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"I am merely requesting that when it comes to my students... you conform to the prescribed disciplinary practices." A group of us form as we leave the hall to see McGonagall arguing with Umbridge. "So silly of me, but it sounds... as if you're questioning my authority in my own classroom... Minerva." Umbridge's voice actually invoked a rage I didn't even know that I had in me. "Not at all, Dolores, merely your medieval methods."

"I am sorry, dear. But to question my practices is to question the Ministry... and by extension, the minister himself." I roll my eyes at her words, "I am a tolerant woman... but the one thing I will not stand for is disloyalty." McGonagall steps down a step in shock as she registers what Umbridge was truly trying to say to her, "Disloyalty." She repeats in disbelief. "Things at Hogwarts are far worse than I feared. Cornelius will want to take immediate action." I don't even realise that I almost take a step forward until Fred grabs my hand to stop me. I hiss in pain making him drop my hand quickly and turn to me in confusion but my eyes are locked with Umbridge's, she's glaring at me hard as though this were all my fault.

Once she retreats to her office Fred grabs my arm and lifts my hand up, "what-" I quickly pull my hand away and put it behind my back but it's too late he's already seen the scars. "Lyra? You said she just gave you lines." He says in disbelief taking my hand again, "she did give me lines." I shrug not wanting him to worry, "she's having them carved into your skin!" He says incredulously looking down at where I must respect my superiors had been imprinted on the back of my hand. I wince as he runs a finger over it making him scowl, "I won't let her get away with it." He huffs making me smile as I take his hand in my uninjured one. "And what are you going to do? You heard of how she hates disloyalty." I say mocking the toad and making him smile, "besides it's my last detention today I'll be fine." He looks conflicted like there's so much he wants to say but is unable to, so instead he lifts my hand up to his lips making my cheeks heat up as I felt butterflies swarm my stomach.

。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.

So Umbridge had been given some totally made up position that gave her a ridiculous amount of power, she had begun inspecting the other teachers and was currently trying to throw poor Professor Trelwaney out. Sure she wasn't the best teacher but I did feel bad as we watched her cry amongst her belongings talking about how hogwarts was her home. Thankfully Dumbledore came just in time telling McGonagall to escort Trelawney back upstairs to her room putting umbridge in a fit but there was nothing she could do about it, for now.

。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.

Hermione had approached me about an idea her and Ron had both had for Harry to teach us defence against the dark arts because the toad wouldn't. It seemed like a pretty good idea to me Harry was skilled and had a ton of experience, Hermione asked me to invite people I could trust and that really only meant one person to me, I'm sure that there were plenty of other trustworthy Slytherins I'd just never really spoken to many to establish such a sense of trust.

"Hi. So you all know why we're here.We need a teacher. A proper teacher. One who's had experience defending themselves against the Dark Arts." The atmosphere in the hogshead pub was a bit awkward to say the least. "Why?" A Hufflepuff boy asks making me roll my eyes, "Why? Because You-Know-Who's back, you tosspot." Ron replies making the boy shrug. "So he says." Why was he even here? "So Dumbledore says."

"So Dumbledore says because he says. The point is, where's the proof?" He was starting to get on my nerves, "If Potter could tell us more about how Diggory got killed..." I can't help the glare that I send his way, before I can say anything though Daphne has already taken her shoe off and chucked it at the boy. "Mind your own business." She hisses before sparing me a glance as I try to not laugh, "well I mean it seems like she's moved on pretty quickly anyways." The boy murmurs although everyone hears him as he glances at mine and Fred's joined hands, suddenly I feel very uncomfortable in the room as everyone is staring at me wondering what I'll do next. "Didn't I just tell you to mind your business?" Daphne scowls venomously at the Hufflepuff boy throwing another shoe at him. "And we're not in a zoo everyone can you please stop with the staring." She adds as I stare at the ground very aware of the tears burning my eyes.

"I'm not gonna talk about Cedric, so if that's why you're here, clear out now." Harry says sending me a hesitant look before pulling at Hermione's arm, "Come on, Hermione. They're here because they think I'm some sort of freak."

Thankfully Luna jumps in asking Harry if he can produce a patronus which then leads to a bunch of people shouting Harry's greatest defensive moments. "Wait. Look, it all sounds great when you say it like that... but the truth is, most of that was just luck. I didn't know what I was doing half the time. I nearly always had help."

"He's just being modest." Hermione tries, "No, Hermione, I'm not. Facing this stuff in real life is not like school. In school, if you make a mistake, you can just try again tomorrow. But out there... when you're a second away from being murdered... or watching a friend die right before your eyes... You don't know what that's like." I felt so bad for Harry he was so young and he'd already suffered enough to last a lifetime I just hoped things would get easier.

"You're right, Harry, we don't. That's why we need your help. Because if we're going to have any chance at beating... Voldemort..." Everyone takes in surprised gasps at his name. "He's really back."

Everyone had been convinced to join even that annoying Hufflepuff who went by the name of Zacariahs smith although he'd been very hesitant about signing the parchment that all members were required to sign, Daphne'd had enough of him muttering feeble excuses and pushed him aside so that she could go and sign her name, "honestly if you're not brave enough then just leave." She huffed at him making his face burn red.

The only problem we had now was finding somewhere to practice.

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