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"Happy birthday Harry!" He groans as I jump onto his bed, "I like you Lyra a lot and so I'm saying this in the kindest way possible...please piss off." I laugh at his grumpy tone, Harry was not a morning person. "Sorry kid but Mrs Weasley sent me to wake you up and I cant leave until I'm certain that you're awake."

"I'm awake." He grumbles trying to cover his face with the blanket but I'm already a step ahead of him.

"Lyra you're so annoying."

"Yeah yeah you love me really." He rolls his eyes at me and throws his pillow in my direction, "that wasn't very nice Harold." That earned me another pillow, only I didn't dodge this one in time.

"Harry you better get your ass out of bed before I'm forced to take matters into my own hands. I've got my wand here and I'm not afraid to use it." He sighs over dramatically making me laugh, "it's my birthday." He moans, "yes and we've let you lie in now don't waste it all in bed."

"Fine." He says still trying to keep his mood up, but I see the small smile he's failing to hide from me. "I knew you loved me really." I tease pinching his cheeks, "Lyra."

"Right sorry." I say with a slight smile before feeling a small pain in my chest. "Happy birthday Harry, it's sure to be a great one since you were lucky enough to be blessed by the sight of me first thing." He lets out a small laugh at this and instead of making me feel better it made the pang of pain deepen. "Thanks." I nod ready to leave.


"Yeah?" I ask turning back around. "I do um... I do appreciate you, you know." He says with an awkward nod, "weirdo." He adds making me laugh. "You love me really." He nods, "yeah I do, thanks for everything Lyra."

"Happy birthday." I say simply as he hugs me, "I know that you're growing up and stuff but you're still that little fourteen year old who came to me for girl advice." He laughs slightly, "it was good advice."

"Did you even get the girl?" I question never even having found out, "ah no she'd already been asked, but that doesn't matter now."

"Why? Cause you've got your eyes on Ginny?" I smirk as his face blushes beet red and he starts stammering out excuses so fast I can't even tell what he's saying. "You can try and deny it all you want but I know when it comes to these things, I get a feeling and the feeling is never wrong." He looks pretty nervous and I find it pretty amusing. "The feeling is never wrong Harold,  never."

"Stop calling me Harold!"

I laugh as I run from his room before the guilty pain weighed my heart down once more. I loved Harry I did, he was a great kid but I felt guilty. I already had a baby brother and I acted like a big sister to everyone but him.

I tried, I tried so hard because I love Draco so much and it really hurt to admit that we had drifted, that we were no longer as close as we had been. Draco had always depended on me for everything as we grew up, if he had a nightmare when we were younger it was me he came to. It was me who comforted him and stayed with him until he was no longer afraid. I had always helped my brother with his fears but now I hadn't even seen him since I left Hogwarts, I hadn't even been in contact with him.

I was a terrible sister, the worst sister.

I thought about him a lot, I wondered what he and mother were up to since father was in Azkaban and I worried hoping he was safe, he probably was safe, mother would do anything to keep him safe. My family was strange and dark yes but my parents had loved us, a lot. I knew they did, they just didn't really show it. Mother had always been better than father at that but she still wasn't the best.

Mother had grown up in a non affectionate household as had father actually, both of their families only had reputation in mind. Blood status and the family image was all they had been raised on and so they passed that on to us. Mother definitely believed in these views too but she wasn't as hardcore as father, he really pushed it onto us.

I'd never really understood it but I went along with their views up until I got to Hogwarts and learned things for myself. Draco however, he'd always gone along with what they said, believing wholeheartedly that they were right just because they were our parents. It also didn't help that his friends and their parents thought the same, he really thought that I was the misguided one and I knew by the time he realised the truth it'd be too late. He was too stubborn and spoiled to listen and so even though I wasn't the fondest of the idea I knew he was just going to have to learn the hard way.

• • •

"What's taking him so long?" Evangeline pouts wanting to eat the cake already, "you've got to be patient angel it's his birthday." I say glancing over at her with a small smile, "I don't care I just want cake."

"Yeah we're hungry." I roll my eyes trying to bite back my smile as Evangeline smiles over at Ron who'd just spoken. "It's ok bumblebee if Harry doesn't come down soon I'll manage to get us some." He whispers horribly making her giggle, I look over to see him quickly shoot her a look to get her to stop laughing as they spot me looking.

"Oh Lyra dear you wouldn't mind getting the door would you." Mrs Weasley asks me as she rushes past, "not at all."

"Oh Remus hi you made it." I grin as I open the door, to see him stood on the other side. "Lyra the question." My eyebrows furrow, "huh?" What question? "Lyra we've been over this you have to ask me a question to make sure I'm not a deatheater." Oh right I forgot about that.

"Well I know you're not a deatheater." I shrug making him raise his eyebrows at me amusement all over his face, "and how do you know that?"

"Well a deatheater wouldn't be stood there lecturing me about asking him a security question would he?" Remus let's out a small chuckle and nods, "I suppose you have a point there but try to remember the safety precautions, things aren't so safe out there."

"You got it sir and since you wanted a question so bad where is my lovely cousin?" He almost chokes at my words, oops I guess he didn't know that I knew what was going on between he and Tonks but she had filled me in, we'd grown pretty close recently. She even took me to her house so I could meet her mother and father, my aunt and uncle. It was safe to say aunt Andromeda was easily my favourite of my mums sisters and uncle ted was really nice too.

"I-I don't know what-"

"Smooth Professor, so are you still not giving her a shot?" I ask making his face flush, "Lyra." He whisper shouts over to me, "it's a shame Dora's great, you guys would be amazing together and sir you know you like her."

"Lyra I'm not talking to you about this, you don't understand." He says firmly making me quicken my pcs to keep up with him. "But Remus she really loves you and  I know that you feel the same."

"It's not safe Lyra, I am too old, too dangerous and too poor for her." I scoff, "she doesn't care about any of that." I persist wanting to help Tonks out as much as possible, I had vowed to get them together and I would do everything that I could to ensure it. "Lyra I'm a werewolf."

"No really? You are Remus? You turn into a wolf each month? I'd just been brewing you wolfsbane potions each month because I thought you liked the taste." He sighs, "she deserves better." He tells me hurt very evident in his voice. "Well for her there is no one better than you, she wants you." He looks like he's about to fight me on this so I continue quickly.

"Look sir, I know you're worried for her safety and what not but you can't push her away like this. Sirius once told me that you can't help who you fall for and you can't and I know that you think that you don't deserve her but you Professor are one of the best men I have ever met in my entire life and so you do deserve her and so much more."

"You are kind to me Lyra you always have been but I'm afraid you're mistaken." I want to fight my point more but I'm unable to as Harry makes his way down and his birthday celebrations commence.

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