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My head pounds as light hits my face. "Lyra?" I groan and roll over trying to bury my face further into my pillow. "Lyra?" I shake my head, "go away." I grumble trying to get further into my bed. "Lyra come on." My body curls up as my sheets are suddenly ripped from me, "Fred!" I shout really cold as I hear him laugh. "Lyra!" He mocks wrestling my pillow from my face. "Fred my head is killing me." I groan as I let him sit me up. "No one told you to get drunk last night." He smirks very clearly amused as I squint at him. "I know, I regret it." I pout.

"I thought you would've." He says before pecking my lips and grabbing a tray from the side. "A healing potion for the headache, breakfast because I know you get extra hungry in the mornings and water because you need to hydrate." I smile up at him and grab his face so that I can kiss him, "merlin I love you." He grins at me and kisses my nose lightly, "I know."

。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.

"Where's paddy?" I ask noticing the pup was no where around as I clean up the mess Daphne and I had made last night. "George took him for a walk." My eyebrows furrow, "George?" Fred smirks, "well I needed some help with the two of you off your heads." I shake my head, "how bad were we?" I ask afraid of the answer, "ooh well you didn't recognise me as your boyfriend and kept shouting at me to not touch you." I drop my face in my hands thoroughly embarrassed. "You said and I quote 'look I already told you that I have a boyfriend I don't care how handsome you are." I groan into my hands as he laughs.

"It's ok darling it was very cute." He assures me as he pulls my hands from my face. "That's embarrassing." He laughs a bit, "I mean at least I know that you're loyal." I slap his arm, "you're not funny."

。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.

"Mum wants you to come over for dinner today." I look up from the book I'd been reading and nod, "of course." I say putting the book away, perks of working in a bookshop would be getting to read whatever you wanted. "She said Bill has a very exciting announcement, maybe it has something to do with his girlfriend." Fred says, "maybe." I shrug unaware of what the announcement was, "well if it is then you can finally tell me?" I shake my head with a smile, "nice try honey but if it is you'll find out yourself, you can wait a few hours can't you."

"You're no fun." He groans following after me, "isn't your break up now?" I ask knowing how busy the shop got and how many customers George would be struggling with. "Yes I'm going but be ready for dinner." I nod and kiss his cheek, "have fun." He smiles and kisses me before leaving.

"I am exhausted." Daphne says as she enters and flops onto the couch, "from what?" She looks up and glares at me, "my arms are aching from scooping ice cream all day." I try to hide my smile, "but you have magic." This only makes her glare deepen. "Oh really? I have magic? Why didn't I think of that?" She seethes, "I forgot my wand at home and my good old boss wouldn't let me come and grab it." She sighs flopping back down. "Ah you should take more care and remember your things then." I laugh as I move to avoid the pillow that she sends flying my way. "Shut up." I shake my head but drape a blanket over her as she smiles up at me. "Thanks Lyra." She yawns, "remember your wand next time." She rolls her eyes, "yes mother." She hums before sitting her eyes.

Luckily for me the bookshop didn't get too many customers those who did come in already knowing what they wanted meaning I wasn't bothered very much and could sit behind the counter my head in a book until my shift was up. Break time was fun, I'd spend it next door with daphne gossiping about difficult customers with free ice cream or at the twins shop helping in some way.

。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.

"You're ready?" I roll my eyes at the surprise in George's voice. "You know that I'm punctual, you're the ones who never get anywhere on time." They look at each other and smirk, "that's not a compliment." I say before ushering them along not wanting to be that last ones for the dinner.

"Lovely to see you as always Lyra." Mrs Weasley beams after letting me go, "lovely to see you again Mrs Weasley." I say, "the three of you should try and visit more." She says making me nod before she begins doting on her sons who'd been out of the house for a while, their business keeping them very occupied.

"Oh hi Hermione." I greet the younger girl slightly surprised to see her here. "Lyra!" She greets me back rather enthusiastically. We all find ourselves in idle conversations as we waited for bill to arrive with his exciting announcement.

"Finally." At last Bill had arrived with Fleur on his arm making everyone but me share confused glances, "is she?" I nod at Fred's question noticing him smirk immediately, "I mean I knew he'd been helping her improve on her English but wow he took the role a bit seriously." I kick him under the table to shut him up as Bill greets everyone. "So I called you all here because I had an exciting announcement." He starts of very clearly nervous as he spares glances at his mother.

"Yes dear, what is it you've got to say and what does it have to so with her?" I don't miss the way that she sounds a bit distasteful as she refers to Fleur who was stood before us all with a nervous smile on her beautiful face.

"Well mum, everyone I asked Fleur to marry me and she said yes!" I seem to be the only one who's excited for the couple. "What?" Mrs Weasley asks in disbelief as she along with Ginny and Hermione eye Fleur up rather unpleasantly. I mean I understood the shock factor especially since no one had known that they were even a thing and that mrs Weasley had even trying to set Bill up with Tonks but I liked Fleur she was nice, smart and strong, I thought that her and Bill made a wonderful couple.

Since everything's gone a bit awkwardly quiet I get out of my seat and am the first to congratulate the couple, "Congratulations!" I beam hugging them both making the two grin at me appreciatively as it seems to have broken everyone from their daze. The twins follow in suit making jokes as one bye one everyone congratulated the two, some more begrudgingly than others.

I take Fleur to the side as Mrs Weasley and Bill begin to engage in what doesn't seem to be the most pleasant conversation. "It's so nice to see you again." I say making her smile as she agrees, "how are you." She asks sympathetically, the last time she'd seen me I'd been crying over my dead boyfriends body. I push the memory from my mind and assure her that I'm ok as I engage in conversation with her.

"Oh your English has gotten better." I praise making her grin, "ah yes all thanks to Bill." She says adoringly making me grin. "How did he propose?" I ask smiling as she tells me the story. We then catch up on everything that had happened since we had last seen each other Bill and Mrs Weasley still having their discussion.

"They do not like me do they?" She asks slightly disheartened making me frown, "Oh no its not you at all they're just shocked, they'll love you." I try to convince her but its slightly difficult seeing how ginny and Hermione were making it blatantly obvious how they felt and how we could hear Mrs Weasleys raised voice as she argues with her son.

The twins didn't seem too interested they were talking business as always and Ron"s face had heated up from the moment he'd payed eyes on Fleur which made Hermione scowl even more if possible. "It's going to be ok." I assure her not really even believing my words myself.

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