can't do anything to help her." Sen cried, choking on her sobs that shook violently through her body.

Arthur stroked his hand through Sen's hair to calm her down, glancing desperately at Merlin for help. But Merlin had frozen, staring at his daughter. Knowing she was in pain broke his heart. Like Sen he was helpless, and he hated it.

From that moment on the family seldom left Merlin's study. Gwen was the only one to leave and fetch food and fresh water. Arthur barely left Sen's side not wanting her to feel alone. Morgana occasionally sat with them, but mostly busied herself with keeping Eden comfortable.

Every now and then a fierce fever would flare up and Eden would stir enough to groan in pain. Whenever that would happen Sen would have to be removed from the room as in her state she physically could not take anymore pain.

It was at the latter end of one of these flare ups that Eden's state took a drastic turn for the better.

Her hand twitched, closing around Merlin's who was frozen in shock. A second later her eyes began to flutter; not enough to open but any sign of life was highly revered.

"We need to calm her fever. Morgana, can you get some more cloth." Merlin began ordering everyone around whilst Sen paced anxiously outside the door with Arthur watching over her.

"Calm down Sen please you are going to faint if you keep pacing like this." Arthur chided in a way that brought a smile to Sen's face.

"I just hate hearing her in pain, Arthur. I can't bear it any more."

"I know, Sen. I know." Sen walked over and slumped against Arthur, finding comfort in his hugs. "She is going to wake up any day now. I can feel it."

"I hope so. I don't know what Merlin will do to me if she doesn't."

Arthur drew back in shock completely dumbfounded at that statement.

"What do you mean Sen?"

"He blames me for Eden's condition. If my theory proves false and something bad happens all the more blame will fall on me. I deserve it though, I pushed her to test her powers. It is all my fault. I just don't want to have given Merlin false hope."

"Sen, listen to me. Merlin was no closer to finding a cure than you are now. He appreciates everything you have done for Eden. He may not show it all the time, but trust me he does. He wouldn't have made it through these past two days if it wasn't for you."

"I just can't help but feel I have let both of them down."

"You have done no such thing."

Sen looked up at Arthur with a disbelieving look in her eye. She couldn't bring herself to accept Arthur's praise, not feeling at all like she has been any help. But nevertheless she gave Arthur a small smile and returned to her pacing.

Only her pacing was cut short when her skin felt like it was burning from the inside out. Her eyes flashed silver as her consciousness was connected to Eden.


"Help me."

Sen burst through the door making the adults jump and stare at her. No matter how hard she tried she couldn't calm her magic, so why not use it.

"What do you need me to do, Eden?"

"Wake me up."

"But that could kill you."

"Just trust me Sen. Wake me up."

Sen extended her hand out to Eden with tears in her silver eyes. By the time Merlin realised what was happening it was too late. Amber light poured from her palms, wrapping around Eden like silk. The tattoo-like burns vanished and her fever plummeted back to normal.

Just as Sen was about to collapse from exhaustion Eden's eyes shot open and she gasped for air as if held under water.

"Eden!" Merlin exclaimed, rushing back to her side as soon as the light faded. Morgana was close at his side, along with Gwen both wearing beaming smiles.

Arthur was the only one who noticed Sen stumble, ready to catch her as the extensive use of magic took its toll.

"Did it work?" Sen slurred, gripping Arthur's arm.

"It worked. You did it Sen." Sen held out long enough to see Eden sit up before passing out.


Arthur tapped his foot nervously as he gazed down at Sen who was sleeping peacefully in her bed. The others opted to stay with Eden leaving Arthur to tend to Sen alone.

Over these past few months Arthur couldn't help but care for Sen like a daughter. These past few days have been agonising for him simply watching Sen go through so much pain without being able to do a thing.

Sen let out a soft groan and her eyes fluttered open.

"What happened?" She grumbled pushing herself up against the headboard.

"You passed out a little over three hours ago." Sen nodded hazily still trying to push the sleep from her mind. She still felt a slight burn under her skin. No doubt she now has a fever. Whatever had connected the two girls was obviously still at play.

"How are you feeling?" Arthur moved from the chair to the bed, still clasping Sen's hand tightly in his.

"Like I have run a marathon. I hope never to use that much magic at once again, it was too much."

"I have to say it was extremely impressive."

"I know." Sen gave Arthur a mock bow lips pulled into a smirk. When she rose a deafening ring blared in her ears. She covered her ears and brought her knees up to her chest praying for the horrible noise to leave.

"Sen, are you okay?"

After casting a spell to calm herself the ringing quickly subsided. Sen assumed her body was still recovering from the extensive use of magic. Her heart quickened as she lifted her head slowly.

