Chapter 17: Second Chances

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Alexander's POV
20 minutes into the movie, my little sister was nodding off. Her head fell onto Enzo's shoulder, making him stiffen. He looked down at her and a soft smile was on his features. He put his arm around her and she snuggled into his side.

I have known Enzo since we were 7 years old and in all these years, he has never let anyone close to him. He hardly ever showed affection. The last person who was greeted with that smile was his mother who died when he was 8. He started closing himself off. He never found a girl to heal him either. He felt like he was alone in this world. We were there for him through thick and thin but even we don't get to see the smile that often. I observed them from the corner of my eye. My sister was curled up into his side, her head on his chest and an arm around his waist. Enzo's hand was around her shoulder and was rubbing circles with his thumb on her upper arm. He was watching her more than he was watching the movie. He looked at her with something unrecognisable in his eyes. He was lost in thought. Enzo was a part of our family and he was ruthless. No mercy in his eyes. He was focused to a point that was deadly. He was their best but it came at the cost of ruthlessness.

Around the time the movie was going to end. I looked around at everyone. Enzo and Izzy were sleeping. Luca was sprawled out in the recliner and Roman was nodding off on the side of the couch in which he was sitting. I turned off the tv and proceeded to fall asleep in the sofa as I didn't have the energy to get up and go to my room.

Isabella POV

I woke up to feel something soft and cuddly under me. I was drifting back to sleep listening to the drumming heartbeat of the person under me. The person's arm was wrapped around me and I was in bliss.


"Get up all of you. We have an announcement." A deep voice thundered. I shot up. If Victor was mad, then something was wrong.

I looked back and realised that it was Enzo who I had been leaning on. I blushed beet red as he woke up and stretched his arms. He gave me a small smirk.

"Sleep well, Bells?" he asked with a smirk.

I blushed even harder and looked up at my second eldest brother who rose an eyebrow at my blush but, thankfully, didn't comment on it.

Luca, Rome and Alex were getting up slowly blinking and getting their bearings.

"What's the matter, Vic? Is something wrong?" I asked finally.

"Nothing is wrong. I just wanted to tell you that Emilia is coming to dinner today and will reach around 6:00. And we have the family reunion tomorrow." He replied, his voice cold and distant.

Fear gripped me. Family reunion? Reunions mean people. People means talking and talking means more chances of people not liking you. If it was not family I would not have cared but my family should like me.

"Okay. I'm going back to sleep, bro. Wake me up..."Roman fell asleep halfway through the sentence. I looked around to see that the boys were already asleep. I looked up at Victor and Elijah and saw that their eyes had dark bags underneath them indicating lack of sleep.

"Go to sleep, both of you. I'll wake you up by 4:30. They looked like they were about to protest but I didn't give them any time. I chivvied them out the door and up the stairs to the bedrooms. They went in. I went to mine and took a shower and changed into comfortable clothes: my brother's hoodie and track pants. I went out of the room and popped into Elijah's room to find him fast asleep. I tucked him in and kissed his forehead. I whispered, "I love you." and he mumbled something unintelligible in return. I smiled and walked out, closing the door softly. I went to my eldest brother's room and found him at his desk going through some papers. My left eye started twitching. Never a good sign.

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