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"So we're halfway done how does everyone feel?" I look up from my arm which I had splayed across the table to see Sophia joining us excitedly, how was she not tired?

"Well I don't know about you but spending nine hours with Lyra is as magical as it sounds." I whack Noah's arm as he smirks from beside me and bites into his sandwich. "The food here sucks." He complains a second later, "you suck." He winks at me, "only if you want me to." I roll my eyes as Spencer laughs, shutting up quickly once we all look at him. He nervously stammers as his cheeks burn a bright red.

"Henry and I got to scrub in, on an operation!" I sit up properly now at Sophia's words. "You did? That's great, what was it like?" I question as everyone at the table listens in eagerly, "a small kid was attacked by a manticore, luckily he wasn't stung but it had devoured half of his stomach." My eyes widen, a real manticore? They were so rare.

"Cool." I whack Noah again, "that's not cool, how is he?" I ask turning back to Sophia who tells us the story wide eyed and animatedly, luckily the boy had survived. "Wow that's intense." Spencer says, "I heard another trainee killed a patient in surgery." I turn to Noah confused, "where did you hear this?" We'd literally been stuck on the same floor for the past nine hours. "Some nurses." He winks making me roll my eyes, he had been flirting an awful lot during our shift so no surprise there.

"It's not nice to gossip." I say, "it's not gossip, it's news." Noah shrugs, "it's true, we all heard about it, it was a trainee from healer Greenwood's group, it was an accident but I don't know how they're going to live it down." I frown, "anyways how has your day been Spencer." He shrugs, "well I've just been working with potions, helping make some and administrating them, looking for cures for others nothing too exciting." I nod, "Henry what about you? How did you find the surgery?" I ask the quiet boy, he'd been silent this whole time and he was pretty intimidating but I didn't want him to feel left out. "Sophia covered it all." He says with a slight smile making me nod.

"Well what about you guys? How's the fourth floor?" Spencer asks noticing Henry's discomfort, "it's ok same as you really just giving checkups seeing if any improvements have been made." Noah scoffs, "Lyra got lucky, I think it's cause healer Phoenix has the hots for her, which is understandable but I'm stuck with the whack jobs." I slap Noah once more on the arm as he begins to mock some of the patients he had to deal with. "Don't be so rude, those are injured people you're talking about."

"What are you even doing here?" I ask, "I'm here to help people same as you." He answers, "yeah that's what it seems like." Spencer and Sophia quickly interrupt, "so what made you come over here?" Sophia asks the two Americans. "Well st mungos is one of the best hospitals in the world and I want to be the best." Noah's answer was typical. "My parents are uh divorced and my mum and brother live here so I wanted to be closer to them." I nod at Spencer's story, "oh sorry about that." He shrugs, "they divorced when we were kids I don't even remember them ever being together, I didn't even know I had a twin brother till we met accidentally a few years ago."

"Oh like the parent trap." Sophia and I share a glance, a confused glance at Noah's words. "The what?" We ask, "it's a no maj movie." We share yet another glance and even Henry looks confused. "A what?" Noah rolls his eyes. "A non magical person do you not have them in England?"

"We call them muggles." He scoffs, "that's stupid." I roll my eyes, "you're stupid." He scoffs again, "you're stupid." He repeats my words, "very mature." He smirks and continues to mimic me, "keep it up and I'll punch you."

"Anyways so America that's exciting right, what was school like there?" Sophia cuts in again. "Illvermony is the best wizarding school in the world." Noah says confidently making me roll my eyes, "not likely Hogwarts beats every school out there." I reply making Sophia nod along. "Spence come on tell them." Spencer looks at us conflicted, "w-well I don't know, Illvermony was great but from what Adam told me about Hogwarts..." he trails off and so we take that as a vote for Hogwarts.

