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Things were normal now, everything was in the past and we had done our exams fine we were actually getting our results today, I felt like we all did fine I mean I hope we did. If we did then we'd celebrate tonight before one of my final shifts at Hogwarts tomorrow.

"Ok so everyone have their results?" I ask holding own envelope up as the rest join me. "Daphne!" I scold as I watch her down some of the fire whiskey. "What?" She asks going for another. "Those are for after we open our result." She shrugs and downs the drink once more, "well I didn't take any exam I'm just here for a good time."

I shake my head and leave her be as we all get ready to check. "Ok yes I passed!" Thankfully we all did and so the celebration commenced way into the night.

。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.

"Ugh my head is aching." I groan as I lay in one of the beds in the hospital wing, "get up she's coming!" Spencer hisses as he whacks me to get out of the bed as madam Pomfrey walks past. "Spencer I hate you." I moan leaning on him as soon as she's out of view.

"You're just jealous that I'm not hung over like you." He smirks as I glare at him, "here I got it." Noah says joining us and handing me a small vial, "thank you, I love you, Spencer you cherish your boyfriend because he is a saint." I say downing the potion and sighing at the instant relief as they laugh at me.

"Hey-" we're all suddenly cut off once Snape rushes into the wing, Draco with him. My heart leaps to my throat as I see all the blood on his shirt. "Oh my..." My eyes sting as I look at his pale face contorted into one of pain and there's too many thoughts for my mind to handle.

"What happened?" I ask as I rushed to his side and took in the state of him. "A duelling incident with the potter boy." Harry did this? "L-Lyra?" Draco questions through pained breaths as tears leak from his eyes. "Oh I'm here Draco." I assure taking his hand, I try and comfort him and keep my own worry and fear to myself as Noah and madam Pomfrey tend to him.

。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.

"Lyra?" It seems I'd fallen asleep by Draco's bedside. I raise my head and stretch my back kind of hurting from being hunched over. "Hey you're awake, how are you feeling?" I ask as I sit up properly and move closer to brush his hair from his face. "Better." He says wincing slightly as he moves, "what no overdramatic declarations of pain?" I ask making him chuckle, "I think those days are behind me."

"Thank merlin."

"Stay with me?" He asks quietly reminding me so much of how he used to get when he was small and would sneak into my room after a nightmare or if he were ill and I would be the one to sneak in and take care of him through the night.

"Of course I will." I say making him smile, "I'm sorry." He says making me shake my head, "that's not important right now." I assure him as he yawns. "It's ok, you get some rest now." I say pulling the blanket up over him. "You're really tucking me in?" He asks with an amused smile.

"I'm not a baby anymore." He protests weakly, "well you'll always be my baby brother." I say kissing his forehead as he smiles with that childlike twinkle in his eye that I thought he'd lost for good.

"Since I'll always be your baby brother can you lay with me like you used to?" I nod, "fine but just cause I love you so much." I say as he grins and scoots up so that I can climb in with him.

"Thanks rah rah." He mumbles sleepy as I hold him, "love you too Draco." I whisper kissing his head as he begins to fall asleep.

。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.

The next day I had forced myself away from Draco's side once Taylor enters the hospital wing and makes her way to us. I smile from afar as I watch them, he tries to hide his smile as she takes his hand both with slight blushes on their faces. I can't hear what they're saying but there is definitely some flirting going on I could tell by his flustered facial expression, which increases once she leans forwards and kisses his cheek.

'Leave.' He mouths as he catches my eye from across the room. I smirk and shake my head making his face scrunch up in annoyance, 'go away.' He's getting frustrated and I'm finding it hard not to laugh.

"Hey." Taylor jumps as I approach them, "sorry but nice to see you again." I say as she blushes, "I'll leave you guys." I say winking at Draco who throws his head back in exasperation as his eyes roll at me. "Ok ok I'm going don't worry." I say smirking once his embarrassment increases. "Have fun." I call out as I close the curtain and laugh at the humiliation on his face, what good was being an older sister if I couldn't embarrass him once in a while.

。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.

I was going back to my room to freshen up before getting back to Draco, knowing he was in good hands meant I didn't have to worry. When I came face to face with the young spectacled boy who I'd become close with. His eyes flash a ton of guilt and he looks confused as though he doesn't know wether to speak to me or turn and run. Judging by his expression I'd say he was leaning towards the latter.

"Hey." I say making him breathe for what may be the first time since we'd seen each other, I wasn't going to jump to anything because I knew about the long standing feud between the boys and was sure that neither one was innocent in this situation.

"Lyra, I'm so sorry I-I didn't know what the spell did when I cast it, if I did I never would've- I never would've hurt him that badly." I nod, "ok."

"Ok? You're not mad at me?" I shrug, "I don't know, no I'm not mad at you, I know whatever happened was mutual just Harry you shouldn't cast spells you don't know."

"I know, I never will again but I got it from this books that's been helping me and..." As he explains my eyebrows furrow, "where is this book now?" I ask thinking this all sounded dodgy, "I don't know, we got rid of it. Honestly I'll never look at it again I've learnt my lesson."

"Ok." I say with another nod not really knowing what to say, "I really am sorry." I put a hand on his shoulder, "I know Harry."

"Is he ok?" He asks tentatively, "yes he should be fine luckily." I answer making him nod relived, "ok well I gotta go, see you soon?" He nods again and we begin to part ways.

"Lyra?" I turn back to see him wringing his hands, "you're really important to me Lyra, you've always been there for me and I see you as like... like the older sister I always wanted and I don't want to have ruined everything between us." I smile reassuringly at him, "Harry I said I wasn't mad at you. I know that you're both at fault in this and you've learnt your lesson, so I'm not going to throw our whole friendship away." I say hugging him for good measure.

"Great Lyra that's brilliant." He grins making me smile, "yes it is, now I'll see you later." He smiles more genuinely now. "Yeah, see you later."

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