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"Hi there." I say to the two dazed patients, they don't give any indication that they heard me so I tentatively move towards the man, I had recognised their names off the charts, my heart was hammering so hard in my chest because these were Neville parents and it was my aunts fault that they were in this position right now. She'd used the crucio curse on them until they had gone insane.

I speak softly to Mr Longbottom as I administer his treatments and check to see if there'd been any improvement, I had wished so hard that there had or that there would be. I continue on with a heavy heart, telling them stories of their son, their son who they didn't even know. I take all the rubbish Mrs longbottom hands me with a smile, she has her own confused smile on her worn out face and she mumbles unintelligible things under her breath as I do my job but I keep my smile the whole time and stay patient with her as I ignore Noah who as watching us.

"Do you not have patients to check on?" I finally snap as Mrs longbottom begins messing with the sleeves of my robes before moving to my hair. "How do you do it?" He asks me after a second, "do what?" What was he even talking about now? "How do you stay so patient with her, she won't leave you alone." I spare him a glance as he watches me curiously, "it's not her fault, she's not doing this because she wants to, do you think she wants to be here sat in a hospital out of her mind not even able to speak? Her and her husband are people, good people. And unlike you they are not harassing me for entertainment, or whatever it is you're harassing me for."

"I don't know what you think you know about me but you don't, you don't know anything I am here to help, help whoever I can because I try, I try to be a good person just like these brave people sat here. I want to be a good person and just because my father is a piece of shit, that doesn't mean you can draw your own conclusions on me, I'm Lyra Malfoy I am me, I am who I want to be.
I am not just my fathers daughter, I am better, I know better." He doesn't say anything instead he looks down avoiding my eye now there isn't a trace of amusement or smugness anywhere on his face.

"And yes I may be close to Harry Potter and I may care for the young boy but that is non of your business my private life is non of your business, if we are going to be working closely together for the next three years then you are going to have to grow up, we're not in school anymore and your charming bad boy without a care act won't impress many people, this is a serious job and if you were serious about wanting to help people then I suggest you work on it because mocking patients who don't deserve that isn't helping anyone."

"Do you know who these people are?" I ask him receiving a shake of his head in response, "this is Frank and Alice longbottom, two very brave aurors who are this way because they refused to give up information to you know who, they suffered countless amounts of torture the cruciatus curse was used on them a lot, until they couldn't take it and the pain made them lose their minds. They don't even know who they are anymore." He looks really guilty for mocking them beforehand now.

"You're right I'm sorry, I was actually coming here to apologise to you what I said out there to you, it was unacceptable I don't know why I said it, it wasn't funny, it was rude I'm sorry. And I'm sorry for the flirting but that's just a joke it's how I act around everyone I don't mean it, I respect that you have a boyfriend but if it makes you uncomfortable I won't do it anymore, I really am sorry Lyra. If we are going to be working on the same team for three years then I don't want to have ruined everything I heard that your trainee teams become your family and I don't want to have ruined the family." I watch him for a second noticing how he's being sincere.

"Since we're going to be stuck together for three years I'm giving you one more chance, a blank slate but this is all you're getting." He grins appreciatively at me as I hold my hand out, "hi I'm Lyra Malfoy." He wastes no time in taking my hand with a grateful smile, "I'm Noah Anderson."

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