Hotel Transylvania: Johnny is...

By comicfan1939

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This story takes place after the events of the second movie of Hotel Transylvania. Johnny/Batman was now faci... More

Character Bios
Chapter 1: Love at First Sight
Chapter 2: The Tragic Death
Chapter 3: The Draculas comes to Visit
Chapter 4: Family Dinner
Chapter 5: Man-Bat
Chapter 6: Let the Games Begin?
Chapter 7: Troubling News
Chapter 8: Loved and Reunited (Part 1)
Chapter 9: Loved and Reunited (Part 2)
Chapter 10: Love and Reunited (Part 3)
Chapter 11: Loved and Reunited (Part 4)
Chapter 12: Rooftop Briefing
Chapter 13: The Riddler
Chapter 14: To the Batcave
Chapter 15: The Talk
Chapter 16: The Party
Chapter 17: Dead on Arrival
Chapter 18: A Riddle for the Bat
Chapter 19: Riddler Trial (Part 1)
Chapter 20: Riddler Trial (Part 2)
Chapter 21: Riddler Trial (Part 3)
Chapter 22: Riddler Trial (Part 4)
Chapter 23: Date Night and Returning Guests
Chapter 24: Frank's Talk-Show
Chapter 25: The Crime Scene
Chapter 26: The Ambush
Chapter 27: Van Helsing
Chapter 28: The Arkham Knight
Chapter 29: A Sign of War
Chapter 30: Return of the Cartwrights (Part 1)
Chapter 31: Revenge of the Cartwrights (Part 2)
Chapter 32: Exposing the Cartwrights (Part 3)
Chapter 33: Defeat of the Cartwirghts (Part 4)
Chapter 34: Anarky
Chapter 35: No More Secrets
Chapter 36: A Troubling Sign
Chapter 37: The Arsenal Heist
Chapter 38: Bane
Chapter 39: Kidnapped
Chapter 40: The Bad News
Chapter 41: A Matter of Family
Chapter 42: Joe Chill
Chapter 43: Chill of the Night
Chapter 44: The Interrogation
Chapter 45: History of Amadeus Arkham
Chapter 46: Fear
Chapter 47: Arkham Asylum
Chapter 48: Scarecrow
Chapter 49: Saving the Loughrans
Chapter 50: Safe and Sound
Chapter 51: A New Day
Chapter 52: Basketball Game
Chapter 53: Kareoke Night Part 2
Chapter 54: Night on the Pool
Chapter 55: Argument
Chapter 56: The Missing Cops
Chapter 57: The Batmobile Chase
Chapter 58: Batman Arkham Knight
Chapter 59: Fall Out
Chapter 60: Wanted Fugitive
Chapter 61: Mavis' Birthday
Chapter 62: Intruders
Chapter 63: Knightfall
Chapter 64: Van Helsing Attacks the Hotel
Chapter 65: Secrect Identities Revealed
Chapter 66: The Past of the Van Helsings
Chapter 67: The Return of Lycidias Dracula
Chapter 68: Betrayal
Chapter 69: An Old Enemy Returns
Chapter 70: Blackgate Prison Breakout
Chapter 71: One Bad Day
Chapter 72: The Killing Joke
Chapter 73: Rescue Mission
Chapter 74: Dracula and Robin
Chapter 75: The Boy Wonder
Chapter 76: The Batman Who Laughs
Chapter 78: Villains United
Chapter 79: Finding a Cure
Chapter 80: Johnny's Past Life (Part 1)
Chapter 81: Johnny's Past Life (Part 2)
Chapter 82: Johnny's Past Life (Part 3)
Chapter 83: Cured
Chapter 84: A Broken Friendship
Chapter 85: Most Wanted
Chapter 86: The Dark Knight
Chapter 87: The Dynamic Duo
Chapter 88: Under Attack
Chapter 89: Brother Against Brother
Chapter 90: Van Helsing Battle (Part 1)
Chapter 91: Van Helsing Battle (Part 2)
Chapter 92: Clown Prince of Crime
Chapter 93: A Serious House on a Serious Earth
Chapter 94: The Last Laugh
Chapter 95: Aftermath
Chapter 96: End of the Knight
Chapter 97: Farewell
Chapter 98: Epilogue
(Hotel Transylvania/Batman Part 3)

Chapter 77: Contingency Plan

367 10 12
By comicfan1939

Author's note:
- Hope you guys like this chapter and PLEASE leave a comment on what you guys think about this story.
- Also a special thanks to finbloice for giving me ideas for this chapter. Thank you so much and really appreciated it.

Dracula and Mavis were still trap in the underground tunnel with Robin protecting from the evil Johnny/Batman Who Laughs.

ROBIN: Dammit, Johnny! This isn't you! You have to snap out of it!

BATMAN WHO LAUGHS: Oh, Robin. Sweet loyal Robin. Your old boss is gone now. But don't you worry, your new boss is coming soon. (*chuckle) You'll be my chained up slave for life. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Johnny picked up his two sickles from the floor and wrapped its chains around his hands. Robin wanted to make sure that Dracula and Mavis are safe before anything else happens.

