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We're struck down before I can react and I know that whatever happens from now was going to be so incredibly bad.

Almost everyone who was left has been overpowered by the death eaters, they put us all together and I bite on my lip as they smirk in triumph. "You." A death eater I half recognise but can't remember the name of, points me out of the group. "Come here." Fred grabs my arm tightly not wanting me to move from his side. Unfortunately for us we don't have much choice, "I said come here." I have to pry myself from Fred's grip and walk forwards as everyone watches in silence.

"You the Malfoy girl?" I shake my head and then receive a sharp slap across the face in response. Tears sting in my eyes but I blink them away, I would not show this prick that he had any effect on me. Instead I raise my head, holding my chin up high and glare him down. "Don't lie to me girl."

"I'm not a Malfoy anymore." I answer keeping my voice steady and venomous, noting how George is holding Fred back from the corner of my eye. "Your parents have been missing you." I scoff, "my parents are dead to me."

"They're offering up quite the reward to anyone who returns you." I bite on the inside of my cheek knowing exactly what was going to happen. "Whatever they're offering I will double it, right now." He chuckles and shakes his head. "I don't think you got that kind of money little girl." Then he nods to another death eater who grabs me harshly, pulling my arms behind my back. "We're taking the girl." I try and pull myself free but the grip on me was too strong.

"You can't take her!" George fails to keep Fred back and I begin to panic, thinking of what they might do to him. I shake my head at him desperately hoping he'll stop before they hurt him. "Crucio." The spell is aimed at me and I can't help but curl up in pain, the man holding me lets me drop and I writhe around on the ground my screams silencing everyone.

"She's ours now and we will be taking her, dead or alive." I just lay on the ground as the spell ends but the pain doesn't. "Everyone understand?" I don't hear anything but I see nods as I'm pulled back up to my feet. I see Fred struggling, he's fighting himself on what to do, he can't let them take me but he can't stop them. They're all watching me in regret, they want to do something but trying anything would result in my death and they were outnumbered badly. There was no chance.

I try to not show any fear as he instructs the man holding me to take me, I think I'd actually rather death. I keep my eyes on Fred and I try to smile for him, I don't want his last memory of me to be this, to be me scared, crying. I want him to know that it's ok, he shouldn't blame himself for this. I mouth an I love you at him but then I'm taken away.

We've apparated and I see the manor before me. Staring me down and sending a shiver down my spine. "Home sweet home." The man mumbles making me feel sick. This was not my home.

"Lyra!" My mother is the first to spot us, she rushes forward and embraces me whilst my father deals with the death eater who brought me. I stand still and uncomfortable. I feel a little guilt, a part of me enjoys my mothers hug, the part that still missed her. I stay stiff as she takes my face in her hands, her eyes shining with unshed tears as they look me over.

"What happened to you? Your hair..." I shudder in discomfort once she pulls a strand between her fingers. "I don't want to be here, let me go. Please mother, if you love me at all, please." Her tears threaten to fall at my words, her lip trembles and she shakes her head. "We're doing this because we love you, we're keeping you safe." I shake my head as my father joins her side, "you can't do this to me! Let me go! I don't want to be here, I don't want to be with you! I hate you!" I know that it'll hurt my mother but I'm shocked to see my father looking saddened too.

"Lyra dear please, we love you. We're your parents." I scoff and my push my mothers hands away, "took you long enough to remember, were you not my parents when you kicked me out?" I ask turning to my dad who looks down, "and when you let him?" I ask turning back to my mother who lets out a breath. "Lyra please you're being irrational."

"I'm being irrational? You kicked me out without a care for me and then you had me kidnapped? I'm not an object that you hold a claim over, I was your daughter, you can't just throw me away and pick me back up whenever suits you." My mother shakes her head not wanting to listen to me any longer. "Lyra, we love you, we're doing this because we love you." I don't know who she's trying to convince here, me or herself either way I'm trapped here with no escape, no wand and no defence.

。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.

I don't remember what exactly happened during the conversation with my parents, but next thing I know, I'm waking up in my old room. I slip out of my old bed and feel weirdly like I'm in the past. Like I'm fifteen again, getting ready to leave for Hogwarts.

Something about me feels off too, different but I can't pinpoint what it is. I aimlessly feel around and halt once my hands reach my hair, it's longer. Pulling it out of the loose pony tail it was in my breath catches in my throat... It was blonde again.

I rush towards the door, I should've expected for it not to budge. It doesn't stop me from trying to open it though, no matter how futile it may be. I beg and I plead as I twist and I turn at the handle. I even try using my shoulder to ram into the door but to no avail.

It feels like hours when I finally give up, my throat dry and itchy and my shoulder aching. I curl back up in my bed and try to keep myself composed. I don't want to cry, I don't want someone to walk in and see me breakdown so I try to keep it all in.

The door begins to creak which makes me jump up in anticipation. I don't want to know who was on the other end, I don't want to see them. I just want to go home.

"Draco?" I jump off my bed and run over to my brother who has just shut the door behind him. "Lyra."  He wraps his arms around me the second I'm close enough. "Draco you have to help me get out of here." I hope that my voice portrays my desperation but once I pull away and see his face my stomach sinks.

"Draco please, please I can't stay here, please." He looks guilty, remorseful. It just adds to the sinking feeling, he wouldn't help me. "I can't Lyra, I'm not even supposed to be in here right now." I let out a breath as the reality sets in, I was stuck here for the indefinite future. No one would help me here.

"Why are you here then?" He looks taken aback, "what?" I step back from him and wrap my arms around myself. "Why are you here?" I repeat my question, "I wanted to see you, to make sure you were ok." I scoff, "why? It's not like there's anything you could do for me if I wasn't." He's at a loss for words.

"I... I have to go." I nod, too upset to care at the moment. I just wanted to be alone. I don't even watch him leave, I climb back in my bed and keep my back to him until I hear the door close.

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