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Just gonna put a tw for sexual assault/ harassment

Just gonna put a tw for sexual assault/ harassment

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"Lyra, Sophia you're with Phoenix." I hold in a sigh, "Marianne." She nods, "I know I know, but everyone has to do the workshop over the next few days anyways plus he requested you and he's higher up than I, there's nothing I can do. Sometimes the higher up healers chose a trainee they would like to mentor." I roll my eyes, "but I wanted you to be my mentor." I pout making her smile, "it's ok Lyra, I'll have a talk with him see what I can do. You'll be with me no matter what tomorrow." I grin thankfully before joining Sofia, "we barely ever get to work together." She says excitedly taking her arm in mine.

"Ooh workshop, this is gonna be fun just like when we were back at school." She says dragging me over to one of the open desks before a bunch of other trainees and slightly higher up healers join.

The workshop was pretty fun it consisted of different skills needed for healing and just making sure everyone was up to date and learning anything new that there was, plus I enjoyed spending time with Sophia I felt like I saw her considerably a lot less than I saw the others. Especially since if I didn't see one of the others at work I'd end up bumping into them at home. "Hey Sophia, you know we started this like study group thing, for the first year exam you should totally come by and study with us." I offer feeling bad I hadn't before.

"Oh really that sounds like fun." She smiles, "yeah I study every night so just come by whenever."  I offer, "sounds great thanks."

。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.

"You'll be fine if I quickly go and check on my patient right?" I quickly peak over the potion I was stirring and nod at Sophia, "yeah that's fine go." I say making sure to put my attention back on the potion not wanting it to ruin. Potions could be pretty tricky like that and so you had to keep your attention on them a lot.

"Oh hey that was quick." I say once I feel someone sit beside me, "oh...you're not Sophia." I mumble as I look to the side to see healer Phoenix sitting beside me. "I just wanted to check on your progress, see if you need any help." He says sending me a smile, "I'm good thanks." I say turning back to the potion cursing that I'd done everything and now just had to wait for the colour to change.

"Oh it looks like it's going very well, I didn't know you were such a talented potion maker." He compliments making me grin slightly, "thanks but so-" I suddenly feel like all the breath has been knocked out of my chest and my whole body runs cold as I feel healer Phoenix's hand on my leg. My throat constricts uncomfortably and I glance to the side to see him looking into my cauldron acting as though nothing were wrong.

My mouth has run dry and I spare a glance at him once more, why was he acting as this was normal? Was I overreacting? Was this truly nothing? I mean sure he'd always touched me before but that was in the arm or the shoulder but it was never my thigh and it never lingered this long.

"Um Sophia helped." I finish my earlier sentence after swallowing hard the lump in my throat making it painful. It's ok it's nothing, it's nothing. I repeat in my mind almost choking once his hand begins to move back forth.

"Right well I'll leave you to it, this potion is in very capable hands." He smiles squeezing my thigh before he stands and walks away.

"Are you ok?" I look to see Sophia was now sat beside me her face full of concern. "Yeah...I'm fine." I tell her, her presence shaking me from the daze I had been in. "Are you sure." I blink rapidly and move to the cauldron, "oh I messed it up." Sophia looks at me uncertainly, "it's ok we can fix it, here just sit down a moment." She says sitting me down before tending to the potion that my lack of care towards had been ruined.

'I should've done something, I should've stopped him. Don't cry, not here. It's ok it'll all be ok next time we'll stop him.'

。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.

There was a thunderstorm tonight and I hated thunderstorms. They were the worst and had terrified me since I was a child and laying in the darkness of my room was not helping. My first thought would've been going to Daphnes room, I always did on thunderstorm nights but she wasn't here. She was staying over at Adam's place, again. My next move would be going to Spencer who was also out, working extra shifts at the hospital to get a bit extra money for his date with Noah which they still hadn't had only because Spencer was going over the top and wanted everything perfect.

That left me alone and unsure on what to do.

Even paddy kept me calm during the storms but that felt years ago though since the traitor now spent all of his time with Henry, you'd think he was Henry's dog.

I can't take the darkness and the thunder or the lighting any longer so I swallow my pride and shuffle over to Henry's room. "Henry? Can I come in please?" I mumble so quietly I doubt he'd even hear.

"Lyra? What's wrong are you ok?" I feel bad once he opens the door and I see him rub his eyes as it's obvious that he had been sleeping. "Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." He shakes his head, "no no I'm awake, what's wrong?" He asks, "oh uh it's stupid, but the thunderstorm. They scare me and it's hard being alone, I know it's dumb-" he shakes his head and moves to side so that I can enter his room, "no it's not dumb, uh since I'm up now you wanna keep me company?"

"Oh well if it isn't the traitor." I hum as I sit on his bed where paddy was laying, unable to stop the smile that makes it's way to my face as he shuffles forward and drops his head on my lap. "So now you want me?" I ask the dog who whines up at me asking me to pet him.

"I'm sorry for waking you again." I say to Henry as he sits across from me and pulls his pillow to rest behind his head. "No problem although I thought you'd be the last person I'd go to."

"Well Spencer's working, Daphne's at her boyfriends so." He smiles, "right so I'm your last resort?" He asks, "no, Noah's in his room but you couldn't pay me to climb into his bed, it's probably infested."

"How are the twins?" I smile thinking of them, "good, business is great and so they're really busy but they were actually telling me that I should invite you around for a catch-up." He smiles and keeps me distracted for a good while by talking about the twins Fred in particular.

"Hey Henry, when someone makes advances on you that you don't want or appreciate, how do you reject them politely?" I ask what had been on my mind for the past few weeks, I had already asked my cousin Tonks but she just told me to beat whoever it was up. The whole healer Phoenix issue was just getting worse, the touching was increasing and he was doing it so smugly knowing that I hadn't said anything and was unlikely to.

Henry's eyebrows furrowed at that as he looked at me, "no ones giving you any trouble are they? Healer Phoenix isn't-" I shake my head, "no, no other than trying to mentor me." He looks unsure, "are you sure?" I don't know why I didn't tell him, it was the perfect opportunity. "That's not so bad, he's a dick to everyone else so just be glad you get the special treatment."

"I know but I'm just not interested in his department I want to go into children's healing which Marianne is the head for meaning she's the perfect mentor for me."

"If anyone bothers you just come to me, I'll sort them out, I'm pretty intimidating." I laugh, "thanks."

"No problem, you always say this little group of ours is a family right?"

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