Chapter 31: Egotistical, Male Chauvinist Bastards

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Isabella POV

I felt as though I was floating in the darkness. I needed to get up. I tried to open my eyes but it seemed like someone was holding me down. I struggled against the restraints and was finally able to wrench open my eyes. I blinked against the bright light. I looked to my right and saw Enzo with his head on the bed, fast asleep with my hand in his. I smiled softly at his sleeping form. He looked so much younger and care-free. I squeezed his hand lightly and he shot up. He looked at me wide eyed and then he gathered me in a bone crushing hug.

"Don't ever scare me like that again." He murmured as he drew back.

"I won't." I said as I smiled at him. We had grown closer as we spent every club period together and he was at the house all the time because he was the twins' best friend. He patched me up whenever I got hurt during fighting and I patched him up whenever he got hurt. I felt comfortable with him. I felt safe. 

"I'm going to tell your brothers you are awake. I'll be back in a minute." He said and went out of the door. The nurse came in at that time and smiled at me before checking all my vitals.

Enzo came back and we talked about trivial things. About 10 minutes later, my brothers burst into the room. They crushed me in a bear hug and I could see tears in their eyes. I frowned and wiped away the tears that had slipped from Roman's eyes. I couldn't see the people that I love crying. It made me want to cry. I noticed that Enzo had left the room to give us some privacy and I smiled involuntary. That boy is too sweet for his own good.

Nate and my friends had come too. At least two people stayed with me the whole day. Enzo stayed with me at night and I felt us growing closer. I was almost sad when I was discharged from the hospital. It meant that I wasn't going to be waited on hand and foot. I was going to miss that. It was definitely a new experience.

I was discharged on the 31st of December. We were having a small New Years' Gala, which was apparently a tradition. It was also being held to introduce me to the mafia and to other mafia leaders. I went upstairs immediately and started sifting through the dresses I have. I had almost given up and was going to go to the gala in a jeans and a T-shirt when I found it. The perfect dress.

 The perfect dress

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I put on the beautiful dress. I frowned at the makeup. I didn't want to put it on. After an hour of contemplation I just shrugged and put on only kohl and then put on the necklace Victor had got me. I grabbed my custom stilettos. They were silver and the heels popped open to form a secret compartment where I had stashed a couple of knifes. I put a Walther CCP in the purse I was carrying. Better be safe than sorry. I went downstairs and found everyone waiting for me.

"You are going to make our work so much harder, Izzy. Now we have to fight off the boys that will be present there." Alex groaned and I blushed. What is it with them and me blushing?

They all looked amazing in suits. We got into the limousine and the driver drove us to the venue of the gala. We got off and were joined by Lorenzo at the entrance. His jaw dropped slightly when he saw me and I internally smirked. This was going to be fun.

Victor introduced me to some people. We talked. I got bored out of my mind. The dinner went by in a flash. The dishes were delicious but I was stuck between two gossiping ladies and I wanted to get out of there as fast as I could. Once dinner was over I placed as much distance as I could between us.

We socialized with people and Victor introduced me to the various mafia leaders. It was getting boring honestly. The music was soft in the background and a few people were dancing. There was a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw a really hot guy.

"May I have this dance, novia?" He asked, the words rolling off his tongue smoothly. He held his hand out to me. He had tousled black hair and he had a casual grace in his posture. He was a couple of years older than me. I bit my lip and nodded, placing my hand in his. He gave me a charming smile and led me to the dance floor. He put a hand on my waist and the other one clasped mine. I put my hand on his shoulder and we started dancing. He was amazing at dancing.(sweetheart [a/n I'm relying on google translate so tell me if I am wrong.])

"My name is Javier, hermosa." The stranger told me.(beautiful)

"I'm Isabella." I replied with a smile.

"Why was a beautiful girl like you standing alone? Do you not have a Prince Charming of your own? If you do, he must not leave you alone like that. Someone might steal you away." He asked as we twirled gracefully.

"I don't, actually. I mean, I don't have a 'Prince Charming' as you put it." I replied as I looked away in embarrassment.

He looked shocked.

"Are you telling me you are single?" He asked and I gave him a small smirk.

"Why are you asking?" I asked curiously.

"Because I can't believe that no man has tried to make you his yet." He said offhandedly.

My eyebrows rose. "I will not be any man's property if that is what you are implying." I said firmly.

"All women end up being a man's property. It's a fact of life, darling." He said arrogantly and I felt anger flare inside me. Who does he think he is?

"Excuse me, I don't like talking to egotistical, male chauvinist bastards." I said as I stepped away from him.

"I would watch your mouth little girl. I don't tolerate disrespect. Especially from pequeñas perras like you." He practically growled. (little bitches)

"And I don't respect stupidi bastardi like you." I growled out.(stupid bastards)

"You don't know who you are messing with. And let me tell you one thing. Girls are good only for furthering our line. Otherwise they are useless. Learn your place little girl." He said as he gave me a sneer.

"You are a complete stronzo. I don't know why I agreed to dance with a culo like you." I spat and turned on my heels and walked away. (fucker; ass)

I wanted to slap Javier so hard. Annoying person isn't he?

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