Chapter 23: Beg for It

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I leapt across counter and wrapped my arms around Elijah. He chuckled as he caught me and held me close. I wanted to cry but I didn't because I knew that it would get the others in trouble. I just held him tighter. Elijah then drew back and looked at me properly. He frowned. I buried my head in his chest but he set me down on the counter. I dropped my gaze and hopped off the counter, stumbling slightly due to exhaustion. I saw Elijah and Victor exchange glance from the corner of my eye. I was going back to my seat when I was picked up and put on the counter. Someone held me down and the other person grabbed my chin and gently tilted my head. I saw Victor who sucked in a sharp breath. He rubbed his fingers across the dark bags under my eyes.

"Why have you not been sleeping, tesoro?" Elijah asked gently.

"You've had nightmares, right?" Victor asks when I didn't respond.

I just nodded. They both sighed.

"Why didn't you go to your brothers?" Elijah asked. I just shrugged.

"How much time do you sleep on an average?" Victor asks.

"Maybe two hours?" I said unsurely. My voice was soft and I had gotten used to not talking at home.

"Come on, come with me. You can sleep in my room today." Elijah said as he picked me up. He frowned again.

"Did you lose weight? You're much lighter than you were." He asks. I shrugged again. I might have lost 20-25 pounds but they don't need to know that. We went into Elijah's room and he put me under the covers. He changed and came back. He lifted the covers and slipped in next to me. He pulled me close and kissed my forehead as I felt sleep overtake me.

For the first time, I slept like a baby till 7:00. I woke up and saw the time. I was out of the bed in a trice. I went back to my room and took a quick shower. I wore one of Nate's hoodies that I had 'borrowed' and ran down the stairs. I grabbed my bag and was halfway out of the door when Elijah called me back.

"Eat some breakfast, Bambina. Then go."

"Not hungry, Lijah."

"Where are you going? Your brothers drop you off right?" He asks as I turn away again.

"Her boyfriend picks her up and drops her off." Roman said as he ate his breakfast.


"He's not my boyfriend!"

Victor and I say at the same time. I roll my eyes at Roman. Victor raises an eyebrow at me.

"He's talking about Nate." I said and Victor nodded.

"Aah yes, he's a nice kid." He commented and everybody's head snapped to him incredulously. I snickered and walked out the door. I ran to Nate's car and he greeted me as I got into his car.

For the first time I was smiling and laughing as we went through the day. Nate looked at me with a sparkle in his eyes and I had a bit more of an appetite than usual at lunch. At the end of the day, I invited them to come home today. Usually I invited them when the younger three were out of the house to avoid the arguments but now that Elijah was back I didn't really care. Victor always knew when they came over of course. He also realised that Nate was like a brother to me. He knew that Nate too saw me as a little sister. We went home and walked through the door, chatting about random things. Elijah came out from the kitchen then and I gave him a big hug.

"Hey, baby girl. Who are they?" He asks as he ruffles my hair. I pouted and fixed my hair making everyone chuckle and then introduced the three boys.

"Okay, bambina. Since you are in good hands, I'll leave you alone. I have a meeting to attend." Elijah said and I nodded. I gave him a hug and he left. We headed to the movie room and chose a few movies to watch. We put them on and I put my head in Nate's lap. He ran his fingers through my hair. Suddenly I was picked up and pulled away from Nate and Nate was picked up by the collar.

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