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We had to go back to school soon which I was not looking forward to I wished we could've just stayed here with each other and had fun

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We had to go back to school soon which I was not looking forward to I wished we could've just stayed here with each other and had fun. "Come on paddy." I usher my small puppy who's running around in circles, before just scooping him up into my arms. I smile as he nestles into my arms happily.

"Merlin she never lets that dog go, I wish Sirius hadn't gotten it for her." George laughs, "are you jealous of a dog Freddie?" He questions, "look at her with it, she's forgotten about me." I laugh at their lame attempts to whisper, "I've not forgotten about you, don't be silly." I say putting paddy down so that he can eat before looking at my boyfriend. "I'm just trying to spend as much time with him before we go back to Hogwarts." Unfortunately Paddy could not come with because he was not on the list for suitable pets, it was ok though maybe Sirius would be less lonely with a dog to keep him company.

"But we can spend the day together, if you want." I suggest making him smile, "great what do you want to do?" I shrug, "as long as I'm with you I don't care." George pretends to gag. "The two of you are sickening." I can't help but laugh, "don't get jealous." He rolls his eyes at us, "jealous of the two of you? That's likely."

I sit beside him and take one of the lollipops from the pile of sweets in front of him. "If you say so." I shrug as his narrow at me, "yeah George whatever helps you sleep at night." Fred adds taking the lollipop from my mouth and putting it in his own. "Hey give it back." I pout, "you're disgusting." George says looking between us. "I mean it's the same as us making out?" I shrug making his face scrunch up. "Disgusting." He repeats. "You know what might make you feel better George? If you babysit Paddy."

"You do know that he's a dog don't you?" He asks, "he's my baby." Both he and Fred laugh. "He is." I shrug smiling as he pads his way over and begins pawing at my feet. "Just look at how precious he is." I say lifting him up and cradling him to me. "Ok he's cute I'll admit it." I laugh as paddy starts trying to lick my face, Fred watching with a huge smile on his face. "Ok here look after my baby properly." I say handing the sleepy pup over, he really was like a baby, he loved sleeping in my arms. I was so attached to him already I don't know how I was going to cope without him.

"Where are you guys going?" I shrug and grab Fred's hand. "On a date." I wink making Fred grin. "Aren't I supposed to ask you on a date?" He asks making me shrug, "maybe but I'm asking you, go and get ready. Wear something warm." I instruct making him nod and kiss my cheek before apparating to his room.

"See you later George." I wave but he's too immersed with paddy already I smile and walk out of the room to go and ask adult if it was ok for Fred and I to leave. "Lyra's on here?" My eyebrows furrow and I pop my head into the family tree room to see Harry and Sirius talking. "What are we saying about me?" They jump as they look over, "my god she's like that saying, speak of the devil and he shall appear." I laugh as I enter the room, I'd been looking for Sirius anyways he was least likely to say no.

"I was telling young Harry here how we're related." I nod, "why is your name burnt out too?" Harry asks in confusion looking at the scorch mark over my face. "Sirius and I did it, for tradition." I grin, "it's what my mother would've wanted." He says making me laugh, "now did you need something or do you just eavesdrop on others when you're bored?"

"Yes, no sorry for interrupting but I was looking for you, is it ok if Fred and I go out?" He shrugs, "as long as you guys stay safe I don't see why not." I grin, "thanks see you guys later." Harry smiles and waves, "have fun but not too much." I laugh and shake my head ignoring Sirius, "I mean it young lady."

。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.

"So where are we going?" Fred asks as we walk down the street hand in hand, "I'm not sure yet, but I want to find something fun to do." He nods, "you really love that jumper don't you?" He asks noticing I was wearing the one Mrs Weasley had gifted me, "yes it's my favourite article of clothing, I'd wear it forever if I could." He laughs, "it's ok love my mums not here." He says, "I'm being serious, I'm in love with it." He laughs even harder. "You're so weird." I shrug, "maybe but you love it." He smiles leaning down to give me a quick kiss, "that I do."

"Oh ice skating, let's try that." I say noticing the small almost empty square of ice. "Ice skating? What's that?" I shrug, "I'm not really sure but Daphne said it was fun, you glide around on the ice I think?" He shrugs, "alright let's try it." We get the skates and make our way over, I put one foot onto the ice and almost go bloody flying onto my face. Thankfully I had grabbed onto the side to catch myself, "woah it's really slippery." I say as Fred laughs. His laughter stops when he almost falls too though.

"How is this in anyway fun?" He asks making me shrug, "I mean it's a bit exciting, I think I've got it down." I say after watching the very few other people on the ice. I mimic what I had seen them do and laugh excitedly once I glide smoothly out across the square, I test it out a bit more just to make sure I had the hang of it. "I did it!" He smiles, "great, now tell me how to." I hold my hand out to him, "let's go together." I suggest. It was fun sliding around together Fred was a bit wobbly but we were fine, well until he lost his balance completely and took me down.

I can't help the omph that escapes as my back hits the ice and he lands on top of me, "oh merlin are you ok Lyra?" He asks getting off of me, "I'm fine." I say before bursting out into laughter, "oh merlin you've hit your head." He says worriedly as I sit up, "no I'm fine, that was just... quite fun actually." He shakes his head joining in with my laughing and helps me up, "ok I think that's enough ice skating for today." I nod my body feeling a tiny bit sore. "It was fun though." I say as we begin walking again he nods, "I guess, my favourite part was being on top of you." I laugh and push him away at his wink. "You're ridiculous."

"Want a piggyback?" I grin and nod, "hop on." I laugh as he lifts me on his back, "you're making me love these." I say resting my chin on his shoulder gently, "good, I'll give you one whenever you want." I smile and kiss his cheek, "whenever?" I ask, "whenever." He confirms with a small nod turning his head and kissing the tip of my nose making me giggle. "I love you."

Oof this took me all day to write and I'm not even sure if I like it.

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