"Traitor." Noah mumbles glaring at him, "wait did you say Adam?" I ask, "your brother is Adam hollick?" I ask ignoring Noah, "y-yeah that's my brother, why do you know him?" Sophia's eyes flash with recognition, "yeah we know him, he dated our friend Daphne, well he was her date to the Yule ball I don't think the two spoke again after."

"Yule ball?" Nobody pays Noah any attention as we continue speaking amongst ourselves, "oh she's that slythering girl he told me about." Sophia and I smile at each other before correcting him, "Slytherin." 

"You know you do look quite alike." I say observing him for a second, "well they are twins." I roll my eyes. "They're not identical."

"Slytherin?" I spare Noah a glance, "our school houses." He looks a bit interested actually. "What house were you in?" He asks, "Slytherin." Sophia and I say in unison, "Lyra and I were actually dorm mates." Sophia says happily, "what about you Henry?" I'd seen Henry around school a few times he was in the year above us and in Gryffindor and so we hadn't really spoken much but he had been friends with Cedric.

"Which one is Harry Potter in?" My eyes narrow, "non of your business." I reply at the same time as Sophia had answered him.

"Oh have I hit a nerve there?" Noah asks as Spencer and Sophia share a worried glance, "is Harry Potter the boyfriend." I roll my eyes, "don't be stupid he's a kid."

"You care for him do you?" I glare at Noah not finding it as entertaining as he was, "it's non of your business." I repeat as he stares at me for a second. "Or are you trying to get him for you know who, your dad is deatheater isn't he?" My jaw clenches as the table goes silent and they stare between us.

"It is non of your business." I seethe as watches me expectantly, "are you going to set daddy on me? He's not going to be able to do much from his cell in Azkaban is he." I stay silent trying to keep my calm, "show us your arm Lyra."

"Hey! That is enough, you're bang out of line Noah, leave her alone." I'm not the only one surprised to see it's Henry who speaks out his voice is deep with authority and intimidation that Noah is rendered speechless as he nods. "You're a dick." I spit rolling my sleeves up to show him my arms that were clean of the dark mark before throwing the rest of my lunch on him.

"And thank you Henry." I say before I leave the table and decide to get back to work early hearing Spencer and Sophia reprimand Noah as I left.

"Hey healer Phoenix would it be ok if Noah and I switched patients?" I ask the older man not liking how Noah had spoken of them earlier. "That's fine, take beds 1 onwards." He says handing me the files.

"Thanks sir." He shakes his head and sends me a smile, "no worries I suppose he's been complaining about it hasn't he?" I nod, "yeah he reminds of myself that boy, you're doing a nice thing for him Lyra." I wasn't doing it for him. I was doing it for the patients who deserved someone that wouldn't mock them.

"Hello, my names Lyra and today I'll be..." My mouth drops at the patient sat in the chair before me. "Professor Lockheart?" My fourth year defence against the dark arts teacher was sat looking out of it as he absentmindedly doodled autographs on pictures of himself. "Do you know me?" I blink for a second in surprise. "Yes, you were my teacher four years ago." He nods, "ah yes they told me I was a teacher, was I a very good one?" He was not a good teacher not in the slightest. "Uh yes you were." That may have been the biggest lie I've ever told, Professor lockheart was the worst teacher we've ever had like even worse than Quirell and he had Voldemort on the back of his head.

"Sir I'd love to stay here and chat but I have to give you your treatments and do your checkup." He nods and allows me to do what I'm required to do. "Here take an autograph, I'm famous you know." He was a fraud that's what I knew, Ron had told me how he wiped the memories of the people who actually did the things he wrote about in his famous books. He just took the credit. "Thanks sir." I say taking the stupid picture with a polite smile. "No thank you Lyra was it? I'm sure you were my favourite student." I hold back a laugh, he hadn't been very fond of me as I was the only female student who didn't fancy the pants off him and fawn all over him.

I move over to the last two patients on my side as Noah makes his way back to the ward. He meets my eye but I turn away not wanting to talk to him, what he'd said was so unnecessary and I just really wasn't in the mood.

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