"I'm fine. Just the after effects, there were bound to be some."

"Do you need anything?" Arthur got up ready to fetch Sen whatever she needed but was pulled back down.

"Some company would be nice."

"Of course."


"Why can't I see her! She saved me dad!" Eden yelled, face red with fury.

"She is the one who got you into this mess in the first place!" Merlin yelled back with as much fire in his voice as his daughter.

"What?" Eden stepped back, face blanched. "You can't honestly think that this was her fault. I was the one who pushed my limits. If not for her I wouldn't be here."

"She woke you up knowing full well what the consequences could be."

"I told her to!"

The room fell completely silent. Merlin's face dropped painted with fury Eden didn't know he could possess.

"You what?"

"I told her to wake me up through telepathy. We could both feel that I was ready. I trusted her to do it."

"But you couldn't trust me."


"Merlin, you're not being fair." Morgana interjected before Eden could say something she would regret.

"I'm not being fair! She is my daughter. I would risk life and limb for her yet she trusted Sen over me." Merlin whipped back round to Eden who was crying silent tears.

"One word was all I needed. One word to know you could hear me, that you were fighting. After everything I have done for you, all I have thrown away in order to give you the life you deserve did I not in return earn that."

"Merlin stop."

"Do you think I wanted to talk to Sen in that state? To make her feel everything I felt? My body felt like it was on fire. Like every atom was being ripped apart and sewn back together. And some cruel twist of fate meant that I was being forced to share that with Sen. All my pain was transferred to her. So don't you dare blame Sen for waking me up because not only was she saving me she was saving herself."

Eden let out a bitter laugh wiping away tears that were flowing down her red stained cheeks.

"But of course you don't care about that, do you? All you care about is being the hero. Wanting to wake me up yourself, making yourself look all knowing and powerful. You can't bear the fact that a seventeen year old kid could do more than you ever could. I am done with this conversation and with you. I will be with my girlfriend if any of you need me. So please don't need me."

With that Eden got to her feet and marched to the door, slamming it behind her. She leant up against the wood briefly, letting out a shaky breath before pushing off and running down the corridors.

Her knees buckled from lack of use but she continued nonetheless. Servants whispered and pointed as she ran past, half excited by her return and half worried by her tear stained appearance.

She ran the entire length of the castle until she finally reached Sen's chambers. Without knocking Eden burst through the doors, scaring the life out of Arthur and Sen.

"Eden?" They said in unison. Eden wasted no time running to the bed and launching herself into Sen's arms.

"Thank you." She whispered into Sen's ear. Recovering from the shock Sen snaked her arms around Eden's waist and drew her closer, revelling in the embrace she has craved for so long.

"Never do that to me again. I thought I had lost you." Sen whispered, her voice wavering precariously.

"I'm sorry. I promise I will never scare you like that again. Maybe we shouldn't play with our powers again though."

"I think that would be wise." Arthur chuckled, getting up to give the girls some privacy. Before he could leave however Eden turned to him with a slight grimace.

"Would you be able to keep dad away? We into an argument and I think it would be best if we didn't see each other for a while. Just until he has cooled off."

Artur nodded knowing exactly how worked up his friend could get. He slid the privacy curtain closed and made his way to the door.

"I am so glad you're awake. I have missed this." Sen mumbled resting her head against Eden's shoulder.

"Me too." A question came to mind and Eden pulled back. "Sen, how did you know how to wake me up?"

"I didn't know exactly. But all your other symptoms pointed to phoenix-like abilities so I used the same spell I would on them."

"Wait, what do you mean phoenix abilities?" Eden exclaimed.

"You dad didn't tell you?" Eden scoffed and shook her head. Sen noted not to bring up Merlin again since whatever happened clearly still angered her.

"The power you showed was so similar to a phoenix. The fire covering your entire body, the black marks, and the regeneration once it was all over. No one should have been able to survive what you went through. So I put two and two together. Somehow you have gained those abilities."

Eden took a second to take it all in. She stared down at her hands which still tingled.

"That's amazing and terrifying. But why me? I have never heard of this happening to anyone before."

"I have a theory about that, one which I never got to tell anyone. As you know your dad is a dragonlord. Well a dragonlord's power passes from father to son when the father dies, but that son must be of age. But what if they don't have a son but a daughter. I think that since you are of age now you gained an ability unseen for generations as no dragonlord has ever borne a daughter. The reason you can partly transform may be because your mother was a basset so a tiny bit of that curse could have been passed on to you."

