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Ducking away from the others I find the boys outside as they wait to greet the guests. Fred complaining as he pulls at his collar, telling the others that on his wedding day he'll put his mum in a full body binding curse and that they can all dress however they please.

"That sounds all good and right mate but you're gonna have to make sure Lyra's alright with that." George says as no one has noticed me approaching. "Lyra wouldn't mind." He says surely making me grin, when he pictured his future wedding he pictured he'd be marrying me.

"Are you sure? She grew up with the most stuck up parents on the planet. I'm sure she'd want a fancy wedding, most girls do." Ron shrugs making Fred shake his head, "Lyra-"

"Loves your brother so much that she'd marry him in the middle of night, in her pyjamas in the middle of nowhere." I interrupt making them all turn to me as I wrap my arm around Fred's waist. He doesn't hesitate in wrapping his arm around my shoulders and pulling me into him.

"In your pyjamas?" He questions a smirk growing as he looks down at me. "In my pyjamas." I confirm, his smirk turns into a smile, the biggest smile I'd ever seen on his face. His eyes completely lighting up as he looks into my eyes and then swoops me up into a kiss. Not caring remotely about the rest of his family stood there.

"So why're you down here? I thought you were supposed to be with Fleur." I'm asked after George separates us. "Oh I'm hiding from your great aunt, she sure is something." I say making them laugh, "what'd she say?"

"Just that I looked awful, my hair doesn't suit me and so on." I shrug seeing Fred make a face at that, "she doesn't know what she's on about. The old bat has a problem with everything." I laugh at that, "it's fine." I could tell that Muriel had a negative opinion on everyone and everything so I didn't take what she said to heart. It was a bit awkward to be around but she was just voicing her thoughts and trust me, growing up with my parents meant I'd heard a lot worse.

"Oh it's her, I'd better get back inside." I say spotting Muriel making her way towards the marquee. "Run love run!" Fred whisper shouts making me laugh before expertly avoiding the elderly woman.

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"Oh my goodness. Fleur! You look amazing." Fleur always looked amazing but today I don't know how it was possible, she looked even more radiant than usual. She turns around with a bright smile that just makes her glow even more.

"You look like a princess." Her eyes soften at the memory associated with those words and she brings me into a hug. "Thank you." Her words are heavy with gratitude.

We don't get to spend much longer talking before it's time. "Lyra I'm nervous." Bill and Charlie were already in marquee waiting for Fleur to enter. Evangeline was stood before me a small basket full of petals in her hands. She was the flower girl and the first of us to walk up to the front.

"You're gonna be fine angel, I promise, just focus on one person and forget about everyone else ok?" She nods, the nerves still in her eyes as she puts a brave face on. I sneak a glance as she walks ahead, her legs were trembling slightly and I felt so bad I almost went to hold her hand.

Charlie grabs her attention from the front, she beams as he holds his thumbs up at her, and then she marches the rest of the way as though she'd never been afraid in the first place.

Ginny and Gabrielle go next and then myself before it's finally Fleur and her father. My heart is full of love and joy as I watch the ceremony which was being attended by almost everyone that I loved.

This day was going to be a perfect day.

The ceremony is beautiful, so beautiful that it takes a while to realise that the wizard officiating was the same tufty-haired wizard from Dumbledore's funeral.

As Bill and Fleur share their first kiss as husband and wife, the tufty-haired wizard waves his hand high over the heads of Bill and Fleur and a shower of silver stars fall upon them, spiraling around their now entwined figures. Fred and George lead a round of applause as the golden balloons overhead burst. Birds of paradise and tiny golden bells fly and float out of them, adding their songs and chimes to the din.

"Ladies and gentlemen!" called the tufty-haired wizard. "If you would please stand up!"

They all did so, Aunt Muriel grumbling audibly; the officiator waved his wand again. The seats on which they had been sitting rose gracefully into the air as the canvas walls of the marquee vanished, so that they stood beneath a canopy supported by golden poles, with a glorious view of the sunlit orchard and surrounding countryside.

Next, a pool of molten gold spread from the center of the tent to form a gleaming dance floor; the hovering chairs grouped themselves around small, white-clothed tables, which all floated gracefully back to earth round it, and the golden-jacketed hand trooped toward a podium.

As Bill and Fleur are swept up in a sea of congratulations I make my way across the dance floor to the table my friends were sat at. They'd all been invited, Daphne having become well liked since she'd joined the order, Spencer because after our shared attack by greyback it'd bonded, he bill and I in a way only we understood. Noah got to tag along as Spencer's plus one and Henry was invited because his family had always been friends with the Weasley's.

"You look amazing." Is the first thing Daphne says as I sit, the others quickly chiming in with their agreements. "So do you guys, except maybe Noah, you could've done a bit better." I joke making the whole table laugh.

。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.

Everyone is smiling, huge smiles and it made me so happy, to see everyone smiling after they hadn't for a long time. All the worry and fear that had been hanging around us was gone for once and it made me want this night to last forever.

I look past the dance floor, where I'd been watching Ron entertain Evangeline with dancing and to what happened to be the only person not smiling right now.

"Remus?" I call making my way towards him, out of the marquee, he's startled by my voice and my approaching figure. "Remus? Is everything ok?" He'd been like this since he and Tonks had told me about their news. "Is this because of what you and Dora told me?" I ask at his silence.

He hesitates a moment before bowing his head as he murmurs a yes amongst a sigh. "I already had my reservations about what type of husband I could be but what sort of a father am I going to be? Which child would benefit having me in their life? What sort of life can I provide to the two who deserve everything?" I frown at his words hating the fact he felt this way.

"You're going to be a great father." I say surely making him look up, "I know that without a single doubt in my mind. And for the other stuff any child would be lucky to have you as a father, you are a great man. And I know it will take more than my words for you to believe this but you are enough as you are. It's why Dora married you. She would not have married you if she thought she would have a life lacking in what she needed."

"And your child is going to grow up loved, so loved surrounded by everything that you and Dora have to offer in life and that will be enough. It will be more than enough and you will all be happy, so happy because you have the life, the family that you deserve." He looks touched by words and nods before bringing me in for a hug. "Thank you Lyra, I appreciate how you've always seen the best in me."

I shrug, "it's not hard to see, and you were more of a father to me in that one year as my professor than my father was throughout my entire life." I say before pulling a bar of chocolate from my purse making him chuckle.

"Now come on, your missing out on all the fun."

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