ROBIN: Drac, you and Mavis just stay behind cover. I'll stop Johnny.

DRACULA: Wait, I thought you said Johnny has contingency plan against himself.

Robin grabbed his Bo Staff spinning it around and ready for combat. He had that serious look and angry look towards Johnny.

ROBIN: I am his contingency plan!

There was a reason why Batman will always need a Robin. Not only as his sidekick, but his backup plan in case something happens to him.

If Batman/Johnny would ever become corrupt or in-need of stopping, who better to take him down than someone who is trained under him and learn all of his skills. Batman/Johnny was always competent enough without a sidekick so this was Robin's true hidden purpose.

Johnny has taught Richard his every tactics and methods over the years so that when the time comes where Batman/Johnny would become a evil or a killer, Robin will be there take him down with any means necessary. Johnny wanted to make sure that his friends and family are safe and away from him when that time comes.

BATMAN WHO LAUGHS: So the little bird has all grown up. Let's see how much have you learned!

ROBIN: You wanna find out? Come and get me then!

Making his first attack, Johnny grabbed and threw a couple of his Jokerangs towards Robin, who deflected the incoming metal objects with his Bo Staff.

Johnny ran towards Robin while slashing his sickles aggressively to attack his sidekick. Robin would dodge and block Johnny's attacks with Bo Staff. A part of Robin was also nervous while trying to plan a strike on Johnny, who taught every move he knew.

Johnny's combat was so aggressive and threatening that he managed to scratch portions of Robin's red armor and a green cloth piece on his arms that pierced through his skin.

When Johnny was about to attack Robin with sickle, he used his Bo Staff to protect himself. As soon as the sickle impacted the Bo Staff, Johnny pulled out his sickle while Robin's Bo Staff broke into two pieces.

BATMAN WHO LAUGHS: Aww. The poor little bird broke his toy. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

In order to continue the fight, Robin used the two broken pieces of his Bo Staff as his Escrima Sticks.

Robin, with his new Escrima Sticks, started to fight against Johnny. Robin's moves was now faster than before due to his new weapon of choice but Johnny was still catching up to him. Johnny would also use his sickles to match against Robin's Escrima Sticks and block his attacks with it.

At this moment, Robin was able to fight against Johnny. Robin managed to backflip over Johnny and threw a couple of Snap Flash on his chest to disorient him.

While Johnny was disoriented for a short period of time, Robin grabbed on to his arm and used his Escrima Stick to slam Johnny's hand making him drop his sickle. Robin also did the same on Johnny's other arm making him equipped with no weapons.

Robin then hit Johnny on the face with his Escrima Stick. Johnny felt the pain and the blood drooling from his mouth. Johnny just laughed while wiped his hand on his mouth to spread the blood around his lips forming a smile similar to what Dracula did to him earlier.

BATMAN WHO LAUGHS: Oh, Robin. I've let you win in every fight over the years. But this time I won't hold back!

Robin tightly clenched oh his Escrima Sticks and started attacking Johnny again. Johnny was fast enough to dodge Robin's every attack. Robin was about to perform a swift kick to his opponent but Johnny immediately grabbed Robin's leg and threw him to the ground.

Johnny grabbed and pulled of one of Robin's Escrima Stick and used it against him. Johnny used the Escrima Stick to hit Robin with it, mostly on his stomach, chest, and face.

Robin grunted in pain and blood came out from his mouth. Johnny kicked Robin on the chest sending him to the opposite direction.

When Robin landed on the ground, he threw small explosive marbles on Johnny's feet. Johnny used his Grapnel Gun to zip him up in mid air before the marbles exploded.

While Johnny was about to land on Robin, he quickly rolled away as Johnny landed on the fall making a big thud sound.

Robin tried to attack Johnny again with one Escrima Stick and slammed the spikes around Johnny's head making him removed his cowl.

When Johnny's cowl was removed, Robin widened his eyes in horror when he saw Johnny's new face. Johnny's skin has turned white, red hair has changed into green, his hazel eyes was now replaced by green, and blood around his lips

Johnny overpowered Robin by brutally and roughly punching him throughout his body weakening him. Robin kept grunting in pain and blood was coming from his mouth every time Johnny punches him.

Johnny used his Grapnel Gun to wrap the cable around Robin and sent off an electrical shock throughout the cable. Robin screamed in agony while
Johnny kept punching Robin like a punching bag and knee punched him on the face.

While the cable was still strapped around Robin, Johnny forcefully kicked Robin's leg and screamed in pain. Robin looked beaten up and felt weakened that his front fell to the ground.

Johnny laughed and picked up an Escrima Stick from the floor and placed his foot on Robin's back pinning him down.

Dracula and Mavis couldn't believe that Johnny would dare beat up his sidekick in near death.

MAVIS: Johnny! Don't kill him!

Mavis quickly ran for Robin's aid but she was unfortunately halted when Johnny grabbed a gun from his jacket and aims it on Mavis.

Mavis just stood there in shock that her own husband, her zing, would try to kill her. Mavis wanted to cry as she left tears coming out from her eyes but deep down, she knew that Johnny was still in there somewhere and will never do anything to hurt her.

Dracula gasped in shock as he puts himself in front of Mavis to protect her.

DRACULA: Johnny, put the gun down!

ROBIN: Mavis! Drac! Get out of here!

Even though Robin was still pinned down to the ground, he was still able to speak up. Johnny placed and hit Robin's jaw with an Escrima Stick.

BATMAN WHO LAUGHS: I'm not letting anyone else ruin my fun!

Johnny shouted as he tightly clenching the handle of his gun and aims it at Dracula and Mavis.

Both Robin and Mavis have to try their best to reason with Johnny and to help him remember who he truly is.

ROBIN: Johnny, You don't kill. You've never killed. Don't let Joker win. Don't let him turn you into this monster!

MAVIS: Please, Johnny. Just listen to me. Listen to my voice. You are better than you're inner demons!

Johnny just glared at Mavis and Robin trying break his mind.

MAVIS: Johnny, please remember who you are. You're the one who showed me that there is more life to be explored outside the hotel. You are my everything, the human I fell in love with years ago. You are the father of our child. You're my husband.... You're my zing....

ROBIN: Remember the little boy who lost his parents that night in that alley. You became Batman because you wanted to protect them and to make sure that night will never happen to anyone else!

The hand that was holding Johnny's gun was shaking. Johnny closed his eyes and his entire body was shaking trying to fight Joker within him.

It was working, Mavis and Robin did their best to reach out for Johnny.

MAVIS: Johnny, you are the strongest person that I've ever met. Whatever you are dealing with, you can fight it. I believe in you!

ROBIN: You're not just a mask, you're a man. The best man I've ever known.

Johnny's body was shaking rapidly and screamed as his mind couldn't couldn't handle the voices that he kept hearing.

It was Mavis who was the last person to bring back Johnny back to reality. She gently said to her husband:

MAVIS: I love you, Johnnystein. And I always will.

Johnny couldn't handle his headache for much longer. He screamed louder and louder in pain and quickly aims his gun at Robin, who was still on the ground.

Robin, Mavis, and Dracula gasped in shock but all of the sudden, a bullet hit Johnny's gun making him drop his weapon. All of them were surprised to see Gordon holding the gun that fired Johnny's weapon to save Robin.

GORDON: Batman doesn't kill!


Johnny shouted in anger as he threw an exploding Jokerang towards Gordon. The Jokerang's explosion was so big that it sent Gordon to the wall behind him and was knocked unconscious.

Johnny placed and locked his arm on Robin's neck to pin him down to the ground. Robin struggled to break free but Johnny's grip was too strong.

BATMAN WHO LAUGHS: No where left to run, little bird! I've taught you everything you know!

ROBIN: (*grunt) You may be right.... But there's one tiny detail that you're forgetting.


Robin stopped struggling for a moment and smirked at Johnny.

ROBIN: (*grunt) Always mind your surroundings.

Robin smirked at Johnny and pressed the button of his detonator. Johnny gasped in shock that he fell right in to Robin's trap.

There was an Explosive Gel that Robin sprayed before he went in the room to save Dracula and Mavis. It was located on ceiling just above Johnny and Robin.

The ceiling exploded and solid rubble was started falling to ground. Robin kicks Johnny off him and evaded away from him. The rubbles landed on Johnny and landed on the ground.

Robin sees Johnny was knocked out unconscious with the rubble weighing him down. He knelt down to check Johnny's pulse. Johnny was still alive and breathing only unconscious.

Robin sighed in relief that the fight was over. He couldn't believe that he actually defeated Batman. Gordon was also starting to wake up and was also relieved that Johnny was taken care of.

GORDON: Hey, kid. Are you alright?

ROBIN: (*grunt) Yeah, I'm fine. It's just a few injuries.

GORDON: Just get some rest. I called my police officers earlier and their own their way.

Dracula and Mavis also checked on Robin to see if he was alright, Robin just responded with an okay. Mavis was concerned about Johnny not able to wake up.

MAVIS: Is Johnny going to be alright?

ROBIN: Don't worry. Johnny will be fine. He's just unconscious. It's already sunset. I better take you guys back to the hotel before Johnny wakes up.

DRACULA: We'll take him back home to the hotel as well. Hopefully we'll find a way to help him.

GORDON: Then you better go before my guys arrive. I'll take care of the rest.

ROBIN: Thank you, Commissioner.

GORDON: Thank you as well, Robin.

Dracula, Mavis, and Robin pulled out Johnny's unconscious body from the rubble and wrapped and locked the chains around him for their safety.

Dracula, Mavis, Robin and the chained up Johnny got inside the Batmobile and drove back to the hotel just before the police officers arrived to pick up Gordon and arrest the unconscious militia soldiers.

To be continued.....

Author's note:
- Hope you guys like this chapter and PLEASE leave a comment on what you guys think about this story.

(Go to theory no.1)

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