Chapter 33: You Broke the Rules

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The next few days were amazing. After the gala, Enzo had disappeared into Vic's office with my brothers while I was in the living room, biting my nails. He had looked pale but determined. When I heard shouting, I sprinted into the room. I saw Victor sitting and the rest of them standing and glaring at Enzo. He looked calm but I could see that he wasn't completely calm. His hands were clenching and unclenching. When I burst in, they all looked up. My brothers looked furious.

"You broke one of the rules." Victor said, his voice expressionless.

"Um, Yes? But I didn't mean to?" I said nervously.

"Doesn't matter. You still broke one of the rules." He said, raising his eyebrow.

"I'm sorry, but I'm tired of other people controlling my life. At first, it was my mother and now it's you. I'm not letting other people control my life anymore." I replied. My voice was firm and didn't shake. I wasn't going to back down. I wasn't going down without a fight. Victor and I stared at each other, neither of us backing down.

Elijah POV(I really wanted to do this from one of the other's point of view. It will hopefully be worth it.)

Our little sister stood in front of Victor, her arms crossed. At this moment the similarities between the two of them were put into the spotlight. They were almost identical when it came to looks. Both had chocolate brown hair and the same chocolate coloured eyes. They could have been twins if not for the obvious age difference. Right now, Victor's face was emotionless, his gaze trained unwaveringly on hers. Her face was impassive as she stared right back. In the gown she was wearing, she looked like royalty. She looked regal. I realised that she knew what she was doing. Lorenzo had stepped up to her and had placed a hand on her back and I could see her rigid posture relaxing slightly. Xander and Luca were almost growling at Lorenzo but he was ignoring them, his attention focused solely on Izzy. I realised that they were perfect for each other. She was his support system and he was hers. They genuinely liked each other and I knew my sister was not going down without a fight. Victor suddenly sighed. 

"Okay, but you have rules." He said and the others spun to face him with disbelieving looks on their faces. Isabella looked stunned but she got her emotions under control almost immediately. Lorenzo's eyes had widened slightly but his expression hadn't changed. 

"One, No kissing in front of us. Two, when you both are alone in a room, the door needs to remain open. Three, this rule is non-negotiable, absolutely no se-" Victor finished.

"Okay! I get it. You don't have to say it." Isabella replied as she turned turned fire-truck red. She looked up at Lorenzo and he gave her a soft smile, his feelings for her shining through his eyes. I relaxed immediately. She was in good hands. She threaded their hands together and squeezed his hand slightly. He squeezed her hand back. She left his hand and walked forward and hugged Victor who gave her an amused look and hugged her back. She turned towards us and hesitantly met our eyes. I gave her a huge grin and gathered her in my arms. She let out a small laugh and then she drew back.

"You're okay with this?" She asked softly so that no one else could hear. I nodded and replied," I see the way he looks at you. I doubt that he'll hurt you." 

She gave me a small smile and then she turned towards the others. Roman tackled her in a hug and he said something to her making her go red again. She looked behind him nervously. She was nervous about facing the other two. I looked back at them. They both looked calm. They came forward and hugged her. She had a bright smile on her face as she hugged them back. They both looked towards Lorenzo and said simultaneously and very creepily, "You hurt her, we kill you." We looked at them in surprise and gave them a creeped out look. They just shrugged. Well, this was getting creepy. 

Isabella POV

They actually agreed. It feels so surreal. I did not think that they would agree this easily. Sure they threatened Enzo, but I expected that. After that nerve-racking experience, I went upstairs to change while Enzo stayed behind to talk to them. I put on a sweatshirt and a pair of shorts. I headed back down and found them conversing in the hallway. They looked up when they heard me and Enzo being the perfect gentleman, did not let his eyes wander away from my face. My brothers headed to their rooms to change. I came forward and wrapped my hands around his neck. He put his hands on my waist and smirked down at me. I leaned up and kissed him lightly, tugging on his bottom lip slightly before pulling away. He looked at me in surprise and groaned slightly. 

"My god, you are going to kill me." He groaned as he leaned down and captured my lips in a heart stopping kiss. I leaned up as the kiss deepened, my hands in his hair as his hand went to my lower back to pull me flush against him. He ran his tongue over my bottom lip and I opened my mouth to give him entrance. I pulled away to breathe and saw that we were both breathing heavily as we caught our breath. He leaned down and pecked my lips before pulling away, albeit reluctantly. 

"I should go. We've pushed them far enough today." He said with a sigh and I gave him a soft smile and a peck on the cheek as he was leaving.  

For the first time in my life, everything was perfect. But it doesn't always stay that way.

Hello people on Earth! How are you all today? Honestly, I didn't expect this book to get so many reads and reading all the comments makes me so happy. I love you guys and thanks for your support.

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