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So Ginny and Harry were together, that wasn't surprising seeing how Harry had come to me plenty of times wanting to speak about his feelings for Ginny and how he felt like he shouldn't because you know Ron. I was always quick to assure him that it wasn't a bad thing and that he should be with whomever he wanted especially since Ginny and dean had broken up. Apparently he made quite the spectacle suddenly swooping her down into a kiss in front of all the gryffindors and he was pleased to know that Ron wasn't mad at him.

Noah and I hadn't really spoken since the whole fight, we kind of just avoided each other now, things very tense between us especially if Fred was around. I felt kind of bad though, we could still be friends couldn't we? Especially since he was so madly in love with Spencer now and I was completely out of the question I wanted nothing more than to get them together although Fred kept claiming I was no Cupid and lacked the capabilities to get two people together. I would disagree though I feel like I had made quite the impact on Draco and Taylor.

Speaking of Draco he was also avoiding me which I guess I deserved, I shouldn't have gone on at him, not now at least he was still just a scared boy who'd been brainwashed into this. But I just couldn't help it especially when he'd tried to turn the blame on me, he could've said anything and I wouldn't have cared but I did not turn my back on him.

"Hey Taylor." I stop the girl abruptly making her look up at me slightly startled. "Hi." She smiles kindly, "Um have you seen Draco recently?" I ask she frowns slightly as she shakes her head, "sorry no, he's been quite distant lately." I let out a sigh and nod, "it wasn't because of me, was it?" She questions hesitantly, "why would it be because you?" I ask confused making her blush. "W-we kissed, well he kissed me and then he just started ignoring me. I thought I'd done something." She shrugs making me grin.

"You kissed?" I ask excitedly making her blush deepen as she nods, "no way that's great!" She looks startled again by my enthusiasm, "Don't worry about it, Draco is being distant cause we had an argument, you haven't done anything. He really likes you actually." She glances back up a surprised smile making its way to her face. "Really?" I nod with a smile.

"Yeah, but don't tell him I told you that." I liked Taylor, her and Blaise were the only two that I did like from Draco's friends. "Could you do me a favour please? Could you check up on him, make sure he's ok?" I ask knowing he wouldn't be so likely to push her away. "Yeah sure, um I've got to get to go now, you know how Snape is."

"Yeah, yeah he's the worst you better get going. Thank you though, it was nice talking to you." She nods with a smile, "you too." And then she's off her pretty brown her bouncing over the green of her robes, I hoped one day Draco would get to be with her properly.

。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.

"Hey." I grin as Spencer comes running towards me so fast that he loses his footing and slides to the ground harshly on his face, "oh no, are you ok?" I ask through laughter as I help him up, "Lyra Lyra guess what!" He's smiling real big and real stupid as blood pours from his nose, he doesn't pay that the slightest attention though.

"One second Spence, I'd love to know what's exciting you more than anything but you broke your nose sweetie." It's like my words mean nothing to him, he doesn't acknowledge his broken nose though and instead just nods him he stupid goofy grin taking up his face.

"Ok what's going on?" I ask with a smile as happiness and excitement literally roll off him in waves. "I did it." My eyebrows furrow, did what? "Oh my god," he grumbles with an eye roll once I haven't immediately caught on. "I asked Noah out."

His smile returns as I jump out of my seat, "oh my god no way! You did it?!" I squeal grabbing him by the shoulders as his happiness grows at my enthusiasm, "aaah you did it, I'm so proud of youuu!" He laughs as I over exaggerate my words. "When are you going out? What are you doing? Tell me everything." I beam glad that they were finally, finally getting together I hadn't even known them for as long as they'd been pining over each other but I loved the both of them so much and was so happy for them. Also I like to think I helped in pushing them together which I could now go and shove in Fred's face, he claimed he was better Cupid than I but how many relationships had he pushed together? Non that I knew of and I think it was safe to say I had accomplished two.

"What's with all the screeching? I didn't know we were living with banshees too now." Daphne asks as she joins us, "he did it." She looks confused. "I asked Noah out." A smile breaks out on her face too as she joins us with the cheering, "I still stand by saying you could do better, but like have fun I mean I guess he's good in bed since he brings so many people over. Or maybe he's bad and that's why he never brings the same person home twice."

"Daphne!" I scold looking at the face Spencer now had on, "sorry sorry I'm kidding, I know he's good he never fucking uses the silencing spell, like be aware dude you don't live alone, you make sure to use it yeah when he takes you up to his shit hole." I drop my head into my hand as Spencer chokes his whole face becoming red.

"Also speaking of dates, I've got one too on Friday, yay me because honestly it's been longer than I would like to admit." My eyebrows furrow as I look at her, "who?"

"Oh it's such a crazy story but Adam, we bumped into each other and you know our date to the Yule ball was so memorable that he didn't waste anytime in asking me out said he'd always meant to back at Hogwarts." Wait what about George?

"Wait Adam? My Adam?" Spencer asks suddenly, "yeah isn't that funny, imagine if I end up your sister in law?" I don't think Spencer likes that idea as much as Daphne does seeing how his face had paled significantly, "uh could you do me a favour and not tell him about Noah and I, I just haven't told him about the whole liking boys thing yet." She nods immediately, "yeah no, I got you don't worry. Besides I don't think we'll be doing much talking if you know what I mean." She winks making me shake my head amusedly, "because that is one person I know for sure is good in bed." Spencer chokes again as I muffle my laughter into my hand.

"Daphne that's gross don't talk about my brother like that, there are certain things I just don't want to know." He says before we all just end up laughing. God I loved these stupid morons so much I think to myself as I look between them.

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