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As the other members begin to leave I relax in my seat, "you can't ever repeat anything that I told you." I say to Sirius making him grin mischievously, "I'd never!" He says over dramatically placing a hand on his chest making me laugh, "I still can't believe you were the dog, I got really sad and worried when you disappeared." He smiles, "well as you can see I'm fine."

"Hey mum what's for-" I jump up at the familiar voice I recognised as one of the twins, I didn't know that the Weasleys were staying here, I thought their parents were just here for the meeting. "George!" I exclaim excitedly as I spot the tall red head, "Lyra!" He calls back just as excited, I'd finally admit that along with Daphne the twins were my only friends.

I laugh as he hugs me, "what're you doing here?" He asks me shocked, "I got to join the secret club." I wink making him look to his mum in disbelief as if to say it wasn't fair. "Malfoy?" Fred asks confused joining us, "hi." I wave slightly shyly, I'd never really hugged Fred the closest we ever got was when we danced together at the Yule ball.

But I wrap my arms around him anyways, "you cut your hair." I mumble for some reason running my hand through his hair making the two of us blush as I notice George and Sirius smirking. "I missed you." I find myself saying, "I knew you loved me." He chuckles making my cheeks heat up, "so Fred gets an I miss you but I just got George?" I turn to the other twin, "you know that you're my favourite twin George we just have to make Fred feel important sometimes." I joke laughing as Fred pushes me straight into George who catches me. "Fred where are your manners?" Mrs Weasley asks slapping her son upside the head making both George and I laugh under our breaths.

"Why're you here?" Fred asks, "not that I'm not glad you are." He adds quickly as the three of us sit, "Dumbledore wanted me to join the order, I should be going back home soon actually." I mumble looking at the time, "nonsense you'll stay here with us, what good is being cooped up alone?" Mrs Weasley interjects, "yeah there's plenty of space here." Sirius adds, "Fred and George go with Lyra to help her bring her stuff here." I smile slightly I mean being alone was peaceful but it was very lonely.

"Thank you." I say to both Sirius and Mrs Weasley who shake their heads, "you're family are you not? Besides us family disappointments have got to stick together." Sirius says me grin. "Go on boys before it gets late." Mrs Weasleys ushers, "you know I think just Fred should go, he can handle it and I injured myself so I can't do any heavy lifting." George says after a moment smirking at Fred who rolls his eyes.

"I mean I don't have much, so I could even go alone."'I say, "absolutely not go with her Fred." She doesn't say anything to George who deepens his smirk, looking very proud of himself. "He can't apparate yet so you're going to need to hold his hand." George winks making both Fred and I look at each other with slight blushes on our cheeks. I shrug and hold my hand out Fred placing his in mine, I try to not focus on the warmth it brings me and instead take us to my apartment.

"Cozy." He murmurs looking around, it was pretty small with one bedroom and the kitchen in the living room. "I can apparate." He says after a second making my brows furrow, "George thinks he's so funny." I say making Fred laugh, "I know he should know that I'm the funny one." Now it's my turn to laugh, "whatever you say." I quickly use magic to pack my minimal things, "have you really not gone home?" Fred asks me making me shrug, "the manor isn't home, it's just a house and yeah I haven't been since fifth year." I say making him frown, "sorry." I shake my head, "don't be, it's gonna be so much more fun living with you." He smiles and then we leave.

"Back so soon?" George questions with a smirk, "shut up George." I laugh as Fred's cheeks dust pink, "George take Lyra's things up to her room." Mrs Weasley instructs making me smile sweetly as his mouth drops, "but my injury." He protests, "I know that there's no injury." she says making Fred and I laugh as he grumbles and does what he's told. "Let me help." I offer, "it's alright dear he can handle it why don't you sit, are you hungry?" She asks making me nod, "a bit." She smiles, "great because dinner is ready." Then she screams for the others to come to dinner.

Ron Hermione and Ginny come running for food only to halt once they see me, "Lyra?" Hermione asks with a smile, "in the flesh." I'd never spoken to the two younger Weasleys so I kind of just wave awkwardly, "hi." Ginny smiles as she sits opposite me, "I'm Ginny." She introduces holding her hand out, "Lyra." I say taking it, "how did you end up friends with these dimwits?" She asks making me laugh, "hey!" The twins exclaim in unison, "they're not that bad." I defend making them grin at me, "aww Malfoy you're too sweet." They say pinching at my cheeks as though I were a baby. "Stop it." I laugh swatting at their hands.

"They're annoying at times but they can actually be very nice." I tell Ginny making her scoff, "these two? As if." She says not believing me, "I know it's hard to believe but they've been very nice to me...at times." I say, "don't say at times, when's one time we've been annoying or mean?" They ask, "how about when you made my potions explode in my face right after I'd been crying because I found Adrian cheating on me?" I ask making them both go quiet, "ok but we didn't know why you were crying." They say, "yet you had known that I had been crying?" Ginny throws some bunched up paper at them, "gits." She murmurs making me laugh.

"Ok but we've been very nice to you too." I nod, "that's true, I never even properly thanked you for that time with my boggart." I remember, "see." They say turning to their younger sister, "what did they do?"

"Well when it was my turn to face my boggart I froze up when it turned into my dad Fred stepped in front of me quickly and George distracted the class with some prank thing making sure that no one would see." I say making Molly smile as she was walking past and happened to hear. "Aren't you sweet boys." She beams making them grin, "we've been telling you this and you're all just mean to us for no reason." They say making everyone roll their eyes at them.

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