Chapter 36: Broken Hearts, Best Friends and Chaos

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When someone touched my arm I shot up in the seat, my hand gripping my gun.

"Woah, I just wanted to tell you that we are here." Elena said and I nodded sheepishly. She gave me a tiny grin and got out of the car. I followed her and I realised we were at my house. I gave her a questioning look.

"We have the best equipment here." She replied to my unspoken question with a small shrug. I nodded and followed her. Even though I was itching to get my brothers, we had to be clever about this. Or we would end up dead or imprisoned. That would not be good. We went over the plan that Elena had made. I found out that she was a strategist and a hacker but not an official member of the mafia.

We were in Victor's office when his office doors burst open and Lorenzo limped in. His right leg was bandaged and he was trying not to lean on it. He was 5 steps away from us when he looked up and froze as I straightened up, my eyes locking with his. I stepped forward at the same time as him, all the pent up emotions inside me waiting to burst. He looked at me fearfully as though afraid I would disappear if he looked away. I closed the distance between us and he opened his arms and caught me as I practically fell into him. He held me close as I let a few tears fall. I could feel a few of his tears fall on top of my head and I leaned up and kissed away the few tears that had escaped. He gave me a small smile and we started leaning towards each other but we're sadly interrupted.

"Ahem. I know you haven't seen each other for some time but I really don't think we have the time." Elena said, smirking slightly and Enzo an I turned a little red. I went back to my original place and Enzo stood on Elena's other side. She began going over the plan.

It was simple. Some guards would be distracting some of the Spanish mafia members in the front which will cause them to call backup which gave us some time to sneak in. We would play a camera loop in the security cameras so that we would not be spotted before the appropriate time. We would take down a few guards and get the ID cards around their neck for access to the cells where my brothers were being kept. Elena would be the lookout and backup while I would be freeing my brothers. Then we would sneak our way out through an old, forgotten tunnel system under the building which could only be accessed from the inside of the building due to construction flaws.

It was a good plan. Maybe not foolproof but we had a couple of backup plans too if plan A was a bust.

Enzo wanted to come with us but we both shot him down. A wounded soldier is of no use in a battlefield. He grumbled a lot but agreed and became head of the tech support of the rescue mission.

We were soon ready to go. I had strapped a collection of throwing knives to my waist and had one gun in my hand and another tucked into the back of my jeans. The ammunition was stowed in a small bag that looked like something any girl would carry on her day out. We drove to the building in silence, gathering our thoughts. We parked about 20 metres away from the building and got into position from where we could see the side entrance.
I gave the command for the commencement of Phase-I and held my breath.

The gunshots soon started and as expected the guards in the front called for backup causing the 90% of the guards to leave.Only two guards remained. I quickly got out the modified gun and shot the two tranquilizer darts at two guards and they fell forward silently. We crept past them as Enzo started the looped feed. We sprinted through the hallways, shooting darts at the guards that we saw. We sped to the door to the basement where the cells were placed according to the directions Enzo was giving us. I got to the door and wrenched it open. At the bottom of the staircase were two surprised guards. They snapped out of it quickly and Elena and I dove to he side as they started shooting and waited for them to either ascend the stairs or run out of shots. We heard them start to reload and I took a risk and coming into the line of fire, I shot them. Two straight shots to the head. They both keeled over and were dead. I started down the stairs and looked back at Elena. Her face was pale as she leaned against the wall. My eyes were drawn to her legs. There was a deep gash on her right thigh where she had been grazed with a bullet.

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