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"Happy birthday!" I'm awoken by both Spencer and Daphne who are holding a cake in front of my face. "Make a wish." I groan and roll over, "I just woke up, I need more time to think of a wish." I say beading them sigh, "hurry up before I drop the cake on you." I groan once more as I roll back over and glare at my best friends, "I wish you'd leave me alone so I can continue sleeping."

"That's boring." Daphne hums but Spencer smiles apologetically at me and escorts Daphne away telling her to let me sleep more.

。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.

"Are you awake now?" Daphne asks knowing full well I'd never been a morning person, "if you want to keep all your limbs I suggest you quit whilst you're ahead." She throws her head back with laughter as she wraps an arm around me, "you're exactly the same as you've always been, even using the same empty threats you had used on me when we were eleven, but let's not forget who actually knocked you out." I roll my eyes as Spencer looks between us.

"You knocked Lyra out?" He asks intrigued, "she is exaggerating, Daphne did not knock me out, she punched me, once." I shrug making Daphne smirk smugly, "but that one punch was enough for you wasn't it?" I push her off me and laugh slightly not denying her words. "Why did you punch her?" I wince at the memory.

"I deserved it, I called someone a mudblood." I admit ashamed of how I used to be. "You what?" Spencer seems appalled. "I know." I sigh. "Miss malfoy here thought she was pureblood royalty but it's ok I knocked her down a peg." Daphne winks making me laugh.

"Yes, she did thankfully. I'm sorry but I didn't know that it was a bad word then but once Daphne educated me I never said it again." Daphne nods along, "it's true she became the wonderful Lyra we all know and love, I think I knocked some sense into her." I laugh along with her, "ok that's enough talking about stupid blood supremacy." I say wishing to get those horrid memories from my mind, I was no angel back in first year unfortunately my parents strong feelings on blood status were what I had believed in but thankfully I was better now.

"Anyways what does the birthday girl want to do?" I shake my head, "not sure but that cake looked good."

。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.

"Happy birthday my love." I smile at Fred's presence the others had gone to work but I had booked the day of per Fred's request and so the two of us were free to do whatever for the day.

"Where are we going?" I ask as we walk hand in hand through the snow, a smile on my face as I heard it crunch beneath our feet. I loved the snow it was beautiful to look at and walking through it feeling it sink beneath your foot was fun. "I'm not entirely sure love I just thought we could go for a walk." I shrug happily not minding. Walking through the snowy wonderland was beautiful and it was even better that I was with Fred and the two of us could have a long catch-up over what we had missed over the past few weeks.

"Wow." I smile as we stop in front of what may be the most beautifully scenic view I had ever seen. There was a small lake shining beautiful as the sunshine reflected over it. The trees surrounding it covered in snow completely the whole thing was untouched the snow fresh and smooth. I smiled at the serene scene before turning to see Fred with the same amount of awe on his face.

"It's so pretty." I hum feeling so calm and at peace, I wished I could stay here forever. "Fred!" A surprised breath escapes my lips as I'm suddenly struck by a snowball. I turn to the red head at his loud laughter as he shakes the snow off his hands.

A smirk curves into my own lips as I quickly bed down and scoop up a bunch of the snow from the ground, laughing as it hits him on the chest. "You're in for it now." He says before a full on snow fight breaks out between us.

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