Eden had to pay down to prevent herself from fainting again. It makes sense; Merlin wouldn't have to die for Eden to gain her powers as the myth quite specifically states father to son. There has never been a female dragonlord and this is why.


Sen laughed lightly at Eden's shock and laid down next to her.

"This is insane. The phoenix is my kin, like a dragon is my father's? But I thought they were a myth."

"Like you, a phoenix is rare. I have seen one and will probably only see one in my lifetime. Unless..."

Sen trailed off and her eyes clouded with thought. Eden turned on her side so she was propped up by her elbow.


"Unless you can call them. I have seen your father do it for the dragons. Maybe you can talk with a phoenix."

Eden's eyes widened and she jumped off the bed, heading for the privacy screen.

"Where are you going, E?"

"To test that amazing theory of yours."

"No you are not." Eden was taken back by the ferocity in Sen's words. "Sorry. I just don't want anything to happen to you. I just got you back Eden, I don't want to lose you again."

Eden smiled softly and walked back to the bed. She leant down and placed a soft kiss against Sen's lips.

"Okay I will stay here."

Sen smiled, leaning back in for another kiss. Although it was quickly ruined when she let out a small, adorable yawn.

"Someone's tired." Eden giggled.

"Can you blame me, I have barely slept in almost four days."

Eden shook her head and proceeded to take off her shoes and slide under the covers with Sen.

"What are you doing?"

"Sleeping." Eden cuddled into Sen's side, leaning her head against her chest. Sen smiled whilst turning a bright shade of red. Eventually she relaxed into the hug, laying her head on top of Eden's. The two quickly fell asleep lulled by the soothing beating of the other's heart.


Arthur marched through the castle with an icy expression on his face. The servants steered clear of the king, although curiosity filled the air as what could possibly have angered him on such a joyous day? One word: Merlin.

Arthur was beyond furious that his friend still blamed Sen for Eden's misfortune. He seems to only care for her mistakes and not the fact she saved his daughter's life. And to take his fury out on Eden, the whole argument made Arthur's blood boil.

He had a hard time reigning in his anger when he burst through the study door and found Merlin sat head in hands. Morgana was glaring at him from across the room whereas Gwen was at his side with her arm draped across his shoulder.

"Leave us." Arthur snarled. Gwen didn't have to be told twice, although she did give her husband a look as if to say 'don't be too harsh on him.'

Morgana however planted herself like a tree, a vicious gleam in her eye.

"Arthur, I'm not in the mood."

"I don't care. You are going to shut up and listen to what I have to say. How dare you be angry at Sen when all she has done is love your daughter. How dare you blame her for something that was neither child's doing. I thought you better than this Merlin. Have these past few months proven nothing to you. Sen loves Eden with all her heart, she could never and would never do anything to hurt her."

Arthur's face was dark, storm clouds raged in his irises. The once calming blue was now a churning sea of anger.

"Now Sen knows not of your pathetic claims and both Eden and myself tend to keep it that way. So I suggest you get over yourself and realise that Sen is a blessing for both you and Eden."

"Is that all?" Merlin growled, equally as enraged as Arthur.

"I swear to the triple goddess if I have to hear you whine one more time I will be trialled for murder. Get a grip Merlin." Morgana scolded.

Merlin looked like a wounded puppy as the gravity of his actions finally sunk in. Not only was he dangerously close to losing his daughter, but his two dearest friends as well. All because he couldn't accept that Eden no longer needed him.

"I'm sorry."

"We are not the ones you should be apologising to." Arthur snapped pointing to the door. If Merlin wanted to act like a child then Arthur would treat him like a damn child.

Merlin shuffled sheepishly out of the rooms, closing the door quietly behind him.

Arthur let out a breath he didn't even know he was holding. That could have gone worse.

"Sen is lucky to have you." Morgana states out of the blue.

"What do you mean?"

"Oh come on everyone sees it. The way Merlin looks at Eden is exactly the same as how you look at Sen." Morgana rested a hand on her younger brother's shoulder and smiled. "She is lucky to have you."

Morgana made her exit leaving Arthur alone. He decided it would be best to give the girls some space so instead he took his leave and headed up to his chambers. He only hoped Merlin wouldn't mess things up further.


Merlin knocked lightly on the door to Sen's chambers having already checked Eden's. Either they were in here or had run off to the forest for some peace. Merlin wouldn't blame them if they did.

"Eden are you in there?" Merlin said through the door.

On the other side Eden stirred from her sleep at the mention of her name. Careful not to wake the nymph, Eden crawled out of bed and padded across the stone floors to the door. She rested her hand on the handle but made no move to open it.

