Chapter 39: Hold On

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"Well, what? Did something happen? Is he okay? He's not...." I asked and my heart started beating erratically. I couldn't breathe and it felt like there was something crushing my lungs. I tried to take a breath but it was as if there was something blocking my windpipe.

"Bells? Bells, listen to me. Listen to my voice. Follow my breathing. Follow my instructions, Bells. Come on, inhale. And Exhale. Inhale and exhale." I heard a voice filter through the haze in my mind and started following the instructions. Breathing became easier every time and I calmed down soon. Enzo was crouching down in front of me, his blue-green eyes alight with worry as his hands cupped my face. He searched my face for something and I gave him a soft smile making him relax as he settled back into the seat beside me. I looked up at the others and saw them looking at me in concern. I rolled my eyes and gave them a grin. They relaxed slightly and I cleared my throat.

"Will someone tell me?" I asked, my voice shaky.

"He's fine right now but he did have a seizure a couple of days ago." Victor said and my eyes fluttered closed.

"Can I go see him?" I asked, my eyes still closed as I calmed myself down. Enzo's was rubbing circles on my back and I was glad that I was with him right now.

"You may go to him, Izzy, but please be careful. I don't think we would be able to bear it if something happened to you. Please promise us you will be careful." Elijah pleaded with me and I gave him a small smile.

"You won't get rid of me just yet." I replied and gave him a grin. They gave me a furtive smile but they were still apprehensive. I knew that if they could, they would lock me in my room and never let me out again but they were holding themselves back.

"I'm serious. I'm not going anywhere." I assured them and they relaxed slightly.

"Come on. I'll take you to the hospital." Enzo said softly and I nodded and got up.

"Wait. Can I come with?" Elena asked me, her voice pleading and I instantly felt bad. I nodded and she gave me a grateful smile as she started up the stairs with me. I looked back and saw Luca staring at her with a strange expression. I turned around again and headed up the stairs behind Elena. I wasn't going to come between them. They had to work it out on their own.

After we changed into some of my hundreds of clothes, we headed to the hospital. I gazed out of the window and barely made any conversation but the silence was not awkward. Suddenly, Hold On by Chord Overstreet started playing and I started singing along softly. I hope you are okay, Nate.

I went in with the other two trailing behind me and went up to the receptionist and took a deep breath.

"Can you give me the room number Nate Williams is in?" i asked her with a polite smile and the middle aged nurse looked up and gave me a motherly smile which I tried to reciprocate but I was feeling sick to my stomach and could not even conjure up a weak one.

"Room 215." She replied and I nodded and set off towards the elevator. Nobody made a sound as we got to the second floor and I walked steadily to the room. I hesitated at the door and paused for a minute. I steeled my nerves and then wrenched the door open. I took a step inside the room and my knees buckled as I looked at him lying on the bed, hooked up to a hundred machines. A broken sob wrenched its way past my lips and Jason and Drake, who had been sitting beside their best friend, came and hugged me. I cried for a few minutes before taking a deep breath and calming down before getting up and walking up to Nate. Enzo and Elena had left the room a long time ago and now Jason and Drake left me alone with him.

"Nate. Please wake up. You are my best friend, Nate. Who else will I argue with about which ship is better. Who else will make me laugh when I had a horrible day? Who will cry with me when Klaus dies? Who will make fun of Mr.Crabman with me? Who will be my shoulder to cry on? Please, Nate. Please, wake up. You promised me, remember? You promised to never leave me alone for the rest of my life. Don't leave me Nate. Who will tell me that Stelena is a better ship when everyone agrees that Delena is better? Please, Nate." I whispered as the tears rolled down my cheeks and I hunched over with his hand in both of mine.

"But Stelena is the better ship, Izzy. Why would you lie and say that Delena is better?" Came a voice and my head snapped up. Nate looked at me and gave me a small smile and I tackled him in a hug with a cry as more tears fell down my cheeks.

"You idiot!" I replied as I hugged him fiercely. He hugged me back just as tightly and the door flew open and Jason and Drake ran in. They stopped when they saw Nate awake and came forward to hug him with to hug him with shouts of joy. A nurse rushed in, alerted by the noise and then came forward and checked Nate's vitals as we crowded around him anxiously.

"He's fine. The doctor will be here in a few minutes." She said with a smile and we all breathed a sigh of relief. Suddenly, the door flew open again and his parents bustled in and his mother gathered Nate into a tight hug and we backed out of the room to give them some privacy. Just before I left, Nate's mother left him and came to me and hugged me, whispering a soft whisper of gratitude before going back to her son's side.

Enzo gave me a hug and a smile as I came out of the room and I smiled back, all of my previous apprehension gone as I laughed in relief.

As soon as Nate had convinced his parents to go home and sleep in their own beds, I grabbed Elena's hand and pulled her inside along with Enzo. Enzo grinned at Nate and they did the weird universal 'bro' handshake that every guy knows.

"Nate, this is Elena, my new best friend. Elena, this is Nate, my best friend who is practically my brother." I introduced and they both grinned at each other.

"I'm sorry this could not be in better circumstances. I really hope we can become good friends." Elena says formally and we all look at her as if she had grown a third head.

"Too formal?" She asked and we nodded. "Okay then. Let me rephrase. We are going to be best friends whether you like it or not." She finished and we started laughing.

"On one condition: Delena or Stelena?" Nate asked and I leaned forward to hear her response.

"Neither. Klaroline is my OTP." She replied and Nate looked impressed. Then he turned to me.

"Can we keep her? Can we keep her?" He asked and I started laughing along with the others.

Nate's alive! Yay! Honestly, he is my favourite character in the book. I love you guys.

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P.S Only one chapter left guys. I am so happy that you were a part of this journey.

P.P.S. The spin-off of this book, 'Hurting My Heart''s first chapter will be published along with this book's last chapter so check that out too.

Addio lovely people. I hope to see you in the next book.

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