Chapter 3: I am a Vegetarian...

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Hello everyone who has decided to actually read ahead in this story. I don't have much to say so I'll say this..

Hakuna Matata

(Yes, I am a very random person)


Isabella POV

I gaped at Elijah in horror. 5 older brothers! Why didn't anyone tell me? My mind whirled. I was not used to being the youngest child and going with what the elders' said. In fact, I was the oldest sibling even if we consider my cousins and hence I am used to being obeyed and respected. This made me more mature than usual 15 year olds. Well, it was also because I have extremely immature friends but tomato, tom-ah-to right? I am not very good at following instructions either.

Elijah looked at my panicked expression and burst into laughter. I pouted when he did not stop after nearly 5 minutes. One good thing about me was that it was really hard to make me blush so all I could do was stand awkwardly while he laughed.

"Yeah, Yeah. Make fun of the oblivious little sister, why don't you?" I grumbled under my breath.

He finally stopped laughing and caught his breath and gave me another smile which i returned with one of my own. He started walking towards the exit while gesturing towards me to follow him. I followed him to the car parking and my jaw hit the floor when he walked to a black Mansory Carbonado Apertos.

"Damn, that's a nice car. Are you guys loaded?" I asked but I already knew the answer to my question. The car was worth a lot. Of course, they were loaded!

"Um yeah you could say we are loaded"  he replied, his words holding some sort of a double meaning but I brushed it off. 

We got in and he started driving. Sometime during the drive I fell asleep (What can I say? I love my sleep). I woke up to Elijah shaking me. "We're home." he said softly. I nodded and got out of the car only for my jaw to fit the earth. The house was gorgeous.

Elijah chuckled at my expression and decided to pull me into the house

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Elijah chuckled at my expression and decided to pull me into the house. As soon as we walked in there was a bang and someone screamed a very girly scream.

Guess who it was?

Hint: It ain't me.

Everyone in the hallway stared at Elijah and then started laughing while Elijah went red in the face. The bang was apparently one of those confetti launcher things. While all the boys laughed at Elijah, I took the chance to observe them. There were 3 boys standing in front of me. Two of them were identical twins and one of them held the confetti launcher. The both had caramel coloured hair and twinkling ocean blue eyes like their Elijah. The third brother had cocoa coloured hair like me and Elijah but had lighter highlights in his hair. He had grey eyes unlike the others. And the final insult? They would all be considered HOT. Like drool worthy by most girls. I wondered what happened to me. I realised how out of place I looked in the middle of these brothers of mine. They finally calmed down and were looking at me curiously. The one of the twins stepped forward suddenly to hug me and I, on instinct flinched slightly. All of them frowned and raised their eyebrows.

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