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"Oh my god, you didn't tell me that they were all hot." Daphne hisses as she joins us at our table at lunch. "What? Daphne relax." I whisper back. "Hey what're you two pretty ladies whispering about, could it be my and my good looks by any chance?" Noah asks with a wink making me roll my eyes, "you wish." He nods with another wink as he throws a grape into his mouth.

"I'm Noah and you are?" He asks taking Daphne's hand and pressing a kiss to the back of it, "down boy." I say pushing him away not wanting him to try anything with her, I was going to get her with George we didn't need any distractions especially not any manwhore type of distractions like Noah.

"This is Daphne guys, she works up in potions." Daphne gives a little salute as she greets the others, I notice Spencer sit forward intrigued. "This is Daphne? The Daphne?" Daphne turns to me intrigued at Spencer's intrigue. "Yes this is the Daphne." I say with a slight laugh, "have you been talking about me Lyra?" She asks with smirk, "no." I say with a slight eye roll, "well you should've." She murmurs quietly.

"You went with Spencer's brother to the Yule ball." Her eyebrows furrow, "Adam has a brother?" Spencer nods nervously, "yeah that would be me." She smiles, "a cute American brother?" She says her smile increasing at his accent, "I'm also American." Noah interjects making me roll my eyes.

"They're actually twins."

"Oh you have a thing for twins don't you?" I try to ignore the way my cheeks heat up at her words, "you do too don't you." I bite back making her mouth shut as she glares at me. "Daphne?" We turn to see Sophia approaching the table with a huge grin on her face, "Sophia." They reunite, "this is great, it's just like old times we're just missing Kat and Morgan." Daphne rolls her eyes, "let's be glad Morgan isn't here." I nudge her seeing the slight change in Sophia's expression.

。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.

"Lyra oh my they're so hot." I laugh as the two of us make our way back to the third floor, "how do you work and hang out around them, you're always the lucky one all I get is to share an office with a little mousy girl who won't even look at me, let alone speak."

"Boo hoo, shall we cry for poor Daphne?" she pushes me as I laugh, "it's just such a waste because you don't even spare them a second glance." I shrug, "I don't need to, I have Fred." She rolls her eyes, "like I said such a waste." I roll my eyes and push her back, "you focus on your job."

"Well that'll be easy since I didn't get any hot guys to distract me."

。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.

"You know this isn't what I had in mind for my one day off." I say leaning over the counter as my boyfriend walks past, "but you don't mind because you love me?" I roll my eyes but nod, "sure." I say as he quickly pecks my lips and continues his way through the shop to the many many customers scattered around. "Thanks love you." He shouts over his shoulder, I shake my head with a smile as I pack the bag with products and hand it over to the eager child waiting on the other end of the till.

I thought I could enjoy my day off by relaxing, catching up on the many hours of sleep that I missed during my shifts but no here I was working the till at the twins shop.

I lean my head in my hand and watch with a smile as I watch Fred and George interact with the many many children in the shop. It was lovely to watch and it really made me smile, he made me smile and he did it so effortlessly. Before I met him I didn't know what it was like to look at someone and just smile for no reason.

I did now, I could see him, even just a small glimpse and my lips would already be tugging upwards. He was so perfect to me, like an exhibit in a gallery that I would stare at him for hours not able to find a single complaint.

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