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After the whole fight it was really awkward to watch my dad get arrested not that he didn't deserve it but it was just uncomfortable to watch since he was staring me down the whole time.

"Are you ok?" I ask Neville as he holds his nose which was gushing with blood. He tries to reply but it comes out muffled and unintelligible but it sounded like he was saying that it was broken and so I pull his hands away gently, " here, let me see." I say lifting his chin and softly checking his nose to see that it was indeed broken. "Just one second, I'll fix it." I lift wand and hold it in front of his broken nose. "Episkey." There's a crack but then his nose is fixed, "thanks." He says as I clean the blood away. "I'm really sorry." I tell him quietly making him look to me confused, "why?" He asks, "for letting you get hurt." He shakes his head, "that wasn't your fault." It sure felt like it was. "You're really strong and brave Neville, you should be really proud of yourself." I tell him after a second knowing how he doubted himself and how he shouldn't do so. He blushes slightly and nods, "thank you." I shake my head, "I mean it."

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We had all been escorted back to school and we were all waiting in the hospital wing for everyone to be checked over. Unfortunately Umbridge was there too Dumbledore had saved her from centaurs or something I wished that he'd just left her in the forest but at least he was headmaster again and she'd be leaving no doubt. "Were you really going to go with him?" I look up from where I'd been staring at the ground to see Ron, Harry and Hermione staring at me inquisitively. "If it meant that you'd be safe then yes I would've." I tell them softly just wanting to be able to go home. My heart hurt, home, I'd gotten so used to calling 12 Grimmauld place home. But I wouldn't want to go back there not without Sirius, my eyes burn and I try to blink the tears away. I didn't want to think of that right now because I just felt if I started crying I wouldn't stop, and I just wanted to at least cry in privacy not in the hospital wing in front of everyone.

"Lyra!" I look up to see Daphne running at full speed towards us, "what happened? You all just disappeared, are you ok?" She asks looking at how all of us were battered. My eyes blur as I think back on the whole thing not knowing how to even begin to explain it to her. She notices and wraps her arms around me, letting me sniffle as she held me. I was so thankful for her but I really just wanted Sirius or Fred but neither were here at the moment, I began crying harder knowing that Sirius would never be there for me again. I had become so attached to him, I went to him for everything big or small and now he was gone for good and I didn't think I could handle it especially knowing that it was mine and my family's fault.

"Lyra, it's ok, everything's going to be alright ." She assures me rubbing my back but it wasn't alright how could it be?

。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.

I had avoided the others for the next week, it was quite easy to do so blaming it on stress for my last newt exam, potions, it was really out of guilt though, I couldn't bare to look at Harry knowing how much he cared for Sirius and how he was one of the limited family members Harry had left. They were going to live together, they had wanted to be a proper family and now they couldn't because of me. I had gotten him killed just like I had dreamt all those months ago.

。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.

"Draco." I see him crying, "father- I hug him, "I know." I tell him gently knowing how after everything he still loved him. "Draco, come and live with me." I say making his brows furrow, "what? Lyra why can't you just come home?" I shake my head, "I just can't Draco but I can't leave you there, please Draco I'm begging you, last year I let you go but I can't not this year. Bad things are going to happen Draco and I don't want you caught up in it, just please come and stay with me, please." He looks at me conflicted, "but mother and father-"

"Draco, listen to me not everything mum and dad told us is right, they're our parents I know and they may love us in their way but they are not good people Draco. And being a death eater isn't what father made it out to be, just please you're better than that, we are not our parents. We are Lyra and Draco not Narcissa and Lucius, we can be better." He looks unsure in my words. "But I can't leave mother alone." I shake my head. "She's not alone she has her sister, they've taken refuge in each other so it's ok you can take refuge in your sister." I'm close to tears, Sirius had told me how he'd wished he could've saved his younger brother from his parents and now here I was in the same position trying my hardest but I understood his hesitation I was asking him to go against everything we had been raised with and whilst it may have been easier for me he was finding it hard because he had always believed everything our parents had ever told him. He had always been the doted on son, he was spoiled and it was easy for him not to notice the wrongdoings going on around him.

"I- I can't Lyra." I sigh as I look at the pain on his face, "Draco if you do this... I may not be able to help you when you need me to." His face falls, "I love you Draco I always will but as much as I'll want to there is a chance I won't be able to. I don't think you're fully understanding the severity of things." I say making him go quiet.

We stand there staring at each other in remorse for a second, before I move forwards and pull him into my arms. "Like I said, I'll always love you and I'll always try to help you to the best of my ability. And if you change your mind, which I really really hope that you do then there's always a place for you with me." I tell him as he sighs and holds me tightly soft sniffs leaving him as he tries to not cry.

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