Extra Chapter 16

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The air was charged as he crouched behind the rundown wall. It had been a long time since Victor himself had led the attack on the enemy. Nobody allowed him to risk his neck once he became the Don of the Sicilian Mafia at 22 when his father died. Now he was 27 and after weeks of planning, they were ready to ambush the stupid culo that though that he could get away with cheating him.

The only reason he was allowed to lead was because all his brothers were occupied. A part of him had always craved the adrenaline. The thrill of the chase. The feeling of no remorse while cutting down whoever crossed his path.

There was a reason he was the most respected and feared Don in the history of the mafia.

He shook his head slightly to clear his thoughts. Now was not the time to get lost in his thoughts. He looked to his right where his second in command was crouched and signaled for him to activate the plan. He nodded back and Victor slowed his breathing slightly as they waited with bated breath for the door to open. It was hardly a minute when the lock clicked open and he stood up along with all the men scattered across the front of the building. The safety on his gun was clicked off as he took a deep breath. He got up and strode towards the building, all his men following. He nodded at the men at the door and they threw open the door and everyone started shooting immediately. The men inside the building were quick to react and by the time Victor had shot off a couple of rounds, they had recovered and were returning fire with the same vigour.

He dived behind a big crate as they shot at him, his breathing even but deep. He peeked out from behind the crate and two quick shots later, the enemy was dead. He got up quietly ignoring the hushed warnings of his second in command, as he surveyed the too short fight. The adrenaline was still pumping through his veins. He walked forward, weaving between the corpses as he examined each to make sure they were dead. It was when he was almost at the leader's corpse when there was a shout and he was pushed out of the way as a gunshot sounded. He flipped around immediately just as another shot rang out and a body fell forward in front of him. He saw the girl who was standing exactly where he had been standing seconds before, fall to the ground. Red blossomed at the point where the bullet had pierced her abdomen as she clutched her wound. Victor sprang into action. He scooped up the girl in his arms as he barked at his men to clean up behind them as he strode towards his car that was thankfully parked just beyond the entrance to the compound. He speed walked to the car, his mind plagued with the soft whimpers of pain the girl in his arms elicited.


Stop in the name of law!

I want the readers to do me a huge favour and go read the prologue of a story that I have posted by the title 'Another Shot at Life'. If you guys want me to continue that story, then please drop a comment and let me know. If you say yes, I will be co-authoring the book with my best friend. Please check it out and reply! 


He drove like a madman to the hospital and carried her inside. The nurses took one look at them and seconds later she was wheeled into surgery. Victor had never felt so helpless in his life. It was his stupidity and pride that had gotten the girl hurt. Guilt weighed down on his shoulder as he slid down the wall in the waiting room, staring steadily at his blood covered hands.

That was the way Isabella found her big brother hours later when she caught word of the mission and sped to the hospital. It was when she spoke that he finally snapped out of his thoughts. And for the first time Izzy saw her big brother with tears in his eyes that were threatening to escape. 

"Want to talk about it?" She asked him and he shook his head, swallowing thickly. 

"Okay." She replied simply and straightened and walked over to the nurse coming out of the surgery theatre. Victor was once again staring off into space. 

She grabbed the nurse by the collar and pulled her up to glare at her directly. The nurse flinched as her eyes widened in terror.

"You will tell the doctor that if he doesn't heal the girl in that theatre, he will have to get used to treating people while being buried six feet under the ground." She threatened lowly and the nurse nodded fearfully before scrambling away. She shot off a quick message to Victor's second in command for this mission and within minutes, she had the details of the raid. She just settled down beside her brother and pulled him into a hug. He suddenly broke down in her arms and he clutched her around the shoulders, his head buried in the crook of her neck as she ran her hands through his hair comfortingly, a silent show of solidarity and understanding. He cried for how long, she didn't know, but she let him cry and prayed to every god in the universe to make sure that the girl was safe.

That Esme was safe.

That Victor's Esme was safe.

Part 2?

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