Chapter 21: Ignoring Me

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I went to the office and submitted my choice of electives. The lady gave me a smile and gave me my new timetable. I came out of the office and crashed straight into a wall. Woah, deja vu. I fell back but somebody caught me. I looked up into Enzo's eyes. He didn't have his usual smile. He had an odd look on his face as though he didn't want to be this close to me. I stepped away and muttered an "I'm sorry."

He scowled at me and his eyes were expressionless. For some reason, I felt like crying. I pushed past him and walked away. I didn't want to face anyone and I walked to the small cluster of trees in front of the school. I scaled the sturdiest tree and sat down in a high branch that held my weight. I looked at the school and thought about all that had happened. I thought about my past life. I thought about everything that I had left behind. I remembered all the good times I had with my friends. There was a smile on my face as I thought about the numerous pranks played and trouble we caused. My eyes were closed and I kept remembering memories. I didn't know for long I was sitting there when I heard a shout and I almost fell off the tree in shock.

I looked down and saw all my brothers looking at me angrily. Shit, I'm screwed. I climbed down the tree and turned not looking any of them in the eye. Suddenly, I was brought into a group hug.

"Can't-t br-eathe." I wheezed. They let me go and started berating me as we went back to school. Somebody had called Victor and apparently he was livid. It was uncharacteristic of me to skip classes but I missed everyone back home. I couldn't focus especially with the subject matter being so easy.

"I'm sorry." I said quietly and we entered the school and the bell rang.

"Come on, let's go have lunch." Roman says as they lead me to the cafeteria. I sit beside them and pick at my food. Everyone keeps throwing me concerned looks and I ignored them. Enzo didn't even look at me once and I finally realised that it was better if I stayed away because for some reason he wanted me to. Friday had just happened because I was his best friends' sister. As soon as the bell rang signalling the end of class, I was out of my seat and out of the cafeteria before anyone could comprehend what was going on. I was out of it till Boxing. I poured all my anger and frustration into the fight. My knuckles, which had started to heal, where once again bruised and bloody. I went into the girls' locker room and cleaned it and then headed out. I got my phone out of my locker and saw that Alex had sent me a message. I clicked on it.

Alex: Roman and I have extra practice today. Luca has some work to do. You can sit in the bleachers and do whatever till we can leave.

I sighed. I couldn't even go home. I got my homework and went over to the field. I sat down on the bleachers and regretted it immediately. Both Jordan and Enzo were on the team. I got out my homework and started it. I was done within a few minutes because I didn't have much today and it was easy. I didn't want to watch the practice for obvious reasons. So I just leaned back and decided to catch up on some sleep because my stupid ass forgot my headphones. My eyes snapped open because of some sound and I noticed the football flying towards my face. My hands came up immediately and I caught it. It was agony because the pressure with which the ball hit my palms was enough to bruise badly and I had grazed my palms while climbing the tree. I threw it back to one of the players who caught it with a surprised expression.

People jogged over to me.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have thrown it so hard. It was an accident."

"Are you hurt?"

"That was an awesome catch, dude. You have amazing reflexes."

"You're not hurt are you?"

"I'm fine." I said cutting them all off and gave them a small smile.

They returned the smile and then sat down beside me.

"Hi, I'm Nathan." The guy who asked me whether I was okay said. He then pointed to the other two." This is Jason and that is Drake." Nathan was cute with sandy blonde hair and emerald green eyes, Jason had raven black hair and cerulean blue eyes and Drake had brown hair and grey eyes. I could use this to my advantage.

"I'm Isabella. It's nice to meet you." I said with a smile. We started talking and I found out that Nathan was really talkative and funny, Jason was quiet and mature and Drake was hot headed and the one who got into most fights. It was fun seeing them interact and soon I was laughing with them.

"Stelena is better."

"Are you mental? Delena is much better."

"Are you both really arguing about which ship is better?" Drake asked with a sigh.

"Yes." Nathan and I snapped at him.

"Oh my god, these two are crazy." He muttered under his breath.

"Thank you. I'll take that as a compliment." I said to him with mischief in my eyes.

He just rolled his eyes and I laughed.

"Izzy? What is going on? Who is this?" A voice said from behind me. My brothers were glaring at the boys who shrunk back behind me.

"This is Nathan, Jason and Drake. They are my new friends." I chirped and then rivaled their glare. They looked away after a few seconds and I waved goodbye to the boys. We got into the car and I was nervous. I'm sure Victor was going to chew me out for this morning's scare. I bit my lip and had soon drawn blood. Roman and Alex were quiet. We reached home and they didn't even bother looking back at me. All through the ride they would not answer me and every time I tried to start a conversation, they ignored me. The realisation hit me like a truck. They were ignoring me. But what did I do? They were fine this morning. What the hell was going on?

I went inside and Victor was waiting in the living room. I sat down across from him and I saw the anger and disappointment in his face. The tears were just waiting to flow but I forced myself not to break. Victor expressed his disappointment in me and told me how worried they had been. I kept quiet. In the end I just muttered a small apology and I was dismissed. I couldn't see Elijah anywhere and the younger three were ignoring me.

I trudged back to my room. And after a long time I was once again trapped in my own mind. Of course, they're not talking to me. I was a burden to them. They had to look after me all the time because I kept getting into trouble. They were distancing themselves. Who could blame them. I fell asleep with these thoughts.

This continued for 10 days. I couldn't sleep at night. If I did, I woke up because of nightmares. Victor and I exchanged pleasantries but he was always working. I went to school and talked to my friends with a fake smile and fake happiness. Elijah had gone overseas for some business. The younger brothers were ignoring me. I barely talked to anyone and I was trapped in my head.

The worst place to be is in your head. Since everybody stopped talking to me, I hardly ever used my voice. I was attending all classes and I was the perfect student. Enzo was ignoring me too along with all my cousins. I talked to Jordan and the others sometimes but it was never enthusiastic. Nathan, Jason and Drake were some of the only people who could make me smile.

I looked into the mirror everyday and started hating all the fat in different parts of the body. I gave up on breakfast and lunch and only had dinner and I started working out more along with the Boxing practice. My weight went down and I was happy. The fat was almost gone. I was around 90 pounds and it felt like I had achieved something. That is until the incident.

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