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The next day we all just hang around as though things were fine, like we hadn't all just been attacked last night. I check on George's ear and once he was fine, he and Fred leave to go back to their shop but that was after spending half the day with us. I stay behind though, to hang out with fleur and Angel, I knew Evangeline would have to find a safe home sometime soon so I was trying to spend as much time with her as possible.

Fleurs parents were also coming due to the soon approaching wedding, something I was incredibly excited for, with everything going on right now it was nice to have something to look forward to. "Lyra did you know Charlie's coming? I hope he tells me stories about dragons." Evangeline tells me making me smile at her childish excitement, Charlie was surprisingly still one of her favourites of the Weasley brothers and she was beyond excited to finally meet him at the wedding.

"I'm sure he will Angel, Charlie is really lovely and he loves dragons so much that he could talk about them for hours and hours." I say making her eyes widen, "I could listen for hours and hours." She says clutching her two dragon teddies happily.

"Lyra, am I going to have to go away?" I look up alarmed at the question, "I heard you talking to Mrs Weasley about sending me somewhere safe, why can't I just stay with you, you always keep me safe." I smile softly at her and shake my head as tears begin to sting my eyes. "I would love to have you stay with me, you're my little Angel but I want you to be the safest you possibly can be, I might not be strong enough to protect you." She nods tears falling from her eyes, "I'm going to miss you."

"I'll still see you, I promise, you're never getting rid of me ever, I love you too much." I say making her stop crying and smile up at me before hugging me. "I love you too."

。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.

Fleurs parents are just as lovely as her and they seemed to really like me so that was great. "Lyra." I look up once I hear Fleur and her thick accented voice calling my name. "Will you come with me please, I have something I want to ask you." I'm confused but follow after her nonetheless. "As you are aware, my sister and Ginny will be bridesmaids." I nod along still confused, "but I was wondering if you would like to be my maid of honour?" My mouth drops at the question.

"Of course, I would love that Fleur, I would be beyond honoured to be your maid of honour." I tell her excitedly and so incredibly touched that she had asked this of me. She beams and engulfs me in a hug that I don't hesitate in reciprocating. "Thank you so much for always making me feel welcome and helping me plan this wedding. You are one of my closest friends Lyra." I hug her once more the two of us laughing so full of joy in excitement.

。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.

"Lyra dear," Mrs Weasley is softly shaking me awake from where I had been sleeping on the sofa. "Mrs Weasley?" I ask confused as she smiles at me warmly. "You had fallen asleep dear. I think you should stay the night, it's late now and the bed in the attic is free." She says helping me up. "Thanks mrs Weasley." I mumble kissing her on the cheek before making my way to the stairs in my drowsy state.

The next morning I feel mostly refreshed and only still a bit exhausted. My arm and head are sprawled across Fred's chest and I had his arms wrapped around me. I shift momentarily stopping once I look up to see it was not Fred who was holding me. I can't help but scream which wakes the other man in the room he screams too as his eyes land on me and we both scramble up off the bed.

Just as we point out wands at each other majority of the household come running up to see us. Everyone's dead silent until Bill bursts out into a fit of laughter which makes Ron and Harry join in.

"Charlie?" Mrs Weasley and I say in unison, he looks at me confused for a second as my wand lowers until it suddenly clicks in his mind. "Lyra? Little Lyra malfoy?" He asks in disbelief making me nod, "what're you doing here? How have you been, your hair isn't blonde." I laugh as he embraces me with his questions.

Charlie Weasley looked the same as he did all those years ago at Hogwarts, the main difference would be his his age and grown out hair. The scars that littered his arms were fairly new too, curtesy of working with dragons. Charlie was actually like my only friend during my first year of Hogwarts.

After my roomates had heard me utter the phrase mudblood and daphne had punched me across the face it was safe to say they hadn't been lining up to be my friend. I took to sitting alone outside some days where I met Charlie, I was hesitant at first remembering my fathers order of not fraternising with the Weasley's. I gave in eventually because he was so lovely and kind, he didn't judge me at all not for my surname or my beliefs he simply spoke to me normally.

He explained why my parents views weren't exactly popular and I understood why they were wrong. So I suppose we had Charlie to thank for me being on this side of the war.

We used to sit at the black lake quite a bit and feed the giant squid, cereal it was so much fun, he was so much fun and so of course eleven year old Lyra had developed a typical crush on him.

It never lasted long due to my first year being his last, we kept in contact somewhat through to my third year when my father found our letters. He was furious and burnt them all, telling me I was to never ever to write to Charlie ever again, I was heartbroken naturally, at the thought of losing one of my closest friends but I obeyed because I was more afraid of what would've happened had I not.

Charlie had sent me a few letters after that but my father had always intercepted them and burned them before I could even read my own name on the envelope. He kept this up until Charlie eventually stopped sending letters.

"Charlie when did you get in?" Mrs Weasley asks confused making me remember we were in a room full of people. "Oh I got here last night, you were all sleeping so I just thought I'd sneak into my room not wanting to wake any of you, it was so dark though I didn't see you Lyra, sorry." He apologises making me shake my head.

"Sorry for screaming and scaring all of you." I shrug feeling slightly embarrassed now, "also happy birthday Harry." I add making Harry nod with an awkward smile. "Ok breakfast time everyone, I'm giving you all ten minutes to freshen up and come down." Mrs Weasley then says saving my embarrassment as she gets everyone's attention and changes the subject.

Everyone files out of the room until it's just Charlie and I, "sorry again for the abrupt wake up but it's really great to see you." I say making him laugh slightly, "yeah it's really great to see you too, wow you're so different now, not that little kid I remember tripping over her robes every once in a while." I smile and nod, "Nope, I'm all grown up now." I say making him smile softly, "yeah I see that."

𝑆𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝑒𝑙𝑠𝑒~ 𝐹.𝑊𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑙𝑒𝑦Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora