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It's the middle of the night and a few of us had stayed over at the Weasley's due to the upcoming wedding. Everyone else was asleep but I'd just awoken suddenly from a nightmare, it'd been a while since I'd had one but one glance at Fred sleeping beside me is all I need to calm down immediately.

I wasn't supposed to be in here so I decide to sneak back to ginny's room, it beat having to wake up early to do it anyways. Before I get to Ginny's room I decide to go down for a moment, to have milk or tea my fingers reaching up to brush against the paw prints on my collarbone for a second.

I'm surprised to see Ron and Harry walking in from outside, they look at me in equal amounts of surprise the two of the sharing a glance before my eyes land on the bag in Harry's hand. It becomes clear to me what was going on now. "You aren't leaving are you?" I ask worriedly making the two shake their heads. "No not today." I frown at the today but don't say anything about it. "Ok it's late and we've had a big day today, go up and try to get some rest." I instruct softly making them nod.

"Goodnight." Ron mumbles walking past us after Harry gives him a look meaning he wouldn't be joining him immediately. "Goodnight." I reply squeezing his shoulder as he walks past.

"Are you ok?" I ask Harry who doesn't really say anything as he struggles to figure out what it is he wants to say. "I was just about to get a cup of milk, do you want to join me?" He smiles slightly relived and nods. 

"You were going to leave." I say starting up a conversation, he sighs and nods. "I don't like the idea of people getting hurt because of me, Ron told me that it wasn't just for me and I get that people are fighting for something bigger but in that moment. Voldemort was looking for me because he wants to kill me and will kill anyone who gets in his way." I nod somewhat understanding what he felt.

"Everyone knows the risk Harry, we all know it's dangerous to have you around but we don't care, the world is a dangerous place, if you weren't here chances are we'd still get hurt, we're all willing to fight in the approaching war and that is going to be deadly. People are going to die but that's not going to be your fault, this would be happening with or with out you, we're just lucky that we have you to stop him."

"I really appreciate this Lyra but the feeling it's hard to shake, I feel so guilty." I nod and place my hand over his arm comfortingly, "I understand Harry. You know Evangeline upstairs?" I take a small intake of breath as he nods inquisitively wondering where I'm going with this. "I never told you how I got to be looking after her, her grandfather was a lovely old man he lived near daphne and I. The two of us would visit him a lot, I felt bad because he was old and alone and he struggled sometimes so some nights I'd go make him dinner or we'd just provide him with some company, just to try and make his days a little brighter."

My eyes sting at the thought of Mr Davis and what he did for me. "When the death eaters started their raids, they must've seen me entering his house because they went there looking for me. They burned his house down and so after they left I took him to his sons house, the next day I was taking him some of his belongings when I saw the dark mark over the house. I ran in and Evangeline's father was dead mr Davis was dying, bleeding out I tried my hardest to help him but it was futile. He told me that he died for me so I could experience life like he had and he only asked that I look out for Evangeline and find her a proper home." Harry's hand finds mine as he tries to comfort me.

"I know how you're feeling Harry trust me, but we all love you and we're at risk anyways, I'm at risk because I'm a blood traitor and because my parents want me home and it kills me that I could be putting anyone else at risk, but there's nothing we can do about it really. I promise you you're not causing anyone any harm and we will get through this together ok?"

I'm surprised once he suddenly engulfs me in a hug. I don't say anything for a moment as I hold him back, "thank you Lyra, for everything. I really appreciate you always being there for me, you're truly like an older sister to me." I feel touched and smile at him. "Always Harry, I would do anything for you and everyone else in this house. You're my family and I love you all very much." He smiles at me genuinely and nods.

"Alright I don't want to keep you up for too long, you need your rest so go on up to bed, you know we're gonna be busy over the next few days with wedding planning." He nods and gets up before hesitating and turning back to me, "why are you awake?" I shrug messing with the cup in my hands. "Nightmare." He frowns at my answer and almost sits back down, "are you alright?" I smile at his concern, "I'm perfectly fine Harry, I'm a big girl I can handle a nightmare every once in a while." I assure him before standing myself.

"Goodnight Harold." He rolls his eyes at my us have of the name he hated, "goodnight Lyra, sweet dreams."

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