For the Haters

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What happened to you? Because no one can be so full of hate without much reason to be.

I myself haven't received any hate but when I read the hate comments on other people's books I feel so angry. As an author I realise the fact that writing stories takes up time that we might not have. We want to take the readers on a beautiful journey but a lot of people try tear us down. It is not possible to always adhere to a posting schedule or to reply to every comment. We have our lives outside of Wattpad that we juggle with writing. So please be understanding towards the author's situation. If you don't like a book, don't read it. There is absolutely no need downgrade an author.

Don't put someone down to feel better about yourself. No one deserves that. Talk to someone else to get rid of your pain. Don't bring pain to someone else. It demoralises us and is an inhumane thing to do.

"One prime purpose of our life is to help others. If you can't help them, at least don't hurt them." -Dalai Lama.


I will be tagging a few people to continue the trend.


Thank you for tagging me in this challenge Anvesha340.

Until next time. Au revoir.

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