Chapter 18: Outsiders and Scars

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Victor opened the door and in the threshold was this beautiful girl. She must have been the same age as me and charm and grace oozed from her being. Her hair was pulled into a ponytail and she looked beautiful. She was better than me in that way. Scratch that she was better than me in every way.

She spoke and her voice was sweet. Too sweet. I put my guard up immediately.

"Vicky it's been so long since I last saw you. It's been so long since I last saw all of you. Oh my, you must be my new sister." She said turning to me. "My name is Emilia. I'm your cousin." She said in that sickly sweet voice as she hugged me. She dug her nails into my back and then let go. Nobody seemed to have noticed her little stunt so I gritted my teeth and gave her a fake smile.

"It's so nice to meet you too." I said my voice light but not happy. I could feel the throbbing pain from where she dug her nails in and am pretty sure that there will be marks there.

"Let's have dinner, shall we?" Elijah says.

"Oh yes, let's." She agreed. She clung onto Enzo's arm who looked at her indifferently. He shook off her arm and she gave him a pout. I couldn't help but give her a small smirk. She then moved onto Alex. She clung onto his arm and he smiled down at her. Enzo was frowning at her, deep in thought. I followed my brothers to the dining room and sat down beside Enzo and across from the she-devil.

We started eating and then she spoke. I mentally groaned in annoyance.

"Where'd you get that locket, Izzy? It looks like it's made of cheap metal. Why do you have it?" I stiffened. Did she just call my parents out on what they bought me?.

"It was my birthday present from my father. He bought me this to remind me of them." I said.

"You mean your dead step-father right?" She asked and my rage sky rocketed.

"Yes, my dead father brought me this." I said through gritted teeth. The whole table was now listening in in our conversation.

"Wow, you must have been poor. I mean, you couldn't even buy jewellery that is not cheap. Anyway I heard that you are going to choose an elective in school. Which one are you going to choose? I mean, it can't be any of the games because of..obvious reasons." She said looking disdainfully at my body. Yeah, everyone can't be twigs like you, can they?

"You can't even take cheerleading. You really don't have the looks for it and I doubt you have the agility and dedication required. You don't have that artsy vibe either and I don't think you will have a good singing voice because your voice is so deep and boyish." She continued and my left eye began to twitch. Who does this bitch think she is?

"Actually, she can sing pretty well." Roman said and I took a deep breath. My family was finally standing up for me.

My voice once again flowed through the speakers.

"Like I said, she has such a boyish voice, she will not be able to reach the high notes." At that very moment the high notes came and my voice flowed easily through it. I smirked.

"There were so many mistakes in the song. You couldn't sing it properly." She said off handedly. I was fuming. I got up stiffly and excused myself. I went to the bathroom and tried to calm my breathing. I was either going to explode or scream. I just washed my hands and went back. I sat down beside Enzo and he took my left hand and started rubbing circles on the back of my hand. I gave him a grateful smile and he gave me a full dimpled smile back.

"So are you and Enzo dating then, Isabella? I mean, is he actually dating someone like you? You know what I mean, don't you?" She said and I finally snapped.

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