Chapter 7: I Can't Drive Yet You Moron

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"Well, if it isn't the littlest Cattaneo, Isabitch."

I rolled my eyes and continued with my lunch and turned to Jasmine.

"Could you tell me which clubs this school offers. I meant to get the list from the office but I'm too lazy to do it now." I said not even bothering to glance at the whiny creature standing behind me.

Jasmine nodded, her eyes sparkling with amusement. Bitchzilla snapped her fingers in front of my face and i raised my left eyebrow and turned to look at her.

"What?" I snapped, not in the mood to deal with her right now.

"Are you hard of hearing? I just wanted to tell you that once your brothers find out the truth about you, they will drop you like the rubbish you are. You will be too broken for them to handle. And Alex will come running into my arms." She finished with a sneer.

I scoffed and replied," Don't be delusional, darling. I'm very open about everything. I don't have any secrets from anyone, especially not my family. And why don't we ask them ourselves?"

Before she could even blink I got up and waved at my brothers. They looked up and Alex's eyes darkened as he saw the girl in front of me. He pushed away from the table and stalked over to us. I felt the girl beside me shrink back slightly.

"Didn't I tell you to stay away from my sister, Whitney?" He practically growled out.

"I-I just came over to tell her to have a good day." She stammered and everyone at my table scoffed.

I smirked and she paled, before turning on her heel and running away. I flexed the hand in the brace and gave Alex a huge smile.

"Thank you for driving her away. She was getting on my nerves and I was seconds away from introducing her to my fist."

Alex's mouth quirked up slightly and I did a mental victory dance. I had made him smile at a time when we weren't alone or at home. He then turned on his heel and walked back to his table.

When I sat back down everyone was staring at me. Then they turned towards my brother's retreating back and then back to me. I sighed.

"Let me introduce myself properly. My full name is Isabella Cattaneo."

They looked at me in awe and I looked down embarrassed. This was the reason I did not tell anyone what my last name was. They wouldn't treat me like they would normally and I did not want anyone to treat me in a different way because I was just a normal girl.

"Please don't treat me in a different way because of this. I did not even know about them till a few days ago." I pleaded with them. They nodded and went back to their conversation.

"So the clubs offered by this school are Art which Chase and Lillian are a part of, Music as an independent person or as a band, Various sports teams which Oliver and Thomas are a part of, Boxing, Dance which I am a part of, and Tutoring." Jasmine rattled off and I nodded.

"I think I'll start with Art for today. But I'm pretty sure I won't choose that." I said after thinking about it.

Lillian clapped her hands excitedly.
"We'll show you there. Oh, it'll be so much fun!" She said, positively beaming at me.

I gave her a smile and then the bell rang. She grabbed my arm and pulled me off the chair, dragging me towards the art room , chatting about a million things. We reached the room and I went up to the teacher and explained that I was their to have a trial day. She nodded and smiled, directing me to one of the open tables which was right next to Chase's. He gave me a smile. The teacher gave us a vague topic and then allowed us to let our imagination run free. As expected I did not enjoy the class though the topic was one that I loved. It was still life but I did not like being restricted. Art was a release for me and this class was for people who saw it as more than a hobby. It was for people who wanted to develop their art and show it to the world.

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