Extra Chapter 1

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Hello my amazing readers. How are you this fine morning/evening/night. So I suddenly remembered that I promised extra chapters for this book. And I promised someone that I would post how she had her first kill *waves sheepishly*. So let's just continue with this shall we.

I looked down at the watch as I crouched in an extremely uncomfortable position. I had another five minutes before the target made his appearance. I fiddled with the thin chain of the necklace I was wearing as I steadied my breathing. I checked the gun and double checked if I had everything.

Suddenly, I heard the crunching of gravel under tires and I shrunk back into the niche I was hidden in. I heard low voices before a number of people went into the building. My target was only one person but after the failed assassination attempt he made on my family, he had taken to moving around with a dozen bodyguards. My aim was simple. Incapacitate the rest and kill the man. I hadn't thought much into it but I knew it was required.

The building was an old, dilapidated warehouse that had these high rafters that were wide enough for you to walk on without being seen. I took a deep breath as I crawled out of the niche and slipped through the hole in a wall onto the rafters. Thank god I was not afraid of heights.

I crawled along the rafters and reviewed my plan.  The building has two floors. There were two guards guarding the entrance to the warehouse, two guarding the stairs, two guarding the entrance to the next floor, two guarding the outer room and two guarding the inner room and he had two that were stuck to him like glue. I took out the modified gun and shot the two guards at the first entrance. A tiny prick in the neck and they would be out like a light for a few hours. I grinned as they fell down like a sack of potatoes.

I continued on my journey and the second and third checkpoints were easy enough. I now dropped to the floor because the rafters here would not be able to take any weight. But it was the fourth point where everything went to hell.

It started out okay enough. I crept along the hallway and took aim to shoot but something suddenly nudged my foot and I stumbled in surprise. Unfortunately, my finger slipped on the trigger and there was a random dart that hit the door behind them. They immediately looked up and started taking potshots at the point where the dart had come from. Luckily I jumped behind the wall, none of them hit me. When they were reloading, I shot darts into their neck and it was sleepy time for the big bad men. I knew the rest of the guards had been alerted so I crept into the room and threw a smoke bomb. There was a lot of coughing as I crept up behind them and hit their pressure points and they fell down, paralysed completely. They looked up at me in fear and I smirked. I took a deep breath. One more to go.

I strode into the room confidently. The three men's heads snapped up.

"Hello boys." I said and the next instant the bodyguards were on the floor with red feathered darts sticking out of their necks.

"Did you actually think that no one would come after you for trying to assassinate my brother? Were you honestly that thick?" I asked him as I walked forward lazily. He seemed to be terrified out of his mind.

"Why don't I return the favour?" I replied softly.

I shot his knee and he screamed in pain as he fell to the floor. "This was for kidnapping him."

I shot his hand next and he screamed once again." This was for shooting him and putting him in the hospital."

I strode forward, cocking the gun and placed it against his forehead. "And this is for even trying to hurt me family." I looked him in the eye and a smile came onto my face. Inside I was shaking. Was I ready to take a life?

I thought about all the pain the others had to go through and I didn't think again. I just put a bullet in his head. I then walked out of the warehouse, my mind preoccupied as I thought about what I was becoming.

Well, shit. I didn't know that I could actually write something like that. Huh.

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