Chapter 27: One Question at a Time

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I hate cliffhangers *looks pointedly at Rick Riordan* so I won't torture you. What can I say? I'm just that nice.

"Get out of there! Get out now. Move. Get the fudge away from the building!" I screamed as I leaned forward. I had caught the blinking numbers by accident because I couldn't focus on the boys. The people on the screen were running away from the building as fast as they could. My gaze was trained on my brothers who were being half-pulled and half-dragged away.

"What's wrong?" A voice screamed from the phone.

"Bomb. There's a bomb set to go off." I said as calmly as I could. Their efforts to get away redoubled. But it wasn't fast enough. There was an earth shattering boom and the men were thrown forward along with my fratelli. The camera went blank. But I couldn't panic. I turned to Vic.

"Go get them." I said and he was out of the door with most of my brothers. Only the triplets stayed and I sank into the chair my head in my hands as we waited.

All the memories of us came flooding back into my brain. I wouldn't be able to bear it if a part of my family died again.

About an hour later, I heard the door open downstairs. I jumped up and raced out of the room. I dodged people and flew into the living room. All of them were in there. I spotted the two people who I never thought I'd see again. I leapt forward and tackled them in a careful hug as to not injure them further. They chuckled as they hugged me back. I finally let the dam break and I started crying. I sobbed in their arms. After a few minutes I pulled away from them and launched myself onto Elijah and Alessi. I pulled them into a hug and they hugged me back tenderly. I then pulled away and fell into someone else's arms. Someone else who was also there.
Someone who had been supporting Alex along with Elijah. Someone who had tattoos curling around his wrist. I pulled Enzo into a tight hug. He wrapped his arms around me and buried his head in my hair. I was crying harder as I thought about how I had almost lost them.

Enzo pulled away and wiped the tears on my cheeks with the pad of his thumb.

"Ahem." A voice interrupted us.

"You have some explaining to do young lady." Alessi said as all of them formed a circle around me, identical stern expressions on their face.

"Um yeah. Where do I begin?" I said nervously."Well, you remember that day when I shot that guy in the leg? Well, that day I hacked into your servers and intercepted messages for the Italian Mafia. I connected the dots. It explained everything."

"You shot a guy in the leg?"

"Where did you learn hacking?"

"You hacked into our servers?"

"One question at a time, per favore."I said, holding up a hand.

"When did you learn hacking?" Vincenzo asked.

"Last year. Summer holidays."

"You hacked into our servers?" Leonardo asked.


"I don't know what to do with you, Izzy. You saved the twins' life today but you didn't even tell us that you knew so many things." Elijah sighed.

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. But it's not like you were completely honest with me either. That's the reason I didn't say anything." I said, my eyes downcast. Enzo placed a warm hand on my lower back and started rubbing circles with his thumb. I relaxed my tense position almost instantly.

"Since you are already doing these things, I would like you to be trained. You can visit the IT department from time to time. Your brothers will teach you hand to hand combat and shooting. Add this to your daily regimen." Victor says finally and my eyes pop open.

"What?!" Several voices chorused.

"We can't stop her but we can make sure that we know what she's doing. Now, what I want to know is how you tracked the boys."Luca said, his voice still raspy.

I started grinning like a Cheshire cat. "Alessio, please go to the study table in my room. The right side top drawer holds a box full of stuff. Bring that downstairs will you?" I asked him and he nodded.

"What does that have to do with the question?" Armani asked, frowning.

"Everything, caro fratello. So be patient." I said smiling a slightly psychotic grin now.(Dear brother) I settled back against Alessandro as we waited.

Alessio came down with the box. I opened it and got out the small sewing kit. I crouched down in front of Alex who looked weirdly and expectantly at me. I grasped the helm of the pants he was wearing and with one quick motion, I broke the stitches. The tiny microchip tumbled down and lay innocently on the carpet. I gave Victor the microchip and sat back down beside Enzo, who shifted closer to me to see what I had given to Vic.

"What's this, bambina?" Victor said as he examined it.

"A tracker. My own invention." I replied, a hint of pride in my voice.

"You made this?" Roman questioned as he leaned forward. I nodded.

"When did you put the tracker there?" Alessandro asked as I leaned back.

"I put them in a long time ago as testers. When I knew it worked I let it be there. It's there in every one of your clothes." I replied as they looked at me in surprise.

"Okay, bambina. Now you can go to your room. We need to clean out their wounds. They have a variety of burns and bruises that need to be treated." Alessi said gently.

I shook my head and threw my hands up," Did you not hear one word I just said? I'm not a china doll. I'm not leaving them alone. I'm also trained in first aid."

"Okay, tesoro. You can help us dress their wounds since we have no idea what we are doing." Leonardo said. I cracked a smile at the obvious sarcasm but didn't comment on it. It was around 1 a.m. I got the first aid kit from the downstairs bathroom and the twins took off their t-shirts. Matteo and I started working on the twins since they had the worst wounds. As the others went their way. I almost curled up and cried when I saw the amount of burns, bruises and cuts that Roman had. I had never been squeamish when it came to blood and it came in handy now as I cleaned the wounds and bound them with gauze. Roman winced once or twice but stayed still even though it must have hurt like hell.

Matteo was done with Alex and had started on Alessi and I turned to Enzo because he was the most hurt out of all of them except the twins. Enzo pulled off his black t-shirt which was in tatters.


Not now. He's hurt. We can drool over his god worthy looks later.

I started cleaning the wounds. Most of them were on his back while a few were on his arms. My hands glided across his back as I cleaned the second degree burns and he shivered slightly. My eyes widened slightly.

He feels it too.

He might be cold.


I'm not a pessimist, I'm a realist.

Oh, shut up.

You're the conscience. You shut up.

I finished cleaning him up and started with Elijah who was watching me intently. Almost too intently.

"What?!" I snapped at him.

"Do you want to maybe tell me something? Something about 'Enzo' there?" He asked with a mischievous smile.

"No. Not really." I said turning away slightly to hide the dusting of red across my cheeks.

"Are you sure?" He teased.

"Yes. Yes, I'm sure Lijah." I replied a little louder than before. He raised his hands in surrender, snickering at my discomfort.

How was that?

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My Dear Brothers|✓|Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon