Chapter 35: Drugged and Dragged

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Third Person POV

It had been 30 days since their sister had disappeared, and it seemed like every shred of evidence of her existence had been wiped. The boys were hurt and heart broken. They barely talked to anyone and spent most of the day searching for her. It seemed like she had disappeared off the face of the Earth. They barely slept and spent every waking moment trying to track her. Until they received the parcel.

"There is an unknown package on the top step. Is it something for you?" Elijah asked as he entered the kitchen, a frown on his face. The others just shook their head, looking interestedly at the package. Victor opened it quickly, careful not to damage the contents. They all gaped in horror at the contents. It was a lot of photos of a beaten up and battered girl. A girl with chocolate coloured hair. Her face was unrecognizable and patterned with bruises but the chocolate brown eyes staring back at them were familiar. The package also had a tape. Victor got up abruptly and strolled to his office, grabbing the tape on the way. The others scrambled after him as they felt plain horror at the beaten and bloody state of their sister's body as shown in the pictures.

Victor put the tape in and the others settled themselves around the room. The voice started speaking.

I hope you like my little gift. It was quite a lot of trouble to get the girl. She is a fighter. Took down a lot of my men before we managed to catch her. She is a beautiful one, isn't she? I might not kill her outright. You are never getting her back. And I will kill you with her. You will suffer. I will break you.

The boys had tears in their eyes. This could not be happening. She promised that she would be safe. She had promised she would be back.

"It's from the Spanish Mafia. They have her." Victor announced as their hearts sank further. The Spaniards were known for their ruthlessness, their lack of mercy and especially for their vile acts against women. They threw themselves into tracking her. They had to find her. All they had to do was find the headquarters of the Spanish Mafia. And they did. In 3 hours they had found what they were looking for. Orders were barked to the men and teams were made ready. All the boys would be going on the rescue mission. They could not trust the safety of their sister in anybody else's hands.

Victor and Elijah were going over the plan. Roman and Alex were arming themselves and talking in low voices. Luca was texting someone. Actually, he had been texting someone for a some time now, but nobody had paid any attention to that. They piled into a car and drove over to the address they had recovered. Getting in had been easy. Too easy. It had been really chaotic but they had entered with barely any casualties on their side. Usually it would be suspicious but they were half out of their mind with worry and this did not seem concerning. That is until one by one all the guards around them started falling without any warning as the enemy snipers picked them off till only the brothers were standing. They tried to fight but were quickly drugged and dragged away. They were thrown into different cells and manacled to the wall.

Isabella POV

It had been 32 days since I had left. 32 days since Nate had been shot. 32 days since I had promised vengeance. I had shot quite a huge number of people. Killed a lot too. It's ironic. The girl who couldn't bear the thought of hurting another was killing without mercy. I am not going to relive the past month but in a way it helped me. It was justice.But every time I thought about one of the people I killed, I almost had a nervous breakdown.

I focused my attention back on the whimpering boy in front of me. He was around a year older than me and had been thrown into this life forcefully. There was a bullet in his shoulder and he was bleeding out. This was wrong. I don't hurt innocents. I crouched beside him and he looked at me in fear. I smiled.

"I'm Isabella. Who are you?" I asked him as I took out the small first aid kit I carried around with me now.

"I-I'm Jam-m-es." He stuttered as I gently took his hand away. He flinched at the action but allowed me to come closer.

"Why are you helping m-me? I heard you were killing everyone in y-your way. Why are you not killing me?" He stumbled over his words and I frowned.

"Honestly? You did not choose this. You were forced into it. You chose to injure rather than kill and I respect that. I did not kill anyone who was forced into this. I killed all the bastards who tried to hurt my family over the years." I replied as I patched him up. It was a clean wound. The bullet had gone straight through. He gave me a grateful look and I gave him a small smile.

"I should go. I need to be on the mo-" I was cut off by a girl stumbling into the room. She was beautiful, to say the least. Her raven hair was pulled back into a high messy bun and her vivid hazel eyes were panicked.  Her clothes and appearance was slightly disheveled but her posture and the way she held herself screamed 'don't mess with me'.

"Isabella? Please, you have to come back. They have them. Javier has your brothers captive." She pleaded and I saw red. Do these people not get a hint? But I was suspicious.

"Who are you? And why should I believe you?" I asked her, my voice harsh.

"I- Well who I am is complicated but I can tell you why you should believe me. My name is Elena Ricci. And as to why you should believe me? Here." She tossed me her phone and I caught it. She was near enough to talk softly but far enough for her to not seem like a threat. I played the video on the phone and soon found myself shaking with anger. It was a video of them being tortured in cells, pulled from security cameras.

"Where are they? I need to go back." I grit out as I tossed the phone back. She nodded and led me to the door. James had disappeared somewhere but I knew he'd be alright. I followed Elena and we reached the door through which I had entered. She walked out and power walked to the black Dodge Charger that was parked across the street and slid into the driver's seat. I got into the passenger's side and she started driving. I noticed the dark circles under her eyes and the tired look on her face. I didn't look much better but I still wondered why she was so tired.

"I've been searching for you non-stop for the last 72 hours. That's why I look like this."  She said and gave me an amused look. I blushed in embarrassment. I did not mean to say that out loud. I observed her discreetly. She seemed to be a couple of years older than me. She was absolutely stunning and had model like features-heart shaped pink lips, long natural eyelashes, a lightly toasted complexion that looked like she had spent all her life in the sun. Her hazel eyes were full of worry but there was also a mischievous twinkle. She didn't have an arrogant air around her unlike other girls that are born into wealth. She had an approachable and friendly vibe but her body language told me that she was not to be taken lightly or underestimated.

"It will be another couple of hours till we reach our destination. Why don't you take a nap?" Elena suggested and I felt my eyes droop.

"Okay, but don't murder me in my sleep." I mumbled as I made myself comfortable.

"I don't plan to." She replied, snickering.

I drifted off into an uneasy sleep. I hope they are fine.

So who do you think Elena is? The next spin off to this story will be about her so let me know your views on her. Let me know the crazy ideas on who she could be. Have some M&Ms and stay safe.

Only 4-5 chapters to go people. Let's gooooo.

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