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As soon as we get through the door we see everyone crowded around the couch but before I can say anything I'm engulfed by Fluer? "Oh thank goodness you are alright we saw you go down and..."

"I managed to grab the broom and landed even if it was a little rough." I assure her as Bill squeezes my shoulder and pries his soon to be wife off me. As soon as she's gone I'm engulfed once again only this time the scent of cinnamon and gunpowder letting me know that it was my boyfriend clutching me tightly as though he may never have been able to again. "I thought I lost you." He whispers as I clutch him back just as tightly. "You can't get rid of me. Not that easily love." I say making him chuckle into my hair.

"How is George?" I ask worriedly, "he's alright, he lost his ear but he's still cracking jokes." I smile relived that we hadn't lost him.

"You got here so much later than the rest of us." He says pulling away and resting his palm on my face smiling as I subconsciously lean into it. "Yeah we lost our wands." I say sheepishly, "smart." He chuckles before his eyes land on the bloodstain that had seeped through the shirt. "Were you the one that screamed out there?" He questions his fingers staining with the crimson that still hadn't dried into the fabric. "I splinched myself, didn't have a clear mind." He let's out a relived breath before looking back up with a smile, "this is why I said that you never should've passed.." He smirks making me roll my eyes, he always held that over my head. "Yeah well at least it wasn't the first thing in my life that I passed." I say making him clutch his heart in mock pain. "You wound me love, you truly do." He says over dramatically making me giggle. "Good, your ego needs it every once in a while."

"You'd think even with one ear this would be less sickening to me." We hadn't realised but George had woken up from beside us. "George!" I let go of Fred and crouch down beside his twin, "you're ok." He smiles relief at me, "you're worrying about me?"

"I only lost an ear, we thought you were dead, and I think that's just a bit worse." He replies with a wink making me laugh slightly. "I'm glad you're ok, I don't know what I'd do without my favourite twin." I say making him beam over at his brother, "ok one question then, am I still better looking than Fred?"

"Without a doubt." He laughs loudly making me grin as Fred playfully rolls his eyes. "Does it still hurt?" I ask after a moment observing all the blood splashed across his face. "Not much, I know that limbs lost to dark magic can't be regrown but... do you think that... you could-"

"Yeah I'll look at it." I say knowing I probably wouldn't be able to do anything, I summon a bowl of water and a washcloth. "Where's Daphne?" He asks me after glancing around the room, I turn and look too but I don't see her, "I'm not sure, we both came running in once we heard you were injured."

"I'll check outside." Fred says making me turn back to George. I gently clean all the blood off of him and inspect the hole where his ear should be. I heal the wound as much as I can to try and prevent infections but there was nothing more that I could do for him. "Sorry." I murmur after bandaging him up, "it's alright I didn't get my hopes up anyways."

"Now keep your bandage and the area around the wound clean and because I know you so well I feel inclined to ask that you do not stick anything in the hole." I say making him smirk, "well there go my plans." I roll my eyes, "I'm being serious George."

"Fine I promise I will take care of myself." He promises begrudgingly, "now go back to Fred." He ushers making me nod, slightly confused. "Ok, you want me to tell Daphne you want her?" I ask teasingly making his face turn red. "Leave me alone Lyra I'm injured."

"Don't be a big baby."

"Hey! Be nice to me."

"Hey Daphne someone's looking for you." I call out jokingly when all of a sudden I yelp out because he had pushed me. "Oh my god! Do you want me to make your ears matching." I say up to him making his mouth drop. "Oi I'm telling my mum you said that."

"Snitches end up in ditches George remember that." I say before pushing myself up and walking outside to find Daphne crying into Fred's chest as he seems to be comforting her. I watch them for a moment before concluding that it must've been about George.

"Everything ok?" I ask making Fred look over at me relieved, "fine." Daph mutters unconvincingly as she pulls back to look at me, I nod knowing that she would speak to me when she felt like it, there was no use in prying. "George was asking about you." I say making her eyes light up slightly, "he was?" I nod making a slight smile break out o n her face before she nodded. "I should probably check on him." She says before disappearing inside.

"I didn't even ask if you got here ok?" I say after turning back to Fred who smiles softly at me. "We got here fine." He assures me his eyes glancing back down at my shirt, "you're sure you didn't get hurt? When Bill and Fleur told us they saw you go down I..." I cut off his pain filled words and grab his hand.

"I promise you Fred, I'm fine, daphne got hit by a curse and fell unconscious, she was the one flying and so we both fell from the broom but I caught it and I caught her. We broke the broom and she had broken a few ribs which is why we also took some time, I was healing her and then we accidentally missed the port key looking for her wand. I was barely injured."

He relaxes at my words and nods, "I promised you I wouldn't let them take you, I-"

"I don't hold you to that promise," after today especially I knew that there was no way to hold him to that. And that if I were somehow taken then I wouldn't want him to blame himself for that, I knew he would to. "Fred I know that you love me and would do anything for me, but if I do somehow get taken then, I don't want you to blame yourself ok? Because I won't."

"If you ever got taken I don't know what I'd do with myself." I nod, "hopefully we won't have to find out."

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