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"Your boyfriend and his brother are crazy

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"Your boyfriend and his brother are crazy." Daphne says as we begin to walk back down towards the dungeons after the whole ordeal, "I know, but speaking of his brother, you like George?" I question a smug smile on my face as hers heats up. "No don't be ridiculous." I nod not removing the smile from my face causing her to grow frustrated. "Shut up Lyra. I don't!" She continues, "I didn't say anything." I laugh as she shoves me. "Oh so you don't like when the tables have turned do you?" She rolled her eyes. "Ok sure George is funny handsome and really nice to talk to but that doesn't mean that I like him." I may have believed her if there wasn't red creeping up her neck. "Sure."

。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.

"Miss Malfoy come with me." I share a confused look with Daphne as Professor Snape has come to collect me from the common room, "just Miss Malfoy." He drawls glaring at Daphne as she stands, she sends me a look but I shrug and follow after him.

"What's wrong Professor?" He hadn't found out that it had been me who had changed his hair that one day, "it's about Mr Potter." My eyebrows furrow, "what's wrong with Harry?" I ask really nervous, "he believes that Sirius has been taken prisoner by the dark Lord at the department of mysteries." My eyes widen, "has he?" Snape shake his head, "unfortunately Sirius is fine, but I need you to go and check on Potter and tell him that." I nod, "he was last in Professor Umbridge's office." I run for the office only to find the inquisitorial squad not looking the best, they'd eaten some puking pastilles. "What's going on?" I ask my brother who is fine, "potter and his friends." I shake my head and hand the puking kids the antidote half of the sweet that I had on me, I would've left them the way that they were but I needed them gone.

"Where are they?" Draco eyes me suspiciously for a second, "They ran off." He shrugs unbothered, "go and tell snape." He smirks at the thought of getting them into trouble, "and you guys go clean yourself up." I say to the others I sigh once I'm left alone in the office. They hadn't gone of the ministry had they?

I eye the fireplace for a second, this was the only open network to travel by floo powder so if I was going to go I had to do so now. With another sigh I take a handful of the powder and throw it into the fire, "the ministry of magic." I say clearly stepping into the flames.

I feel a chill as I arrive at the ministry and move in search for the school kids, my mouth drops in horror when I find them, Harry was face to face with my dad whilst the others had been grabbed by death eaters wands to their necks. I had to play this smart, I couldn't go charging in with my wand blazing because I was very heavily outnumbered and everyone else was at risk. I just had to make sure that they weren't harmed no matter what.

"Stop!" I say jumping down, "Lyra?" Father asks shocked to see me, "let them go." I glare making him shake his head, "in exchange for the prophecy." I glance at Harry as I join him in standing before my father. I see that he was clutching a crystal ball tightly, "don't do it Harry." Neville says making my aunt Bellatrix dig her wand into his neck, "just don't hurt them." I say making my father smirk as Bellatrix cackles. "Join us Lyra." I shake my head. "No." I say in a hard tone.

"If you join us I assure you they will leave here unharmed." I pause for a second making my father grin, "now come on sweetheart we don't want to hurt anyone." I look at all the scared kids cowering in the death eaters arms, "all of them?" I ask making him nod, " I promise you." I scoff in my mind, "let them go first." Now it's his turn to hesitate. "You said that you don't want to hurt anyone." I challenge knowing that he was so full of shit.

"Lyra no." Harry whispers to me, "it's going to be ok Harry." I assure him, I just had to stall for a bit longer the rest of the order should be here soon, I prayed that they'd be here soon. "Lyra darling, I'm your father I just want what's best for you." I shake my head, "I don't want to be a deatheater, that's not what's best for me." Oh my god where was everyone? "Lucius get rid of her." Bellatrix hisses making father glare at her.

"I will be taking you back with Prophecy." He says, "if not you're little friends-" my eyes widen as the death eaters ready their wands, "crucio!" Neville falls to the ground screaming in pain as Bellatrix laughs over him, "stop it! Stop it! Leave him alone!" I scream not even a second after she says the spell. "Fine! I said fine I'll come with you, just leave them alone." I beg tears in my eyes as I watch Neville sob on the ground. "Leave them alone." I beg and my father nods as Harry passes the prophecy over. "Now you." He says holding his hand out, "let them go." I demand, he sighs and shakes his head. "You first." I sigh and allow him to grab my arm as the tears run down my cheeks.

Before he can react theres a flash of white. He turns to see what had caused it making me turn with him as he holds onto me very tightly. I grin in relief once I see it's Sirius, "get away from my godson." He says before throwing a punch at my fathers face. He grabs onto me as my father goes down and winks, "told you I wouldn't let him get you trouble." He says making me grin, "now help the others get out of here." He instructs kissing me on the forehead as I nod before leaving him and Harry to grab the others so that I could get them out of there.

I quickly grab onto Ginny and pull her down as a death eater aims for her, I quickly blast him before turning to her, "you ok?" I ask as she nods, "yes thanks, you?" I nod too. "Fine." I say before I see my aunt Bellatrix stood before us. "Go." I say pushing Ginny behind me as I hold my wand up. "Is this the way to greet aunty Bella?" She asks in a taunting tone as she cackles making me shiver.

"Come with us." She says staking closer as I raise my wand, "never." I hiss before throwing a spell at her. "Oh so you want to play do you niece? Let's play." She says before duelling with me, I begin to panic a bit as I block her spells, I didn't know if I could keep up with her. I breath out relieved once I send her flying. I turn my head to see Sirius give my father the same fate, seeing him fly across the room makes me laugh catching Sirius attention, he winks at me before turning to Harry when he's suddenly struck by a spell.

I turn my head to see it was Bellatrix, "NO!" I scream catching his eyes before he falls back into the veil, floating up and away until he's gone. "No!" I scream out again, laughter reaches my ears and my body begins burning with rage as all I see is red. I turn to glare at my aunt before running and tackling her to the ground. "What did you do!" I scream as she laughs. "What did you do!" I repeat, "I killed Sirius black." I grip onto her tighter, "I'm going to kill you." I seethe making her grin. "You don't have your wand." I must've dropped it when I tackled her. "I don't need my wand, I'm going to fucking kill you with my bare hands." I say slamming her head into the ground making her smile drop. I focus on keeping her pinned as she begins to squirm trying to get out of my grip.

"Stupefy." She had managed to grasp her wand, I fall to the side only able to watch as she gets up and runs, Harry going after her. "Lyra, Lyra are you alright?" Remus asks running over to check on me, "I'm fine." I pant allowing him to help me up. I look up at his face before I burst into tears, "it's my fault." I cry making his face fall, "it's all my fault." He shakes his head and pulls me into his chest, "it's not your fault." He tries to assure me as he tries to keep himself from crying too. It doesn't work because I knew that it was. I had been the one who'd been duelling Bellatrix I should've have taken my eyes off her not even for a second. She had killed Sirius but I was the one who had let her.

𝑆𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝑒𝑙𝑠𝑒~ 𝐹.𝑊𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑙𝑒𝑦Where stories live. Discover now