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I don't know how long it is that I'm locked in my room exactly. If I had to guess, I'd guess weeks although it'd already begun to feel like months. I stay in my bed most of the time, mother and Draco would visiting me constantly. The latter's being in secret, I wasn't as off with him now, rather I enjoyed the company he provided and I could tell that he enjoyed mine too. It was like an escape for what truly was going on around us, like we were just kids in our house again.

With mothers visits I would just ignore her. I would just stare ahead and act as though I hadn't heard her. Mother had unwavering patience though, she would be here every day, trying to get me to forgive her, to get me to accept that what they were doing was right and that I understood where she was coming from. Father came once, he lost his temper at the lack of response and left, he hadn't been back since. I was glad about that though.

The loneliness was welcome but suffocating at the same time. Whilst it provided relief from what was going on, all I could think about was Fred, about all of the Weasley's. About Dora and Remus, Harry and Hermione. About all my flatmates. I didn't know how anyone was, I didn't know what was going on with them, if they were safe, if they were all ok. I thought about them every day, every spare minute.

"Bellatrix no." I sit up once I hear my mother's voice on the other end of my door, "let me handle it sister, she is my daughter." My skin prickles as I hear Bellatrix's response. "You're too soft on her Cissy, you let me handle this or I call the dark lord. He will not be pleased to hear all your daughter truly feels."

"Bella, I'm telling you that this is my problem to handle, you do not need to involve the dark lord. I can get through to her." This is the moment I start praying that my mother can handle her sister, that she won't give in. If she can convince that monster to leave me alone I will forgive her, I won't be so cold with her.

"You've had enough time and all you've done is failed. You can't do this, I will call him cissy don't doubt me. Would you like me to tell him how you're not loyal, you'd put your pathetic blood traitor daughter over him?" My mothers lost this, she's not gonna fight any longer, Bellatrix has got her right where she wants her.

Hearing the handle turn I brace myself, I had no wand, I was weak from refusing to eat and so there is nothing I can do against her. I'm like a rodent awaiting it's inevitable fate from the trap it gets caught in.

"Well well well, if it isn't aunt Bella's favourite niece." My mother doesn't accompany her sister, because she's a coward. "My sister is content in keeping you locked here until our victory. I say if you're going to stay here, you better earn your place, like the rest of us."

"It's not your house bitch." She cackles once I finally speak, "oh little baby Lyra, always so brave, it'll be fun, cursing that out of you." I bite my tongue knowing that all she wants is a reaction. "Come along." When I don't move she harshly grips my forearm and pulls me along with her. I allow her to drag me down the stairs but once my foot is off the last step I head butt my aunt, sprinting once the action takes her off guard and she releases my arm.

I know better than to try the door, instead I run for my fathers study, he always liked to keep a window open in there, for fresh air. I just have to get off the property and then I could apparate away. I know Bellatrix is on my tail but I'm faster. I get to the study and waste no time in running to the open window.

I don't even think as I dive headfirst, I hit the ground harshly but I don't let that stop me. My adrenaline keeps me from feeling the pain that's sure to follow, I run as fast as my legs can take me. I see the gate, it's open too meaning if I ran fast enough I could get out of here. I somehow manage to pickup my speed and just as I reach the gates they slam shut.

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