"I'm sorry Eden. I was wrong about so many things. I just didn't want to accept that you don't need me anymore. I can't help but see you as my little girl; when in reality you are such a strong woman who reminds me so much of your mother every day. I was wrong to blame Sen, I know that now. I just hope you can forgive me."

Eden threw open the door and buried herself in Merlin's shoulder. Merlin hugged back instantly letting out a small sigh of relief.

"I forgive you dad. I'm so sorry for yelling at you."

"You needn't apologize to me, I deserved it." Eden laughed lightly. Merlin's gaze shifted further into the room and caught sight of Sen sound asleep in her bed.

"You're lucky to have her. Whilst you were out she stopped at nothing to try and help you. All I did was slow her down."

"I am eternally grateful to both of you."

Sen turned in her sleep, her arm feeling around the now empty space. She let out an almost inaudible groan making Eden giggle.

"I'll leave you two be. I'll see you at supper?"

"We'll be there. There is something kind of important I wish to talk to you all about anyway."

Merlin quirked his eyebrow but decided to be patient for once and asked no further questions. Instead he placed a small kiss on Eden's forehead and left. With a smile on her face, Eden climbed back into bed falling into a peaceful slumber.


The evening came quicker than the girls would have liked. They were awoken by a servant knocking at the door offering to help them change. After a rather pointless back and forth conversation the servant finally admitted defeat and left.

Sen changed into a particularly beautiful white gown with a dusky pink overskirt. A brown band wrapped around her waist as she rather disliked corsets and their restrictive nature.

Eden opted to wear one of Sen's dresses as she couldn't be bothered to wander back to her chambers. Luckily they were pretty much the same size so it didn't matter too much. The gown she chose was a lacy off the shoulder dress with beautiful red and blue flowers embroidered along the neckline.

All in all the girls looked ethereal in beauty as always. The envy of all in the castle.

They made their way down to the hall, occasionally tweaking the others' hair and gown until they were convinced they looked perfect.

The doors to the great hall were wide open when they arrived. Piled around the table were all the Knights and of course Merlin, Arthur, Gwen and Morgana.

"Ah girls glad you could join us." Gwaine exclaimed, shuffling over to make room for the girls. They sat opposite each other, stealing glances every so often which didn't go unnoticed.

"So Eden what is it you wished to tell us." Merlin asked with genuine curiosity that had been eating away at him all day.

"Well we think...or rather Sen thought, it was quite a brilliant theory actually I can't take any credit for it. I don't even know how she figured it out." As Eden rambled Sen's face flushed pink.

"Eden!" Morgana laughter brought the girl back to her senses and she stopped her incessant rambling.

"Sorry. Maybe Sen should explain."

"Oh um okay. Well as you all know Merlin is a dragonlord; and a dragonlord's power passes from father to son when the father dies, but that son must be of age. Seventeen to be exact. But what if they don't have a son but a daughter. I think that since Eden is now of age she gained an ability unseen for generations as no dragonlord has ever borne a daughter. Much like how you can communicate with the dragons Merlin, Eden can communicate with the phoenixes."

"But that doesn't explain why her powers acted like they did." Morgana interjected deeply confused.

"It's because of my mother."

Suddenly everything made sense to Merlin, as if a lightbulb had been switched on in his brain.

"Freya was a basset, cursed to transform when the moon is full. Some of that curse must have lingered and transferred to Eden. So not only do you have the communicative skills of a dragonlord but the transformation ability of a basset."

"Exactly!" Sen sat back in her seat smiling triumphantly whilst everyone else was in various states of shock.

"Eden, this is incredible." Gwen stated, being the first one to get over the initial shock.

"Yeah, I always knew you were special Sparkles." Gwaine chimed in, receiving a glare at the nickname.

"What will happen next time?" The hall fell silent once more at Leon's question. He cleared his throat to elaborate. "I read that Phoenixes regenerate multiple times throughout their life. If that is what happened to Eden, won't she go through it again."

"I- I hadn't thought of that." Eden whispered, blanching at the thought nod going through all that pain again.

"If it does then we know what to expect. We got through it now and we will do so in the future. But for now let's not think about it, I would rather not dwell on what ifs." Eden smiled softly at Sen, practically melting at the love in her words.

Their future was undecided but one thing was for sure, as long as they were together they could survive anything.




Damn I am seriously writing mini novellas here! 7.5k words lmao

I thought I would add my own little twist on dragonlord history, hopefully it worked!

Anyways I hope you enjoyed the final part of this mini series. I absolutely love these characters and there is every chance I will bring them back in the future.

Bye for now xx

Update 14/06/21: went through and edited this chapter, hopefully there aren't as many mistakes in this :)

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